Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 190 The Emperor of Heaven ascends the throne, beginning to divide day and night (two in one)

Although Dao Changsheng was young, he already knew a lot of knowledge.

Cultivating all the way, cultivating the inner world, paying great attention to the nature of mind, to break through the realm of the great emperor Dongxu, you need to challenge the world's top powerhouses all the way, to reach the momentum that is invincible, and the mind is flawless.

Therefore, it basically takes a moment when there is no emperor in the world to have the opportunity to become an emperor.

When the previous generation of emperors fell, they were even completely hidden from the world. In the contemporary earth and famous holy places, young talents began to walk on the road of the emperor, striving for the throne of the next generation of heavenly emperors.

But in the era of Heavenly Emperor, it is almost impossible to be invincible in this world.

Any latecomer, the younger generation, will leave a mental barrier because of the appearance of the emperor in this world, forming a heart demon. If you don't defeat the heart demon, it will be difficult to break through the realm of the Great Emperor Dongxu.

But with the Heavenly Emperor in power, if you can't break through, you have to use the sixth realm, Dongtian, to hit the Heavenly Court and challenge a terrifying Dongxu Heavenly Emperor.

"Teacher, are you joking?" Dao Changsheng laughed dryly, "How can I go to the sky to fight the emperor when a new emperor suppresses the current world? And it's not an aging emperor, who has just reached the peak."

"Don't worry, we have planned a unique route for you to become an emperor." Mother Qingteng shook her head, "You just need to study hard, learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you won't be afraid to fight all over the world."

Dao Changsheng: ! ! !

Carrying a gray book basket on his back, he strode on the green tree trunk, his young body only felt heavy, and the burden on his body was extremely heavy.

In the book basket, there are cultivation secrets provided by several teachers. The names of the unique secrets are also very unique. "Analytical Geometry of Space, From Beginning to Giving Up" and "Calculus, From Prosperity to Baldness", he only felt that the future was gloomy. .

A few days later, the new emperor ascended the throne in heaven.

Entered the "Daluotian" to meet the ancient emperors, and then ascended the throne and established the dynasty.

He took over the Sun Primordial Spirit and was the second emperor of Kaiyuan Heavenly Court.

On the throne, this invincible existence is going up to the Immortal Dynasty,

"All ancient beings have entered the Daluotian. After that, there will be no nine days between the heaven and the earth, and the nine days cannot be cycled at any time, and it will always be bright in the sky. Therefore, the heaven and earth in this place should gradually be divided into day and night, and I patrol the world during the day. , At night, the sky will be filled with stars, radiating shimmering light, illuminating the heavens and the earth!"

"Wizard Zhang Wuwei."

"The minister is here!"

"I order you to be the god of the stars, to hold the four elephants, to manage the twenty-eight constellations in the sky, the well, the ghost, the willow, the star, and the Zhang"

This piece of heaven and earth, originally from the creation of the world by the Daojun, to the age of ancient gods, and now the age of Kaiyuan Heavenly Court, has been in the sky for nine days, and it has never been dark.

But in this era, there is only one day left!

A Heavenly Emperor, naturally, it is impossible to tour the world bitterly every moment, and can only let the stars replace half of the duties.

So, in this world, there is night.

On the throne, Emperor Duantian pondered slightly again.

Since there is night, the sky is full of stars, but there is no moon.

But the Moon God, as the Empress, also entered the Great Luo Heaven to delay the aging of his life.

Above the throne, Emperor Duantian said again:

"The demon clan is burning, you are very talented. When the twelve innate ancient gods fell, a flaming god flower that was poured by the blood of the sun took shape, scorching and shining, even better than the ancient clan, you can be the moon of the contemporary heaven!"

Fen Teng trembled all over, and hurriedly stepped forward and bowed with both hands, "Report to the Emperor, although the Primordial Spirit is also a flaming divine flower, it is difficult to emit light all the time, and when it is exhausted, it is extremely dim."

Duan Tian Di closed his eyes slightly.

He pondered for a while, and a majestic sound resounded through the heavens:

"Fen Teng, you can still take over the position of the moon god! The moon god is the full moon, and the eternity illuminates the sky. You are the new moon. When there is cloudy and sunny, there is no need to be bright from time to time. It can be cloudy and sunny, full and short. !"

"Heavenly Emperor Shengming."

In the Heavenly Court Hall, Fen Teng was startled, and he couldn't help but sighed that he was indeed the Emperor of Heaven. He was able to defeat himself.

