Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 16 The Third Mass Extinction

The huge flood, like a magnificent white waterfall, sprinkled down from the top of the sky, and in the rush, submerged the mountains, rivers, and the earth.

"What a terrifying power."

"In an instant, there will be a great flood that will destroy the world."

On the deck, countless merchants, nobles, poor people, slaves, sighing and shocked.

They are the kindest and most harmonious group of people. God sent a flood to cleanse the land of sin. Those who are barbaric, tyrannical, sinful, and rude will all be submerged in the flood.

On this day, the great flood destroyed the world, known as the disaster day, the last afterglow of Sumerian civilization, Utana Pizm, led only the Sumerians on the ark, took the last Noah's ark, and escaped from the great flood.

In the corner of the unmanned ship, the historian appointed to record the Sumerian civilization paused slightly. Holding a quill, he slumped on the deck in extreme embarrassment, still immersed in the figure of the great god.

"Our world, the sky is round, our world is created by God, it only takes seven days, what a great power this is"

Akkad's hands were trembling, old tears clouded.

He began to silently complete the seven days of God's creation with his own ideas. He picked up a pen and wrote the Sumerian civilization epic "Genesis". At the end, the record about the seven days of God's creation:

On the first day, God said, 'Let there be light',

Then there was light, and God separated the light from the darkness, calling the light day and the darkness night.

On the second day, God said: 'The direction of the waters must be separated by air',

There will be a day.

On the third day, God said, 'Let all the waters under the heaven be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear. ’

Water and dry land are separated. God called the dry land the continent, and the place where the water gathered the sea.

On the fourth day, God said, 'Let there be lights in the sky to divide day and night. ’

So there is an alternating cycle of the sun and the moon, and this piece of heaven and earth has fifty years of day and fifty years of night.

fifth day.

Day six.

On the seventh day, the heaven and earth were complete, God rested, and on this day he blessed the first six days.

In the days to come, people took this historian's imagination as reality. At the time of the Great Flood, it seemed that the God of Creation was really in front of mortals, explaining in detail the seven days of his creation.

But how could God put down his body and explain in detail to humble humans how he created the world?

But people are more willing to believe that in this Genesis, the seven-day story of God's creation of the world is recorded.

In the story, God rested on the seventh day of creation. People called this legendary day a rest day, a holy day, so the custom of this land was formed, and people also chose to rest on this day.


A great flood fell from the sky.

Buildings were washed away, crumbling like a building block fortress, and the footprints of the Sumerian civilization were washed into the ocean.

Xu Zhi washed for a while, and after confirming that nothing was missed, he stopped the high-pressure water gun, silently turned off the switch, put the high-pressure water gun away, put it in the utility room, and stacked it on a wooden shelf.

In this way, it is re-winding again.

The endless killing of worms and apes has caused the sand table to almost collapse. Now, the entire sand table, leaving a pair of each species, will sooner or later return to the previous ecosystem.

I hope that after this time, they will be vigilant, not to be too brutal and savage, and to reproduce too much.

The vice brain said next to him, "Even if they don't destroy them, they will self-destruct, eat up and destroy all species, and then self-destruct. By then, the sand table will only usher in huge losses, it is better to usher in a new life ahead of schedule now. ."

Xu Zhi took a long sigh of relief, "I'm not as fragile as you think, I don't need comfort, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

The deputy brain continued: As a queen of the worm nest, multiplying countless people and races, you are a great creator, and you should get used to the rise and extinction of countless races without sighing.

Xu Zhi's head bulged with blue veins and corrected: "I'm a man, not the queen of the nest."

"Needless to say, they are all spores that you reproduce one by one." The vice brain of the nest was about to defend his point of view.

"Stop!! In short, the family planning of worms and apes is very important." Xu Zhi interrupted it immediately, sitting on the chair in front of the courtyard door, silently nibbling at the fruit he had just peeled, one bite at a time, " Tomorrow, go to the town to buy two catties of fruit, stomach cancer, you have to be better for your stomach."

After a long time, he picked up the black book and recorded something on it.

"This is the age of giant beasts, this era, I originally wanted to call it the Beasttaceous period, which corresponds to the Cretaceous age of dinosaurs, where giant animals and beasts lived. However, since the Sumerians used the Genesis record, then simply. This era also Let's call it Genesis."

In the earth era, the era of horizontal comparison is the "mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous", when meteorites fell from the sky and destroyed the dinosaurs.

And here, there is a flood from the sky, destroying giant beasts and insects and apes. In my evolutionary history, it is called "the mass extinction of creatures at the end of Genesis".

After sorting out his thoughts, he turned to the fourth page after the Anwu Ji, Guangwu Ji, and Cenozoic Era, and wrote the fourth era and the three words Genesis on it, and only briefly described this period of history:

[Genesis, the emergence of the Wisdom Species, the Wisdom Ape family developed tribal city-state civilization, expelled giant beasts, and became the overlord of this era, but they were cruel and violent, and God could not tolerate it. Ninety-nine percent biological. 】

After the third mass extinction was recorded, Xu Zhi went to sleep.

The next morning, he got up to wash his face and brush his teeth. He felt a terrifying and boiling force spreading all over his body. He was suddenly shocked, and quickly put down what he was doing and started to study his body structure.

"This power is"

Xu Zhi looked at himself in the mirror.

The original height has been raised by a few centimeters out of thin air, reaching a height of 1.83 meters, and the edges and corners of his face have become warm and handsome, with an elegant and profound temperament.

His physique is strong and sturdy, similar to the perfect figure in Greek sculptures, a model figure, but when he puts on clothes, he does not appear to be very muscular.

"Undressing has meat, and dressing is thin."

Xu Zhi felt that his body shape, his muscles were full and streamlined, and he was comparable to that perfect hero king, an epic hero.

so perfect.

"This is the power that the third mass extinction gave me feedback? Compared with the previous two, it is more than a million times stronger. It gives me the feeling that I am now comparable to some top athletes."

Xu Zhi squeezed his fist, feeling full of explosive power, and couldn't help but whisper, "My physical fitness has improved too much."

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