Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 240 Amazing and wonderful plan

When everyone saw this familiar style and punctuation, they immediately confirmed that he was correct, because his personality was distinct.

The evaluation post is as detailed as ever, introducing a lot of content to everyone, no wonder it took ten minutes:

"I have been evaluating the game since the first internal test, and I am one of the oldest veterans. I took a long break in the middle before, and when I came back to see it, I had come to the fifth test unknowingly.

Early in the morning tomorrow, the latest batch of bald five-test Mengxin players will come in. I will also come in tomorrow and start from scratch with Mengxin to evolve new species. You can see me tomorrow, we are comrades in arms again.

Okay, let's end my personal affairs here, I feel a little too much, let me talk about some serious business,

In fact, I have not derailed from the times. Although I did not participate in the last ancient world, I have been paying attention to it. I occasionally bubble up. Everyone has seen me.

In fact, the ancient world is a strange world, which cannot be measured by common sense.

Let me ask, if we haven't been to the ancient world, we will think of the sun and moon in a world, will it be this kind of structure?

I have to say that the horrors of the heavens and the world are indeed colorful, so I still blow it up! Those who do not understand only think that this is a game, and those who do understand will understand that this is the second life in the true sense.

And I personally think that among the heavens and the myriad worlds, the rules of the new third world, the world of ancient trees, are also very special!

We want to help 'Mumu not speak' to counterattack in a desperate situation, and use a weak chicken chef to change the war of a high elf tribe. First of all, we need to understand the characteristics of that world. After listening to the description, there are two points that are most worthy of attention. ,

The first point, the Altar of Heroes,

Under the rules of that world, the death of the player is not death, but can be reborn, which is very novel and very maneuverable!

The second point, eleven miracle trees of life,

I observed the life structure of elves and ancient trees. According to the popular science of Mumu's speechless, it should be similar to the "demon" that breeds the ancient world. The inner space in the fruit accumulates energy, so that the seeds inside the fruit give birth to wisdom.

So, the question is, where does the energy come from?

Plants and animals become demons and wise, and they need incomparably rich and huge energy.

I thought about it, the shape of the eleven ancient trees of life is very special, covering the sky and the sun, like deliberately evolving a huge canopy, competing with each other in the sky field, blocking the entire sky, and forming such a bizarre leaf sky picture,

Then the ancient tree of life has already confirmed that the energy of this world must come from the sky above!

Eleven ancient trees of life monopolize most of the energy in this world, and also divide some of the energy to build their own defense system, condensing the energy in the fruit to produce demons, forming their own tree guards,

This is the origin of the birth of elves!

Let’s analyze the ancient trees of miracles of life again. Why do they only produce women? no man?

From an evolutionary point of view, it is correct that only a single sex appears! Because the ancient tree of life instinctively does not allow elves to reproduce themselves, so that they no longer rely on the ancient tree to give birth to themselves, they will be out of control. "

Everyone felt that this wave of analysis was very reasonable.

"Then, the secret of this world is definitely more than that. There must be some kind of extremely terrifying high-energy energy environment at the top of the sky.

After all, in all the worlds, the cultivation system of each world is different.

The wizarding world is to cultivate one's own spiritual power without resorting to external objects.

The ancient world is to absorb the incense of all living beings, and the soul breath radiated by the living beings.

So what about the ancient wood world?

What is the picture outside the sky of leaves blocked by the canopy of the ancient tree? In providing a steady stream of eternal energy?

Sun and moon? Or the gods? energy pool? Some kind of energy life? Or something more terrifying?

This is enough to make people look forward to it, which is why I want to go in and explore. To be honest, I have left the low taste and have no goal of hegemony. As a wizard, I just want to pursue the truth, wander the world and suck their Civilization, keep making myself knowledgeable. Now that I have cultivated back, I am very interested in this ancient tree world. I want to enter and see the truth of that world. "

It is indeed a star of the unscrupulous party!

When everyone listened to this analysis post, they broke out in a cold sweat.

From the introduction of "Mumu does not speak", this big man can analyze a lot of information content, and even the ancient tree of life has become a transparent existence in his eyes.

And Xu Zhi also had a strange look on his face, "Qiu Mingshan's speed, after he came out of the wizarding world, he was still as fierce as ever. As soon as he came up to analyze the structure of the world, he guessed that the sky covered by trees must be the source of energy for this world. However, no matter how powerful the analysis ability is, it is impossible to guess that the leaves in the ancient tree world are space outside the sky, the vast universe of stars!"

