Qiu Mingshan knew quickly that his life alchemy factory could not create a new life form, but could only copy and mix species.

But this is enough to optimize more powerful indigenous species, but unfortunately, the ancient tree of life in the sun has been hollowed out, and it has become a member who is addicted to krypton gold.

"This is a terrible magic. It doesn't need to be calculated. This ancient tree of life elf will naturally fall under the pomegranate skirt of krypton gold and become a slave of money. Listen to me." He said that he never used violence to crush it. , but to defeat the opponent psychologically!

And the sun elves have been completely distorted, charging money frantically, and entering a period of fatigue.

"But this energy is enough for me to improve to the sixth order." He smiled, feeling very relaxed, and he broke through to the sixth order in just a few months, which was like a rocket.

Compared to obediently cultivating before, this crooked way is simply the right way.

But at this time, the sun elf Gushu, who was hollowed out, took the initiative to find him, and then said directly:

"It's time to enter the war, join the army of the Yumia night elves, our tribe will definitely shine, and for the human race to wage war, plunder them, you can get more energy."

The ancient sun elf tree has already begun to find a way to make money, expressing that he is very jealous of those chimeras, elven dragons, and mountain giants. It seems that every ancient elf tree is keen on farming and developing the power to surround itself.

"it is good."

Qiu Mingshan speed did not refuse.

He clearly understood that this was a battle for racial survival, and it was difficult to contain. He couldn't stop it, and he didn't want to stop it.

To blame, I can only blame Mumu for not speaking, creating two new races, bringing terrifying disaster and catastrophe to this land.

"That bitchy little bitch." His expression gradually became weird, "You want to become a man and be with the girl you like, I don't reject it, everyone has the qualifications to pursue their dreams,

It's just that since you want to become a man and a heretic, you have to wait for the crusade to be hunted down. This is the consequence you should bear. You choose to wander the world and spend your time wandering everywhere.

However, for your own comfortable life, you are not harassed by the elves, and you breed a large number of males, which in turn brings disaster to the elves and the entire ancient tree world."

The human race and the demon race were born.

From this point of view, Mumu's silence was indeed the cause of the entire disaster and should be punished.

But this is the end. After the birth of the human race and the demon race, is it wrong for their own survival? They came to this world as living beings with their own dignity, and they should write hymns for their own race.

Up to now, this is already a racial dispute, and there is no right or wrong.

I can only blame the culprit who caused all this - Mumu didn't speak.

At this time, he was standing in the camp of the elves, no matter what happened in the future, as a hero of the elves now, he must share weal and woe with the elves.

He sighed silently. After all, he had experienced the disaster of the wizarding world and had a strong dislike for the red-named players. "After all, this is a living real world. They are all living beings with their own joys, sorrows and sorrows."

In fact, he secretly communicated with the Great Alchemist and Xiaonao Huoxia, and jointly formulated the rules of the industry.

You can make a fuss, but you can't overdo it.

Bringing a huge disaster to a world that was originally peaceful and quiet, don't blame us for treating you as a red-name player and start killing the red-name!

And it has developed secretly to the present, since the ancient sun tree is going to start a war, it is time to reveal its identity!

He went to the outside network and started speaking.

A screenshot, opening the declaration of war:

"A certain bastard, goddamn keyboard warrior, black businessman, the other world is not your place outside the law, you must abide by harmony, friendship, prosperity, and peace!"

A beautiful sun goddess, with a hazy golden ring on the top of her head, six bronze coins fixed on the back, her legs are slightly split, one hand covers her smooth forehead and makes a graceful movement of orchid fingers, and one hand supports her waist.

This is the classic action of Sailor Moon's transformation,

"I will destroy you on behalf of the sun!"

As soon as the picture came out, countless people's brains hurt. You declared war and declared war. What kind of trouble is this?

Women's clothing can make people horny, this man drives so fast! We underestimate his shamelessness too much, is he so adaptable! Suddenly immersed in the life of women's clothing can not extricate themselves.

Mengmei is going to evolve into a dragon: "Maybe, he already wanted it! (sneer)"

Mengmei Yiqiu: "Ouch!? Keyia? Krypton~? Shameless dog plan! Lie to Krypton experts!"

An embroidery needle: "Perverted boss, I have learned a lot."

Countless people are talking about it.

People felt a little overturned.

Others looked shy after wearing women's clothes, and they could still make fun of it, but this one seemed to be enjoying it! Even in such a shameful pose, if netizens say that he is so beautiful, he will praise him in all kinds of ways, maybe he is still enjoying it and enjoying it very much.

bastard! There is simply no way to speak!

On the other side, when there was a lot of uproar in the group, Mumu saw all this secretly without saying a word, and suddenly panicked, "It actually came in secretly, how did it kill me, what should I do?"

He couldn't resist posting:

"Qiu Mingshan boss, I was wrong, please let me go, please forgive me (shivering)"

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "Hehe, forgive you for Di Qi's business, my job is to send you to see the sun! (Sun Goddess Transformation Figure.jpg)"



This young girl from the sun immediately put on a handsome pose, the transformation of the little magic fairy Balabala.

"You are so rude!"

Mumu's face darkened instantly when he didn't speak, and he felt that his brain had collapsed. This was a crazy blow to him from the morale!

He was chatting on the Internet, but he didn't expect to come over to kill him. He quickly and secretly went to inquire about the Sun Elf tribe, and found that they had secretly become extremely powerful, the Moon Knight, the Horned Eagle Archer, the Elf Hero Druid. Even the alchemist is already sixth-order, and his current state is not inferior to him.

Apparently developing secretly, and now the war is open, he knows it too late.

But how could he, a demon hunter, give in?

He was traveling around the world at this time, looked at Gilna next to him, and said, "I have to go out."

Half a day later, he flew in the sky, "I have to be a real demon, induce people to fall, give him power, I have to find a powerful human genius, comparable to Dao Changsheng and Ermin, and find a way to help him rise. No! Otherwise, it can't do the current elves at all!"

He traveled around in countless small towns, and finally saw a young woodcutter.

The young man was going up the mountain to chop wood. After he finished chopping wood, he was still swinging his knife at the trees, as if to exercise his skills. The most exaggerated thing is that every point of his axe fell in the same place. Exactly, exquisitely to the extreme.

"Maybe a good apprentice."

Recommend a book: My day has 48 hours

Unlimited flow, quite a lot of book friends have read this book, but I still recommend it (*^▽^*)

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