Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 579 Miracles and Arrivals

In Xu Zhi's eyes, the light balls from both sides were bombarded together and turned into two hot radiating sun fireballs, like a miracle in ancient mythology, straight into the sky, burning the entire planet's sky, and Sharu was knocked into the air. In the distant cosmic vacuum, life and death are unknown.


[A mutation occurs, the world line spans the mid-term civilization, and the end-stage civilization has been deduced ahead of schedule. Is it archived? 】

"Archive, it's called."

Xu Zhi sighed, "The Era Catastrophe: The Price of Miracles."

He and Caroline stood in the void, like two ancient white porcelain gods, overlooking the earth-shattering battle of fate on this planet.

This scene, like a heroic epic movie, the whole world is surging with a river of grief and anger, the whole land is blowing endlessly and angering the wind, the huge air current light ball is rapidly gathering, the wind is surging, roaring and sweeping everything, the whole planet is ruined One piece, and ushered in the most heroic hymn.

With a resolute and bloody aura, the whole world directly gave up their lives and turned them into qi, flew into the sky, gathered into a destructive vitality bomb, and defeated the opponent.


Zach, who was at a high place, lost consciousness and quickly fell to the ground.

In front of the TV, countless people were screaming.

They laughed and laughed, and suddenly burst into tears and fell to the ground.

A young generation of teenagers and girls knelt down in front of the corpses of their unconscious parents and grandparents.

Almost all people who live to middle age have silently chosen to dedicate their qi, cut off their own era, and leave hope for the future of young people.

On the ground, there was a faint sound of singing floating in the sky, and the girls and boys were sobbing.

"~~O great destiny, it is always written with the unknown, it is full of unbelievable wonder and interest The sprout of the cliff will break through the rock, the bird with shredded wings will fly into the sky, the humble slave will will be free. Everything is a miracle, and nothing is a miracle.”

on the sky.

Xu Zhi shook his body suddenly, overlooking the entire era below, everything had been destroyed, and he was starting anew.

The wheel of fate is still rolling in.

Caroline's eyes flickered for a few seconds, and she commented with emotion, "If it wasn't for the gathering of the world again and again, allowing them to see the tragedies of their future destiny, they may not have aroused such blood, and millions of people are willing to commit suicide quickly. , for a new warm dawn."

"As a unified virus, it can calculate all things. He had no reason to lose such a winning pattern, but he only missed the people's hearts, and they all committed suicide in an instant. This kind of unhesitating is a miracle. It may be the miracle itself that can create a miracle.”

"Those who create miracles are themselves some kind of miracles?" Xu Zhi silently chewed on this sentence.

Undoubtedly, the application of qi and radiation has been thoroughly transformed into a mature system.

Qi usually circulates and runs in the body as energy, symbolizing the breath of life. When attacking, the Qi is converted into radiation waves and blasted out.

It is already foreseeable that the future of this world will be a cosmic world where light waves collide with each other.

After all, radiation and gas are the mainstream.

"And the last trick is very exciting, collecting the qi of the whole world." Caroline showed a touch of curiosity and some emotion, "I can't think of it, and there is such a way of using qi, Zach's thinking is not simple."

Caroline also agreed.

After all, Zac has solved the virus of the unification to some extent. Although it is not the irreversible virus situation of the Ishdar people, it is enough to be proud of.

"Indeed, Zach is not easy." Xu Zhi did not refute, he had dreams, ability and persistence. He casually mentioned a frozen demon, Frieza. He took the weak white dwarf to develop in that direction, and even Calling himself Frieza, it shows his beliefs.

"The name Frieza, the Frozen Demon Clan, is accidental, and it can be regarded as a miracle." Xu Zhi thought about it, this was originally his random move. But even if the name is called, it is not a key point, a It's just a name, the world is completely different.

And the initial civilization deduction of the sand table in the stone star world, laying the foundation for the cultivation system, ended here.

As for the end of the next 12 years?

Zac breaks through the seventh order and can be used as a frozen demon to achieve Frieza's three-stage transformation, which means that he can fly into the atmosphere like Cybertron, and has the ability to crush meteorites in space in advance.

After all, the vacuum world is different from the previous world sand table. The seventh-order heavenly emperor can leave the gravity and start wandering, because they don't need oxygen to survive like other heavenly emperors.

"It's just that this planet has become a bit messy." Caroline held her cheeks.

She looked at the people in the ruins, and they began to lick their wounds, collect the souls of several top martial artists from the dead, make a wish to the Dragon Ball, resurrect them, and create another body.

But obviously, some broken souls cannot be resurrected.

In addition, Dragon Ball can only make wishes every once in a while, and it needs to accumulate wishing power. During this period of time, it will turn into an ordinary stone ball, so there are actually very few people resurrected this time, only a few top martial artists on the 18th.

