From Xu Zhi's point of view, the birth of this heaven-defying technique can only be compared to the previous crowdfunding of "Cthulhu Evil God".

Originally, Xu Zhi was thinking about whether to integrate into the Rubik's Cube gene, cultivate the current "Sea of ​​Consciousness" system, and open up an inner space within the body.

But although there is an inner space, its combat system overlaps with the wizard system, which is considered a mage route, and its body is extremely weak.

Moreover, as a spellcasting system, although it has the advantage of inner space, the energy is very impure, and it is not as good as a wizard who purely cultivates his own spiritual power.

But now, in this inner space's body repair system, nine-turn Xuan Gong, Xu Zhi is looking forward to it.

Provide a terrifying body, and even practice to the later stage, the body can be immortal!

"The theoretical prototype has already appeared. Just waiting for them to act as guinea pigs and use themselves as human experiments to push this practice to maturity is the moment for me to practice."

"Nine Zhuan Xuan Gong Deduction Post"

A post quickly became popular in the forum, and even spread in various networks.

Now Qiu Mingshan's speed, Bai Xue, Xiaonao bluffing down the mountain and others, they have all joined the discussion.

Excited and excited to do big things.

The major research institutes also have bright red eyes. Combining countless ideas and immortal mysteries, the prospects are very bright.

Moreover, the extraordinary civilization of that world has space manufacturing technology, and the human body has inner space, which is simply incredible. They are now secretly studying this space manufacturing technology in major research institutes in recent years, but there are some empty theories.

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "I think the theory of 'Nine-Turn Xuangong' is very good, but it is very difficult to realize. After all, it is necessary to disassemble a large space and divide it into a dantian and nine small spaces, and ten spaces are distributed all over the body.

How to keep space stable?

How to maintain mutual balance and not collapse? working in the body?

If it collapses, it is equivalent to the explosion of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the whole person goes into a devil and dies instantly! "

Everyone was agitated.

This is indeed the case. If the nine orifices system and the dantian system are separated, it is not impossible to succeed, but if they are integrated, the difficulty is too terrifying.

An anonymous user stood up: "I'm here to add a fire to everyone, the theory of space stability, here I have a paper somewhere in Europe that you can refer to."

Paper attachments:

"The possibility of black holes produced by quantum colliders, and the theoretical conjecture of space stability"

Quantum Collision Test.

Isn't this the highest-level secret information of the research institutes of major countries?

They quickly clicked in and found that permissions had been set up, and only designated users could open it.

Everyone was immediately confused: ? ? ?

Another anonymous identity appeared: "Cough, cough, I also have an article here. It is related knowledge. It is just a conjecture, immature, and has no practical value. Everyone should take it out."

Another one was posted.

"I also have an article here, the test report of a large quantum collider, the possibility of producing black holes, and the speculation on space construction and stability, which is more than ten years of hard work and theory."

They clicked in again, and as a result, the authority was set up again, and these melon-eating netizens couldn't see it at all.

They can only burst into tears. It is indeed the love of learning games designated by the state. Even this mysterious super boss has been drawn out to sponsor these famous players? Provide theoretical knowledge?

In fact, these days, people keep posting guesses: "This must be a game developed by the government!"

"This cross-era game promotes the development of science and technology! Promote the scientific progress of the era!"

The government does not deny it, and has acquiesced that this game was developed by them.

They even announced to the public:

This is a research and learning channel for the whole people to improve their knowledge!

The simulation test sand table even encourages well-known professors in various fields to participate.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some top scientific research talents have appeared here. Some students even try to come in in order to prove their talents.

Now the "Spore Evolution" game forum has not only become a place for everyone to discuss the game, but some scientific leaders will also come here to discuss irrelevant advanced academic knowledge, which has become a top and authoritative domestic Academic Forum.

after all

Hardcore, as everyone knows.

Even now, some big guys have gradually started to break the news anonymously, and some conspiracy theorists said:

This may be an extraordinary project jointly developed by various countries, a super galaxy computer, to create a virtual world, and let the geniuses of the whole earth calculate civilization together. The wizard system in it can also be cultivated in reality, but it lacks the evil eye inside. Gene.

This post is down.

Someone silently recorded in their hearts, and their hearts trembled.

Some people are just sneering, grandstanding, and don't believe it at all.

Long Wuming: "Cough, cough, although the current earth technology has not yet created space technology, but with these theories, it should be able to maintain the relative stability of these internal spaces."

