Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 200 Killing Tribulation and Coming to the World (2 in 1)

When the water is as clear as possible, there are no fish, and when people are as cheap as possible, they are invincible.

These people saw that the catastrophe of heaven and earth was imminent, and they directly carried a world and began to run overnight.

When the catastrophe arrived, his face was stunned: what about heaven and earth?

"Do you dare to be more coquettish?" Xu Zhi was speechless, "You guys are really kicking your nose to your face. You are crazy about showing off in the forum that you have resisted a world. As a result, the two-story cellar of my orchard was emptied. , are you looking for death!"

It's really getting fatter.

Before building the Cthulhu Evil God, I thought about the anti-god all day, and now I just dig up a world.

Originally, Xu Zhi thought that, logically speaking, the catastrophe of heaven and earth will come, and all living beings will resist in the two-storey cellar of their own orchard, opening an epic historical story and advancing the rule of civilization.

"never mind."

Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows, came to the entrance, and looked at the black earth that had been bitten by the dogs.

"It's just that most of the creatures in the whole world were moved away, just like Noah's Ark back then, escaping the catastrophe of the world. This is not a loss, but even the loss is worth paying. If the Pangu Golden Body can be deduced successfully, The benefits are too great.”

Pangu golden body

The devil knows what horrible things these guys have made.

Just looking at this prototype is enough to defy the sky. In terms of nature, the results this time are no less than Cthulhu Evil God.

It will be the second heaven-defying existence.

"By the way, what about Phoenix? Why is she hiding in the dark?" Xu Zhi then thought of an ancient existence. As a saint of Primordial Primordial, he was still in that world, groping for the path of the small space.

At this moment.

Fenghuang was also confused. She was hiding in her own little world, and she also noticed the barren world outside. The gods were like demolition, resisting trees and digging mountains. For some reason, she was vaguely a little scared:

"Fortunately I moved fast!"

this is too scary

Just a bunch of shameless people!

In this way, the other party was prevented from proving the Tao.

She felt that if she delayed preaching for another few hundred years, she didn't know what would happen.

Her face was confused, and she felt that she had been numb from their show. She could already think of the eleven ancient emperors such as Di Qi, who broke through the semi-sacred realm in the Great Luotian. What kind of collapsed expression will it be when it is fruitless!

However, Phoenix didn't have the heart to participate, and withdrew his mind. He just silently looked at the barren and barren world outside, and said indifferently: "Another catastrophe is coming, and life will be wiped out."

"Since the beginning of the world, I have been proving the Tao and Primordial, and I have gone through eras, transcending all things, underestimating the tide of history, and the rise and fall of heroes. I just need to hide in the dark and keep sucking the fruits of civilization of each era. ."

"Nine-turn Xuan Gong, indestructible golden body." She kept her face still, turned her head to look at the whole world, her expression was cold and indifferent, "It's a very good practice, but now, it's mine."

She seemed to have erased the mark, but there was still a trace of consciousness monitoring their every move.

The means of the Primordial Saint, they naturally cannot detect it.

She clearly sensed that these extraterrestrial demon visitors must be some highly aggressive extraterritorial advanced civilization, which seems to be the same race as the invasion of the wizarding world. Performed such a heaven-defying technique.

"It's just that I can't imagine how these exotic demons communicate with each other? Space dimension? Some kind of thinking transmission?"

The world is too vast.

There are too many terrifying methods of powerful civilizations in the heavens and the world.

The rise and fall of the world, she has also experienced the wizarding world, and has led the rise of the world in front of her. Outside these two worlds, there must be other heavenly worlds, or even higher.

"But no matter what, my goal is to find the path after level 8, break the dimensions of this world, get out of the world's cage, and walk around a brand-new vast world. This Pangu golden body is just perfect for me."

In the inner space, as a round of golden sun, illuminating the space, the birds and flowers on the ground are fragrant, and there are many lovely animals, creatures and plants.

A beautiful fairyland scene.

She doesn't like the intelligent species of humans, ancients, and witches. She thinks that they are too ugly and intriguing, so there are only some cute animals and creatures here as overseas paradise.

"The inextinguishable body seems to be tailor-made for me, just in line with the inextinguishable soul of my phoenix, my body Dao fruit, just sojourn in the dantian, as the sun surrounded by nine stars, illuminating and nourishing all things, creating a vast galaxy, and A world inhabiting me will provide me with eternal power, enough to make me able to travel across the heavens and the world without fear of energy exhaustion."

She weighed silently.

