After the scorching sun of the day, the night of the seventh day began to fall.

The sycamore still lives peacefully in the ocean, and it has been able to withstand the alternating sun and moon for 5,000 years.

At the same time, along with its mass reproduction, the photosynthesis of these aquatic plants has led to a substantial increase in the oxygen content in the seawater, and the conditions suitable for the birth of marine animals are already available.

In nature, if there are no aquatic plants in the water and cannot flow, it is difficult for the oxygen in the air to dissolve into the water. Such a pool of stagnant water cannot produce a suitable environment for aquatic animals.

Soon, the spores and single-celled organisms in the sand table world ocean began to evolve. The first to appear was a group of black beetles, similar in shape to the ancient Paleozoic marine species on the earth, the plate footed horseshoe crab.

So far, marine animals have entered the historical stage of the evolutionary era.

"My world sand table. Marine animals have finally evolved from single cells. I have been waiting for you for a long time, waiting for two mass extinctions."

The moment he saw the animals appeared, Xu Zhi showed a relieved smile. After a day and night, his tired body finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he went straight back to the room, lay down and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already the eighth day of the creation of the spore's evolutionary sand table.

Anyone who has studied biology knows that the ocean is the origin of life, but Xu Zhi found that there were already marine animals, and they were not satisfied with the fiercely competitive ocean. They gradually evolved toes, skin scales, and evolved into amphibians. Life on the coast.

Seeing this, I recorded the next page of Guangwuji with delicate handwriting.

This third era of evolution should be completely reborn after the mass extinction, and Xu Zhi named it the Cenozoic:

[Cenozoic, the era ushered in a new life, all kinds of animals exploded, the first batch of marine animals appeared, species flourished, and the heroes competed for beauty. Vertebrates were born, and they were defeated by their dexterity. The vertebrates became the overlords of the Cenozoic period, crawled out of the ocean, and will rule a long era! 】

After Xu Zhi finished writing everything, he silently closed the book.

The eras on earth are Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian

The eras of Xu Zhi are Anwu, Guangwu, and Cenozoic.

"It's so fast, I slept all night, the spores are about to leave the ocean and evolve terrestrial species."

Xu Zhi suddenly frowned, "However, to evolve intelligent creatures, I don't know how many long epochs it will take. Now that the ecosystem has appeared, it's not as good as me."

"Do something?"

He played with his heart, looked at his fingers, and wanted to cut his hand and drip blood into it, so that some species could absorb genes and quickly evolve into human-like intelligent creatures

In the sand table ocean in the orchard yard, the beautiful mermaid Naga clan appeared?

On the sandpan mountains and rivers in the yard of the orchard, the strong wise ape Taishan family appeared?

"It's very exciting to think about it, a miniature sandbox world in the yard."

However, he rejected it again, and some resisted using people as experiments to evolve intelligent species. "Remember that there is a zoo outside the urban area, and secretly get a few orangutan furs, get some genetic templates, and do something."

He went straight out.

A few hours later, Xu Zhi entered the zoo, surrounded by couples showing their love in pairs, or a family of three, parents showing their love and bringing their children to the zoo to play.

He is a single dog, very eye-catching.

After all, who comes to the zoo alone to see monkeys? It's easy to be seen as a monkey.

A family of three whispered secretly.

"Dad, look at this uncle. He's bald, he looks so strong!"

"Don't talk about people like that. He is bald and doesn't look strong. He is probably sick, otherwise he would not be so old. A seriously ill patient comes to the zoo alone, no matter how you think about it, he is a pitiful person without anyone to accompany him."

Xu Zhi is a young man in his early twenties, the strong side effects of chemotherapy are obvious, he is too old, and his hair is thin, but he is pitiful.

He was quite pitiful before, but now he's having a good time, and evolving species is pretty cool.

"Hehe, believe it or not, this bald young man evolved a long black hair the next day, modified evolutionary genes, cured cancer, and regained his youth?"

"But I don't believe it myself. Evolution is too slow. My orchard is still in the ocean and land of the Paleozoic Era." He studied in the orangutan garden for a while. Simply and rudely, he said that he was a medical student at a nearby university. He had a research topic handed over by his supervisor, and he needed orangutan blood to write a graduate thesis.

"The young man said that you are a laboratory assistant, a top student, and knowledgeable. I believe it." The uncle looked at Xu Zhi's thinning hair with a look of embarrassment and pity, "But it is impossible for me to raise orangutan blood. It was raised by me, I treat it like a son, even if you threaten me, give me money, or bribe my leader, I can't."

