The sky rolled with lead clouds, and a heavy wave of air swayed.

Two terrifying existences at the level of the gods, fighting frantically, the surrounding buildings are blurred, building boats, lanterns, ornaments, teahouses

Overwhelming, the whole world turned into a heavy haze and black, Mengmei took the little fox and had already retreated from the center.

In the center of the entire storm, the only sound thing was the tea table in the center, and the dull Bai Xiaosheng was sitting on a chair eating something and holding a book.

This kind of power is controlled so delicately that it is necessary to smash the opponent without hurting the opponent.

"My God! In order to grab the nerd, are the two worlds going to start a war in advance!"

The little fox Hu Haihan was shocked, his face full of disbelief, and he was frightened.

Two extraordinary worlds, once they go to war, they will definitely stand in the camp of the ancient world, and a supreme god who fights will definitely become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and both sides paid such a huge price, just to grab this nerd?

Mengmei looked at her apprentice and felt that this guy didn't look like a fox spirit.

Aren't all fox spirits shrewd and cunning?

Are you protecting yourself too well? Maybe she has to stock up on time and let her go out to practice on her own.

However, Mengmei is reluctant, afraid that the girl she has worked so hard to raise will be secretly arched by which pig, so she must not be distressed to death? So I have been holding it in my hand and protecting it, treating it as a flower in the greenhouse. Sure enough, raising a male disciple is wild, and it is fine to throw it out to be a beggar. Adopting a female disciple is like raising a daughter. It's really hard for me! !

"Flower of Death!"

Medusa smiled, raised his hand, and held a delicate black staff. This wizard was extremely elegant. A dark red flower spun out, which was many times more exquisite than it was a thousand years ago.

Taoism and sorcery are originally spells, and they have similarities when they reach the esoteric level. Medusa's sorcery has already reached an extremely esoteric height, even comparable to Di Qi, who has assembled a great system.

Although she is only a clone, her combat power is terrifying.

""Da Zhou Si Xing", the world in the book."

As soon as Hu Rennong stretched out his hand, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and a magnificent palace appeared.

"Who is below! Still not registered!?"

Hu Rennong had already put on the black official uniform of the prime minister, and his coercion was astonishing, and he strode forward.

In the blink of an eye, he sat on a high official position to interrogate prisoners. He was already surrounded by civil and military officials, all of whom were strong. This was the supreme court of punishment in Da Zhou. He was in charge of the trial of prison cases. .

Medusa was already standing in the hall, like a prisoner on trial.

"When the Prime Minister is here, why don't you kneel down quickly!?"

A high-ranking court official shouted loudly, and stood up suddenly, his Confucianism was astonishing, and it turned into a heavy coercion.

This is the domain of Confucianism.

Taking the punishment hall in the world of the book into reality, attack and kill.

The world in the book is mourned by others and formed by gathering the will of all living beings, and "Da Zhou Si Xing" was cast by the Prime Minister Hu Rennong. People from all over the world, ordinary people in Da Zhou, and private schools since childhood, all require memorization. If there is any handed down article in the world The most extensive is this penal book.

"Okay, you are a Hu Rennong! If you are mentally unstable, I'm afraid you will be frightened!"

Medusa laughed and couldn't help but praise: "This is Confucianism and Taoism? A country's luck, gathering the power of all beings in the world, is indeed powerful, and it has surpassed the simple incense application of the Western Era."

"If you don't cultivate your own body and cultivate all beings in the world, there are indeed infinite possibilities. It is a very terrifying road system. Now the Great Zhou court has only tens of millions of people. What if there are hundreds of millions? Billions, tens of billions? Endless creatures Incense may be able to condense the virtual into reality and evolve the real world in a book."

In the court hall, Hu Rennong sat on a high place without saying a word, and beside a minister with anger on his face, announcing the decree, "Article 72 of the punishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty! Those who dare to be disobedient to the minister and do not kneel will be sentenced to more than three years and less than ten years. Punishment!"


Shackles, shackles, wooden sticks, iron irons, and shackles flew rapidly throughout the hall.

"The Great Zhou Dynasty, do you know who I am? You dare to judge a demon god from another world?!"

She strode forward and looked at the ministers around her, her face flushed with excitement, and she smiled while touching her palms, "You are so bold and interesting, and you torture instruments, I look so cruel, so cruel."

She suddenly tyrannized the bright red strong aura Man Yan, soaring into the sky, arrogant to the extreme, her face was slightly red, "I look at it, I really want to give it a try!"

Hu Rennong's scalp was numb, worthy of being a demon, "She is a wizard, and she attacked at close range."

A high-ranking court official immediately obeyed the order.


She had a smile on her face, she was obviously an old woman who had lived for more than two thousand years, but she liked to dress like a girl, and she still loved beauty, but at this moment, she suddenly dropped the wizard's staff, and suddenly eight arms were born under her ribs, waving them. With delicate white pink fists,

"I came to this world and now I have practiced martial arts. My Cthulhu body has imitated the real body of Zuwu, and I have started two major systems of fellow practitioners."

With her eight arms, she slowly made a fighting posture, hooked her hands,

"Look at Ronghua as fast as a blink of an eye, and even faster like a dream in life. You are really a scholar who is full of knowledge and talent. I like it! I like it very much! I prefer to beat you to death and smash you into flesh with one punch!"


She waved her eight arms, and in an instant, her fighting skills were exquisite and unparalleled. The eight arms turned into fists, palms, and fingers. The ministers of the world in the book were smashed to blood.

Mengmei: ? ? ?

Xu Zhi: ? ? ?

He looked at Medusa, who was smashing people with eight arms wildly, and was shocked on the spot!

You have changed!

Damn, you're one of the last traditional wizards who dropped his staff and punched people?

Look at the little phoenix, he is also a fellow practitioner of Taoism. He cultivated the real body of Pangu and gave up those eight arms. He felt that it was too ugly, so he did not go to the close-quarters fighting route. As a result, you are a wizard, but you are very interested in learning this stuff?

Fortunately, this one still has aesthetics, and the eight arms can be regarded as an alternative beauty, without bulging the muscles and turning into a muscle wizard, otherwise it will be really hot!

"Sure enough, I like to punch to the flesh, which is the romance of this one."

Xu Zhi sat in the center with a speechless face, watching the fight between the two top heavenly emperors, one after another admirable energy vortex swirling and erupted, and then bypassed his body.

After all, he is only rank six.

How huge is the difference in one level?

Under the Heavenly Emperor, it can be killed with just a single blow.

At this moment, Xu Zhi watched the battle between the two Heavenly Emperors in his sand table, which was also a huge and rare opportunity for him. After all, his real realm was only sixth-order.

"This is the collision of two systems"

Xu Zhi lowered his eyes and sat in the center, silently sensing the two Heavenly Emperors who were fighting frantically, constantly experiencing their power flow routes.

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