Emperor Duantian pondered and said:

"Since day and night are divided, the stars have twenty-eight constellations, the moon is cloudy and sunny, and there are four seasons in a year!"

"Human Xuwei."

"The minister is here."

"I order you to be the goddess of the four seasons, divide the rain points, according to the sun, moon and stars' irradiation cycle, control the seasons, and divide the twenty-four solar terms, the beginning of spring, Jingzhe, awn seeds, summer solstice, and small summer heat. Add a touch of color to the world.”

Xu Wei said yes.

This time, the court re-established the outline and order for the heaven and the earth.

Emperor Duantian was astonishingly talented, and when he ascended the throne, he subdued many voices that were not peaceful between heaven and earth, and the ancient and hidden holy places began to offer congratulations.

"Western Era" records:

[Kaiyuan Heavenly Court, in the 287th year, Emperor Duantian ascended the throne, with great talents and greatness, ruling the world, setting twenty-eight constellations and dividing into twenty-four solar terms. There are cloudy and sunny rounds]

When he heard the news, Dao Changsheng was reading in his study.

The bookshelves were full of books, he was doing math, and there was no calculator, which made his head hurt a little.

He suddenly exclaimed: "It's a great talent. This is a genius that hasn't been seen in hundreds of years! It is the rule of the world, dividing the sun, the moon, the stars, the twenty-eight constellations, and the twenty-four solar terms."

He sighed in admiration, as if witnessing the birth of a new mythical era of Heavenly Emperor.

A voice came from the void, "He is very diligent and talented. Without the nine-day cycle, there is only one sun left. From eight in the morning to six in the evening, he has to work ten hours a day. But it is because of such a strong and diligent man. Heavenly Emperor, not a stupefied monarch, it will be a little difficult for you to make a fuss in the heavenly court."

Dao Changsheng's face darkened again.

Another year, Dao Changsheng was fourteen years old.

At this time, he had already broken through the Fourth Realm Purple Mansion and arrived at the Fifth Realm Dao Palace.

Fourteen-year-old Dao Palace realm, unprecedented!

This is the disciple who has worked hard to cultivate the five ancient existences of the old era.

In the air, finally came the voice of Qingteng's mother, "Don't read books anymore, you are fourteen years old, it is time to embark on the road of becoming a great emperor, challenging the strong all the way, no strong person can read and read,

Heavenly Emperor is a bloody road, now you should start rioting from the cities of Jianmu, make a riot all the way out, make a riot in the whole mortal world, then you should set up a banner, occupy the mountain as the king, and then recruit troops to buy horses, against Kaiyuan Heavenly Court . "

Dao Changsheng's head was buzzing.

I'm only fourteen!

I'm still a child and will be beaten to death!

There are six cities on the building wood, which are controlled by the sects of the major races.

Jianmu Kaitian City is one of the branches of the ancient ancestral sect. It was established by Kaitian Jianmu Sect. At this time, a cute child appeared at the bustling gate of the city, carved in pink and jade, perhaps reading all year round, without the sun. The reason is fair skin.

What's more, what's even more strange is that there is not a trace of hair on his crystal clear skin, as if the hair can't penetrate his tough skin.

He has no eyelashes or eyebrows, and has a round, shiny little bald head, and wears a small round felt hat of grey animal skin.

He came to the gate of the sect of Kaitian Jianmu Sect. Because he had not communicated with people frequently for many years, he had been in seclusion and cultivated hardships. He was still the mind of a five- or six-year-old child, and he did not grow up in life.

At this time, he was a little shy and naive, "My sisters, I'm looking for a man named Mu Yuancheng, and I said a child born to Tsing Yiran, come to find him."

"Where is the child, so cute!"

"Fendudu's little face, I really want to pinch it, he's still shy"

Some of the female monks around were suddenly heartbroken.

After a while, Dao Changsheng was taken to the extremely magnificent Kaitian Jianmu Sect.

Among the vines with twisted green branches, a statue of Immortal Palace stands, like a fairyland on earth.

In the dojo, a man turned around slowly, his face full of guilt, and looked at this tender and lovely child with extreme bitterness, "I'm sorry for your mother Yiran, but I couldn't leave with her at that time, because at that time, various Great Tianjiao contends for the emperor, I am the genius of our sect, my father does not allow it, the sect does not allow it, if I leave, it will inevitably lead to pursuit and killing and now, I am the suzerain of Kaitian Jianmu sect."

