Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 262 Divinity and Humanity (two in one, ask for a monthly ticket)

Emperor Qi is also secretly advancing the era of civilization.

"Don't have a one-sided war, and don't want to suppress the world by one person. I hope to see a world of splendid competition, and the emergence of geniuses of each era, brilliant and brilliant, and even come to challenge me."

He wanted defeat, he wanted the threat of death.

He ignores the weak and thinks that the weak is the original sin and should be reaped like straw, but he respects the strong and gives them the dignity of life. Throughout his long life, only the strong such as Xu Younian and Dao Changsheng can make He is truly appreciated and respected.

"Can there be a life that can beat me? I'm really looking forward to it." His voice was longing, and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Sure enough, it's an elm head.

On the other side, Mumu sighed without speaking, and looked at the stupid boy A Chou. These days, teaching him elementary school mathematics is almost impossible, and his fighting talent is against the sky. Impossible in a lifetime.

"However, after teaching him, it seems that he only learned the simplest dantian practice and exercise, and he is very happy." He was speechless, and then completely lost his confidence, and handed the child to his son, the leader of human resistance, Arthur, left.

He was going to look for more talented humans again, but for the next period of time, he ended up finding nothing.

One hundred and thirteen years of the Yumia Empire.

With the assistance of the sun elves, the strength of the entire elves grew rapidly.

The sun elf tribe has become the holy land of the entire elf empire, and many elves even come here.

On the street, the luxurious and expensive hunter's hall sells many things.

Originally, the ancient sun elf tree absolutely did not allow other elf tribes to get involved and obtain various mounts and equipment to become stronger, but it was still persuaded after all, because it got a very simple answer:

"For foreign elves, the purchase price will be increased by 30%! And this 30% belongs to the ancient tree of life of the sun."

As a result, the ancient sun tree, which has long been addicted to the power of krypton gold, has completely joined the same cause. After getting the rebate, he even worked very hard to help promote it.

Over the years, the ancient sun elf tree has been addicted to krypton gold, and finally built its own miracle elf building - Chimera Perch, on which lives a terrifying dark blue Chimera behemoth.

"Wow! This is the Sun Elf tribe?" A team of night elves arrived, led by a talented girl named Luna, who was led by a night elf sister who had been here for a long time.

"Have you seen that giant tree? The giant beast living on it is the legendary guardian beast of the sun elf, Chimera!"

She pointed to an elf girl knight riding a griffin in the sky again, "Did you see the logo badge on the chest!? That's the VIP5 krypton gold boss!"

Luna suddenly looked forward to it, looking at the strong griffin elf flying in the sky, "VIP5? That's a character who paid 100,000 Sun Coins, how strong is that!?"

At this time, an elf girl with dragon wings greeted them, "Welcome to our city."

"Are you the elf hero Parker who drank the hidden potion of the elf race?" She was stunned. It was because she had never heard of this strong man. It was said that he had energy similar to a space ring and hid in a different space for a short time. Able to dodge attacks.

Luna silently looked at the badge on the opponent's chest, and it turned out to be the Krypton Gold boss of VIP7!

Over the years, this elf tribe has unknowingly been led astray, but countless elves gathered here to buy equipment and mounts, and for the upcoming war.

One hundred and fifteen years of the Yumia Empire.

The elves aggressively attacked the Bilomon Mountains, and the Elves of Yumia issued an order with tough means. Among the three or four thousand elves, the most elite five hundred troops were selected, equipped with equipment and mounts, to encircle and slaughter a large number of humans.

Hiding in the mountains, women, the elderly, and children were all killed. The bloody means and the cruelty of the process were unimaginable for countless elves themselves.

The crisis of humanity is coming.

They can't hide in the depths of the ground like the previous demons.

The battle of iron and blood that shocked the whole history, the battle of Bilomon Spirit, was completely opened, and the whole land was stained with blood donation.

"Escape!" A woman hugged her child and ran quickly, but a huge bright red wind blade appeared out of nowhere and fell down quickly.

"Let's go!" A husband, who was in front of his family, picked up a hoe, trembling all over, snot and tears streaming down his face, blocking the door and roaring, "Come on! Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

"You actually abandoned us." Some women looked at their husbands who gave up their families and fled with their children in their arms.

All kinds of human ugliness, all kinds of true temperament, life and death, are fully displayed here.


A famous moon rider, holding a delicate and sharp moon blade, slaughtered the entire land in a terrifying manner.


The griffin archers in the sky were releasing a rain of arrows, which fell precisely on the backs of every fleeing villager.

The elves and the human race fought, and life died in large swaths.

The entire town was quickly slaughtered and fell into a dead silence. The elves got off their mounts, covered their bodies with donated blood, and began to sit in place to rest and eat dry food.

