Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 20: One more superficial girlfriend

Chen Xi stood at the door and looked into the inner yard, "How can you cultivate the land by yourself, you are so happy, is farming so interesting?"

"It's okay, farming makes me happy." Xu Zhi said.

"I know that you are poor, and you are very happy?" Chen Xi glanced at Xu Zhi, and was shocked again for a moment.

"How could you."

She stared at Xu Zhi blankly, as if she was shocked.

Xu Zhi suddenly felt that the whole person was not good. Could it be that she found out that I had retouched the picture again? He has obviously changed back, but he still looks like he was before.

"What's wrong?" Xu Zhi asked calmly.

"I always feel that your temperament has changed, and you have become really good, right? I'm already a stone hammer." Chen Xi's eyes widened.

Although Xu Zhi changed back to her appearance, her temperament, which has gone through three mass extinctions and was transcendent after three extinctions, is difficult to change. Xu Zhi just touched her forehead: "Are you sick, what happened? Hallucinations, what nonsense?"

Chen Xi was stunned, is it really an illusion?

She was forcibly fooled, and she could only change the subject, "By the way, aren't you really boring in the yard? Would you like to go out with me occasionally for a date or something?"

Xu Zhi looked at her for a moment, "Hey, dating, are you serious?"

"Of course." Chen Xi hesitated for a moment, raised his neck high, but did not squirm, "Where's your ex-girlfriend? The pretty one!"

Xu Zhi said: I broke up. I was originally a colleague at work. When I got sick, I resigned and broke up with her.

"Then you were terminally ill at the most glorious time, lost your job, and your girlfriend left you. You can only go back to the countryside to live alone for the rest of your life. It's pathetic." Chen Xi said, "I can do it before you die. Be your girlfriend with you."

"Have pity on me?" Xu Zhi widened his eyes.

He used to feel sorry for himself.

His life is not long, the world is gray, and he has indeed fallen from the most glorious career to the bottom.

But now life is full of hope. After all, at the advanced stage of cancer, he can live for at least a few months, which is equivalent to thousands of years in the sandbox world. For thousands of years, he does not believe that there is no way to evolve and survive!

"I pity you, it's the fulfillment of my childhood wish."

Chen Xi guessed that he hesitated for a long time, but now there is no concealment, "I have thought about it! I will accompany you before you die. It can be regarded as fulfilling my wish, and it will also make you less lonely and warm."

"I worked as a volunteer in the hospital, and I am very good at taking care of terminally ill patients." She pointed her fingers and counted, "I can cook for you, go shopping for you, chat with you, and let you live a good life before you die. Be happy."

Let me die?

Xu Zhi was speechless for a moment, then looked at her with a half-smile: "Are you serious? Do you want to fulfill the obligations of a girlfriend?"

Chen Xi shivered, took a few steps back, covered his clothes, and looked extremely alert, "Where did you think, this is just a simple love, you are already dying, and you want to ruin my innocence?"

Xu Zhi: "."

It turned out that they had given me food for so long, and I looked around for other plans. Now in this world, girls are boldly chasing boys.

Chen Xi hurriedly said: "Others say, brother on the surface, we will be lovers on the surface, and we will have a beautiful love relationship. If you don't speak, it will be treated as if you promised me."

"Okay." Xu Zhi was very straightforward.

He likes the little girl too much. It is estimated that he feels too familiar, and he doesn't feel that kind of heartbeat. However, he behaves very indifferently.

"In the next few days, our high school classmates will have a summer vacation party. Come and accompany me."

Chen Xi pointed his fingers and smiled, "You are so beautiful, you can't help but look at it twice. Now this kind of temperament is more beautiful, and the girl's eyes are reluctant to leave for a moment. I will take you there, I will You will definitely have a long face, everyone's eyes will fall on you, and the sisters will all envy me."

Xu Zhi: "???"

Feelings are waiting for me here, and finding someone to rush to the front is the most important thing.

"Go! Go shopping with me, go shopping for clothes, go to class reunions, both of us have expensive new clothes, show them off and be jealous of them!" Chen Xi blinked at Xu Zhi and patted Xu Zhi carelessly. "Anyway, you've been farming, and you probably still have a lot of money. If you're going to die, it's useless for you to keep money. It's better for two people to be cool together."

Look, is this what people say?

After checking my eyes, I fell into the pit.

This girl came to me because she was short of money to buy clothes, and she rushed to the front when she was short of a boyfriend.

Xu Zhi accompanied Chen Xi to ride a battery car into the city again.

The two of them spent a lot of time shopping around the street and bought her beautiful clothes that cost 300 yuan. Under her leadership, they also bought clothes that cost more than 300 yuan. Battery car back to the countryside.

"It's plain to have a superficial girlfriend."

Xu Zhi felt in a trance, and laughed dumbly again.

"It's an extra little nanny. This girl's movie is hot for three minutes, but she can prepare meals for herself with enthusiasm every day, and she doesn't have to go to the county to eat often during the day."

After all, for stomach cancer, you should pay attention to your diet. The things outside are too dirty and not nutritious.

He didn't care much about this, and continued to go back to the sand table in the yard to study the evil-eyed creature before it. Although the person was trampled to death and driven out, the population of that creature was still in the sand table.

It's almost extinct now.

After all, it is strange that it is not extinct!

Two-thirds of the body shape is the eyeball. When a creature's whole body is supplied with nutrients for the eyeball, just to see more clearly, and most of the body's energy is wasted, then it is destined to be eliminated naturally.

"Is there any potential for extraordinary species?" Xu Zhi asked.

The Zerg Mother Hive replied, "Yes, according to the analysis, this creature is simple in thinking, manic and evil, but because of its huge eyeballs, its mental power is also surprisingly powerful."

If you don't care about it, then the crappy deformed species will definitely go extinct.

However, it may be like a worm, but it is too weak at the beginning. If it is not extinct, this "big-eyed monster" species deformity system may develop and become powerful.

Would you like to put it in a big sandbox and try it?

Xu Zhi thought about it and planned to introduce this species into the big sand table.

He intends to open up a swamp in the large sand table of 100 acres of land. After all, the environment of the large sand table is too monotonous, there is no swamp area, and there is no desert area.

Add ten square meters of swampy area.

For ants, this is already equivalent to a huge swamp area in the range of a mountain range.

"As for the terrain? After the great flood, the sea water accumulated, and a swamp and silt area appeared. This terrain can be regarded as a normal swamp area. The first is the silt terrain, which is thick, muddy, and fertile. As for the fertile, you have to find some fertilizer! "

Xu Zhi's first reaction was farmyard manure.

In the countryside, many people use their own feces for fertilization, which is naturally pollution-free.

But I feel a little uncomfortable. I will think about it later. When worms, and even various races, explore this black swamp mud, they are actually in the septic tank, and they are swimming in the septic tank.

The picture, think about it, it is too beautiful, okay?

Human excrement was eliminated, so he went outside the countryside, found Chen Xi next door, and asked Aunt Li for some rural fertilizer, chicken and cow dung, and said that his farmland needed fertilization.

After coming back, he took a big shovel and remodeled the ten square meters.

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