The way of cultivating Primordial Spirit and proving Dao Primordial Primordial has become a phoenix Primordial Primordial Dao Fruit, which is placed on the virtual sky, but now it is difficult to explore the way forward at the eighth level. class.

"Since there is no way forward, I will cultivate both internally and externally, and walk two paths together, with dual certificates and mixed yuan."

In the forum, a bunch of people are enthusiastic.

And Mengmei, a little excited to the extreme, felt that the excitement was so exciting, but she was a little uneasy.

"We put the world on our shoulders and ran away overnight. Did Daojun leave this world? Will Daojun come out and beat us to death?"

"We did things for a reason. In order to protect world peace, we checked it first. We are not wrong. We are good people."

Mengmei kicked and kicked uneasy, constantly comforting herself.

She still has some psychological shadows on Daojun, after all, she was beaten as soon as she came in.

However, her worries were gradually replaced by excitement.

She had already started to make up her mind about the Heavenly Emperor in the Daluotian forbidden area, and she couldn't help but muttered, "I can already see the expressions on their faces eating shit."

At this moment, another year has passed.

The world is reorganized, the earth is barren and dark, deadly silent, there is no sunlight, wind, sun and moon, formation, water flow, only a building tree that opened up the world is still standing above the earth.

The world seems to return to chaos.

A stalwart Heavenly Emperor exists, standing in the land of the heavens, slowly closing his eyes and holding his breath, as if there is an eternal star furnace in his body, scorching hot, providing endless power, nourishing his body and slowly raising his strength.

"This is the golden body of Pangu."

Dao Changsheng's face was calm, and he silently sensed everything in his body, "All gods, began to take charge of their own self-blame in the nine heavens, stabilize the world, and mortals have gradually lived in peace, although the major hidden holy places and sects are very dissatisfied. "

The Golden Crow Primordial Spirit in his dantian slowly frowned and couldn't help but say: "Dao Changsheng, you should not directly fight the eleven heavenly emperors head-on if you have a world on your back."

Dao Changsheng was very serious, sitting cross-legged, "The ancient existence, if I don't eradicate them all, I will feel uneasy, Duantian Emperor, the two of us have joined forces, one is the primordial spirit, the other is the body, already qualitatively changed, plus All beings in the world, the power of one world, what is there to fear of the eleven ancient heavenly emperors?

Emperor Duantian can already feel the surging power of Dao Changsheng at this time, as well as his indomitable faith.

Even he couldn't help but admire, "I finally understand that he is not arrogant, but really honest. He has cultivated over the years, followed the steps step by step, and has been continuously instilled by his teacher that he is the best in the world! Even if a hundred heavenly emperors are in front of him, He also thinks that he can beat a hundred heavenly emperors, he is invincible in the world, and the teacher will not lie to him!

"He has a heart of colored glass, and he is not stained with the world. He is the purest seeker. Maybe I am old. When I was young, I dared to scold a heavenly emperor who was drinking at the foot of the mountain, and he moved forward bravely with a heart!" No more words, his heart is no longer pure, and he can't go back. He is fettered by the mundane, and he begins to dust the future of all beings in the world.

His aptitude is not weaker than Dao Changsheng, but his heart has been influenced by the vulgar, and he has embarked on a different path.

From the time he was about to embark on the road of domination for eternity, he was no longer pure, which made him suddenly envious of this clear-eyed young man in front of him.

"It's about to start." Dao Changsheng suddenly said.


In the heavenly realm, Daluotian slowly opened.

With the thick white aura blowing towards the face, the wisps of thick immortal aura surround, in the open space gap, slowly walk out of eleven ancient existences that stand above the ground. I couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

This is an ancient emperor, who overthrew the rule of the innate ancient gods who created the world, and is a great hero of the acquired soul.

"Where is the Broken Heaven Emperor?"

A faint voice sounded.

"Duantian Emperor is dead, today is the era of my Taoist Emperor!!"

Dao Changsheng strode forward, a stalwart body standing outside the Daluotian, with an indomitable rushing weather, "In the past, the human race was empty for a long time, only the body was in the sky, and one person sat in front of the temple of the sun, blocking the nine golden crows. Destroy the world, today, the emperor of heaven should imitate the ancestors of human beings, and cut across the Daluotian here, all heavenly emperors, please do not go out!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly knelt down on his knees, kowtowed ruthlessly, and bowed his head to the ground to the eleven heavenly emperors. Enemies with eleven ancient heavenly emperors, Emperor Qi, the ten heavenly emperors, please go back for the common people!"

Bang bang bang!

