Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 500 Departure (2 in 1)

ten years.

Time is always ruthless, and time passes leisurely.

Ha ha ha ha!

The wood made a bang bang bang sound.

The burly man passing by, with bare shoulders and a giant beast on his back, laughed and said, "Da, are you practicing hard again?"

"Yes! Third Uncle!"

The ten-year-old boy showed a determined look.

The third uncle shook his head, Ah Da was smart since he was a child, he could speak when he was one or two years old, and everyone was surprised and ecstatic. The accompanying talent is just a weak flame.

"I'm Congenitally Deficient"

He took a deep breath, and he felt this way in his heart. Everyone else spent countless years of accumulation in order to become human, but he only spent a short time, and the accumulation of talent was not enough.

Not only that, his flame ability is indeed weak, which is countless times worse than other people's similar flame talent.

From childhood to adulthood, some vague fragmented pictures flashed in his mind, which made him more precocious than others, and he was born with knowledge.

"Second order!"

He squeezed his fist.

Twenty years have passed, his hard work is no better than the outstanding life of his peers, and he has only reached the third rank, but diligence and hard work, precociousness, and a taste of thinking have allowed him to get the name of the wise in the tribe, In a war with other tribes, he fought with a leader named Li Shuibai, blocked a knife for him, and died directly.

Die mediocre and ordinary.

But he does not regret it, his own is too ordinary, and blocking a knife for the leader may be his greatest value, allowing the tribe to prosper.

"Alas, a lifetime of hard work, in the end, just ends up being mediocre? For some things, you can get results without hard work."

He looked up at the sky unwillingly, his eyes gradually getting dark,

This time I never met her.


It was pitch black, and the entire barren space became more prosperous.

It used to be just a stone, a hall full of bright flowers, and now there is a bridge with the word "Nai He" written on it. He was silent for a while, stood on that stone, and saw his past and present life.

"You're back again?"

The mysterious existence smiled and said, "Look, I built a bridge, isn't it beautiful?"

"Naihe Bridge? It's very beautiful, and the name is also very good. Naihe, hehe, there's nothing I can do." He lowered his eyes and seemed to understand that fate was tricking people.

The mysterious existence, then handed a bowl of soup, and smiled again, "Ordinary living beings have been practicing hard for several lifetimes, accumulating merit and powerful cultivation, and then they can exchange for a lifetime of reincarnation. You died a bit useless, but you didn't. Relationships can be considered wonderful. But in the next life, you will no longer be a human being, and you will return to beasts, plants and trees."

"I see."

He was silent for a while, took the soup and drank it, strode into the cycle of reincarnation, and laughed loudly, "The flowers on the other side bloom, but the bridge is sighed. I have forgotten the past life in this life, how can I keep the old people in the next life?"

Fifth generation.

He turned into a beast, dominating one side of the forest.

His own talent is too weak, relying on being more precocious than his peers since childhood, accumulating some advantages, and accepting a few apprentices with powerful talents, he was eventually killed by humans and used as food, ending an ordinary and painful life.

Back to that dark and dark cycle.

This time, there is a stream under the bridge, which is more and more complete.

Every time he looked at the eternal mysterious black and white interwoven circle, there was always a feeling of insignificance.

He looked at the Three Lives Stone, understood the past life and this life, and suddenly woke up,

"Twice, I haven't met her again."


His obsession became stronger and stronger, and his flame talent became stronger, but the effect was very slow.

In this life, it turned into a tree again, and became the tree king of the whole tree. Its roots stretched the entire mountain range, eavesdropping on the wind and grass in the nearby mountain range, which shook the world. At this time, he had the advantage of being a tree. Life is long, talent is not good, you can also accumulate slowly, the realm begins to become higher, and you understand some things.

"In the world, there is reincarnation, and reincarnation can enter three realms."

"The previous human tribes lived in the mortal world, and the flow rate of time was ten!"

"On it, there is Heaven and Humanity, and the flow rate of time is one hundred."

"Below, there is the animal way, and the flow rate of time is one!"

He knows the horror, "The biggest gap is between the animal and the human Tao. The time of the human and the heaven is the fastest. The animal Tao has developed for a year, and the heaven and human Tao has developed for a hundred years.


On this day, the sky was overcast.

The big hand of a strong man came across the border,

"Huh? In the world, there is such a tyrannical tree demon? It must be extremely delicious!"

It was the last voice in my head.

His heart is bitter, and he has practiced for endless years, but it is only food for other creatures.

It was pitch black again.

It's completely different every time I come in.

The whole world seems to have undergone a change, from the desolate development to the present, it is beautiful and complete.

Before, he had always come alone, but now there is a group of creatures rustling around, lining up with each other, most of the most primitive life, flowers, birds, insects and fish, some plants and flowers.