"It's okay, father, I don't blame you, I'm here to see you."

Dao Changsheng showed a childlike smile, jerky and nervous, wanting to hold his father's big hand, pure and kind, "I just want to come and see how you have been all these years, I heard that you married a few more people for me. stepmother."

Seeing the young and ignorant child, Mu Yuancheng felt sour in his heart, feeling that his cold heart, which had been closed for many years, was vaguely broken.

He couldn't help but said, "I was indeed forced by my father to marry thirteen wives over the years. They will all be your mothers in the future. I will introduce them to you next."

boom! !

Mu Yuancheng was slapped and flew out with a slap, slammed into a wall, and shattered his teeth.

"Hmph, I've finally explained it! You hateful scumbag!" The child's voice was tender and green, and a terrifying energy spread from his dantian to the whole body, expanding inch by inch!

one meter,

two meters,

three meters,

His pink-carved and jade-carved arms suddenly bulged out patches of blue veins, bronze-colored muscles like the twisted roots of an old tree, twisted into black lumps, and thick blood vessels, like black snakes slowly beating on the skin.

Whirring whirring!

Behind him, there is a phantom of a black dragon circling around, like a haunted lingerie.

This terrifying bald-headed man of more than ten meters stood on the ground, breathing heavily, as if there was thunder between his breaths, causing a large shock of wind, with dragons wrapped around him, and eight arms stretched out from his ribs, as if in the legend, that one and the emperor The witch ancestor of the gods.

"I'm going to hit you up! I'm angry for my mother!"

He is still young, only fourteen years old, and his voice is milky and milky, and he can't escape his tenderness.


In an instant, the momentum skyrocketed.

A hidden old monster in the sixth realm of the Cave Heaven was disturbed by the Kaitian Jianmu Sect.

"What monster?"

"Monster! It's so twisted that it dares to run wild in my sect!"

"Just a mere fifth realm"

The three majestic powerhouses walked out, and they were all extremely ancient existences when they opened up the sect.

"Let's put down our Sect Master and spare you!" They shouted loudly, and the terrifying aura exploded into the air.


Several terrifying Taoist laws struck.

The body of this terrifying giant stood upright, and his palms were astonishingly textured with layers of dao lines, as if his fists had turned into a wonderful dao mark.

Dao Changsheng himself was stunned, can he really leapfrog and fight?

Can they rely on arithmetic to find the weak nodes of their Taoist construction and decompose Taoist methods?

His eyes lit up, and he suddenly became high-spirited. He remembered the teacher's words: "Learn math, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid to travel all over the world."


So I'm already that strong?

"What kind of monster is this? Invincible!?"

"No, he saw through our Taoism and shattered the weak point!"

The ancient existences of these Cave Heaven Realms all revealed a touch of inconceivable.

This monster is only in the realm of the palace, and he can actually go beyond a big realm to fight with these old monsters in the cave.

"Bastards! You old men, are you going to stop me too!" Dao Changsheng shouted, his tone was tender and cute, with a milky voice, but he was very angry, "My teacher told me that this kind of scumbag needs to be He punched hard, caught my mother in front of her, and kowtowed in apology."

Your son?

This turned out to be our grandson, great grandson?

The surrounding old monsters trembled, stunned, looked at Mu Yuancheng, who was madly beaten, and questioned.

Mu Yuancheng had a look of grief and indignation, screamed and vomited blood, "Don't believe it, this is a fake, where did I come from such a big child!! Calculate the age of the year, my son is only fourteen years old, look at how big he is. Shaved head! This terrifyingly strong muscle! His arms are as thick as my waist"


Stomp down hard.


Mu Yuancheng screamed even worse. He clearly had Taoist body protection, but he felt that his waist was trampled off, and he gushed blood, "This weight, he's probably already more than 3,000 pounds, you have seen 3,000 pounds. 's child!?"


It flew out again.

"Yeah! I'm only fourteen years old, I'm still a child!!" Dao Changsheng's voice was young and angry, "Wuwuwu, I lost my father's love and mother's love at a young age. When reading, being a full-fledged reader, can you adults feel this feeling?!"


Arms with bronze muscles tightened, as thick as a towering ancient tree, slammed his father's feet fiercely, and threw them wildly.

"My other peers grew up under the care of their parents, and now they even go to private schools, eating candied haws and shaking rattles, but I have not been under the care of my parents since I was a child, and I have been reading and reading."

As he spoke, he choked up in desperation, "Even if I am an honest and weak scholar who has never fought, I can't help but beat up a bad father like you!"

