Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 378 New Internal Test Announcement

With the experience of being brain supplemented many times, Xu Zhi has already achieved their brain supplement at this time.

They will use the hearthstone in their words to find themselves, a god hidden in the crowd, which is likely to happen. However, they cannot find themselves at all.

Vegetables can hide the dazzling light from the crowd.

In fact, this is also the characteristic of this group of players:

As long as there is a loophole, they don't think it is a loophole!

How can there be such simple loopholes and flaws in this game that transcends eras and surpasses human imagination?

It must be meaningful!

All they have to do is to dig out the potentially huge secret!

They have fallen deeply into the trap that they have woven for themselves, and cannot extricate themselves. After some deep thought, Xu Zhi finally cut off the plan to let new players in immediately.

He felt that he was already a mature god of creation.

At the beginning, he was maddened by this group of people, and he also felt very confused. Exaggerated brain supplements, exaggerated characters that build nihilistic history, and are strangled in the cradle!

"Don't be in a hurry to put it in. Wait a day or two."

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while, and continued to lay out and build a budding extraordinary sand table. In one or two days, it was enough for the Ishdar people to develop rapidly for a while.

Let civilization take off completely.

The speed of technological development is a geometric leap, terribly fast.

"And in the past two days, since the new lava world has opened, a large number of extraordinary potential species will inevitably be needed in the future, and the vast world that is a hundred times larger! I have to plan ahead. During this period of time, take the opportunity to Let's open a closed beta, and let some new players who have been prepared for a long time come in to prepare for the future lava world. Once Caroline has really done what I expect, and the time is right, it may be their turn to play ."

After a few thoughts, Xu Zhi made a decision - the sixth internal test.

Xu Zhi looked at the wizarding world.

With the birth of those grotesques and killing each other, a group of top-notch beings have gradually been born, and even some monsters already have the terrifying combat power of the Heavenly Emperor, and the disaster is still magnifying.

Times are still brewing disaster.

"There is no perfection in the world, cute girl. You should have thought of it long ago. It is common sense in the world that there is good and evil in people's hearts."

After a few glances, Xu Zhi gradually retracted his gaze.

He was sitting on a chair in the orchard. The scorching sun in the countryside was still bright and the trees were lush. He watched the little ants who were working hard to evolve in front of him. Taking advantage of this noon time, he made an announcement.

"Okay, release a new version update!"

In the entire spore evolution sand table, a new prompt announcement came:

[The internal beta version 0.6 of "Spore Evolution" is officially updated and launched. 】

1. Thirty people will be opened for the internal test again, and the maximum number of people online in the game can be up to 270.

2. The internal test quota is still in the form of biological papers.

3. The final elimination system is still implemented. In this sixth test, the last 80 players will be eliminated from the 240 players in the previous phase. The specific number of players to be eliminated is .

4. The wizard community will expand to 500 people, which will soon be expanded to 1500 characters.

In an instant, the entire forum network was boiling again.

"Wow! Updated!"

"I'm going to come in the cute little Mengxin again. I don't know what kind of scary boss this time?"

"Woooooo, I'm going to be cold, I'm eliminated!"

"I'm going offline, go out and see everyone's reaction!"

"Hahaha, I'm going to post as soon as possible! Tips for getting started with cute newbies! Build the image of Big Brother!"

"Wow, hahaha! It's getting more intense every year. I've seen the baldness of the newbies!"

Xu Zhi was sitting on a chair, as the most popular character in the game, the background wall of the game, looking down at the little ants in the distance, discussing with each other.

With the optimization of games from generation to generation, they have been able to receive information from the outside, so as not to miss the important things in reality when playing games. Until now, it can be regarded as a real virtual reality immersive "online game".

Some people rejoice and some cry.

But Huanxi just welcomes Xiaomengxin, and many people are crying because they are leaving.

Xu Zhi sat on the chair, nibbling on a red apple, "Zerg vice brain, give me a little more care this time, don't make oolongs again."

"Seasoning species, some tasteless papers, should I also include it?" asked the Zerg vice brain.

"As long as there is potential! Special papers, show me! Don't look down on seasonings and food." Xu Zhi held his hands, "I am not here to satisfy my personal desires, but for the sake of the world, to be rich and diverse In the transformed food world, our Zerg is no longer a violent race with only combat power, no combat power, as long as it is special, interesting, potential, delicious, all of it!"

"Okay, Zerg Queen." A voice came from the Zerg vice brain.

Xu Zhi's actions were very resolute, and he released an update reminder at noon, telling everyone that our game is going to be tested again, and he will submit the paper to me today.

Very unconventional play.

Moreover, according to the old rules, the review will be completed in the early morning of tomorrow, and it will be directly put into the first test for new players.

If it was a normal game planning team, it would have been sprayed so much that parents would not recognize it, but now, everyone has long been accustomed to the planning team's uneasy routines.

"Hahaha! I used to have one day to submit a paper, but now, I don't even have a day! But am I afraid!? Cantonese people are not afraid! Food species! We are the strongest!! We have been waiting for this moment. The thirst is unbearable! The sand sculpture Mumu successfully opened the door to a new world for me last time."

"Cantonese +1, let them see our boredom! Species essays from our gourmet province! Even if they are gods, I will eat them for you! (Pick nose)"

"Mengxin is shivering! This time I meet my opponent!"

"Hahaha! My thesis will definitely break through! (Xieding screenshot.jpg)"

"I rely on (‵o') convexity, the guy above, you can see at a glance that he is a strong competitor! It is our strong competitor! (I admire it below)"

On this day, in just one hour, Xu Zhi received a lot of information on the site, and thousands of papers filled the mailbox. In the next few hours, the number of application papers sent began to gradually decrease.

Obviously, they had already made preparations for this day.

Under the screening of the Zerg vice brain, Xu Zhi also saw some new and powerful new species, and immediately found it fresh and interesting, and the most novel and shocking to Xu Zhi was an article that the Zerg vice brain thought was completely useless. The paper, titled "On the Feasibility of Species Overclocking Thinking Organisms and Controlling Time".

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