Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 572 Rebirth, It's Good (2 in 1)

But the excitement was only for a moment, and the flame was quickly extinguished.

"Unlike before, the sand table civilization deduction this time is very special."

He overlooks the entire hundred-acre huge stone star from a high place.

This is a huge area of ​​a wizarding world. The entire sphere is round and vast, with snow-white ice layers and lush mountains and rivers, giving people a sense of lush vitality.

"I unknowingly passed through the future line of the two worlds. The destruction of countless people, the pain and wailing of the people, I have begun to become a little cold and indifferent, like a game, a string of data."

Xu Zhi felt his heart.

But these are not real games.

Everything I have witnessed is a future that will really happen, a bloody reality!

And he is deducing the future of civilization on this planet.

Now I have become the former Three Pillars God. With the blessing of Caroline, I truly understand the power and terror of the Pillar God, and indifference can make every living being as a chess piece, heaven and earth as a chessboard, guide the world line of the whole world, and push it to myself. desired world trajectory.

Xu Zhi himself can adapt very well, because it is not the first time, what if it is someone else?

Maybe you will be really addicted to it, and regard yourself as the only supreme true god. In the countless futures of this world, you will see all living beings as ants, knead and create at will, and open up infinite possibilities.

"The world line, the magic core system, does tend to be indifferent to cold machines, but of course, as early as when I created the magic core, I knew that they were the brains of a supercomputer. The magic core mechanical system will Let their emotions be relatively indifferent, otherwise, there will be no world line."

"It's just, if I become a true creator god in the future, standing in the past and the future, and the world really becomes a straight line, will I be completely reduced to the only true god who is indifferent and supreme? With eyes open and closed, there is an endless world. Born out of destruction, it seems powerful, but a little too ruthless."

But thinking about it now, it's a little too far.

I was only the emperor of heaven, and I began to think that I would become a creator god, not lonely? Is it very lonely that you are only at a higher level now?

Secretly pit two Carolines, this kind of eighth-order gods feel very fragrant.

He lowered his head and looked at the entire planet two hundred years later.

"The Dragon Ball Warriors chapter of this world line is over." Xu Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at the whole world line again, towards the next deduced world line, from which historical time point should he cut in? the best choice.

Do you want to overthrow the rule of the High Green Stars from the beginning, guide the white dwarves to discover the extraordinary system first, and in turn enslave the High Green people?

"Neither. With the IQ of the white dwarves and their bellicose dispositions, they will definitely not be able to develop a network civilization. It is estimated that their civilization should be barbaric."

Xu Zhi pondered,

"There is no need to go against the tide of history like this. In the era of tribal civilization, the race with higher IQ is the first to discover the cultivation system and rule the world, which is the right track of history."

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while, but had no intention of changing the source.

"But the white dwarves can't be destroyed in history, they must rise. In the end of the day, their clan is of great use, and they are the main force in the fight against zombies, and the potential of the red beetle clan" Xu Zhi frowned slightly, " Their race is obviously a feature of the technology side, and their combat power is very weak. But when they develop, they will definitely be strong."

All three clans have developed to fight against Shi Xing's end of the world and the advent of the zombie virus.

"A world where the three clans rise together? It seems incredible, but it's not impossible." Xu Zhi raised his brows, silently deduced the civilization sand table, and finally settled on a timeline.

"Break the trajectory of fate and start here."

Xu Zhi tapped on a small figure, and said indifferently, "Do you have the power to shake the historical rings? Let me take a look."

Stone Star 2201.

A mechanical factory with scattered buildings, surrounded by high snow-white walls.


The steam is smoking, the car assembly line is operating, and several short white dwarfs with a height of one meter and two with jet-black spiral horns are working day after day, assembling parts.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly a ripple bell rang.


"Today, I can finally rest."

A group of sturdy and powerful white dwarves communicated with spiritual thoughts and retreated in an orderly manner.

Soon, they went to the dining hall to finish the simple working meal, and returned to the slave dormitory. They looked at the white dwarf who was trembling on the hospital bed, and sighed, "Why is Zach's disease not cured yet?"

"If only I could go to the hospital."

"How could it be possible for us low-level pariahs to enter the high-green man's hospital?" A short, stout and sturdy white dwarf next to him sighed.

When the white dwarves get sick, they all rely on their strong physique to forcibly survive, and those who cannot survive will die.

"It's not impossible to enter. If it is bought by some wealthy people, it would be much better to be a slave and playmate. I will send it to the hospital to see it. But we are only traded to the factory and become mechanical assembly line workers. How can life be so valuable?"

"We're pretty good. It is said that another batch of the same batch that was sold three years ago was sent to be a gladiator. That's the real life is better than death."

When a few people mentioned this, they shivered, and those days were really terrifying.