"Also, more than one-third of the huge population died in this collection of qi, and the rest are basically young children of the younger generation, as well as some who are timid and afraid of death."

When Caroline said this, she couldn't help but show a little contempt, "But the deduction is indeed coming to an end, after all, it is not a real magic core. It is difficult for me to support my computing power after breaking through the emperor. If it is a magic core system, The Three Pillars of God can calculate even those in the realm of gods, but flesh and blood life."

When she said this, she shook her head, "After the Heavenly Emperor, we can only let it develop."

This time, the sand table civilization deduction has indeed ended here.

The gains were also unprecedented.

In just two hundred years, a system has grown from nothing, has evolved so maturely, and has also broken through the Heavenly Emperor. It seems that it is just the beginning.

As for the betting itself, it is secondary, entertainment.

"So, what else do we have to do when we leave at the end?" Caroline thought for a while, and asked directly what else to add.

"Let's go down and have a look, and communicate with them again. There is a beginning and an end." Xu Zhi looked at the people in this era of planetary disasters.

Caroline is no exception. After all, the super ancient gods of the year had this style.

"Then what do we communicate?" she asked.

"Let them not slack off. There is a second crisis coming and the crisis is no longer created by you and me, but comes from themselves." Xu Zhi said.

"Self?" Caroline asked curiously.

Xu Zhi said, "Yes, they will have crises in the future, but it is good to have crises, and civilization can flourish. First of all, the three clans seem to be united, but in the future, they may not be completely united. What about their descendants? What? Where there are people, there is war. This is one crisis, and the second crisis is Sharu, who was seriously injured in a vacuum and fell asleep, but may return in the future, the third crisis is "

Xu Zhi lowered his head and looked at the Dragon Balls who had made a wish.

The other two crises Caroline thought of, but Dragon Ball? Caroline was startled, and looked at Dragon Ball along the frown, and for a moment, it also guessed the flaw in the belief system.

When good will gathers, then evil will naturally gather.

The shortcomings of the Three Realms that cannot be changed after years of development cannot be simply solved here.

"Yeah, this time Dragon Ball is too tragic. Many people have preserved their souls. In the future, many people will madly collect Dragon Balls and make wishes in order to resurrect their relatives? That is a brand new era."

She frowned slightly, "However, the Dragon Balls will definitely be contested, because the preserved soul will dissipate even if the rice cooker made by the Red Satin Legion can seal and preserve the soul. Therefore, it will definitely be robbed."

"And the next era is bound to be the prosperous age of Dragon Ball's martial arts. The rush to snatch seven Dragon Balls is surging, but if the wish is too long, they are also full of desire to revive their relatives, and they must also converge into the Black Dragon Ball of evil will?"

She sighed in admiration and said with emotion, "So it is, the next historical node and destiny, the next world crisis, is this also in your calculations?"

As the days passed quickly, Zach gradually woke up and regained his strength, and the people of the whole land began to secretly lick their wounds.

Shixing Dec. 12

Zach flew into the sky, and the entire meteorite was quietly blasted in space, nothing happened, and the day was spent safely.

"The node of destiny, has it been changed?"

At this moment, everyone opened their mouths, feeling speechless.

They counted the history of the entire planet. It was too weird. A traveler changed the past several times, changed the doomsday period, and then there was a real era of peace?

And you live in this happy world line?

However, do the doomsdays of the parallel universe really exist?

Many people have this kind of question.

But obviously, the God who created all things, the "whole family" who dominates the creation of the universe, has penetrated into their hearts.

"I always feel that fate is a bit magical. Now that several years have passed, it is still incredible to think about it."

"The whole family, the god who created all things, that mysterious god, is still observing our planet now?"

"Hehehe, maybe, the vast universe is huge and boundless, it has infinite possibilities and miracles, and we are just one of them."

"According to the analysis, it is the ultimate existence in the world, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, standing at the origin and end of each world line, with the ultimate quality of creating everything."

The terrifying disaster has been lifted, and the earth is still full of wounds. Although there is no zombie era, the infection has destroyed 99% of the population, but Sharu's time has still brought a terrifying extinction disaster.

However, just one day after the meteorite exploded, in this era of destruction, people saw the mysterious multicolored aurora covering the distant ice ocean, two ancient white porcelain gods came slowly, and finally appeared in a frozen ice in the Arctic Ocean. In the city, walking on the bluestone streets, looking at the surrounding ethnic culture and architectural style.

Countless people turned their heads and looked in horror.

"With white skin and black seaweed on his head, is that God?"

"How come there are two?"

"The two are exactly the same, the only difference is the length of the hair."

"Did the creator god come to our planet to bring some oracle?"

Everyone was startled and did not dare to approach. The All-God who created the universe descended. Everyone thought that was the only God, but they didn't expect that there were actually two All-Gods.

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