"Is it really right for us to do this?" Luna suddenly trembled. For a peace-loving and quiet elves, this was undoubtedly cruel. Even the wailing and angry eyes of a child just now pierced deeply. wear her inside.

No elves were talking around, and they were all silently eating dry food.

Suddenly, Druid Michina picked up the dry food and sat on the tree trunk, "This is a war of races. We elves and humans, demons, are destined to not coexist in the same land, only one of them will die.

Do you still remember that the sisters who lived by your side for hundreds of years were deceived by those humans? Our populations are shrinking, either they assimilate us or we exterminate them.

As the god of the ancient tree of life said, they are fallen, lost their divinity, have lust, cruelty, violence,

These humans are self-reproducing. From generation to generation, the blood concentration of elves is getting lower and lower, and they are getting weaker and weaker. They have changed from birth to second-order, first-order, and even completely transformed into babies of ordinary creatures.

They have turned into ordinary first-order lives, with short lifespans, cruelty and violence, women get sick, bleed every month, suffer painful pregnancy, give birth and possibly die. We, want to be them? Lost divinity? "

The elves in the battlefield were silent and mourning. They could only eat food silently, then mounted their mounts again, put on luggage and burdens, and walked on the dead and barren land.

"Hold on, we are the elites dispatched by every tribe! We are all heroes expected by our fellow tribes, looking forward to our triumphant return." A beautiful elf ran on the moon leopard, softly persuading the crying soft elf.

But, is he really a hero?

Perhaps the hero of one's own race is just the executioner of other races.

They feel numb in their hearts, this war will become a shadow for a lifetime, but after all, there is a group behind them, no elves can retreat, they can only continue to move forward and start this war.

Just like when they sacrificed their lives recklessly to wield weapons and challenge the ancient tree of war.

This is the courage engraved in their hearts.

This is the divinity of elves. They have no cowardice, fear, or escape. They only have the good side of life and no evil side. They can recover quickly. This is a natural character.

The blue leaves dappled the sky.

On the huge Chimera behemoth, there are several figures standing, exploring the hidden human tribe that will attack next.

The elf emperor Yumia stood at a high place and looked at the whole mountain range, "After we have Griffin and Chimera, no tribe can escape our investigation, they will no longer have a place to hide, and it will be a matter of time until they are completely cleared. ."

Qiu Mingshan was silent, "Can't you lock it up?"

He wanted to try to interfere in this war, and felt that enslavement was also a good result, at least there was a chance to rise, but he did not expect that Yumia would directly want to be wiped out.

Yumia said calmly: "They are too despicable, inferior, and despicable and must be exterminated, otherwise they will infect our pure blood and make us degenerate. This is what the ancient elves want."

Xi Lin was trembling all over, "It's a sad life, don't you have what you want, what you love?"

She has long known that Yumia is no longer Yumia. This Yumia is too cruel, revealing reality, and doesn't even look like a beautiful elf, without the peace and peace-loving of the elves.

"What the ancient elf tree wants is what I want." Yumia said calmly: "Do you think that I really serve the ancient elf tree?"

Yumia calmed down and suddenly ordered Chimera to lower her flight altitude.


A chimera appeared high above the human city.

"It's the elves!"

Countless people walked out of the houses, roaring, picking up knives, guns, drums and sticks, throwing them, smashing them into the sky, roaring all kinds of words, the glory of human beings, and not fearing death for the sake of their families.


Yumia pointed down and said, "It's human, I have observed this race for countless years, they are greedy, cruel, lustful, arrogant, and have lost their divinity. As sinners of God, they are undeniably unique. , still retain some of our divine brilliance, they honor their own race and we are proud of being elves, our physical lifespan, strength, potential, are far higher than self-reproducing humans, we are far beyond human perfection life."

"If we become human, it will make us more perfect. I will instantly disobey the words of the ancient tree of life and choose to assimilate into human beings, but unfortunately not, integrating into human beings will only make us elves have endless disasters!"

Celine was shaking.

Yumia didn't care at all, and continued to speak, "Even if the ancient elf tree violates our elves and hinders our development, I will find a way to destroy it. I have been fighting for the elves from beginning to end, in fact , the reality is very cruel, I have observed human beings for too long, and I have come to a terrible conclusion of human observation: if we elves have always been kind and weak, living in the deep forest and indifferent to the world, sooner or later, they will be overturned and destroyed by brutal human beings, Even enslavement, to become slaves—no elves will embrace peace without the willingness to fall with blood."

Yumia, an elf monarch, exudes amazing charm, and even her affirmative tone makes people feel that what she has stated must be the truth. If Yumia does not appear, the elves will inevitably go to destruction and the fate of being enslaved.

"War is unavoidable, she is the first to attack!"

