Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 46 Weird mechanical player

The atmosphere was deadly silent.

At first, everyone thought that this chicken race was a great reward, but now, seeing this scene with his own eyes, his heart could not help shaking violently.

"It's miserable! I never thought that after the boss ate you in the lunch box, he wouldn't poison him, but remember your delicious food."

"Congratulations, brother, you have successfully obtained the initial new race - the chicken on the tip of your tongue, and it has been transferred to a dish. The chicken tastes, crispy, and the protein is eight times that of beef."

"I just pinched my face so beautifully. I pinched it for more than ten minutes, but no matter how beautiful it is, I can eat it, and even make the dishes more beautiful."

"To be honest, I was having supper just now, and I couldn't help bursting out laughing when I saw this scene. Although I felt very pitiful, I couldn't help but let out a roar of laughter like killing a pig!"

"Brother, your first species, the final chicken, is probably abolished"

Listening to the hilarious laughter and ridicule on the forum, Chen Wenshan at this time was completely stunned. Seeing that most of the "chicken to the end" groups were taken away, countless regrets arose in his heart in an instant. I'm fine, let him eat What am I doing? Now remember my taste, come to my race every day to eat.

"I'm afraid this species is not really abolished."

For a time, he was overjoyed.

The realism of the boss is like a real world, and it also has memory ability. It caused a great sensation among the players. Everyone was in a state of excitement, and they were talking about the first evolutionary race that achieved achievements. Become the boss's menu.

Be warned!

Xu Zhi acted very leisurely.

I walked back to my room from the orchard yard, grabbed dozens of chickens the size of quail eggs, went to the kitchen, put them in a basket, washed them, and plucked out their feathers in a couple of times. supper."

It is impossible to say that this species has evolved to be extremely poisonous, and it has to evolve to be delicious. It is indeed a creature created to be delicious after learning professional evolution knowledge.

Xu Zhi believes that this situation is normal:

After all, who farms in the farmland, doesn't go out to pick some green vegetables when they are hungry, and then make them into meals?

This end-of-life chicken is the green vegetables that I grew myself.

Leaving him with a king and eating some of the species he reproduced is already very face-saving.

Xu Zhi simmered the things, added two eggs, smiled calmly, and cooked in the kitchen, "I know this guy, I'll definitely choose option one, I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

Dude, you will be one of my vegetable garden recipes from now on.

It was simmered on low heat for half an hour, and then sprinkled with some chopped green onion, one bite at a time. It was unexpectedly delicious and delicious.

"It seems that they will have to be encouraged to evolve more delicious species in the future." Xu Zhi muttered, in his opinion, it is really good for his stomach to be better at the advanced stage of gastric cancer.

Just finished practicing witchcraft, after taking a bath, a delicious supper is indeed a beautiful pastoral life.

He suddenly frowned, "By the way, how about letting them evolve a plant to grow some kind of delicious vegetables and fruits?"

To be honest, Xu Zhi was sitting at the door of the yard looking at the big sand table, and liked to eat apples, pears, and various fruits. Those days were really beautiful and happy. If they can have more delicious fruits now, then Enough.

"It's not impossible."

Xu Zhi thought about it, and now most players will not choose to evolve into plants. After all, they can't move, which affects the game experience too much.

A more critical problem is that the current players have fallen into a misunderstanding. At the beginning, they all wanted to develop eyes, arms, and movement, but never thought of taking the path of plants that cannot move.

"Perhaps, I should remind them. These people's efforts and resistance to pressure are stronger than I believe. They stay still, take the plant route, and photosynthesis, and they can withstand loneliness." Xu Zhi thought for a while, and secretly logged Before I uploaded it, the game account "Everyone who scolds me is a small notebook", which was created to enter the sandbox, posted a post.

The contents are as follows.

"I've been watching the big guys play games. Why doesn't anyone choose to evolve into plants? After all, there are two major categories in this world, plants and animals. Is there no one who takes the evolutionary route of plants?"

This sentence awakened the dreamer, and for a moment, the players heatedly discussed.

"Fuck, why didn't I think of it! Plants! Plants!"

"Yeah, this is a brand new field. Anyway, I died after fighting the boss. I started to evolve from spores again. I can give it a try and open up an unprecedented world. I decided to study the biological evolution structure of plants overnight. Chlorophyll, photosynthesis, plasmolysis. I'm going to create a perfect plant!"

"Tomorrow there will be an afterlife, to be a tree, standing in an eternal position, without joys and sorrows, half serene in the dust, half flying in the wind, half in the shade, and half in the sun. Very silent, very proud."

Xu Zhi saw that he was satisfied, and some people were very interested and took the plant route, and quietly retired.

Sure enough, it is very important to sneak into the forum, know the enemy's situation, and secretly guide public opinion to evolve in the direction you want.

Let them completely become their own free wage earners, madly study science and evolution for themselves, learn knowledge, become Edisons, burn 99% of their sweat to baldness, and exhaust their energy to evolve races for themselves.

If plants appear, will delicious fruit be far behind?

Not far.

"My Vegetable Garden Project"

Xu Zhi laughed, continued to eat the final chicken, and began to browse the forum again to detect the evolution of the enemy's species. He found that there was a rookie player other than Qiu Mingshan Speed, which was worth noting.

It's that "I am a thunderbolt player, I want to evolve into a kun", and he is also a well-known player. This guy is completely out of business right now, and he does not want to evolve into a kun, nor does he want to evolve a species.

As a veteran Minecraft player, a true casual player, he is obsessed with farming and building houses.

The five tentacles evolved before, in order to become a better "inventor", "craftsman,".

Of his five tentacles, two are jagged, sharp mantis scythe structures, used to cut trees, one is in the shape of a shovel, used to dig soil, and two dexterous tentacles are used to assist.

The whole creature, like a tool-making robot.

Build a chair.

Brush brush! !

Chopping trees, sorting, assembling, and splicing, within a few minutes, the five tentacles moved together and performed their respective duties. One tentacle turned into an afterimage, and the creation was successful in an instant. Xu Zhi was stunned when he saw this scene!

What is this evolution?

This Nima is a machine tool assembly line, like a robotic arm in a factory.

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