Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 171: One Destroyed One Becomes One Doom! (fourth more)


A distant sound of vicissitudes seemed to come from heaven and earth, ancient and long.

"It has been more than two hundred years since this seat opened up the heavens and the earth and evolved all things. This preaching and teaching of all beings should lay the foundation for all the spirits in the world, divide the realm, preach the sermon eight times, for a total of three years, the gods are in charge of the heaven and the earth. All things are in order, you can leave on your own in the middle, and take charge of your own duties.”

Youyouran's voice is like a spring breeze.

Sitting on the futon woven by the sun's feathers, the most powerful and ancient beings born in the countless worlds were born, and I couldn't help but feel excited.

They waited for this moment, too long, too long.

Although these innate ancient gods are powerful, they are difficult to cultivate, and they can only occupy the human body to cultivate.

Then, the first sermon began, and the voice came:

"The first realm: solid foundation, this realm is the foundation of practice, sensing the sea of ​​consciousness."

This realm is very familiar to everyone sitting here, but no one wants to leave.

On the contrary, they listened carefully, and they were fascinated by it, as if the voice of the heavens contained endless truths, and even all kinds of new understandings, suddenly enlightened.

After all, this world is too primitive and rough, and the realm has just been opened up. After all, Phoenix was born in the wizarding world who studied the truth, and it came with a fairly complete system and research concept, which could thoroughly understand a realm.

"After three months, let's talk again."

In Lingtian Palace, there was no more sound.

Everyone did not leave, but sat on the futon, immersed in a fascination, silently comprehended, and supplemented their foundation.

They are all extremely intelligent beings who know that opportunities are precious.

The Taoist who opened up the world and created all things, preached in person, this time, it must be recorded in the entire history, and it is simply an indescribable blessing to be able to participate in it.

The Ancient God records:

[Before the Western Era, three clans, ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient people were born in heaven and earth. Daojun preached eight times in Lingtian Palace, for a total of three years, opening the gate of immortality for all beings in the world]

March has passed.

A second sermon came from Lingtian Palace:

"Second state: concentrating, this state, condensing the sea of ​​knowledge."

The gods hurriedly listened carefully, for fear of missing a word, but after that, they still comprehended carefully. Only the gods who need to be in charge of heaven and earth get up and leave to complete their responsibilities.

It's March again.

"The third realm: Divine Treasure, you can completely hide the soul in it."

"The fourth realm: Purple Mansion, there is a place to accept Xumi."

After the sermon in the fourth realm this time, everyone held their breaths and did not want to get up for a long time.

In this era, everyone has only cultivated to the fourth realm, and the realm below is the unknown road, and the next sermon should be the fifth realm, which is the realm they have always wanted.

It's March again.

"Fifth realm: Dao Palace, when you arrive at this realm, you have the power to split rocks and rivers, and you can open up a place the size of a house in your body!"

The fifth realm, originally called Dao Palace?

The eyes of the whole body below were hot, and the breathing gradually became faster, and he listened quickly.

It's March again.

"Sixth Realm: Cave Heaven, which can accommodate one side of the world."

March again.

"Seventh realm: Dongxu, establish sects in the body, sects, open a small world."

Everyone was intoxicated. It turns out that after their fourth realm, there are still three big realms, Dao Palace, Dongtian, and the final seventh cave virtual realm, can they open up a small world?

Simply incredible!

Isn't this infinitely close to Daojun's current state?

Open up the world and evolve all living beings.

To open up a small world, this is the limit we can reach? Possess the power to approach Daojun?

They couldn't help being a little surprised, this was already the range they could think of.

After all, he is a life created by Daojun. According to common sense, it is impossible to surpass his creator no matter what. Daojun's power is immeasurable.

This seventh realm hole is full of seven days and seven nights. All the creatures are intoxicated, as if a bright avenue has been opened. It was originally stuck in the fourth realm, but now suddenly the fifth and fourth realms are opened in a row. Sixth, seventh realm, this is a kind of extreme satisfaction and intoxication, and suddenly there is a feeling of dying at this moment without any regrets or regrets.

Chao hears the road, and it is okay to die in the evening.

In the end, after the seventh realm was finished, the innate ancient gods couldn't help trembling, stood up and planned to leave, and went back to think about it.

But the next second, a voice came faintly:

"Three months later, talk about the eighth realm"

Whoa! ! !

The whole world was silent in vain.

For us creatures, the seven realms are not the limit, and there is an eighth realm?

The seventh realm is already opening up a small world, and the eighth realm is where Daojun is now.