They decided to join forces.

The papers are also issued by the research institute behind them.

After all, this is to promote the progress of Earth's civilization and go to outer space. Their interests have reached an agreement in a short period of time, and they have taken out their painstaking research over the years.

A sword and turtle breath: "However, it still requires a high degree of mathematical knowledge and precise calculations to open up a stable space and balance each other."

Bell at the top of the food chain, "It's true, it takes a very high amount of calculation, just like the satellites of the solar system, the nine spaces are running stably with each other, and only ten spaces can be kept from collapsing.

And because the meridians and physiques vary from person to person, each person's nine-turn Xuan Gong will be different, and the spatial positions opened up in the body cannot be consistent. To locate the 'acupoints' in the body, linear algebra, coordinate systems, and galaxies are needed. learning and other knowledge.”

They continued to discuss it for several hours.

"The current preliminary guessing formula should first take the lower abdomen 'Dantian' as the core coordinate, set x and y to solve it, establish a coordinate system, and calculate the spatial position of the first right arm orifice point. There can be no mistakes."

There was silence all around.

Use mathematics, set up equations to solve, and calculate the specific location of the first acupoint on your body?

This is so special.

Where does the sense of inconsistency come from?

Obviously it is the nine-turn Xuan Gong in mythology, but it turned into a scientific discussion!

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "Hahaha, fortunately, I am also a scholar in the university, and I am a wizard who pursues the truth. I fully understand it. Combining the knowledge of modern and wizards, the positioning of the second hole should be X, Y, To solve the Z equation, the calculation of the specific equation should be f(a+b)= f(a)+ f(b)”

A lot of numerical equations, overflowing, filled the entire page, and instantly turned into a small paper.


The entire forum was dead silent.

At the beginning, people could hear it, but gradually, as it got to the back, it seemed that they could not understand it gradually. Now, they are all confused, obviously they are all human words, and they can't understand it at all when they are piled up together.

my mother,

What they said, is it really the nine-turn Xuan Gong?

How hard-core scientific knowledge is needed to develop a mythical technique in a game? Space stabilization, linear function, establishment of coordinate system

They burst into tears.

At this moment, in a high school dormitory.

Everyone is holding their mobile phones, looking at the posts in the forum, and they feel that they can hear it at first, but it is completely heavenly.

The upper bunk is a genius of a certain high school tyrant. He has already learned the advanced mathematics course of the university by himself. At this time, facing the equations, he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "It's amazing, it's amazing, there is still such a thing. This kind of idea is imaginative, just imaginative, these people are all amazing talents."

As he spoke, he couldn't help jumping out of bed, picked up a pen and paper to write and draw, with a frenzied expression, he began to perform calculations frantically.

The roommates around looked at him and became excited, "Wori! Lao Zhang, you actually understand?"

Lao Zhang nodded, but ignored the few roommates next to him. He stared at the equations in the forum fascinatedly, and kept calculating with his pen. In the blink of an eye, a large page filled with words.

His eyes are fiery, and he writes quickly, as if immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

Seeing this, the surrounding roommates were so excited that tears fell:

"Fuck!! As expected of our school, the first genius of Hengshui High School, and a strong contender for the national champion of science!"

"My mother and our eyes were blackened, but he could understand it, and even started to calculate."

Saying that, a few roommates couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed out of the dormitory door impatiently, shouting at the surrounding dormitories, "Come on, our 403 dormitory old Zhang can understand 'Jiuzhuanxuan'. The principle of work!"

With a bang, the entire boys' dormitory building exploded.


"how is this possible!?"

"Our broken high school in this place has such a peerless powerhouse? Can you understand those equations?"

"Student tyrants are so terrifying!"

"Hahahaha, if you were born in that desolate ancient world, you would definitely be able to deduce the arithmetic of the heavens and perform the rules of the Dao. As the saying goes: Up and down, left and right are called Yu, and the past and future are called Universe. Cultivating the nine-turn Xuangong to prove the holy position of Hunyuan!"

The entire dormitory building was boiling, and everyone was shaken.

"Go and watch!"

"Rush duck! Nine-turn Xuangong, become a primordial fruit!"

The 403 dormitory was crowded with more than 20 people all at once, all swarming, looking at Lao Zhang who was performing the "Nine-Turn Xuan Gong" at the table.

There's one more at ten o'clock in the evening

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