"A tube of blood."

Xu Zhi took out three thousand yuan and put it on the table.

The uncle of the administrator has sharp eyes. This is his salary for a month. He couldn't help jumping up and said, "Just take one tube of blood? I can take a few more tubes."

"Brother, I only need one tube."

Xu Zhi laughed.

He rubbed his palms and rubbed the sparse hair on his bald head, smiling like a demon that induces depravity, "Don't worry, I won't tell your leader, if it is possible, we will cooperate in the future. The blood of the peacock and the white crane are very interesting."

"Okay, okay." Uncle rubbed his palms excitedly, "It's a very meaningful thing to support college students to study biological topics."

After a while, Xu Zhi left calmly.

After taking care of the orchard by himself, he would not enjoy the remaining hundreds of thousands of savings. As long as he was not rich in a short period of time, he would not be able to use it up.

He is rich and powerful, and his baldness is getting stronger! Already have the ability to make money, it is so arrogant!

Then he thought about it, and on the side of the road, he picked up some termites that he just saw. After all, ant genes are powerful and free.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when he returned to the front of the yard, Xu Zhi was suddenly stopped:

"Hey, are you Xu Zhi??"

Xu Zhi turned her head and looked at the roadside in the countryside, a beautiful girl riding a battery car looked at her.

"I'm Chen Xi, the one who often came to your house when I was a child. I recently saw that the lights in your yard were lit at night, really came back?" The girl couldn't help being surprised, "How did you become like this? It wasn't before. "

Chen Xi?

Xu Zhi remembered a little, "It's because of stomach cancer, hair loss, depression, and chemotherapy."

"How come you have cancer?" She stared at Xu Zhi, and was speechless for a while.

She suddenly said: I was admitted to university last year, and it was also your school

"bless you."

Xu Zhi nodded, only now that she remembered that it was summer vacation, she was here when she went back to her hometown for the vacation.

As soon as the thought passed, Xu Zhi hurriedly went back. After all, he was away for a long time. I don't know, what kind of ghosts have evolved into those Zerg species with extremely terrifying reproductive power!

He was quite desperate before.

Silently waiting for death, and now the boring life has become unknown and interesting.

He's so hilarious now!

Breeding species and creating life is like taking drugs, and you can still entertain yourself.

"You're leaving." Chen Xi didn't stop her, it was a little complicated.

Pressing her lips, she looked at the idol she had always wanted to catch up with, and it was obvious that she was running away. The current optimism is all fake.

After all, it's bald!

He's bald! !

This rare amount of hair is painful to think about!

Chen Xi suddenly felt that the dream he had been chasing had collapsed, but he could still be friends, and shouted from a distance, "Hey! Come to my house to play if you have time, and you can come and discuss with us if you have anything."

Xu Zhi's head hurts.

Why is everyone staring at my head, making a sad expression of nostalgia, I have said that the sequelae of chemotherapy are normal operations, okay?

Even if the cancer is not cured, now the chemotherapy is stopped, and gradually recovering, the hair will still grow!

"Hehe, it's time to evolve a powerful species without long hair, and let them taste the terrifying power of baldness!" Xu Zhi scratched his head, returned to the yard, and looked at the pond.

At this moment, another half day has passed.

After the species climbed onto the land, the extremely terrifying speed of reproduction covered almost the entire 100-acre miniature sand table. The mountains and rivers were full of greenery, the plains were also covered with strange-shaped trees, and there were animals swimming in the rivers.

"There are also fish in freshwater, and marine fish have left saltwater and developed into freshwater rivers."

"They have only evolved for ten days, and they have gone from a single cell to this level of complexity and multicellularity. They have achieved biodiversity and evolved an ecological world. It is simply a terrifying speed of reproduction and evolution."

This is already a small sand table ecological world. If the insect nests limit the breeding range and cannot go out, I am afraid that species will invade the earth.

"Then, let me now start to randomly select a lucky person, carry out the genocide treatment, add the genes of orangutans and ants, and they will be born again and become a Paleozoic ancient insect and ape family in my sand table in the yard. "

Wearing blue plastic shoe covers, Xu Zhi walked into this huge 100-acre experimental field. Along the way, he did not know how many green trees and animals the size of ants had been trampled to death.

He didn't care either.

"This is natural selection, survival of the fittest, and being trampled to death by me can only mean that you are unlucky and eliminated by nature." He crouched down and silently looked at each species, "Select the one with the most potential to evolve. An intelligent ape."

He thought about it and added.

"Well, preferably bald."

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