Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 546 We are unveiling the veil of history

Yun Zhongjun's words silenced the surrounding quasi emperors.

There are also mixed emotions inside.

This race deserves admiration and makes them a little moved.

Asura Road is very stubborn, just like in front of him, under such terrifying pressure, he still straightens the rocker, even if he urinates while walking, he still shows his unyielding, hanging out and chatting everywhere.

"Roars and voices are never subdued by the strong. There are only two that can convince the strong. The first is to defeat one's own battle, and the second is to be silent. They do not speak, but only express their resistance with silent actions. ." Yun Zhongjun suddenly remembered that Emperor Yun was evaluating the Asura who bit off his own body!


Symbol of iron and blood.

An unyielding spirit.

Next, Yun Zhongjun and others couldn't help but relax their pressure.

After all, it's not just admiration for these hot-blooded warriors. Since they can't stop their extraordinary sociality, they will also cause their hands to be pissed, which is very dirty.

"They were able to come because they had the determination to die. To die safely, in itself, requires strong courage!" These days, Yun Zhongjun, only after being suspicious of life by Yuan Qinghua, has calmed down a lot.

"That kind of environment is difficult for our Heavenly Emperor to bear. They are the advance troops. I'm afraid that there will be no presence. No matter how presumptuous they are, they are all wanton and free and easy before death, and they can be tolerated."

"indeed so."

The surrounding quasi emperors showed admiration and goodwill on their faces.

Knowing that the probability of death is as high as 90%, but it still comes, I believe that there is no bloody race in the world that can do this.


At this time, the players suddenly felt their coercion loosened.

They were suddenly a little inexplicable, and then looked up again, those great heavenly beings had expressions full of admiration and goodwill, and they were a little sluggish for a moment.

they whispered,

"What is this for?"

"Isn't this negative state a trial of a copy?"

"I don't know. After passing the trial mission, the favorability level has become better for us?"

"I'm afraid it's not a fool, right? With the hardcore level of this game, how can I get such a high favorability after completing a trial mission? The reward is so big? This is not in line with the previous style at all."

"Maybe it's the production team, there is a set loophole"

They beeped in a low voice and talked a lot. They felt that this was not hardcore at all, not a social beating, and expressed that they were very uncomfortable.

Soon, Yun Zhongjun and the others took these more than a thousand players, and ignored their incomprehensible various strange behaviors, silently endured, blocked their ears and hearing, and ignored their chatter.

After a few hours' journey, they tore apart the space of Heaven and Humanity and descended quickly.

"The live broadcast really can't be used!"

Someone exclaimed and looked at a prompt at the moment:

[Because of time difference, cannot live broadcast]

Then someone wanted to go offline in a hurry to verify it, but was stopped by others.

"Brother, do you want to cool off? There is no time for you to go offline now! If you go offline for a minute, it is estimated that you will be gone here, especially preparing the dungeon in front of you. You are very busy, and you don't have that kind of time."

Hearing it around, he suddenly stopped thinking carefully.

Soon, the preparations began to gather, and the dungeon began to be conquered. Thousands of players sat in the same place, discussing lively.

The door to the copy is not far away.

"According to the information, behind the door of the copy is Burning Heaven, which has been polluted. But it is relatively not dangerous. Outside Burning Heaven, it is connected to a terrifying Abi Jiao Hot Hell!"

"According to the description of the corpse, hell, those horrible penetrating heat poisons, kind of resemble nuclear radiation."

"Damn it! The hell heat poison in myths and legends is probably nuclear radiation? Or is it a strong radiation? Is this too hardcore?"

"Shhh! Be quiet, this may be the truth of history. After all, we also understood that this game is very real before, and things in mythology may be realized in reality. Then, hell fever can be explained with the eyes of modern science!"

Everyone talked about it and thought it was terrifying and interesting.

What a coincidence!

It's just that at this time, some secret research institutes, combined with the hell legends of the previous earth myth, feel very strange!

Because when I think about it now, isn't the terrifying hell environment and the legendary hell heat, poison and karma burning like cosmic radiation?

After all, the characteristics are too similar.

There is no temperature, only the soul is burned.

However, the body is festering and pus, the body collapses, and it has a strong penetrating power. From the bones of the body, there is a burning sensation from the inside out, a huge pain, and the domineering is strong to the limit.

Isn't it like burning with fire, although not an open flame.

"Could it be that the ancient earth, the myth is true? The hell in the ancient Chinese mythology is actually a terrifying and harsh cosmic high-radiation vacuum environment, barren? It is used to suppress a famous dead?" The middle-aged scientist, wearing black-rimmed glasses, clenched his lower lip and was breathing rapidly.

In less than three months, the incident broke out to the present. They have studied a lot of content, but the more they studied, the more shocked they became.

Especially at this time.

Involves the hell of ancient mythology.

It is incredible to say that the suffering environment of the dead in the Infernal Hell is actually a high-radiation vacuum area in modern terms.

An old man was sitting on an advanced white electronic detection instrument, sorting out all kinds of data, taking a deep breath, and seemed much indifferent, "So, the underworld of the earth's mythology, maybe in the solar system, in the moon? Mars, Saturn superior?"

The myth records that in the underworld, there are eighteen levels of hell, the most famous, the most painful, the darkest, and the most terrifying and heinous existence of the "Uninterrupted Hell"!

The Uninterrupted Hell is also called Avici Hell, and its full name is Abi Jiao Hot Hell.

The above description in ancient times is: the molten fire that the living cannot bear, burning the fire of karma, penetrating the whole body, the pain will not stop for a moment until the robbery, the pain is uninterrupted, hence the name Inexhaustible!

"In ancient times, there should really be a long history." Someone sighed, he stood up, opened his arms, his eyes were longing and his dreams were bright, "As a scientist, it is great to be born in this era."

"Yeah, I can study the relics of ancient myths and uncover the mystery of the years." Another person was also full of emotion, his eyes were burning, very hot.

The brilliance written on the eyes is called a dream.

After all, for the research institute, there is too much evidence. The ancients suspected of Daojun appeared in the outer space of the earth and were monitored by the space station.

And the people on earth, who are suspected of being the bloodline of the God of Creation, are too many.

A vast and huge mythical painting scroll gradually spread out in their eyes.

"Perhaps, in ancient times, there was an extraordinary civilization in the solar system! China's heaven, hell, and even foreign Anunnaki, Olympus, are all distributed in the major planets of the entire solar system?"

The staff of these research institutes, wearing white coats, became more and more frightened the more they thought about it. It was unimaginable, but the truth was crazily intertwined and laid out in front of them.

They whispered to each other,

"When our space station and spacecraft are fully developed, we must explore the entire solar system, and perhaps search for the ruins of ancient lost civilizations on various ancient stars!"



Xu Zhi was too lazy to pay attention to them, and was chewing gum, and threw the wrapping paper on Mercury.

He was already very used to them. This time, he was very indifferent to the prosperous world of large-scale online game dungeons, quietly watching.

At this moment, he is still sitting in the distance sunbathing, enjoying this vacation peacefully, quietly watching the little ants in the distance, and actually started to make a simple radiation protection suit, fooling Yun Zhongjun, using his own ability , made compressed air in a tank and made a crude oxygen tank.

"Brothers, let's go!"

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