It was boiling outside the house. In fact, everyone had been discussing a suspicious point. The Slime Alchemy Emperor had disappeared for too long. For two months, this was not the time to relax his spirits.

Could it be that something is happening in reality and I can't get out of it?

Or was the water meter checked?

Or is a big plan brewing?

There are all kinds of remarks, if it hadn't occasionally appeared on the forum and participated in some real-time comments, everyone thought it was dead.

In fact, Li Shengjiang is indeed busy.

After he left the game, unlike other traditional players, he chose to develop reality instead of starting a new life for the second time.

As an entrepreneur, he is a pragmatist. After all, the earth needs to develop civilization and technology, which is the top priority. He also understands the far-reaching implications. To put it lofty, this is a great feat for the benefit of mankind and future generations. After all, it is.

The future of the planet changes accordingly.

Before, he had no clue, but the appearance of Martial Dao in the Three Realms gave him a vague opportunity and idea.

However, there are two problems in the martial arts system. First, there must be a supply of spiritual energy to nourish the body, and second, there must be a spiritual sense to look at one's own body inwardly, and carry out all-round exercise.

Aura supply, he studied alchemy and successfully formulated a special medicine, combined with some ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions, combined with countless precious Chinese herbal medicines, it is a reluctance to solve, can nourish the body, but the effect is extremely poor, even he guessed that the ancients also wanted to In this regard, there is a similar prototype!

But the second problem, replacing spiritual thoughts and seeing oneself inwardly, is easier said than done?

This is the hardest part!

The ancient warriors studied the medicine to nourish the body, but they couldn't take this step, it was definitely because of divine sense!

Modern technology can barely do it. X-rays are the best common practice, but they can’t refine every tiny muscle group. Exercise of bones is really fine to that level, and maybe people have to be dissected!

Take a look at where the muscles have not been exercised, and implement a comprehensive exercise plan. The essence of martial arts is the evolution of the whole before the qualitative change.

But untangle it, then sew it back together, and continue to practice?

Isn't this funny!

On the road of exploring scientific progress, there will always be many difficulties.

In the end, Li Shengjiang combined alchemy to develop a complex electrical signal detection, "electric shock therapy" feedback, monitoring the "resistance" of each body like a radar scan, and barely able to start practicing, but there are a lot of subtle details Not working out. This is the limit!

Until now, they have personally tested it, and they have known that the modern technology of the earth has barely reached the very low threshold, and how big is the gap with the Three Realms!

Li Shengjiang whispered, looking at the players around him,

"The cultivation system in reality is barely settled. It is possible to start cultivation, but the effect is very bad! But after cultivation, the body will still transform. Poor equipment."

"The spiritual sense of the first person born in the early stage is the most difficult! Later people can learn the martial arts in the Three Realms. The master leads the apprentice, and uses the spiritual sense to scan and teach the newcomer."

"It's just that it seems that there can be budding, but martial arts cultivation is the most difficult and solid of all systems. If you continue to develop like this, you won't be able to become a strong person without a few decades! Look at other people's three realms, it takes hundreds of years. Time, in reality, is too far away"

Li Shengjiang stirred the big stick, looked at the slightly warm water tank, and silently sorted out his thoughts. He also saw the future that Xu Zhi saw.

"Now, I just spent a precious period of time planting a seed, which will not bloom until more than ten years later. At that time, the earth will not know what it will be like."

After busying himself with things outside, he finally chose to come in again.


He boiled warm water, let the creatures evolve in it, and then let the various evolutionary creatures in the entire sand table take some skin shavings and tissues, and hand them over to him for research, tinkering, and it seems that he wants to develop some alchemy potion.

Everyone exclaimed outside.

"Damn it, this stance, the boss has no preparations, and is only now starting to formally study his own new potential species?"

"What have you been busy with in the past two months?"

"In front of us, this is to study all our potential species. As alchemy materials, here, directly open the alchemy room? Use the method of life alchemy to integrate alchemy? Evolve new species?"

Like an evil wizard, tinkering with a large vat, adding various potions, allowing species to evolve and take shape in it.

"The icy and snowy version of the evolution sand table, the new version of the ship that the alchemist also brought us!" Everyone watched for a while, "The boss seems to have great ambitions, and I don't know what the hell is going on. It wasn't done in a short time."

Everyone has also reflected, studying the hundreds of potential species in the entire sand table? Mixing alchemy potions here and experimenting on the spot? It is a huge amount of engineering, which shows the ambition!

Otherwise, at the level of this big guy, it would be very fast to breed a potential species at will.

"It is estimated that we will study life across the ages!"

After everyone exclaimed, the initial ecstasy was completely dull.

After watching for a while, they started busy with their own affairs again, but they also had new ideas, extraordinary species, the ordinary evolutionary path is difficult, maybe they have to add some medicine? Cook a pot of potion and evolve spores in it?

"The protagonist of the new world may not only be human, and can no longer be limited to human beings."

Xu Zhi sat on the chair with a calm expression, looking at the information on the nature of the evil god.

The essence of the evil god is a special creature formed by the thinking of thousands of millions of ordinary creatures, so it has some powerful "law phenomena", such as the beautiful dream characteristics of the beautiful dream god, the time characteristics of the time worm, and the return of the snake of the void. Ruins characteristics.

Time, space, wind, fire and thunder, charm,

And although they are thinking aggregation, but similar to a kind of grass, insects and fish, they can also become essence, open up intelligence, and become intelligent life!

"Then, New Human. That's for sure."

Xu Zhi took a deep breath and looked at the mechanical armor in the distance, the 600,000 mechanical cubes, "The Zerg Queen's own guard team is you, it's time for you to enter the era of reincarnation."

He stretched out his hand slightly.


The entire mechanical armor was quickly dismantled and turned into a black and fragmented metal storm.


Rotating and condensing, it turned into a dark and distant mysterious hollow ring.

It is covered with dense stripes, and the thick pulp-like snow white and black light are intertwined and entangled. It is Mengmei's incense dragon pulse array, which can absorb all the energy of thinking and summarize it.

"Mengmei makes online games, allowing players to go online, remotely control, and never die."

Xu Zhi looked up at the huge mysterious ring floating above the living room, "And I create reincarnation."

Thanks for the 10,000 starting coins for the reward of "Paipaimiao"

Thanks to the book friends "Xue Bai Xue" for the reward of 1,000 starting coins

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