This black book has very few handwritings, but what you see from it makes you tremble. This game seems to be more than just sandbox evolution, it's as simple as spore evolution.

They are currently exploring the entire sandbox game and seem to have only explored the tip of the iceberg.

"Too awesome! This game, blow it up, must blow it up!"

"At first, I thought that this kind of sandbox game, although very free, is the weakest part of the background setting, but the background setting of this game is a bit dreadful!"

"Hurry up, the time is up, close the page, the giant boss is back, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it, kill the boss first!"

Someone shouted suddenly.

In the distance, a tall and magnificent giant is slowly approaching.

Xu Zhi came back with the lunch box.

Naturally, he didn't know, he was in a hurry to go out, just happened to be messed up by those sand sculpture players, and secretly read his experimental diary.

These people thought it was a hidden plot, and they were so excited to talk about it, they also made up the background settings of the game world, made up all kinds of things in their brains, and they were already crazy about the game planning.

"Girl Chen Xi's matter has been settled, and the long-distance relationship has been comforted. Now, let's start to test the new species, and my previous account with this fellow Qiu Mingshan, it's time to settle it."

Back in the sandbox.

The miniature mountains and rivers everywhere were silent, and there were no more giants, those strange creatures who ran and screamed.

Obviously, they all took the opportunity to hide on the chairs, preparing to conspire against Xu Zhi.

Xu Zhi didn't care. According to his normal routine, he slowly returned to the chair, opened the lunch box, and started to eat. He wanted to see what they were going to do with themselves.

"Let's look at today's meal first." Xu Zhi sat on the chair and opened the lunch box. As always, the delicious vegetable love dinner, carrots, fried eggs, green vegetables, was very appetizing at first glance.

At this time, suddenly my arm hurts slightly.

It was a group of odd-shaped bugs, biting his arm fiercely, like a mosquito bite.

"So that's the case? The sound of the east and the west?"

Xu Zhi smiled and instantly understood their plan, let the bugs bite him, and while he was fighting bugs, let a highly poisonous species run into his lunch box to poison him.

"Turn down the pain sensation, then blew myself up, using my life to attract my attention, to fight for the time to sneak into the lunch box for the highly poisonous species of 'Qiu Mingshan Speed'." Xu Zhi laughed.

A good strategy, as expected of a group of old players who often play hardcore dungeons, in order to overthrow their giant boss, they formulated the best tactics in an instant.

He showed a faint devilish smile:

"Insect nest vice brain, forcibly increase their five sense perception, just adjust it to 50% pain."

Perception is 100%, that is the real feeling in reality. If you experience death once in the game, in reality, you will also feel the intense pain of that death.

For them to experience true death once, the punishment would be too great. After all, Xu Zhi is not a devil.

But even if only 50% of the feeling of death is enough, after they die once, they will be paralyzed, and the pain will be unbearable, leaving the impression of a lifetime of nightmares.


After forcibly turning up the pain, Xu Zhi naturally killed the bug.

Ahhh! ! !

The player was filmed into a scarlet flesh slime, and there was an instant excruciating pain.

The pain that was comparable to the top ten tortures in ancient times made him scream like a pig, making the players around him horrified.

"Five senses, haven't I adjusted to zero?"

When he quit the game, he took off his VR glasses, sweating profusely all over his body, gasping for breath.

His clothes were soaked with sweat, his muscles twitched wildly, and he fell into a strong spasm, because the feeling and pain of death in that game was so real that he was almost collapsed.

At this time, other players in the game did not know this, and silently gave a thumbs up.

"666! This brother, in order to kill the boss, acted too realistically. When he died, the worm screamed, and his soul was injected!"

"This eldest brother was so enthusiastic when he first went up, so I'll be heroic as well." A player laughed, very proud, "Look at me! I bring my group up, and I will call out more than He's worse and more real!"

"Brother, it's up to you."

"On the first day of our second test, when we get off the 'giant chair copy' to kill the boss, we must have tanks and risk our lives to attract hatred."

The player was praised by the people around him. He was very embarrassed. He quickly climbed out of the chair. He specially lowered the pain to zero. He took his own group and secretly ran to Xu Zhi's arm, imitating the previous one who was just about to be ruthless. Take a hard bite.