"Where is this?"

"where am I?"

They are whispering, and even some of them are intelligent, and they can't speak straight.

And behind the Naihe Bridge, there is another black platform, the structure is quite strange, the top is wide and the bottom is narrow, the face is like the back of a bow, the back is like a bowstring, it reads Wangxiang Terrace, many creatures lined up, cross the bridge, the platform There was a big screen on it. They stood on the stage and turned their heads to look. They could see their hometown, the scenes of life around them after they died, and many plants and animals that became demons were crying bitterly.

On it is written a row of ancient Chinese characters:

"The ghosts on the Wangxiang stage are in a hurry, and the eyes are full of tears. Wives, children, old and young lie by the side of the coffin, and relatives and friends gather in the mourning hall."


Looking back on my hometown

As he walked all the way in confusion, he encountered that mysterious existence again.


The existence sat high in the black temple, opened the book of life and death, and looked at it, "Very good, the savings in this life are very powerful, in the next life, you can be reborn into the heaven and the human world."

"Heaven?" He was startled.

"Yes, after several lifetimes of hard work and accumulation of good fruits and cultivation, in exchange for one lifetime of reincarnation as a human being, and after several lifetimes of hardship, one can be reborn as a heavenly person for one lifetime! Incarnate to become the most noble race in the world." That mysterious existence said lightly.

"Heaven..." He took a deep breath and was horrified. He remembered that before his death, the mysterious and terrifying existence of God, living in the highest time flow rate, crushing all powerful and terrifying creatures.

"Becoming a god, can I see her?" he asked suddenly.

"Obstinence. What are your characteristics?" The mysterious existence was not unexpected, and turned over the book of life and death, "Other creatures asked, I won't tell them, because it violates the rules, as for your question, I will help you check A check. Although other creatures come here, they will not ask these things at all, only you will ask."

After rummaging through the book of life and death for a while, the mysterious existence said, "She will be in the human world. There is a difference between heaven and human beings, and the flow of time is too great to meet."

"Then I won't go to Heaven and Humanity, I would like to be reborn as a human being." He bowed fiercely.

A flash of surprise flashed across the mysterious existence, "Do you want to understand? The good fruits of several lifetimes of ascetic cultivation have gone to waste? You are obviously able to give birth to a good child, and you were born rich and noble, above all things."

"I understand." He took a deep breath.

The mysterious existence smiled, "By the way, have you seen more creatures in reincarnation?"

He nodded.

Every time I came before, I was alone, but now the whole reincarnation is about to start queuing, and it becomes crowded.

"Before, only the 20,000 most powerful creatures of you were the first to unlock their spiritual wisdom, so at most two or three people came each time. Now, the remaining 580,000 have been reincarnated for so many years, and they have also begun to unlock their spiritual wisdom. So, 600,000 creatures, the reincarnation is crowded." The mysterious existence pressed his forehead, "You are very special, you are the only one who remembers me, I will give you another choice, stay and help me Taking care of reincarnation may even inherit my position in the future."

Inheritance, the location of this mysterious existence?

He was stunned, his whole body trembling rapidly.

This mysterious existence is too noble! Even in charge of the life cycle of the entire world, his current vision cannot see the terrifying height of this existence! This is the way to the highest throne in the world, and as long as you answer it, you can.

"Can I be with her?" he asked.

"No." The mysterious existence said lightly, "Mastering the order of reincarnation, you should be impartial and selfless. She still has to be in reincarnation. You must not be selfish, and you must pretend not to know her."

He began to tremble, tremble, and after a while, he said, "I still choose to be a human being."

A flash of surprise flashed in Xu Zhi's eyes, "Then let's have some soup."


Whoa whoa whoa!

There was another cry, and a baby was born in an ordinary family.

On the azure slate streets, people dressed in Luoshang and dressed elegantly, obviously have entered a new era of civilization, away from slash-and-burn cultivation.

This time, the baby instinctively lost his vigor, and did not show his childhood talent. Instead, he practiced silently and lived to the age of seven, and went to the school of ordinary people.

Above, the teacher is lecturing, and the other little classmates are very cute, and they are all listening.

He looked out the window,

"It seems to witness each era, whether it is the mortal Tao, the animal Tao, or the reincarnation. It is constantly changing, and it comes with the torrent of the years."

This emotion flashed through his mind.

Wait what does this mean?

He was at a loss for another day, and there were always some extremely profound memories left in his mind, as well as pictures, those heart-piercing scenes, which madly impacted his young heart.

I always feel like I've lost something, only 1% of the pieces are left.