Qiu Mingshan's speed was horrifying, and he was also looking at this elf emperor with a domineering voice and a very charming vision.

From the moment she was born, she was brought up to succeed Yumia, but she did not feel rejected, but happily accepted to be Yumia, which was her greatest honor and the meaning of her existence. She was guarding the entire elves. clan.

In every sense, she has truly implemented the great name of "Yumia"!

Watcher, guarding the present of elves, looking forward to the future, and as a song of shadows, walking in the shadows, turning into a degenerate, cruel and bloody elf assassin, protecting every elf who loves kindness and peace.

Where there is light, there must be darkness.

Yumia just gently stroked Xi Lin's trembling head, under the pressure of an invisible tyrant, "You ask me if I don't want it? I don't have anything I love? I'm very greedy, what I love is my everything. A subject." She sighed and smiled, with emotion, turned her head to look at the alchemist Keiya, showing domineering and decisive, "I hope you will always be a member of our elves and be my friend, not because you have nothing to do with it. Critical human beings are acting strangely."

One hundred and seventeen years of the Yumia Empire.

The Bilomon Elf Battle has completely entered the peak of the slaughter!

The entire stretch of mountain range fell into bloodshed, tens of thousands of human races in villages and tribes were killed, the old and the weak, women and children, and the brutal suppression and brutality completely established the "iron-blooded and ruthless elf emperor Yumia", the name of the song of shadows.

The elf slayer who walks in the shadows is also known as the warden, the prison of the tree world, the prisoner of fallen elf traitors, and all kinds of human powerhouses, countless.

One hundred and eighteen years of the Yumia Empire.

The human tribe sent a letter:

The human race is willing to surrender.

"Don't surrender, kill."

The elf emperor Yumia, standing on a high place, looked at the moon rider and the griffin archers, indifferent and elegant, and the beautiful posture was addicting, but the voice was endlessly bloody,

"The human race is an elves who lost their divinity after the fall. They are evil and tyrannical. They are the elves Irfan and Gilna, who were born after stealing the forbidden fruit of life from 'Ileland'. God ordered it to disappear completely."


The earth entered the blood again, the slaughter continued, and the bones piled up like mountains.

One hundred and nineteen years of the Yumia Empire.

The elders, strong men, old people, women, children, representatives of all classes of human beings, and the ancestor of human beings, Arthur, took the initiative to surrender and make the final struggle.

Humans bow their proud heads.

Inside the military tent, the elf emperor sat in the palace and watched the rebel leaders of these humans.

Their faces were pale, and they had the capital to resist. They felt that the human race would rise sooner or later and keep pace with the elves. They were even optimistically divided into two factions. In turn, they enslaved a small number of elves and controlled the ancient elves, but suddenly there were many terrifying elves mounts and equipment, causing them to collapse in an instant, and there was no chance to rise, severing their dreams.

At this time, no matter what the Elf Emperor Yumia asked, they could only accept it.

It's just a pity that they think too much.

"Don't surrender, don't cut it, go back." The voice of the elf emperor Yumia was very decisive.

"You godless elf! Executioner! Even children and women are killed." A fifth-order middle-aged man couldn't bear it any longer and broke out completely.

"You don't have the peace, gentleness and kindness that an elves should have!" an old man sobbed.

"You killed my seven-year-old brother, God will curse you!" An eight-year-old girl was in pain.

"God will curse me?"

Yumia's voice is domineering and beyond doubt, "If the god you are talking about is the ancient tree of life, then it is they who let me destroy you, if the god you are talking about is the god of elves, then I am a god, destroying you. You mortals are nothing but so-called gods, they are just powerful beings worshipped by the weak, if you want to punish me, don’t use the power of gods, challenge me with your own, and kill me, human!!”

"I'm going to challenge you!"

Arthur had been silent before, and suddenly growled, unable to hold back his anger any longer.

"Human ancestor Arthur, your courage is commendable."

Yumia stood up abruptly, waved the dark green cloak, and inspected the representatives of human beings for a week, "This is your human calculation? Are you planning to use the kindness of elves to impress me? But you are wrong!

I am angry at the crying of children, I am angry at the ignorance of the strong, and the abuse of the old man. This is the incompleteness of human beings. In the face of the strong, we surrender weakly, and in the face of the weak, we brutally draw swords. I am even more angry because of this. I feel The species that should exterminate human beings, you come to pray to me, but instead make me more determined to kill human beings, only you Arthur! "

Her voice was ruthless, "Arthur, the ancestor of mankind, you let me see the sparkle in you. After all, you inherited part of the divinity of the elves. I choose to accept your challenge!"

Another four or six hundred thousand words.

I rarely ask for tickets, but I look so diligent, asking for a monthly ticket is not too much

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