Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 577 Decisive Battle of Destiny

Repair the planet and maintain the world order.

In fact, this is similar to the rule that every time the world changes, the avatar of the God of Creation descends, and even the change of the stone star in front of him, from this point of view, also conforms to this rule.

The planet has changed dramatically, and so began to interfere.

"What about the image?" Xu Zhi asked seriously.

"Well, it's probably just an ordinary family." Caroline thought for a while and said, "The figure of white ceramics looks like painted pottery. They can decide what to wear. They can wear the costumes of priests and angels."

"Very good." Xu Zhi is also a style of simplicity and beauty.

Although clay can be used to design all kinds of prosperous beauty, fancy wings, three heads and six arms, but it has no practical value, it is better to keep it simple.

The two negotiated and settled on the rules.

The planet is a second-generation family, and can only be made by two first-generation gods.

Angels are also the second generation of the entire family. There are seven archangels in total. They have no wings and are ordinary ceramic humanoids, but they can reproduce by themselves. Although the blood concentration of the third and fourth generations is constantly decreasing, they can also self-circulate and complement. .

After all, it is a family of order.

"And the technology of the Namekians-Dragon Ball is obviously similar to the whole family's adhesive cell technology, plus the willingness system" Caroline took a deep breath, half smile, "It is very interesting, the future will be fully developed, In order to make them compete, I simply made seven planet-sized Super Dragon Balls with my own hands. All races in the universe are chasing Super Dragon Balls. The aspiration power absorbed must be huge, and many wishes can be realized.”

Xu Zhi: ? ? ?

Planet-sized Dragon Balls?

Well, it looks grotesque, but it can be achieved, after all, they are all the same material.

Xu Zhi thinks that these big guys are very capable of doing things. Thinking about that kind of picture is terrifying, maybe, that level of absorbing willing power can surpass the large amount of incense willing power formed by the Three Realms.

This will be a composite system world.

"That's right." Xu Zhi suddenly asked, "So, since this side is chosen as the world line, then Cybertron Planet"

"Another planet will be created to provide for their civilization to survive." Caroline explained with a smile, apparently already having a plan to deal with it, "After all, they don't rely on the three races, they are the fourth race, with their own system. It is also a kind of The system of clay cells 'refining'."

Indeed, the conflict between the two world lines is not large and can be separated.

The matter of perfecting this small universe is complicated and extremely complicated, but both of them have extremely strong computing power. Xu Zhi is also a demon-core computer at the level of the Heavenly Emperor, and he set the rules in just a few words.

The two stood up while talking.

"It's time to end this." Xu Zhi finished eating, picked up the napkin and wiped his lips.

"Yeah." Caroline looked at the world line, "I estimate that the zombie apocalypse this time will not be successful, and it will take some adaptation, but it should be fine next time."

"Yes." Xu Zhi didn't doubt Caroline's computing power at all.



Caroline's face changed a little bit, and she was a little surprised, "A green monster with beetle wings? What is that?"

Time is speeding up, like an accelerated world movie.

[With the second novel "World Line, I Have a Dream", I wrote a tragic and bloody future. The whole world is completely united, no longer hides any secrets, and all share and communicate. The world is developing more and more rapidly, entering a vigorous period, and also ushered in that day completely. 】


Shi Xing two hundred and twelve years.

[The world-destroying meteorite landed, the infection was turned on, the vigilance of the entire stone star was unprecedentedly improved, and the nearby cities where the meteorite landed was dispersed in advance. The infection did not occur immediately at the beginning]

[Everything is the same as last time. The three tribes know that the infection of the virus is inevitable. Keeping the crowd away from the sea of ​​ice is just to suppress the spread in the early stage. In the end, the virus will spread with the ice ocean.]

[The top three clans still have enough confidence, because they no longer let a large number of creatures be infected as before, making the mutation speed faster, they want to strangle the mutation of the virus in the cradle, they let all the three clans, as well as those who will be infected Animals hid in the sanctuary city on the other side of the planet, evacuated the entire world, and only less than a thousand people appeared on the surface of this ice continent. 】

[These 1,000 people are death squads. They quickly started researching the virus and making serum, but they still could not avoid the fate of being infected. Soon 600 people were infected and spread rapidly. 】

Below the shelter, everyone's expressions were hurried.

"Thousands of volunteers will be dead and study virus serum. Even if they are infected, the infected population base is insufficient, and the virus will not undergo new mutations!"

"Thousands of people in this batch have died, and the next batch of dead soldiers will go out. First, eliminate the thousand mutant zombies before, continue to study the serum, and distribute them in batches. Sooner or later, the serum will be researched and the source of the virus will be completely wiped out. "

This time, they made up their minds from the very beginning.

Even after discussions among all parties, a cruel plan similar to the white dwarf genocide plan was made, with ten thousand times the vigilance and determination, and no loss. Although this approach sacrificed some people, it was the safest. , kill the virus in the safest way and save the whole world.

For this reason, they directly killed 90% of all animals on the surface that could not be taken away, just to prevent those animals from being infected.

This is the "Animal Extinction Plan".

It's not that Zach doesn't remember the serum formula for the previous virus.