"Li Sansheng, listen carefully to the class." Gao Gao, the teacher is a tall and handsome scholar, he is also a little speechless, Li Sansheng is young and precocious, but only mentally, his talent is a kind of black flame, very ordinary, the level of ordinary people, Even slightly worse.

The teacher continued to lecture, "In those days, the White Emperor was a man of great talents and great talents, and he dominated the seven tribes, including Xiong, Xia You, and Wu Qi. He was the first generation of overlords in the history of mankind, no one knew his real name, only Knowing that his surname is Li, he was born in a riverside tribe surnamed Li, and his talent is the spirit of an emperor."

"The spirit of the emperor?"

The students below talked a lot, secretly comparing with their own talent.

The teacher explained: "Yes, the spirit of the emperor is a powerful spiritual talent. Any creature whose spiritual power is lower than his will not help but kneel down."


"So exaggerated talent?"

"As expected of the most bizarre spiritual system!"

The students below were in an uproar, exclaiming, and couldn't help but talk a lot.

This talent is too powerful. He deserves to be the first human emperor in history. He is amazing and has an innate tyranny. This king is born and is destined to reach the peak.

There was a lot of discussion around, and Li Sansheng flashed a vague memory fragment.

headache again

It was a humble tribe.

A young man stood quietly by the river, without playmates or friends, digging soil alone.

"Why are you playing alone?" He walked out by himself.

"Because other people are afraid that I can't help but kneel when I see me."

The child touched the mud on his face and whispered, "Even when the adults came to talk to me, I couldn't help but knelt down by myself. Now no one dares to approach me, my talent is very useless. It will only make friends feel disgusting, others are all wind, fire, thunder and lightning, or all kinds of powerful talents, mine is only kneeling."

"Who said, your talent is very powerful!" Another teenager said, he felt pity for each other and his talent was weak, so he could not help striding to the side of the boy, "You can't use it, I'll teach you how to use it. "

Pfft! !

As he spoke, he knelt down with his legs naturally, and he didn't even notice that he had already knelt down. Instead, he raised his head and said to this introverted peer, "Come on, let's exercise you. Ability."

The screen turns.

Ten years later, in a dense forest, there was a person standing in the center, and countless powerful beasts attacked, turned into a gust of wind, surrounded from all directions, and stretched their claws.



The beasts around were running, knees inexplicably softened, and they fell to their knees very naturally.

Next to it, another Sao Nian ran out frantically and took the opportunity to swing a knife, "Your talent is really strong, they can't help but kneel down, this is a strong control system talent!"

"The disadvantage is passive talent, also for one's own people."

The young man had only made two or three while mending the knife, and naturally began to kneel on the ground.



The style of the classroom changed, and the surrounding students were talking a lot.

He couldn't help but think:

"Bai Di? Li Shuibai?"


Everyone was startled and yelled in anger.

The teacher also scolded, and said warmly, "Although no one knows the real name of Emperor Bai in history, don't make it up out of thin air."

Li Sansheng didn't know why he flashed this clip, but an inexplicable emotion spread, his eyes were wet, and he couldn't help asking complicatedly, "Bai Di, in history, what happened to him later?"

"That's a good question."

The teacher was more serious and opened his mouth in class. The golden sunshine outside the window shone down, adding a few more years of tranquility.

"Back then, Emperor Bai unified the major tribes. On the former site of the Li tribe, in the Baihe River Basin, the first city-state kingdom in human history was established, but after more than ten years of development, he met heaven and man!

It was the first time in human history that he encountered a heavenly being. Emperor Bai waved his saber to the sky, blood spilled into the sky, he was defeated, and died under the hands of a heavenly being. According to historical records, in his life, Emperor Bai regretted losing one Friends, he is often said to be a wise man with strong wisdom. He was born with knowledge and has been very smart since he was a child. He has said countless times that if his friend is still there, with his wisdom and his combat power, he may be able to defeat heaven and man. , counterattack the heaven and the human way"

The surrounding students were silent.

It seems to have felt the bitterness in human history. All heroes have disappeared in the rolling tide of history. The first dynasty emperor in human history has also ended up wielding a knife to the sky and died tragically.

"However, speaking of swinging a knife to the sky"

The teacher smiled, with a complex and emotional expression on his face, "The White Emperor is the first, not the last. In the long history, there have been many outstanding people, such as some great emperors of the Orcs, and even the master of the former White Lotus Fairy—— The tree king, who controls the black flame, once waved his sword to the sky."

"It didn't wave the knife to the sky, but was killed instantly." Li Sansheng couldn't help but say something.

The teacher laughed dumbly, "How is that possible? In history, it is not good to slander the ancient sages like this, but the whole mountain range is stained with blood. If you are in another race, you are disrespectful. , is going to be beaten to death!"

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