At this moment, more than 80 years have passed, and the vacuum is an obstacle to the communication of civilizations, and it was also forcibly overcome by the three races.

For example, the humanoid race with snow-white body and long horns can communicate with spiritual sense.

There is a green-skinned humanoid creature that communicates with pheromone through the two tentacles on its forehead.

What's even weirder is that it's a small bug, which is directly released to the outside world and communicates with radiation waves.

All in all, three races took the lead in rising into the ranks of the first echelon.

Caroline looked at the three races and frowned slightly, "Since you seven races are the first to develop the ability to communicate, then it is enough to prove that you are full of potential, so I will take you away first and let you step into high-speed civilization. The train of progress As for other races, it may not be that they have insufficient potential, and it may be that they will exert their strength in the later stage, and the early stage is not very good, but I can't analyze it, so I can only choose this batch first."

She finalized these three races and sent them directly to the small planet that had just soared.

In an instant, the three races turned into tribes and began to multiply in the entire planet, entering the era of great cohabitation.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed. They fought each other, developed each other's civilization, and even began to give birth to their own language.

At this time, Xu Zhi just finished eating breakfast and came back, looking at the scene on this planet curiously, "You let them kill each other?"

Caroline nodded and said solemnly, "It's just right that you're back, it's time to enter the third stage of the Creation Project!"

Xu Zhi was stunned.

The first stage is to create the whole family.

The second stage is to use the whole family to create a planet.

So after the first planet appeared, what was the third stage?

"Naturally, I won't let them live on it. It will take hundreds of years and thousands of years to deduce the era of civilization." Caroline looked serious, "I want to deduce the world line, deduce their future scene! Deduce them hundreds of years. Years later, the future era of advanced civilization!"

Xu Zhi smiled and asked, "Calculate the future, the world line? They are not demon nuclear creatures, so it is difficult to deduce the future."

"It is true that they are flesh and blood brains, and it is difficult to deduce the future. The computing power required is huge, but it is not impossible."

Caroline smiled and pointed to the back of the heads of the three races on the entire planet, "The back of their heads are equipped with induction magic core chips. If their number is not large, the number is less than one billion, I can Calculated one by one. My computing power is very huge."

Xu Zhi was taken aback, one billion flesh and blood lives is a terrifying number.

"I'm not that powerful, but this ability is very poor. You have to insert a special chip in your brain, and also calculate ordinary creatures. There is no way to surpass the Emperor." Caroline smiled.

Caroline directly gave Xu Zhi a specific calculation.

"This is what I saw, and what will happen the next day." Caroline took Xu Zhi to see the future world line.

Xu Zhi saw that the next day, the tribes of these three races would be chopping wood, building houses, and making tools everywhere in the future.

After watching it, and waiting in reality for another day, Xu Zhi found out that it was the same as the future she deduced.

"You are already stronger than the Three Pillars of God." Xu Zhi felt it was very strange, overlooking this small planet from a high place, "So, you plan to directly deduce their future?"

"Yes," Caroline said. "Want to come and see?"

Xu Zhi nodded, "I won't miss it."

Caroline waved directly, and Xu Zhi appeared in a sci-fi hall. She wanted to be here and brought herself a completely different novelty of Genesis.

There is a huge screen in front of them, playing their history.

In Xu Zhi's eyes, their three races are rapidly evolving, advancing, and developing civilization.

Shi Xing 23 years.

Twenty-three years have passed since the entire civilization was launched, and the three pillars are gradually standing.

The tall green man with two tentacles on his forehead is tall and mighty, relying on pheromones to communicate.

White dwarves with white skin and long horns, short dwarfs, relying on spirituality to spread.

Ant-sized red beetles, weak and fragile, rely on radiation waves to propagate.

Shi Xing forty years.

[The high green man, the red beetle, and the white dwarf, the three tribes fought each other, entered the era of primitive weapon tribes, raised their spears, and each had success or failure. 】

Shi Xing seventy-four years.

[The balance was broken, high green people formed in groups, possessed high wisdom, quickly occupied the most fertile valley area, developed rapidly and powerfully, and invented the initial application of "qi", they used a kind of cross-legged meditation. method, absorb the vast cosmic radiation, absorb the power of the star light source, convert it into the infuriating energy in the body, and begin to use the radiation skillfully, combine the infuriating energy to form a gas light cannon, and they quickly enslave the weak red beetle. 】

"So soon to be a slave."

Xu Zhi sat in the distance and sighed slightly when he saw this scene, he knew that the reality was even more cruel.

He used to observe the era of the rise of races, the Babylonian civilization, the Sumerian civilization, and many times it was so fast.

"History is cruel, and its demise and rise are instantaneous." Xu Zhi said.

[Within a month, the white dwarves, who are stronger than the red beetles, quickly became alert to the rise of the tall green people. Although they suffered huge losses, they successfully migrated their race and avoided the fate of being captured and exterminated. 】

[One year later, the resistance of the white dwarves was of little significance. The population of the major tribes continued to plummet. In desperation, the leader of the white dwarves, Tut, led the most elite troops to sneak attack on the core tribes of the opponent, completely failed, and became prisoners]

Shi Xing ninety-seven years.

[The era of great unification appeared, the tall green man country was established, the monarchy slavery was implemented, the white dwarves were enslaved, and the red beetles were used as telephone bugs, using their ultra-long radiation waves to communicate and communicate, and civilization developed]

Shi Xing 109 years.

