Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 362: Tracing the Origin of Humanity (2 in 1 5000 words)

In the blink of an eye outside, the underground lava world has entered a period of industrial development. Black and white TVs, telephones, and even cars, the entire human society, gradually entered the deep steel forest of high-rise buildings.

Xu Zhi is still in the secret base laboratory.

"No matter what, they have developed thoroughly." Xu Zhi sat quietly at the desk in the base laboratory, on a white bench, with a window behind him, looking at the detailed and thorough investigation reports.

In the office in front of him, like an army, stood 37 black plush monsters with a black square system chip attached to the back of their necks, and experimental assistants in white coats.

"These created block system assistants should be recycled. The Creation God Base Laboratory should be destroyed now. After all, there is no need to exist anymore."


Xu Zhi stretched out his hand, a breeze swept through, and pieces of black system chips were quickly recovered and entered into Xu Zhi's black space ring.


These plush beasts in front of them quickly collapsed backwards, slamming on the ground and making a muffled sound. Because they were attached for too long, they directly turned into brain-dead beasts. As tool beasts, they also successfully ended their lives.

"It's starting, a brand new civilization, I will do my best to build a foundation for you with all the previous world heritage, let me see how exaggerated you are!!"


Xu Zhi strode out of the laboratory, and there was an explosion behind him. A huge river of lava fell from the sky, covering the entire laboratory. In the beautiful bright red fireworks, the entire laboratory was destroyed.

Except for the era when he opened up the lava land, he is no longer the main body.

After all, these days, the last third avatar image was successfully condensed. Sitting in the office, like a dumb statue, he occasionally came over, opened his eyes, and checked the research results.

The mirror avatar has no self-awareness, but it is convenient for action to come, and a fixed point transmits coordinates.

"However, it is said that it is the initial development of a world. It has only been in the past 100 years, and it has almost caught up with the development of the earth's civilization to the medieval era. It is not long in the beginning!" Xu Zhi strode. Go, dressed in black delicate wizard robes.

The technology side is indeed terribly faster than the extraordinary side.

After all, on the extraordinary side, the power system needs to be constantly deduced. It is the running-in of the body, which needs to be perfected from generation to generation, and even if you officially start training, you have to become a seventh-order emperor. Even if the talent is excellent, it usually takes more than two hundred years. time.

And the development of scientific and technological civilization does not need it!

As long as you have a smart enough brain, super-fast computing power, and various external materials and conditions, you can madly advance the technology tree and create more terrifying modern technology weapons!

However, Xu Zhi didn't want to pay attention to them, but waited quietly.

"They developed their technology, and I studied my own. The last research project of the institute was completed now." Xu Zhi lowered his head slightly, looking at a dark red octahedral prism in his hand, "My last project The subject item is how to seize a system."

Xu Zhi is still very interested in this project.

Trying to be a silicon-based life, until now, the project is completely complete.

"It can already be integrated into this mirror avatar." Xu Zhi looked serious.

What is a mirror image?

The mirror image is a real body, and it is a kind of Zuwu's real body.

Ordinary ancestral witch real body, out of thin air, grow eight arms and other dharma signs, become tall and mighty, and increase in size countless times, but the mirror image clone detaches the extra arms and body-shaped flesh and turns into a human shape

Of course, the size of this mirror miniature is like a pimple detached from Xu Zhi, even smaller.

Then, since the mirror image has a real entity, a flesh-and-blood body, it can naturally transform itself, replacing the flesh-and-blood brain inside with a crystal.

Boom! !

The space opened wide, and the light of the teleportation array flickered.

"You have to change your mind."

At this time, a vast giant appeared, stepping on the giant trees.

The young man in a black coat took out his pony and sat down, looked at the mirror image of his little ant, took out a scalpel smaller than a needle, slowly bent over, and performed a craniotomy on himself.

"I reinvent myself."

three days later.

The mirror opened its eyes.

In front of you is a light blue system layout, Recycle Bin, My Computer.

He tested it and it was fine.

"Although it was transplanted in, the talent itself is not my own. If this mirror image dies, it will not be reborn again." Xu Zhi's body returned, and the mirror image was very interested. computer programming.

on the computer desktop.

In less than three days, greedy snakes, minesweepers, and some landlords, chess and Go appeared quickly.

Don't ask Xu Zhi why he understands computer programming, C language and the like, because Hermes, the god of wisdom, is a tool for reading, has no self-IQ, and is crazy to study.

After playing two games of Fighting the Landlords, he was immediately satisfied with this new brain. Xu Zhi embarked on the journey safely. He was not in a hurry to stop them, and took a look at their future.

"How far will technological civilization develop?"

One hundred and thirty-one years of the Empire.

Levi's Octagon Building.

This is the city of science and technology - Mocha City, and in the distance is a hot lava river, emitting golden light, illuminating the entire technology city, and providing power generation, making the entire city form a very magical mechanical steam urban style .

On the ground, some motorcycles have appeared.

There are even beasts dressed in exaggerated fashion, racing wildly and chasing in the streets.