It is because this unknown ancient virus is too terrifying, the direction of each mutation is unknown, the number of people infected and the proportion of the population are different, and the angle of mutation will be somewhat inconsistent.

Viruses are on the fly, evolving.

So the same serum won't work.


[After half a year, seven batches of research members were sacrificed, and seven thousand people died alternately, and finally a new second-generation virus serum was developed. The number of these seven thousand ordinary people is not enough for them to produce a new third-generation virus. The virus will end here, and this time the virus crisis will be wiped out in the bud. People began to cheer, and children, the elderly, and parents in the safe city were embracing each other and crying with joy. 】

[However, in less than three days, Shi Xing’s executives found that they underestimated the adaptability of the virus, and a new third-generation variant virus appeared. It began to infect plants and small insects that nature would not otherwise infect, allowing them to The corpse was forcibly grown and spread rapidly. 】

Xu Zhi looked.

In front of you is a lush green lush tall trees, colorful insects.

"Haha. There is no way to continue to be a humanoid virus and go the route of a plant-shaped virus." Caroline smiled, everything seemed to be what she expected.

Just when the two were emotional.


A row of bright red characters slowly emerged.

[In the whole world, except for the human shelter city, all plants and insects have fallen, and even began to be infected with alien viruses. In order to increase the number of infected bodies, even the artificial humans made of clay cells began to be forcibly infected, and No. 18, who had been fighting on the front line, fell. 】

[Within three months, the zombie king of plants and insects soon attacked the shelter, and everyone was completely panicked. They did not expect that the unknown virus that landed on this meteorite would be so adaptable on this planet. There are too many plants. Rooted in the earth, it is almost impossible to destroy the planet. They had no choice but to start the "white dwarf genocide plan" again]


"The fate of the early stage is slightly different, but the tragic and bloody ending is still the same, almost the same as the last time."

After surviving a thousand people, Zach took a thousand frozen demons to kill them frantically, but he was still outnumbered in the end. In the final moment, he mutated to appear a second clone and died in the bloody battle.

Vaguely, he saw a dark green infected zombie tyrant.

This is a fusion zombie creature with green body, similar to green crustacean insects, and green plants. It is slender and tall, and behind it are two green and narrow ladybug wings, which are slender and strangely beautiful.

He looked at Zach's body.

"It was I who infected and swallowed the android No. 18. I am the unified viral creature on this planet, which is a fusion of plants and beetles, and the blood of all the rest of the creatures."

It bowed its head, "The zombie king of the last life also knew the future from you, and stopped the human fire plan. And this time, I also know the future that is about to happen from you, you are going back to the past, right? "

It leads endless zombies behind it, and it is obviously the leader of the zombies who has been hiding.

"Although you all tried to hide it, I already guessed it was you! It was you who kept going back to the past. If this goes on, I'm afraid the next time will be the moment of our extinction."

"It looks like a big win, but it's actually about to lose."

He bowed his head. As a zombie tyrant who has given birth to wisdom, no one would want to die.

"The zombie king of the last world knew the future from you and stopped the human fire plan, and this time, I know the future of the whole world from you, and I want to prevent you from changing the past."

It made a special move.

Direct suicide.

The soul took root and slowly attached to Zach's gradually dissipating soul, "I, kill, kill the tyrant, I want to hide in the depths of your soul, smuggle to do time travel, and follow you back to that era."

"This is our last fight."

As he spoke, he turned into a spiritual cocoon and parasitized in Zach's soul, emitting waves of consciousness fluctuations, and then raised his head, as if he saw a shadowy figure high in the clouds,

"Is that you? You're looking at me. The almighty creator god who dominates the entire universe."

"Why did our virus come from? What is the origin of this meteorite? Please give us a chance to win. I have wiped out my ability to infect, and I am an independent species."

"Great All God, Killing wants to change the past, and there are many questions for you."


[The end-stage civilization deduction is over, and there are special changes, do you want to archive it? 】

Caroline covered her mouth and smiled beside her,

"It seems that some interesting things have happened. The calculation and mutation of the virus is very interesting. According to their big data magic core calculation, it is a dead end to have the ability to infect, because there are unknown existences that are not allowed to infect the entire planet. Taking a different approach, erasing his ability to infect, realizing a unified creature, going back to the past, and fighting to kill, this is the computational thinking of the Demon Core Clan."

Xu Zhi was helpless.

He is a little underestimated by the big unified virus.

At this time, the unified virus also obtained the truth from human beings, knew that the world had restarted many times, and made the best way to survive.

Because if you let Zac go, you will lose.

"It seems that this kind of change in the world line is not a bad thing, it has more potential." Caroline became a little serious, but also a little curious, "It seems that the next world will be a completely different style of painting, it should be a big battle. ,return to the past."

Xu Zhi didn't think that the place of decisive battle was not the apocalyptic era of red and broken zombies everywhere, but the past before the doomsday prophecy, during the peaceful years.


[The end-stage civilization deduction is over, and there are special changes, do you want to archive it? 】

The voice rang again.

"Archive, this civilized world line is named" Xu Zhi thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Era Destruction: The Battle of Destiny."

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