But at this moment, the forum was still lively, and everyone looked at the next paragraph of text from Qiu Mingshan Speed:

"Well, due to the personal habits of the wizarding world, I analyzed the ancient tree structure and power system of this world as soon as I came up. To solve problems and reverse the desperate situation, we must know ourselves and the enemy before we can think of a way. I will reason from the above step by step. In the analysis, from the life structure of ancient trees and elves in the dark night, we found a sure way to make Mumu instantly become a fifth-order powerhouse! Have you thought of it?"

The surefire way?

Everyone looked at each other and felt that their IQ was not enough.

Isn't the wave of analysis above the analysis of the ancient tree of life and the structure of the world?

But still many people left messages.

Some people say that it may be that Mumu can prepare a poison and turn it into a dark dish, which can poison the fifth-order creatures and kill the elves, so that as a weak chicken chef, the situation can be completely reversed.

Some people speculate that they have come up with a way to let this ancient tree of eternal life in the dark night rise from the ground, turn it into an ancient tree of war, and be able to move and slap other tribal elves to death?

But it was quickly rejected by the crowd.

The ancient tree of eternity, covering a large area of ​​the sky, is even larger than the building wood of the year, and it is only a ghost if it can move!

Many guesses have come out, but no one has answered correctly. How can a tree chef in an elf tribe instantly become a peerless powerhouse with terrifying power of level five? No one could have imagined this.

In the eyes of everyone, it is still a hopeless situation!

As for Qiu Mingshan's speed, he said that it is not only that he has no solution, but also that he has a 100% chance of winning. He said that he has an 80% chance of winning. It seems that he is humble?

"Okay, time is running out, so I'm not going to play dumb riddles, let's start the lecture! I started to announce the answer, I didn't say it just now, the doubt lies in two questions: Is the structure of the hero altar and the ancient tree of life?

So, of course, we are looking for answers from these two questions. In short, the process is as follows.

Mumu does not speak, you can commit suicide, set the resurrection point of the hero altar in a fruit of life, you are reborn from the fruit of elf, steal this huge energy elf embryo, and grow in the fruit of life, then, will you be reborn as a a genie? "

Everyone's mind was shocked!

Why didn't you think of it before?

Obviously, it has just been analyzed for us, the essence of elves is demons! Dryad!

So, can Mumu be reborn in an elf fruit, suck energy, and become a tree elf?

It was originally a plant! Naturally can become a tree demon! It is impossible for other people to be reborn and turned into embryonic seeds, but only it is possible. Because it has its own unique altar of rebirth!

You must know that as soon as an elf is born, there is a third-order strength, and an adult is a fourth-order!

If you are reborn in this way, you will have the ability to change the situation initially!

This is an extremely wild idea.

The problem that made everyone think hard was solved, and this moment was soothing, more enjoyable than drinking a can of cold beer under the scorching sun.

"The big guy is mighty!"

"Fuck! This kid is so terrifying!"

"Looking at the entire costume comparison world, there are very few existences!"

The crowd roared, very enthusiastically.

As expected of Qiu Mingshan Speed, a well-known boss, knowledge changes the world, this hard-core game, as long as you are bald and learn from death! Miracles cannot be created without knowledge and learning.

I see the following continues:

"It's only third-order at birth, naturally not enough, you need more life fruit energy, which requires you to communicate with that dark night ancient tree, let it gather the energy of seven or eight life fruits on one life fruit,

And you, reborn from the altar of heroes, as a seed of the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, reborn in that extremely high-energy fruit of life,

The Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree combines the blood of the night elves, what kind of elf form will it become when it becomes a demon empress? That's uncharted territory, I don't understand, but you must be a woman! Feminine Elf! It can't be a male. As for why. It's because of the ancient tree of life, I have already analyzed it above! "

Crowd:! ! !

Their eyes widened suddenly, and their expressions changed.

It turns out that all the previous analysis of the world structure was a foreshadowing for us to understand now?

They sat in front of the computer and looked at the forum. Their eyes were full of incredulity. Every turn of events and foreshadowing kicked off a wonderful prelude. Everyone was stunned!

And this big guy doesn't hold grudges, is he waiting here?

Let Mumu not speak and become a woman?

Everyone is only now realizing that the elves are all women. The boss said that if he turned him into an elves hero, wouldn't he just become a girl!

Immediately, it was instantly confirmed that it was Qiu Mingshan's speed. As always, he was holding a grudge, digging a hole here and waiting to bury people, and with such a high level of calculation and layout ability, it was just a chain of links, which could kill people alive!

It's no wonder that several of the previous famous players were killed by him alone.

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