"What will this beautiful world be like in the era after my death? Will it stand still?" He leaned on crutches and murmured, extremely worried, he never thought he would be so smart, alone It has promoted the great development of human civilization.

Levi's is thirty-two years old, and has been awarded too many awards and medals, and even has the highest lifetime glory of the two major human empires, the Royal Professor, the Supreme Dean of the Academy of Science and Technology, and the Great Sage of Humanity.

But in this human empire world with an average life expectancy of thirty years, no matter what high position he is in, he is already a white-haired old man, leaning on a cane, standing tremblingly in the laboratory.

He clearly knew that his life was about to end.

He suddenly felt a little emotional, and counted the ups and downs in his life.

Born in a slum, he was beaten and scolded in his childhood, and he secretly taught himself research knowledge. Finally, he was discovered by the eldest lady who came to the Weiss family by chance, and provided funds to set up the Electric Power Research Institute in the Mikia Ranch.

In the end, he lived up to expectations when he discovered electricity at the age of seven and used it, so he was sponsored by numerous funders and capitalists. Later, capitalists from the East and the West all helped and established Levi's Electric Power Company.

Even now, it has developed into the largest consortium of the eastern and western human empires, with the world's top technology, medical care, wealth, and secret technology even leading the folks for a full 30 years!

"My life seems to be brilliant enough."

He turned back and sat in the chair calmly, with all the shareholders and congressmen in his mind, while you are fighting for me, you are going to quickly divide up his inheritance and dismantle Levi's Co., Ltd. after his death.

The company exists because of him.

When he died, he naturally lost his core competitiveness. Dividing wealth was the best choice, which was also the standard practice of businessmen.

Even the entire Levi's company itself is not in his hands. The wealth, share rights, and decision-making power are all in the hands of shareholders. From beginning to end, he is just a scientist controlled by capital.

He wanted to get rid of it, but it was difficult to get rid of it.

"That's the ugliness of human beings."

He just smiled, this white-haired old man in a dignified black suit, slowly came to the roof, sitting on the newly developed small steam plane, standing tall and straight, galloping in the air, overlooking the flow of people coming and going under the street,

"I'm not afraid of death, my life is too tired, and I don't enjoy happiness. I'm doing research in the laboratory. Maybe it's good to end like this, but I feel a little nostalgic for you. I'm afraid that my lifelong efforts and research will not get good results. Application. I also want to see how far the scientific and technological civilization of human society can develop in the future. Wisdom is really the most powerful force of mankind."


A man behind him couldn't help but look at the old man bitterly.

This is called the man closest to God!

The so-called traveler from the future, Levi, learned the languages ​​of the two major human empires at the age of one, invented electricity at the age of seven, and AC at the age of twelve.

This is the era of rapid technological advancement!

This is also a brilliant technology era that belongs to only one person!

It is difficult for him to imagine how the technology of human society in the future will stagnate after his teacher dies.

Even if the teacher has left many research institutes, even after death, it can still operate normally for the benefit of mankind, and even set up the "Levi's Award", but those hateful capitalists will directly divide up the Levi's consortium after the teacher's death. All research institutes , will fall apart!

This is the sadness of scholars.

It is also human greed that hinders the progress of society, they only focus on the present and do not consider the future of future generations.

"It would be great if I gave the teacher a young body and lived a lifetime!" Several research assistants behind him couldn't help but smile bitterly. They were wearing white lab coats and looked at the old man overlooking the whole city.

This god-like old man has a brain comparable to that of a god.

"Give me another young body?"

Reeves was shocked, lowered his head and returned to the seat of the plane, looking at the perspective view of the brain that he had been watching for a long time, "If it is an ordinary person's mind, modern technology will never succeed, but"

Another year.

Levi's is dedicated to research in the medical field, craniotomy.

On July 14th, a secret operation that even major shareholders did not know started. In front of the hospital's operating table full of disinfectant, a white light shone down. An old man lay peacefully on the operating table, surrounded by young assistants. , holding a scalpel.

"I want to live a second life and transplant a body, which is equivalent to some kind of head transplant operation. Is it possible? Can modern medical technology achieve it? If it can be done, then our technology can touch immortality."


With a crisp sound, the white light slowly shone down.

With the injection of the anesthesia needle, Levi's gradually lost consciousness, "I'm not sure whether it can be successful or not. The premise of all this success is that my brain is really the pineal gland, and transplanting a flesh-and-blood brain is currently impossible. of."

This moment was the closest to death in Levi's life.

In the blurry white light, his mind seemed to be like a revolving lantern, flashing scenes of life experiences, time was going backwards, and in a trance, he actually saw his whole life.

A young man who enjoys the glory of the world, holds a trophy and enjoys the cheers of the crowd.

A chasing boy who studies electricity in the ranch

Poor childhood in the slums.

He originally thought that this was the stop, but a strange scene appeared in his mind, a human slave, oppressed by the mine lord, digging minerals in the dark mine.

"That's... my father?"

"How can I see my father's memory?"

In his daze, he read his father's memory and saw the first half of his life when his father gave birth to him, like a revolving lantern.