In recent years, cars and machines have appeared constantly, and the intelligence of intelligent high-green people is too powerful, and many unimaginable things have appeared. It is said that at the beginning of this year, the supreme ruler of high-green people, the intelligent elders invented Dragon Ball, It is said to have terrifying divine power, capable of killing human flesh and bones and fulfilling all wishes.

"If I can make a wish to Dragon Ball, I'll make Zach get better." Someone wiped their nose.

"Yuri, you are dreaming!" Someone next to him laughed.


Zach on the hospital bed suddenly trembled violently, opened his eyes slowly, and saw the ceiling.

What caught my eye was a small room with four wooden beds. On the table next to the window, on the bench, sat several people chatting, and there was some dazzling sunlight outside the window.

bang bang bang bang!


Light enters the house.

The electronic sound waves of the train passing by came from outside the house.

"Where is this place? Am I dead?" Zach's brain was a little cloudy,

"Hahaha, speaking of Dragon Balls, it is said that they are scattered all over the place, and the major fighters are eager to move." The voice next to him was still chatting.

"Well, yes, the Gaolu Xingren are really powerful. Their fighting clansmen are stronger than ours. The intelligent Xingren can also make all kinds of machinery, and they can even make dragon balls that can fulfill any wish." A slightly familiar voice was next to it.

"It would be nice if we could also become fighters."

The voice is still talking,

"How is this possible? We are so weak, at most we can only go to the slave arena to make the high-green gentlemen happy."

High Green Star?

Dragon Ball?

Doomsday? Biochemical virus?

In vain, Zach's brain suddenly flooded into a huge and complex torrent of memories, washing every corner.

Visions of doomsday poured in frantically.

He saw the extermination of the Gaolu stars, and finally the leader took them and secretly went to the Gaolu star's ruins to steal the virus serum. This was a correct decision. Although the risk was very high, it was a success, and he was no longer afraid of ordinary corpses. Infected, a group of old and weak women and children barely survived and survived in the ruined land for a long time, and finally encountered the zombie king.


He suddenly had a splitting headache, and his pupils contracted violently in fear.

Friends, leaders, old people, children.

One by one fell alive in front of him, a scarlet dazzling pool of blood.

His head turned dizzy, and his ears shrieked with a shrill scream of death.

"No! No! Why am I the only one left?" The self in memory wailed, knelt on the ground, and was also infected.

He felt that a terrifying force was awakening, he became tall and mighty, and he even began to fight against the zombie king.


He fell into madness, fighting frantically, his eyes were stained with blood, and he couldn't see the outside clearly.

A cold voice suddenly came:

"Their fighting talent is terrifying, but their IQ is not high enough. They were the first to invent the cultivation system by Gao Lvren. They took the lead one step at a time, completely suppressed them, and never gave you the possibility to rise again."

Who is this?

Who is speaking.

"Huh? The white dwarf's physical fitness is strong. After the vaccine is injected, there is a chance that a virus immune body will appear?"

The voice was still talking, as if commenting on this race,

"When it comes to transformation, it reminds me of Frieza. Although it doesn't look like it, in the case of the world line, there is an infinite possibility that there will always be a route that will lead to the Frozen Demon Clan."

What exactly does that mean? ? ?


The next second, the blood red bloomed, and he fell into the abyss fiercely.

"I'm dead" Zach thoroughly recalled the scene before his death, his transformation, and the mysterious voice.

"Who is that voice?"

"Who is he!"

He looked around blankly, and the place was reborn more than ten years ago.

At this time, I and this group of slaves are enjoying themselves in pain and looking forward to the future.

Although, at the time, I thought that it was the most difficult time, compared to the subsequent outbreak of the zombie virus, it was nothing compared to that.

"'re all still alive!" Zach looked at his roommates and cried, if everything could be done all over again, if they never died

"Ahh? What are you doing?"

"You don't like men, do you?"

bang bang bang bang!


There was still a sound from outside.

Warm sunlight streamed in from the window.

There was a smile on Zach's face.

Familiar dormitory.

Familiar assembly line factory.

"Countercurrent 201 years." He laughed and returned to the end of the world eleven years ago. This day was like the first time, in the sunny factory,

"Rebirth, it's great."

After a few hours, he began to organize his thoughts.

"It's 2001 now, 12 years before the end of the virus outbreak, and 11 years away. Even the mighty Gao Lv Xingren couldn't handle it at all. The future is too scary."

His pupils contracted, and he couldn't suppress the fear of that era. It was the real bloody apocalypse.

Living is a luxury.

Before his eyes, he saw zombies besieging the city, vehicles speeding in the survivor camp, the death of old people, women, and children, and the beauties of the high green tribe were just trading goods, and they lived a very miserable fate, even worse than their slaves.

