After waiting for so long, Xu Zhi is now beginning to integrate into the first gene.

He skipped the gene of Gilgamesh before, and didn't want that kind of brute force. Although it was powerful, it was far stronger than the witch's power at this stage, but it was relatively monotonous and not very practical.

Witchcraft is different. He is still looking forward to this kind of strange spiritual power.

In particular, the unique charm ability of the evil eye is very useful in modern society.

He clearly understood that the power of the witch is far inferior to Gilgamesh, but the potential for diversity in the future development is far beyond him.

A mechanical voice came from the vice brain of the worm nest:

"Is it integrated into the evil eye gene?"


Xu Zhi took a deep breath and his face was solemn.

A mechanical voice came from the vice brain of the worm nest:

"It's merging, please get ready!"

Xu Zhi didn't hesitate and returned to the bed, only to feel a sharp tearing pain.

Undoubtedly, that sand sculpture player Qiu Mingshan really made a great contribution!

He evolved an evil eye creature in the sand table, and the evil eye became the cornerstone of the extraordinary wizard civilization. On the basis of the evil eye gene, they made various witchcraft and spiritual meditation methods.

It can even become the witch Circe in charge of chaotic sex and curses, a tentacle helper for self-comfort, which is extremely useful.

And now, Xu Zhi has also integrated this evil eye gene into himself.

"Qiu Mingshan Speed" has indeed opened up a new era of civilization. Xu Zhi has already considered the sand sculpture player to cross out a small notebook record that he offended himself.

It worked.

After a full half an hour, Xu Zhi stood up silently, feeling that his spirit became extremely strong and a little violent.

The gene chain is tuned out:

1. Human genes (cancer cells)

2. Evil Eye Gene

3. Empty

4. Empty

5. Empty

"Is this a side effect of the evil eye? One can't help but give birth to a dark emotional side."

Xu Zhi stabilized his mind silently, and felt a little headache. He couldn't help but give birth to many dark thoughts, rushing in, doing evil, wanting to indulge and pour out.

He somewhat understood how Circe felt.

The anger in his lower abdomen is now so strong that he can't hold it back when he sees a mother.

Then, Xu Zhi Annai settled down and began to practice the meditation method they created.

"Introductory Meditation and Introduction to Wizards."

He crossed his legs, sat quietly on the bed, took a deep breath, and began to enter a state of meditation to feel his spiritual power, but he groped for a while and failed several times, none of which was successful.

He didn't understand the reason for the failure at all, he could only cry silently!

How to do this?

You can't learn without being taught by a wizard.

The other new-born witches had survived the witch ritual and were all taught by the three witches themselves, but he could only grope on his own, and did not dare to ask the three witches in the sandbox. He felt helpless and smiled bitterly in his heart.

"You can only learn by stealing."

Afterwards, he gritted his teeth and studied for a long time before trying to get started.

At this time, after cultivating, he discovered that he had accepted three terrifying mass extinctions of species and the spiritual energy of the death of countless creatures, which made his spiritual power terrifying to the extreme.

"According to this progress, within three days, I'm almost the apprentice of their graded wizards, and I can learn the simplest witchcraft."

He felt silently, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and silently rejoiced in his mind, "In a short while, I will really become a wizard, the first wizard in reality!"

In reality, it is impossible for ordinary people to cultivate.

After all, they didn't have the corresponding genes, and it was Xu Zhi's special evolutionary evil eye genes that allowed him to embark on this path.

Now, as a farmer who farms in his orchard, he is a guinea pig in the sandbox world exploring the extraordinary path of cultivation. He will open up some paths for him to experiment.

How powerful he will be is unknown, but the future is destined to be brilliant.

"On Earth, there has never been a cultivation system or extraordinary power, so I'll take it step by step in the orchard yard and deduce it step by step." Xu Zhi smiled and appeared calm.

He sorted out his thoughts and development plans, "Next, I will take the opportunity to put in some extraordinary species to completely improve the wizard civilization in the sandbox world."

Now the big-eyed monster of the sand sculpture player "Qiu Mingshan Speed" has developed so many surprises, but what about other extraordinary species?

What will appear, he is looking forward to it!

Early the next morning, at six o'clock, Xu Zhi glanced at the big sand table. After more than 50 years, many things broke out in the sand table, which caused Xu Zhi's complexion to be a little wrong and complicated.

146 years of the Babylonian kingdom.

The two guardian gods of Babylon found traces of the evil church of Circi in the depths of the Balchik Mountains.

154 years of the Babylonian kingdom.

Kassandra's ecstatic sound came from the palace of the Babylonian king and floated to the mountains and rivers.

"So it is! It is so!! This is the wonderful reaction of fusion and equal replacement, this is the truth, one quality pleases the other, one overcomes the other, and one dominates the other. quality!"

The witch of spring, Kassandra, in charge of the medicine and shepherding of mysticism, led the Babylonian court wizards, and finally researched a lot of pharmacology, and the initial prototype of alchemy appeared.

She has developed a "witch-compatible potion", which can greatly reduce the rejection of the evil eye gene and people, and reduce the mortality rate, so that more witches will appear. prime.

167 years of the Babylonian kingdom.

The two witches heard of Circe's trail and went to chase them down, but returned without success.

In the same year, the two witches showed signs of aging, and they were shocked.

Babylonian Kingdom 171 years.

Cassandra, according to the ancient history "Genesis", successfully restored the longevity potion developed by Gilgamesh, so as to prolong her life.

Kingdom of Babylon 198.

The two witches have been eroded by time and have lived for two hundred and forty-three years. At this time, they are about to die.

The magnificent palace of the Babylonian kings.

On the huge flat stone square, the faint golden sunlight shone down, and the two majestic and majestic black carriages of the Allah beast stopped, and two beautiful women with ancient crutches came down, still young and beautiful, no less than in the past.

That is youth preserved by witchcraft, and the fate of decay cannot be avoided.

The magnificent flat stone square is a temple built by the Babylonian kingdom to commemorate the great god of wisdom, Hermes. The god is a magnificent and perfect man without a face. A black three-eyed raven stands on his shoulders, overlooking distance.

There is an ancient stone wall next to it to record the history.

The great Mercury, the god of the sky incarnated as a three-eyed strange black crow, had a dialogue with the people on the earth, and granted the Babylonians three-fold wisdom knowledge, meditation, witchcraft, and alchemy. The god of wisdom was later called the three-fold great Hel. Mercury, the god of Thoth.

"Mercury, the great god of wisdom, we have come to see you again."

Before the temple, the two legendary witches who opened up an era were about to die. They stopped in tears with tears in their eyes.

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