He didn't bite down yet, but he slapped it hard.

The monstrous palm is like a five-finger mountain, covering the sky and the moon, and waving it down.

With a slap, it was slapped into a mashed meat.

Ah ah ah! ! ! ! !

It hurts so much! !

The worm let out a heart-piercing, frantic scream again.

This voice is indeed more tragic than the previous one. He seems to have experienced the most tragic painful experience in his life. Listening to this scream, it can make people goosebumps.


"This dear brother is so dead!"

"He did pretend to be more like the last one, and screamed even worse!!"

The people around listened and gasped!

They are so hilarious!

have a look! What is a movie star?

This is!

This buddy did a really good job, it's too real to die!

They couldn't help clapping their hands and applauding. This guy obviously devoted his soul to acting. He really did his best to push the giant boss.

"Brothers, this time, I switched to attracting the hatred of the boss. Both of them screamed. After being shot to death, the screaming was too exaggerated. It was too fake, and the giant boss would also feel wrong. This time, I will Performing tough guy bugs, generous sacrifices, I don't even scream when you kill me!"

Another bug quickly climbed out of the chair and slowly climbed up Xu Zhi's arm, ready to take a bite.


The flesh was blurred and turned into a lump of flesh.

wow ah ah ah! ! ! !

It hurts! !

He let out a more shrill scream than the two of them.

The mourning sound resounded throughout the sky, and it was so miserable that it was fatal, and then cruelly poured the wind oil essence, the pain was indescribable.

"Brother, your way of acting, it's not right!"

"Didn't you talk about taking the image of a tough guy? Why are you so miserable?"

"It is estimated to be a funny comparison, and it is estimated that it will be a contrast in front of us."

Seeing this scene, the people around them shook their heads one after another, and they didn't suspect him, they continued to sit in the corner of the chair, quickly beat the boss, and made a policy.

Accompanied by the three worms attracting monsters and making heroic sacrifices, the "stupid" giant boss was just slapping the worms, but he didn't notice that the delivery chicken, who took the opportunity to sneak up on his trousers, was about to approach the lunch box.

"The next one to attract attention, let me come. I'm not the funny guy just now, let me play the real tough guy bug! When I die, no matter how bloody I am, or my limbs are separated, I will never cry. One sound."


Slap to death.

Whoa whoa whoa! ! ! ! !

It hurts me! !

In an instant, his heart-piercing screams came.

This time, he screamed even more miserably, his hoarse scream cut through the sky, and it hurt to hear it.

"Hum, what about the tough guy bug? The result is really fragrant! But his acting skills are too real, as if he was really filmed into a fleshy mess and experienced inhuman torture in an instant, we must praise it!"



Everyone whispered and talked a lot.

At this time, another player came out. It was the strange five-armed species. His name was "I am a savage thunderbolt, and I want to evolve into a kun." He was quite well-known among players. Seriously, "Brothers, I am the deformed little prince, unlike them, you watch me perform a real tough guy!"

This time, it's really reliable!

The minds of everyone calmed down slightly.

This player has been with everyone for a while, and knows that his character is calm, not the funny ones before, but he is very serious, and he will definitely not lie to everyone. It is estimated that he will show a real tough guy image.

"Look at my wind, Xiao Xiao, and Yi Shuihan, and when the strong man goes, I won't."


Another slap.

Wow wow wow wow! ! ! !

Pain Pain Pain! !

He let out an even louder scream.

His deformed species was photographed with blood and flesh, even his arms were shot off, and even his five deformed arms were crushed into purple sticky eggplants with disgusting black juice, a sticky pool of blood, and even his head and The arms are indistinguishable, and the corpse is miserable.

At the same time, his heart-piercing screams were extremely tragic, and when he heard a group of odd-shaped bug players huddled in the corner, their scalps were numb.

Players: "????"

Is this a tough guy?

It's worse than anyone else. I'm afraid that the boss has some misunderstanding of the tough guy?

The players couldn't help but stunned, and were silent for more than ten seconds.

They suddenly looked at each other and smiled brightly. "I didn't expect this guy to be so serious and make a joke with us. These people, playing a game of shit, if they go to the show, they can get a best actor. It's really a condescending talent."

"That's right, they pretend to be dead, they really look alike!"

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