When he thought that his father was over, he saw his grandfather again. Next, Levi saw his ancestors one by one, and finally, saw the ancestors' memories of his own line of human beings.

Levi shivered.

He saw it all with his own eyes, it was incredible.

In fact, the characteristics of silicon-based life are "inherited", and the chip brain is different from the flesh and blood brain, which has led to the accumulation of fragments of ancestors' memories from generation to generation, allowing him to go back a long time.

"Who am I?"

"What the hell am I?"

In the whiteness, Levi couldn't help but ask himself.

"I have a fast thinking, I have a terrible intelligence, I have an incredible hyper-amnesia, I can remember every time period of every day for one or two years old, and even the memories of my ancestors are now remembered by me."

"Ordinary people will have a revolving lantern before they die. My revolving lantern can see the genetic memory left by my father and ancestors from generation to generation"

He fell into a daze, and unparalleled fear and shock.

This is unknown and scary.

He suddenly felt that he was very terrifying, and even he and humans were not the same species at all, just like the gap between orangutans and humans.

"But perhaps, this scene can confirm the theory of evolution!"

"That's the history of mankind! Humans of our lineage have witnessed the entire historical changes."

He breathed quickly, looking at the pictures around him, his father's memory, his grandfather's memory, as if walking around in the memory corridor, striding forward, "This is an opportunity! I don't know why this kind of unscientific idea is produced. Supernatural phenomenon. But any so-called unscientific, it is impossible to explain by today's science, but this is a good opportunity, I want to go back to ancient times! Find the most ancient memories of human beings in this land!"

The Theory of the Evolution of Species, which I wrote seven years ago.

All kinds of plants and animals are suitable for the place, the fittest survive, and evolution was born. He once inspected the same beetle in two woods and found that they changed colors because of different environments.

The theory of evolution has a scientific basis, and it is the basis he obtained with big data, natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the whole earth's creatures are evolving, transforming, and mutating.

"I'm proving science!"

He saw the times go backwards.

one of their own ancestors.

Time is going backwards, and modern people who walk upright are gradually becoming dwarfed and turned into Homo erectus.

It was a being that was shorter than a human being, with an average height of only 1.4 meters, and had huge fists.

He saw the ape-man again. It was an era when people had not lost their hair. They liked to live in lava caves in the desert and like to barbecue. It was the era of slash-and-burn farming.

His ancestor was a majestic plush ape-man.

He saw those terrifying giant beasts again, and the slaughter that moved mountains and reclaimed seas seemed to be flying in the sky, and ancient humans were trembling, so they could only hide further to avoid being affected.

"This is the origin! Those terrifying unknown beings"

Reeves was stunned. On the operating table, the old man who had been craniotomy was excited and shocked with tears streaming down his face.

"Brain waves are abnormal! It seems to be dreaming, and the brain is thinking!"

"Tears! Who can tell me! How can you shed tears!! Did you touch the relevant nerve position with your knife!?"

"Remember it! We can't fail, Mr. Reeves, his scientific spirit! Godlike wisdom! Will determine the future of our humanity!"

On the operating table, the lights were on, and the doctor in the white coat walked back and forth, making his voice more and more urgent.

Levi's is still in the corridor of memory, striding forward.

He is like a pilgrim in ancient times, firm and steady, his steps are tracing the ancient times and years, witnessing the rolling historical wheel.

He wants to see the glory of the original human origin in the history of evolution!

"The origin of man, man evolved from orangutan, and constantly transformed into apes and erect apes, and there are today's modern humans.

So what kind of life did the orangutan evolve? Is it a reptile? Is it an amphibian? We are vertebrates, the origin of life, is the common ancestor of vertebrate life fish? "

Levi's became more and more excited. In reality, the body of the operating table was completely convulsed and twitched because of the excitement.

"The operation is abnormal!"

"Impossible! We have simulated experiments many times! Mr. Levi's consciousness, his mind, is indeed completely integrated into the pineal body!"


"Is the experiment terminated!?"

"It is impossible to terminate! How can it be terminated! All continue for me, continue for me!!"

The person in charge was roaring loudly, the lips under the white mask were shaking, and the hand holding the knife was shaking.

The surrounding screams sounded one after another.

People on the operating table came and went, nervous to the limit, and the air was filled with a stalemate atmosphere.

And Levi's no longer cares about this, because he saw a terrifying scene along with the rewinding of time! !

It was a golden desert land, covered with gravel, and a mysterious young man in a delicate black robe stood by the lava river, holding two baby orangutans in both hands, bathed in the golden lava, like a god.

He held up these two crying babies, as if they were holding up the splendor of the whole world, sacred, glorious, and vast, like the murals of the gods of ancient religions.

Suddenly, this mysterious young man spoke an incomprehensible divine word.

It seems to be praising the future of the two orangutan babies and giving them blessings.

Under the incomparable shock of Levis, he had already heard the voice of the great god speak softly:

"Finally got it out, you can relax tonight and go out and play two hearthstones with the sand sculptures from the wizarding community!"

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