In their minds, an incredible thought could not help erupting: Is it possible that we, the acquired creatures, have reached the level of Daojun's current state? ?

All the ancient gods are short of breath: three months later! !

Now, everyone thinks that Daojun is the eighth realm, after all, he has opened up a world.

In fact, she has only now reached the sixth realm: Dongtian, which is equivalent to a sixth-level legendary wizard in the wizarding world.

Now that the seventh realm is finished, in Lingtian Palace, the phoenix sounded a sigh that he could hear,

"The eighth realm I want to talk about, Hunyuan, corresponds to the eighth-level mythical wizard in the wizarding world. I have just deduced the path. In theory, it has been perfected to open the way for the world, and it is also for me. After all, there must be countless strong people. Only the bones can give birth to a god."

Suddenly, she remembered the destruction of the wizarding civilization that year. Elmin became a god, and there were countless deaths of powerful people. Only standing on the corpses of countless wizards can create such a great life.

She whispered slowly, "God. It's almost my turn. I have the merit to open up the world for this world. It's not too much to want a catastrophe of this world's civilization, right?"

She slowly felt the sea of ​​consciousness. This is also an inner space. Her phoenix body has been living in it, just like the environment of Ermin.

"The power of the gods is really exciting."

She sat on the throne, like an eternal statue, looking far into the distance,

"For more than two hundred years since the creation of the world, the ancient gods, the savage tribesmen, and the two tribes in this world have been accumulating grievances for a long time. I have been suppressing them. When this world grows to a certain extent, the accusations will definitely erupt, and the world will usher in a new era. This bloody disaster, I have done enough, and now I want to take the opportunity to detach, break through a demigod, and become a god. There is a saying that every one will be destroyed into a catastrophe. This upcoming catastrophe is called: the catastrophe of heaven and earth. "

Another very difficult three months.

The ancient gods finally gathered again below Lingtian Palace and sat on the ground on the futon.

A god of the beginning of heaven and earth, the sun, stars, wind, clouds, moon, and a green lotus, human ancestors are old, gathered below, the colorful atmosphere converges, spectacular and beautiful.

"The eighth realm is Hunyuan!!"

boom! !

The voice just fell, like the first thunder in the world, and the whole world was shocked.

"The so-called Hunyuan is the beginning of the Dao, which is all-encompassing! Hunyuan is one, but also all things! It can give birth to the four directions of heaven and earth, and send the fruit of the Dao to the virtual sky, and it will not die after ten thousand eons."


Suddenly in the next second, Ling Tiangong's voice suddenly fell silent, and Daojun stopped speaking.

The surrounding gods also sensed something and peeped at each other.

In the end, a round of sun stood up, reached out and grabbed it in the sky, and was extremely angry, and a scolding resounded throughout the world, "He Fang rat generation!! He actually came to my heaven to eavesdrop on our Daojun's sermons!"


A bunch of twisted vines were caught out of thin air.

Mengmei: ? ? ? ?

what's going on? ?

Why arrest me?

Mengmei was suddenly a little stunned. She had just passed through the tunnel of the world, as if she was thrown from the sky and fell right here.

"Isn't this the wizarding world?"

She was stunned and couldn't help but look around.

In the high place is a glorious and simple grand palace inlaid in the sky, as well as ancient existences sitting on futons. Although the nine suns have restrained their strong light, a beautiful golden crow can be vaguely seen in the center of the round and bright fireball.

"What's the matter, nine sun goddesses, have you had a meeting?"

She laughed dryly, then turned her head.

Could this one be the moon?

God special moon!

The sun is sitting on the futon, and the moon is also meditating? ?

Don't burn your ass?

She looked at it further, and on the futon was a strange and terrifying existence, a green lotus, a primitive tribal person wearing animal skins, all kinds of strange things.

Is this in Tiangong? Could this posture be preaching?

What kind of world is this?

Damn! There are even nine suns, and they are still sitting obediently on the futon, so what kind of terrifying and great existence is the one who can preach for them?

She got goosebumps all of a sudden!

"Everyone, I went to the wrong door, can you pretend that you didn't see me? You continue, you continue!"

She laughed dryly, embarrassed.

As he slowly backed away, he watched the terrifying sun and moon sitting on the futon, staring at himself, his eyes showing extreme anger after being disturbed, so angry that he almost spewed flames.

"My God! I'm not pretending anymore."

She couldn't bear it any longer, the soles of her feet became weak, she immediately took a screenshot secretly, and frantically went online for help!

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