[The tall green man entered the age of empires, prospered and built urban castles. 】

In Xu Zhi's eyes, he has seen a brand new future of civilization.

This planet will eventually be completely ruled by the high-green people, and will continue to multiply. Entering the urban age, sci-fi buildings with a vacuum magic wind will stand up, and they will communicate with telephone bugs and use white dwarves as slave workers.


[The initial civilization deduction is over, is it archived? 】

Xu Zhi looked at Caroline next to her with a question mark on her face.

"Try to save it." Caroline said with a smile.


Xu Zhi opened his mouth.


[Please name this world line. 】

Xu Zhi pondered for a while, "The Rise of the Era: City-State Gaoluren."

【Successfully archived】


In Xu Zhi's eyes, as if the screen of a plot game was flashing, a world line with branches of the plot appeared, with the nodes of each era on it, accompanied by pictures.

Just click on a picture of a war that happened at a certain node on this world line.

[Do you want to read files from this world line node? 】

Xu Zhi was instantly shocked.

Isn't that what those story games are?

An optional route map for a plot branch like Detroit Become Human.

Every choice will affect the evolutionary direction of history, and even the extraordinary power system born from it will be different.

Xu Zhi began to feel restless in his heart.

Before, if I played the sand table by myself and recorded the civilizations of each era, it would be impossible to start over again. But where is it that I am not satisfied, can I try to read the file and start over and interfere with the world line?

"Interfering with the world line is our only rule."

Caroline smiled and explained lightly, "Three Pillars of God, it was in this way that they influenced the world line and fought wars, so I wanted to try to fit in here and develop this world in the most perfect form. For the future of civilization, keep reading the files and choose the most suitable one.”

"This is the third step of the creation plan. What is creation? This is called creation! After all, since we can see the future, what about the God of Creation?"

Caroline's face was full of pride, "It must be visible, it exists between the past and the future, our three-dimensional world in the mysterious space-time latitude is one-dimensional to him, a visible straight line - the world The line is also inevitable, similar to the entire world line we are facing the screen at this time, and every historical node can be viewed arbitrarily.”

She pointed to the whole screen, the world line of this planet,

"Yes, the God of Creation is just like us now. He sees endless worlds in his eyes, and can easily see the world line of any world. Pick a node at will, change it, and read the file again at any time.

The two of us at the time, facing the moment when the God of Creation came, was probably a node of the world he had already seen! Even our actions at this time are also the world line he chose. Our future is destined for him. This is the creator god! "

Do not.

I do not have.

Xu Zhi felt helpless.

But in the blink of an eye, it makes sense. If there is a real God of Creation, it should be so terrifying.

But Caroline's hand made him even more amazed.

"You deduce here, I'll go to the other side! We each play our own way" Caroline smiled and stood up shaking, "This is a test of knowledge and ability, how about we sit and talk? Let's see who , the deduced civilization is amazing."

Xu Zhi twitched his eyelids, this guy is doing something.

She is so ruthless, and she has calculated such a precise creation plan, so she is waiting for me to pick something up here?

"Sure enough, this kind of ruthless person's cheap is not so easy to make. If you lose, it will be very embarrassing." Xu Zhi suddenly felt helpless, and Caroline's wisdom is very terrifying.

Next, he didn't care about Caroline's departure. He didn't choose to continue to interfere with the previous historical nodes. Instead, he continued to deduce to see what the high-green civilization would develop into.

One hundred and forty years of Shi Xing.

[High-green people are divided into two types, fighting green people, who study Radiation True Qigong, and intelligent green people, who study scientific and technological radiation technology, and began to try to dig soil and explore outer space. They found the stone star they lived in. , most likely a huge living creature with life. 】

One hundred and seventy-one years of Shi Xing.

[Gao Green People's Kingdom, researching the material of stone stars, found that there is a kind of clay life cell, which can repair their bodies and disabilities, turn them into prosthetics, and provide ventilation, supplying infuriating gas to run smoothly. core technology]

Shi Xing one hundred and ninety-eight years.

[Tall green man country, researching the material of stone stars, the intelligent green man elder, created seven small stone stars, with powerful life energy, announced to the outside world that he was studying a field close to God, as long as he succeeded, seven stone stars , may be able to die and realize anyone's wish! 】

Xu Zhi was silent when he saw that the future planet had developed here.

Could the tall green man with tentacles be a Namekian?

Whoa! !

Xu Zhi opened his eyes slightly, passed through the ripples, and slowly entered that piece of space and time.

He appeared in a science-fiction-style city in the shape of a round house, with black stone streets and radiant lights on both sides, emitting a permanent transparent hazy white light, looking at the tall green stars walking one by one, feeling very curious, "This is the deduction in progress. , Two hundred years from now, what will the civilization of this planet look like?"

"It's so fun."

He flashed slightly and came to the old Great Elder, "This is a brand-new Genesis of civilization. If you are not satisfied with the history of the deduction, you can read the file and start over until the history of civilization moves towards the most powerful world track!"

Xu Zhi felt that this was a high-level deity, and the difference between him, the Heavenly Emperor, and the creation of the world in front of him could see that the gap was terribly big!

This green star is bloated and fat, sitting on a high chair, holding seven gray stone balls, constantly studying and understanding the structure.


The Great Elder was startled and stood up abruptly. It was impossible for any outsider to come here.

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