Babylon 212.

The "Rose Sect" line, Medusa, the direct disciple of the evil witch Circe, is extremely intelligent and extremely cautious. She is also a descendant. She has the qualifications not inferior to Lilith, but disguised as a kind witch and sneaked into the Kingdom of Babylon Learn about the two witches.

After three years of study, he stole all the knowledge and announced the establishment of a country in the Balchik Mountains, the country on the top of the mountain, the country name Rose, called: the kingdom of women's kingship.

Babylonian palace.

"Those fallen witches who blasphemed the three iron laws of witches, indulgent, debauched, evil, dark, and running away rats, dare to build a country? Claiming to be the orthodox three witches?" On the throne, Lilith was as beautiful as a god's face. Wearing a black azure blue wizard robe, wearing a crown of flowers, holding a black wooden staff, he was very angry,

Her terrifying spiritual power was dissipated, shocking all directions.

Beneath the palace, countless witches shivered, their faces turned pale by the shock of terrifying spiritual power.

"King, then we should" someone asked the witches.

"War, only war!!"

Lilith shook her cane, and circles of transparent halos shook like ripples. It was the fourth-level witchcraft "Ripple of Sound" by Kassandra, the witch of spring, and the sound resounded throughout the Kingdom of Babylon.

"War, only war!"

"War, only war!"

Babylon 213.

Lilith led hundreds of witches to the Balchik Mountains to attack the Kingdom of Roses. The mountains and rivers collapsed, the trees fell, the blood spread throughout the land, and countless powerful witches fell.

The grievances and grievances of the three witches of the previous generation continued on the two disciples of the next generation, Lilith and Medusa.

The war lasted for eight years.

In fact, under the leadership of Circe, the evil witch has accumulated extremely terrifying power, and also has more than 70 witches. Although they are few in number, they cultivate the evil way, but their progress is much faster than that of the orthodox witches. Yes, generally stronger than traditional witches.

The battle strength of the Rose Kingdom is no less than that of the Babylonian Kingdom.

Another day, Medusa had accumulated long-term savings and broke through the fifth-level wizard, and the orthodox witch Lilith was instantly defeated and fled.

The further back, every level of difference, the strength seems to be two species, the difference between heaven and earth.

The witch Medusa broke through and watched Lilith flee without chasing, silently comprehending a new realm. Three days later, she entered the Kingdom of Babylon alone.

The country shook.

"You orthodox witches, your cultivation speed is too slow, I have broken through, Lilith, you have not broken through! If it wasn't for the teacher, Circe, who did not want to be a deadly enemy with two old friends, the Kingdom of Babylon would have already changed hands!"

"The grievances of the previous generation have been settled, the teacher remembers the old relationship, and the next generation of me will end all grievances! I am here today to correct the name of Teacher Circe!!"

"Who in this world can fight me again?"

Medusa looked like a pure girl wearing a bright red witchcraft robe, holding a wooden staff, that figure was hazy in the huge mental fluctuations, the transparent blue gas surrounded the bright red witchcraft robe, and her eyes burned like flames.

She entered Babylon alone.

One hundred and thirty-one witches, including Lilith, were instantly defeated by breaking into the palace of the King of Babylon, one person against one country.

A big realm, the gap is too big.

"You guys, do you take it?"

Medusa, shrouded in azure blue gas, stood on the palace of the king of Babylon, overlooking all living beings.

The terrifying spiritual pressure rose to the sky, as if the whole world was roaring, and it collapsed. The witches in the entire palace were spinning, and their minds trembled for a while.

"Medusa, you sneaked into my Babylonian kingdom to learn the knowledge of our two witches, so despicable. We, never yield, brute force cannot crush our arms and destroy our spines!!"

The palace minister Selme raised his head with difficulty, "Your brute force and brutality cannot make us submit. The great creator has suffered. This is barbarism, not civilization."

Before she could finish speaking, Medusa shook his cane to the ground, and a terrifying spiritual pressure shot out, instantly blasting that powerful third-level wizard, covered in blood, and falling into a pool of blood.

"Any more?"

Medusa spoke calmly.

"Even with terrifying force, you can't."


A witch roared, but her entire body exploded in the palace of the Babylonian king in an instant, extremely bloody.

"Say more."

Medusa looked at the witches in the palace of Babylon.

Her eyes were neither happy nor sad.

The teacher, Circe, was thinking too much about her old relationship. No matter how she persuaded her, the teacher never thought of actually taking action against the two witches. With the teacher's strength, she might not be able to suppress the two witches alone. The training speed of the orthodox witches is really too fast. Too slow.

And she, after the era of the Three Witches ended, knew that everything was without scruples.

In her eyes, power is everything, what does it matter how you get it? These witches are too pedantic, so they are defeated. As long as they are strong, they can get everything they want. This is the truth of the world.

"Everything will change."

Medusa's eyes were calm, looking at the witches in front of him, "Submit, or die?"

"It is not possible for us!"


Another blood bloomed.

"You are Circe's disciple, can you give me a face, even if the kingdom of Babylon is blood-stained, we will never surrender." Finally, a trembling old man stood up, this is the elder of the Three Witch Era, countless people Respect is a living epic that once followed the great three witches through those tragic tribal years.


The huge impact force caused an old wizard to instantly impact on the stone wall of the palace and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Rely on the old and sell the old, who will continue to stand up."

Medusa spoke calmly.

Brush and pull!

The scene was instantly silent.

Lilith was covered in blood and stood on the edge of the palace. Seeing this tragic scene, she suddenly felt a lot of bitterness in her heart. She held down the witches who wanted to stand up and whispered: "I, Lilith, represent the Kingdom of Babylon, Choose to surrender."


Countless witches roared unwillingly.

Since the founding of Babylon more than two hundred years ago, in the tribal era of the Three Witches, even in the most difficult period, the males almost died, and the remaining women chose to die in large numbers and took the blood of the evil eye, and they never succumbed. That is the glory of the kingdom of Babylon. , but now, in the hands of her Lilith, this unyielding glory and backbone will be buried.

At the moment of surrender, all over the Babylonian kingdom, countless people wept bitterly and wept silently, and countless witches with walking sticks fell to their knees, collapsed to the extreme, hating their own powerlessness and incompetence.

On the street, there were lamentations everywhere. It was Beethoven's Symphony of Fate, and countless people hummed unconsciously.

They all know that unless the three witches live again, no one can stop this fifth-level wizard, and their kingdom of Babylon is going to decline completely.

Medusa was generous, stepped over Lilith, who was seriously injured next to him, and sat calmly on the throne of Babylon, overlooking the bottom, "From today onwards, the two countries will be divided, the Kingdom of Roses is the main, the Kingdom of Babylon is the subordinate, and Lilith is still the king."

"From today onwards, above the king, there must be an emperor, and the emperor rules the two great wizard kingdoms, and the king will rule the world and be omnipotent."

"From today onwards, the Babylonian kingdom will be responsible for multiplying and giving birth to males. Every month, it will regularly dedicate 100 males to the rose kingdom. Among the 143 existing wizards in Babylon, 16 wizards will be taken away by me. , into my harem, called the princess."

One by one, the unequal treaties came down, and through the fourth-level witchcraft "Ripple of Sound", it resounded throughout the Kingdom of Babylon.

Countless people wailed, sobbed and cried.

They wailed, screamed, and despaired, knowing that the world was about to fall into darkness, and they were about to face the fate of perdition.

Men also clearly know that this moment.

——Men are completely reduced to reproductive tools.

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