Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 147 The Garden of Truth

"Intelligent Brain, restore the time flow rate ratio!"

When Xu Zhi walked out of the sand table, the time returned to normal operation again with the hundred acres of sand table behind him.


The world became fast, turning into afterimages.

"Our world, time is unexpected."

On the ground, the remaining wizards were sorting out the ruins, and they looked up in a daze.

Some wizards with keen mental power clearly felt this, vaguely aware that something was coming, the time of the world changed, and then left.

The wizarding era of this mature system is not the primitive ancient city-state era of Gilgamesh. They can naturally sense everything clearly, and something incredible has happened.


Ripples in the sea water.

"The God of Creation has left, and the distorted time and space of our world has recovered." Medusa blankly stroked the bright red flower on top of his head, revealing a bright smile.

She strode forward again, sinking into the deep sea.

Her huge and stalwart body slowly hugged her knees, bent down and bowed her head, like a newborn fetus, curling into the depths of the sea.

But she is too huge, and even her height has exceeded the depth of the ocean. Just standing upright, half of her head will appear on the sea level.

The entire vast ocean is already a pond that is not too big for her.


Ermin's voice was shaking.

She had been watching secretly from a distance, but she didn't expect this scene at all. She originally thought that facing such an invitation to compete would be a kind of provocation and blasphemy to the Creator, but she didn't expect to be so tolerant.

More than likely, she should have thought of it long ago.

When the world of ancient times was just opened, the creator still satisfied Gilgamesh's three problems.

"He is too gentle, too benevolent, we are all its children." Elmin suddenly smiled.

Ermin was very envious of Medusa.

She saw the truth by the side of the creator god, and she could take risks with her life and get opportunities, which was a matter of course.

If it was just replaced by her, Ermin, she would not have the courage to go there. It was not anyone, but a crazy person like Medusa.

"The creator," Medusa's eyes flashed a slender figure with a hazy radiance, and a touch of tenderness flashed. She chose to put the rose flower on the top of her head and slowly put it into Elmin's underworld. , "Breed in it, this is the flower of the origin of life, and it is also the first living creature in this underworld."

In the small space in the underworld, a lot of soil was put into it, and air was injected. On the ground, there were endless skeletons that died before, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and even the soil was soaked, turning the soil of this earth into a dark and dark red.

A rose flower is planted on bright red ground.

Soon, it grows at a visible rate, scatters pollen, reproduces, and quickly withers.

Gradually, it bloomed all over the Netherland, and the coquettish and beautiful flowers filled the mountains and plains. Ermin seemed to be in the sea of ​​flowers, his eyes were flowing, and he was intoxicated in this world, and praised loudly: "Ah! How beautiful! World! Can I say that the Creator is adding a touch of color to our empty underworld?"

"It's our achievement, recognized by the great creator, just like Gilgamesh back then." Medusa slowly closed his eyes when he saw this scene.

"The flower of death, this is a gift to me, great creator! Medusa wants to see you again, can I come to your world."

In a small space without outsiders.

Ermin was like an innocent and romantic little girl, running wildly among the overwhelming bright red roses.

Day by day, she seems to have gradually forgotten that she was once the sovereign monarch who ruled the world. She no longer needs to retain her majesty in front of anyone, she can be herself again.

She has clearly felt that this flower is growing rapidly.

Transformation and death are multiplying generation after generation at an extremely terrifying speed of life. Gradually, they completely adapt to this special land and become a unique underworld plant in this soil.

"The incredible flower contains the truth of life in the world, and has infinite possibilities for growth." Elmin showed a pure smile, gently breaking a rose in the pastoral garden, and looked at it carefully, "This area is planted with a large area of ​​blood-red roses. This place contains endless truth, so let's call it the 'field of truth'."

"How can there be no water in a world?" She suddenly stretched out her fair arm gently and pulled it, opening the gap in the space, allowing the water outside as white as a fountain to rush in.

Ermin floated in the sky and made a light stroke.

"There must be a river!!"


The mighty power of the gods circulated, the multicolored rays of light flickered, and the whole small world was shaken.

On the ground at the entrance, a huge river channel appeared, and countless seawater rushed into the river, sandwiching various sea fish, galloping and jumping.

"Death is the bitter sea of ​​life, and death is the ultimate pain. My world can let mortals get rid of pain, but everyone who believes in me, worships me, and after death will enter the underworld, go through the sea of ​​suffering, and usher in a new life. This river, Filled with the souls of countless wizards who sacrificed their lives for the truth, the Stygian River, which is full of death pains and looking forward to new life, is called 'Cocutus'"

Cocutus, in the otherworldly native language, means: distant cry, river of pain.

After the dead soul enters the underworld and passes through the river of pain in life, it is the "other side" of the world of death, the pastoral field of truth, where large tracts of bright red roses are planted, splendid and beautiful, as if the willows are dark and flowers are bright in another village, allowing people to see this piece of land. The beauty and purity of the dead world.

"There must be good and evil!"

A rumbling and majestic sound resounded throughout the world.

"After the pastoral of truth, it should be divided into two parts, and people should be rewarded and punished for their actions during their lifetime!" As a generation of wizards and monarchs, Elmin naturally has experience in governing the world, and with a wave of his hand,

"I said: After the pastoral field of truth, there is a fork in life 'Erebos', where the dead distinguish good from evil and walk to both sides,

All those who are kind, humble and harmonious will go to the place of happiness "Elysee Paradise\

,"Anything that is tyrannical, arrogant, and evil will go to the place of pain, 'Tartalos'. "


Suddenly, a different species of rose flower as huge as a giant tree flew from the sky and slammed into the ground.

The coquettish rose flower quickly fell off the sawdust, and turned into a simple gray wooden sign, full of delicate rose flower texture, showing a simple Western charm, and it was inserted at the crossroads with the words 'Erebos', guiding two distinct lines. Different road trails.

After the River Styx, there is the pastoral field of truth, the fork in life, and after that is the place of happiness, the place of pain,

"The entire underworld is like a person's life." Elmin thought for a while, then laughed, "The sea of ​​bitterness is the mother's belly, and it is the garden of truth, like the birth of a new life, seeing the beauty of the world, and then it will be People encounter life's fork in the road 'Erebus', and they go to opposite ends of their destiny."

At this moment, the basic style of the entire underworld has been completely formed.

Although it is only two hundred cubic meters, as an eighth-level god, helping the space magic box to meditate and expand the inner space, the magic box will soon reach the epic realm and come to an environment of 2,000 cubic meters.

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