In front of Daluotian, he slammed his head on the ground one by one, resounding between the heavens and the earth.

The eleven ancient beings remained motionless.

Suddenly there was laughter and jokes around.

"Young Xintiandi, Di Qi? He is Long Hong."

Dao Changsheng was shocked and stared at them incredulously.

The leader of Emperor Qi who overthrew the innate ancient god Heavenly Court, was Emperor Longhong? He descended into the world and turned into a witch, and overthrew the rule of their own ancient gods with his own hands?

This makes Dao Changsheng terrified!

What is even more frightening is that Di Qi's true body has been exposed to the eleven ancestors, but these great heroes who overthrew the innate ancient gods are still chatting and laughing with this oldest innate ancient god.

"why is that."

Dao Changsheng's face was bitter, the speculation at this moment was finally confirmed, and his heart was miserable.


He stopped kowtowing and stood up, but teardrops of crystal clear glass slid down and fell to the ground drop by drop, smashing deep pits.

Dao Changsheng has a glazed heart. He doesn't know how to hide his emotions, he doesn't know how to forbear, his emotions and sorrows, and he exposes his emotions in front of everyone. If he wants to cry, he will cry, if he wants to laugh, he will laugh out loud.

His inner world, the gods of heaven and earth, and the people of the mortal kingdom who live, all looked up at the vast painting wall in the sky, revealing a touch of shock!


"Ancient existence."

"It turned out to be Emperor Longhong, who turned into Emperor Qi, the mortal woodcutter, and overthrew his own rule!"

At first, they didn't know the Emperor of Heaven, why they hid in their bodies, and complained, but now they fully understand that the heaven and earth are about to usher in a catastrophe, and the Emperor of Heaven is blessing the whole world for the sake of the world.

A great horror hidden in history has been completely uncovered.

At this most critical moment, the catastrophe of heaven and earth has come, the ancestor witch who once blessed all beings is decayed, and the birth of "Daluotian" wants to kill all beings all over the world to prove the Tao, only the Taoist Emperor has stood up.

"Dao Tian Di"

This made countless people's faces bitter. Although they knew that it was almost impossible for one Heavenly Emperor to win against eleven Heavenly Emperors, they couldn't help shouting at the murals in the sky in Inner Heaven and Earth, hoping that Heavenly Emperor Dao could pacify this catastrophe. A peaceful world.

Is it really possible?

This is already a dead end.

The faces of countless holy places, sects, and gods in the sky were horrified, and they had already seen the form clearly: Emperor Dao Tian begged the ancient emperors to return to Daluotian this time, but received no response. They really made up their minds to slaughter the whole. There are creatures in the world, all the gods, countless holy places and sects.

"Cry...wait, this is the real blood dripping! All beings in the heavens and the earth, the gods who once blessed you have turned into evil gods." Emperor Duantian's voice was indifferent.

Even the three quasi emperors couldn't help but look dead gray!

"Tell me, Dao Tiandi, you are this world, are you the last resistance?"

Di Qi waved the sleeves of the black Tiandi robe and said indifferently: "The beginning of the world, I was born with the world, I can live to this day, after one cataclysmic era, I have seen too many geniuses like you, every one of you is a The rays of light are radiating, illuminating the entire heaven and mortal world, especially in the time of Zuwu, so much that I am terrified!"

He turned his head and looked at the existence of the ten ancient heavenly emperors behind him, and suddenly smiled faintly,

"Unfortunately, you all only know how to show your edge, don't know how to forbear, and finally died in front of me, mourning, suffering, and despairing. I watched from the sidelines, my dragon's fighting strength was monstrous, but I never made a full shot myself. , Jingcai is absolutely brilliant, but do you think that I was really defeated by his men?"

Dao Changsheng was well prepared, and when he heard the truth of this history, he couldn't help showing a touch of horror.

The sentient beings in the inner world, looking at the murals in the sky, became more and more desperate.

Seeing his sad expression, Di Qi didn't take it seriously, this young Heavenly Emperor was bright and upright, and he suffered such a blow to the Tao's heart, I was afraid that it would collapse in an instant, and continued: "I created the world, and I will forever exist in the world, hidden in the dark, and You heroic heavenly emperors, who roared, fought with blood, fought for the world in blood, and then fell down, or were subdued by the years, fell under my body and surrendered, this is the truth of history dripping with blood!"

Behind the innate ancient god Longhong the Great, there are ten heroic emperors who once overthrew the innate ancient gods, and they are looking at Dao Changsheng with cold eyes. This is undoubtedly the greatest ridicule!

There's one more at ten o'clock

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