Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 156 Crowdfunding a Cultivation Path

Everyone was stunned.

Originally, three years would be equivalent to nearly an hour in reality. It was the last life, and it was about to come to an end. It was almost over after everyone took a nap.

Then, everyone and a few brothers hooked up with each other in "Spore Evolution", a bunch of bizarre and curious species, and got excited together again!

Who knows, this kind of thing happened all of a sudden?

He can't even have a good last honeymoon?

With the release of screenshots of harassed people, everyone was shocked, and a lot of netizens were talking about it.

Chegrava's gaze: "These people are wicked, killing you two last wizards of ancient times will not give you peace. This is the incompetent rage from a single dog! (Like silently)"

I am covered in alloy liver: "The old iron above, don't go too far, still gloating (like silently)"

Ji Liang Yoshikage: "Hehe, as a person who also has a girlfriend, I am very angry about your single dog gloating on misfortune! Brother, let me help you! I have watched more than 1,000 episodes of Conan, and am proficient in more than 800 kinds of murders. Know more than 700 kinds of alibi. It will definitely make a few of them disappear without knowing it! (The death stare of the final chicken.jpg)”

Mengmei Yiqiu: "Don't believe his beautiful words! I know him, a golden single dog who has been single for 33 years, his girlfriend has always been a left hand, he hates couples more than anyone else, and he talks about it all day long He is very normal, when he was about to kill, he left a loophole to kill you! You must be careful!"

The cerebellum bluffs down the mountain: ? ? ? ?

This Nima.

Are there such insidious single dogs?

His face turned black all of a sudden!

Hu friends dog friends! What a bunch of fox friends!

And some of them don't say a word, just silently praise?

In the blink of an eye, the number of likes for this help post he posted went straight to tens of thousands! !

In fact, it's not that you don't want to help, you will definitely help if you can. After all, it's not easy for you, right? But the path of the wizard is cut off, without the evil eye, the spiritual foundation, how to teach witchcraft? You can't teach anyone!

None of the three witches can open up a new path.

It doesn't work at all!

So, since there is no way to help you, you can only use the things you are not happy about to make everyone laugh together.

But as soon as we talked about this, everyone opened their minds and gave ideas.

Learning medicine to save another world: "Cough! Listen to me, everyone, in fact, I have a way! Ask the alchemy emperor to come out and recite the lost alchemy potion by heart! Then let the cerebellum bluff down the mountain and convey it back, let the inside This is the only way at present.”

This method is good!

When everyone heard it, they thought it was very reasonable, and finally a reliable and normal person spoke up.

But on the forum network, someone else put forward an objection: the risk is too great!

Become a half-orc, already another race, equivalent to the half-orc camp, are you sure you will protect humans in turn?

Assimilating the strongest soldiers and knights of human beings into orcs to protect oneself has an extremely powerful security risk, which is equivalent to completely exposing oneself to the hands of orcs.

Originally, the human kingdom was difficult to resist, but this time, the human kingdom is likely to fall completely!

So, what can we do?

Everyone shook their heads, this era has become like this, and there is no way to teach witchcraft.

Xuebaixue: "I have a proposal. After all, we have destroyed civilization, and we have a great responsibility! Why don't we crowdfund again to open a new path for the world? Let us be the next to open up a new era. Three witches, leading the whole era?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but get excited:

Open a new way for the world's liver!

The idea is cruel enough! Exciting enough to think about it!

You must know that they are not helpless. The wizard community is not vegetarian. As the wizards in it, if everyone does not meditate, they practice blindly and ponder on their own. It is really possible to study and open up a new cultivation path.

"It makes sense, for the happy life of Xiaonaobu's marriage and for this new couple in the age of Babylonian mythology to spend their later years in peace, everyone has to fight. This is our first community activity, come read with me. : My wizarding community, why not fight!"

"My wizarding community, why not fight!"

"My wizarding community, why not fight!"

"For the revival of mankind, sacrifice the heart (hairline)!"

Thousands of people who studied medicine before, together they researched the results of the second bloodline medicine, they may not be able to.

Everyone was so excited that they even thought of the research in the wizarding community. They felt that they were the children of destiny, and they would definitely be able to develop a new path of shocking counterattacks and open up a new version of the era for mankind.

"As far as I think, it all depends on those of us who practice martial arts, pass on our inner qigong, and gradually evolve into fighting qi! High-energy martial arts world!"

"Stupid! We clearly want to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, harvest the essence of the sun and the moon, and follow the path of immortals!"

"Believe in becoming a god, and collect the incense and thought power of all living beings, what do you think?"

On the Internet, a group of people began to discuss heatedly, and gradually they all strayed from the incident of the cerebellum bluffing down the mountain.

Xuebaixue: "Red-named players, do you have any opinions about hiding in the dark? I know that you collected information on the entire wizarding world back then, and you must still be researching crazily. If you say who has the best solution, it must be You guys! The civilization you destroyed, you come to rebuild it, do you have any opinions?"

At this moment, several underground research institutes in reality are also hesitating.

They immediately started an emergency meeting to discuss the corresponding actions to be taken in this "cerebellar bluffing down the mountain incident". A large number of scientists wearing white coats discussed in front of the big screen, serious and dignified.

Finally, came the results, this time can help! After all, it is beneficial and harmless. To rebuild civilization, a brilliant different world is what you want.

Long Wuming: "Then, I'll come out to help, let's get down to business, the current cerebellum is bluffing down the mountain, and I can't live in it for a few years, and the other world is about to enter an unknown era that we can't control. In a short period of time, we need to open up a new The road is almost impossible.

However, on our side as muscle players, we have a prototype of our own path:

The Cultivation Path of the 'Evil God Gene'!

Those of us use this gene to form our own flesh and blood butchers, tombstone rioters,

Now that the old wizard path of 'evil eye gene' has been abolished, it is not impossible to achieve extraordinary creatures with our 'evil god gene', and this path of evil god genes, I would like to call it the 'potion cultivation system' '. "

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