Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 536 Going for a walk in the universe

The world of the living cannot remember the world after death.

This has led many people in this world to form a common sense that birth is the starting point, and death is the end point. This is a straight line. It is called life. Tell them that this is not a straight line, but a circle formed by a line! over and over again! Loop forever! And this circle is called - reincarnation.

[Reincarnation, standing forever in the underworld, ruling the life and death of all living beings in the world]

"Death is not the end, reincarnation, reincarnation as a human being."

"Even the Heavenly Emperor cannot break through and break free from reincarnation."

In Wuguo, in a dark room inside the main hall, a majestic middle-aged emperor in a dragon robe knelt down slightly in front of an old man who was as thin as a skeleton, "Old Ancestor, this is all the information collected."

"Is that all there is to it?"

A hoarse voice came from the darkness.

The old man in the shadow pondered for a long time, obviously his heart was extremely unstable, which brought a huge impact.

"Yes." The middle-aged man said, "This news, it is said that the biography of a certain novel of the author was never known at the beginning, but no one found the original version. The other party seems to be deliberately hiding his identity."

The old man took a deep breath, "Go and examine human history, use the power of the whole country to collect all the talent data, and see if there are a large number of people with the same talent in different eras in history to confirm the theory of reincarnation."


The majestic middle-aged emperor said solemnly, "If it is true, then the world will change!"

His ancestor was a quasi-emperor back then. He was extremely powerful. He opened up a human race and participated in the terrifying epic war of Xiao. He has reached the realm of Heavenly Emperor, but he is too old and his injuries are too serious. He has broken through the Heavenly Emperor, and his combat power is not comparable to that of the same rank. He can only hang his life and survive.

He was afraid of death, so he chose to hibernate, wanting to support the human race for a while.

And suddenly someone told him that there was a world after his death, and he grabbed his heart, as if his whole worldview had been smashed to pieces!

"The Great Emperor of the Human Race, Zhang Xiao, are you also in the afterlife world?" The old man's eyes were vicissitudes, and he remembered Zhang Xiao, the God of Swords who wielded a sword against the sky, with a sturdy body and a black hair shawl. This is the one he admired the most. The heroic and powerful overlord, "If he is there, he must be in the world of the dead. Is it hard to find ways to benefit our human race? Is this the message you asked to convey?"


"I can't find it." Yun Zhongjun took a deep breath, knelt on the ground, and said respectfully, "It has already been widely circulated, but I can't find where the source came from."

Emperor Yun's eyes were deep and he did not speak.

Only Heaven and Humanity knew about this matter. If Mortal Dao also began to know, then they would lose a major intelligence advantage.

And the information circulated in this mortal world is actually countless times more specific than their heaven and human beings. They just guessed that the dead have a world and will be reborn, but they don't know about the underworld, Huangquan Road, Samsara, Meng Po, black and white impermanence, these terrifying things knowledge.

"Continue to investigate." He said, "In the world, there are countless innate talents. Since the land of the living can be transmitted, it must be a talent, someone who can remember that piece of the world. This person will be the entire Six Paths. The man of destiny in reincarnation!"

Animal Road.

The huge asymmetry in the flow of time has also caused the players of the animal realm to rise, while other worlds of the mortal realm and the celestial realm are changing rapidly, changing with each passing day.

Soon, after the construction of Fengdu was completed, the talent began to be reborn!

An animal raises its flag high and shows its might,

"Brothers, it's time to work! There is news from Fengdu's Neiying live broadcast room that they have begun to reincarnate one after another. Let's look for those born with talent, and then cultivate them carefully! After all, which world has more talents, whoever will rise!"

"This is the advantage of our Animal Dao. Since the Animal Dao is the lowest level, all reincarnated creatures have the most! Our resources are the largest!"

"But! In other worlds, the flow of time is faster than ours. We must surpass the other two, and we must pay ten times or a hundred times of struggle to surpass them."

As many of you know, this is easier said than done?

Other high-dimensional civilizations are all dimensionality reduction blows. This situation is equivalent to the high-level civilization of Trisolarans. It will come to crush you at any time, and it is difficult to resist.

But it is precisely where their interest lies. A group of people began to discuss. Those who have talent will gain the world, and they will quickly find those creatures with their own talents and cultivate them with good intentions.

In the Six Paths of Reincarnation, grabbing talent is a key.

At this moment when the whole world is boiling.

"Reincarnation is established, Feng is perfect, all three are progressing hand in hand, very vigorous, a new era is about to begin, and it is completely on the right track." Xu Zhi walked in the supermarket indifferently and whispered, in front of the counter, scan the code with his mobile phone to pay .

He bought some daily necessities.

After all, unlike other sandbox worlds, you don’t need to stare at the orchard at all times. The six-path reincarnation has the advantage that in your own body, no matter where you go, you can watch and enter at any time.

"Speaking of which, the six realms of reincarnation are reincarnating in my stomach, making it look like a temple of the five internal organs." He scratched his head helplessly, and laughed, "The material world of Dantian, when the time comes, I will create a world of thinking in my mind? One up and one down, one material and one illusory, I won’t really become Pangu, incarnated into the universe, right? This cultivation route deduced with multiple sand tables seems to be quite defying the sky.”

However, count the time, the dream is very beautiful, but it is still far away.

It's not bad to chew too much, this system is too exaggerated, several anti-sky exercises are combined, and he is the second Medusa, as fast as her cultivation speed.

"Your stuff." The female cashier at the supermarket was a little shy, blushed, and hesitated.

Behind, some girls in line chatted.

"Hahaha, she blushed."

"I'd panic if it was me. What kind of immortal beauty is this? I'm also nervous when I talk, and my little heart is beating non-stop!"

"It won't be a new idol, right? We also have big stars here?"

They were chattering, as if they wanted to come up to chat with them, and they were a little ashamed and inferior, and felt that they had been hit. The indifferent temperament formed an aura, as if they were isolated, and there was an illusion that it was difficult to approach.

Xu Zhi has a sensitive hearing and understands those whispered discussions, so he walked out of the supermarket with his things in order to avoid more chaos.

He reacted quickly,

"I haven't come out after being in the house for too long. After breaking through the Heavenly Emperor, the life level jumped, and the ordinary appearance that was covered up before has recovered."

The reason why he forgot was that he had already instinctively ignored the appearance of the creature. This is also related to his current vision. The strong people he sees are basically handsome men and beautiful women, the emperor and the emperor of heaven, with outstanding demeanor.

The stronger you are, the more perfect your body is.

Once you get used to it, you will take it for granted. Even if the muscle girl is expensive, she is young and cute on the surface, with a thin waist and long legs, and can sell you cuteness, which is very fraudulent.

The dense winter sun shines down on the street, which is a little warm, and there are pedestrians on both sides.

"It seems that I have to adjust my appearance when I go back. The temperament and aura of a Heavenly Emperor has a great influence on the streets full of mortals, and it is not a problem to stay in the house all day. They have lived in the orchard for nearly three months. It's better to go shopping more, it's not a problem to be bored all the time." Xu Zhi was walking on the street, her brows flashing.

As for making a few new friends in reality, traveling, shopping, karaoke, etc., he has no idea at all, because he has a huge gap with ordinary people, and it is destined to be difficult to integrate.

Although, strictly speaking, even when he entered the sand table research, he was still less than a hundred years old, a very young juvenile Heavenly Emperor.

"However, when it comes to walking around to relax, it's time for me to use reincarnation to go shopping in the sea of ​​stars and stars in the universe." Xu Zhi was walking in the bustling commercial street, carrying a pile of white plastic supermarket napkins, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Bag, looking up at the vast and vast sky.

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