Are you fourteen?

Fourteen years old can grow like this? !

Are you still a weak scholar who has been reading and has never exercised?

The eyelids of the hidden elders twitched wildly, and they were all stunned! Looking at an exploding, muscular brother, a giant, more than ten meters high, with a bright and fierce bald head, and the top of his head is covered with blue veins.

"Scumbag, I want to arrest you, go to my mother's sect to apologize!" His immature voice roared, striding a meteor, stomping on countless palaces, and slapped the elders behind him with another slap and flew away.

"what is that?"

"What a terrifying giant."

There was a huge turmoil in the entire Jianmu city.

"Just the body is so strong, and everything is invincible?"

"I'm not mistaken, he holds the Sect Master of Kaitian Jianmu Sect in his hand?"

And this monster turned his head and walked towards another monster city of Kaitian Jianmu Sect: Tai Snake North City.

He came to the sect of the Great Snake Demon Sect, killed him all the way, and found his mother, who had been imprisoned for fourteen years by the sect because of a big mistake. She had become a mortal, with gray hair and almost dying.

"You scumbag, kowtow to apologize!"

He pressed the entire Mu Yuancheng's head and kowtowed frantically.

Then, after he kowtowed to the point of dizziness, Dao Changsheng looked at the trembling old mother, grabbed her, knocked away the monks of the Tai Snake Demon Sect, and strode away, "Mother, today, I will Take you to kill Jianmu, fall into the mortal world, find a place to occupy the mountain as the king, and live a good life together."


"Whoever blocks me, die!!"

He killed all the way out.

Bathed in blood, he experienced an extremely tragic battle, from dawn to dusk.

He followed Jianmu all the way, ran down, and passed cities and towns. He was wanted, and the ancient existences of the caves came out of the block one after another, attracting the witches and demons to take full action, not allowing the shame of the two tribes to leave.

After more than ten days, he killed that piece of land.

His mother had white hair and was very old, and looked at the muscular giant tremblingly: "You are really my son, he is only fourteen years old."

"Learning makes me strong and makes me great."

Dao Changsheng's face was calm, and the energy in his body quickly returned to his dantian.

In an instant, his body was like a deflated balloon, shrank inch by inch, and turned into a cute child carved in pink and jade, as delicate as a doll, "This is my battle form just now, the witch's The law of heaven and earth!"

"The dharma of the witch clan? Why don't I know?" Mother couldn't help asking.

"Because the current Wu clan is cultivating in the wrong way."

Dao Changsheng's small arm pulled his mother's old palm, his big hand held his small hand, and slowly walked along the green earth and mountains and rivers, and said tenderly: "Mother, you have suffered all these years, but your Primordial Spirit cultivation base has been abolished. It's okay to fall, I can take you to practice the strength of your body and make us strong!!"


A breeze blows the grass.

Under the sun, it was quiet.

In the quiet woods, after fourteen years, a mother and child finally walked together again. Dao Changsheng quietly pulled his mother's palm, like a newborn baby, with a happy smile of faint nostalgia.

He vaguely remembered that year.

When his mother was just born, the hoarse voice full of grief, anger and despair, and the sentence of abandoning her child has become a heart wall that he has never forgotten for fourteen years:

"In my whole life, I was talented and smart, but I was trapped in the world, backtracked, gave up the Tao, and gave up the longevity. He called him the longevity, just like I gave up on him."

After so many years of hard work, it finally paid off.

Dao Changsheng suddenly laughed, and there was a touch of complexity in his heart.

He couldn't help tightening his mother's arm, smiling brightly, "Mother, your Dao, your longevity, just like your son's longevity, come back again, come and embark on the career of seeking the Tao again. "

"My way, my longevity."

The mother lowered her head silently, looking at the fourteen-year-old child, her heart suddenly felt sour. He had too much burden on his immature shoulders, and perhaps he should not have been named Dao Changsheng in the first place.

Although I don't know what kind of adventure he has experienced over the years to come to such a powerful level.

"Mother, this is the unique secret of cultivation, you can read it first."

Dao Changsheng suddenly became shy.

Like a child, he showed off his treasures over the years to his mother, took out a book basket from the inner space of the acupoint, and handed out a dilapidated book full of notes and graffiti "Linear Algebra" , from entry to burial", leave it to my mother to read casually.

I've been too lazy to open two chapters recently (*^▽^*)

At ten o'clock at night, there should be another update

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