"And this year in 2001, the great elder of the tall green people really invented the dragon ball, the world has not changed because of the power and mystery of the dragon ball, this year is a carnival, but it is the beginning of a nightmare, because according to the later red The beetle clan invaded in turmoil, and the leaked video shows that the Dragon Ball technology that appeared this year is not the product of Gaolu Xingren at all, but comes from a higher mysterious latitude technology!"

"Then finally, at the moment of doom, the mysterious existence that appeared in the video, he appeared again, watching the survivors of our white dwarves."

His mind was rumbling.

What is that existence?

See some kind of future apocalypse?

Nobody knows.

Malicious or benign?

At least there is no superficial malice. It seems that what he is doing is trying to help the civilization of this planet get rid of the tragic future of doom and the doomsday destiny of destruction.

"In his words, we white dwarves have a fighting potential that is not inferior to the high-green star people." The atmosphere was quiet, and he looked at the roommates around him.

At this time, none of the white dwarves thought that their inferior race could surpass the tall green man who had both fighting and wisdom.

Yes, their wisdom is indeed not good, but if their combat power grows up, they will be stronger than the tall green people.

"At the last moment, I was infected by a virus, and my body had some kind of physical change. That mysterious existence once muttered to himself that maybe it could become Frieza? Frozen Demon Clan?"

He heard some potential meaning.

This "frozen demon" family should be very strong, and Frieza in the mouth is also very strong. Their white dwarf family may become that powerful race in the future

"I will be Frieza in the future."

With a spiral horn on his head, he is short in stature, with snow-white skin and strong ambition in his eyes.

Take a deep breath and look around.

Forget the current time period, the first year of Dragon Ball just broke out this year, the Great Elder will also promote the era of the Internet explosion during this year, at the same time promote the martial arts club, and promote major development to prepare for the doomsday.

Then, in a few more years, there will be the famous white dwarf suppression and escape incident, and the self of that year also participated in it.

Thinking about it now, after the failure, the Great Elder should exterminate the white dwarves, but according to the mysterious existence, the Great Elder was soft-hearted, let the white dwarves go, and deliberately let them escape.

"I was reborn once, only to find out that there were so many conspiracies and undercurrents in the calm past life." He kept sorting out,

Then came the Red Silk Corps incident. The Red Beetles attacked the Budo Club and killed the Great Elder.

It is precisely because of the death of the Great Elder that it is difficult for Gao Lvxing to resist the doomsday in the future.

"Elder, in the future, he can't die, although I hope he will die, but for the sake of the future, let me think about how to escape in the year when the zombies broke out."

He kept sorting out his thoughts. Their white dwarves were weak because their cultivation techniques were very poor. They could not get resources and could not rise up. After the zombie outbreak, they began to get Gao Luren's cultivation techniques in the turmoil. .

So now, with the memories of his previous life, he can start to practice secretly.

Xu Zhi held his cheeks and smiled,

"In the genesis of my eras, Gilgamesh, the three witches, and various original ecology have risen. There has never been a world line of the protagonist of the era of rebirth. It is good to be able to see the future. "

"But in the end, a three-pillar god chess piece such as Subaru, Shenglin's daughter, and the Great Joy Emperor was selected. When it comes to crossing the past, this is similar to the Subaru way of the beast-shaped god."


Stone Star 2201.

[The white dwarf traveler Zack, returned to the year when the Dragon Ball appeared, practiced secretly, and began to accumulate heritage. 】

Shi Xing two hundred and four years.


[The white dwarves, as slaves, entered the Internet era with reduced labor demand, and were beaten and scolded more and more. The white dwarves felt that their doomsday was coming, and they were no longer needed by the high-green stars, and began to plan to form a rebel army]

A fragment of the movie appeared before him.

In a secret base, Zach is giving a loud speech,

"We don't need to resist, we haven't been abandoned so soon, because in more than ten years, the world will undergo drastic changes, and we can passively regain our freedom at that time!"


A line of words slowly emerged.

[Under the secret guidance of Zach, the white dwarves did not choose to resist and escaped the fate of being suppressed and bloodbathed. 】

Xu Zhi stood on the edge, watching this passionate speech, a group of white dwarves shouted from below, in a trance at this moment, he seemed to see a brand-new historical wheel, slowly running over.

Xu Zhi turned and left,

"As long as we can do it all over again, everyone will be a saint."


Shi Xing two hundred and seven years.

[In the Internet age, people set up forums on the Internet to store secrets, and the docile and weak red beetles began to rise, showing their fangs. 】

[In order to prevent the assassination and prevent the power of both sides from being damaged, Zach also started his own planning this year, and an unnamed online novel was published on the Internet, called "World Line, Dragon Ball Doomsday\

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