Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 582 Physical Buddha, chemical Tao, one gasification of three hydrogen!


Xu Zhi stretched out his hand and sucked up the tablet.

"Let me see how the Chinese gods of the forum have developed during this period."

He sat on the sofa leisurely with his legs folded, straight and fair, and elegantly ate the cake brought by the ceramic girl, pondering softly,

"The biggest difference between the two is that Shi Xing's civilization is a gas light cannon, a rough way of combining gas and light, wide open and large, relatively monotonous and direct violence, while the two systems in front of you are divided into two, very delicate , each developing an ultimate path.”

After all, the Chinese style is delicate and elegant.

At present, they are also developing the ancient style according to this aspect, although the elegance is no longer suitable for the funny players on the Internet who are full of trains.

But in the end, the Chinese god system is everyone's dream, and Xu Zhi is no exception. He is still very interested in the Buddha's light that has been developed.

There is some sentiment in it.

At the same time, he has also integrated two genes, which means that he has two more cultivation systems, radiation and inner qi. At the same time, if he cultivates too much, he will not be afraid of being scalded by boiling water. It is also very good to study and cultivate these two systems.

Xu Zhi took a closer look at the development of the inner world at this time.

Although he was only going out with Caroline for the deduction, it was not really another two hundred years, but a relatively short period of time had passed.

The players have already started a big turmoil. They have studied the Buddhist and Taoist system and met the big mantis. Most of the players have started surprise attacks. Although Yuan Qinghua and Bai Xiaojun are the focus of care, it is impossible to escape successfully. Losing most of the manpower, or some players escaped.

There are only a hundred or so players left in this group of players, and they are scattered all over the place.

"Now that they are wandering between the mountains and the wild, they have become relatively independent. After a lot of hard work, they finally know how to be self-reliant and rely on themselves." Xu Zhi looked at the general situation and was very pleased.

After all, it doesn't matter how many people die, all that remain are elites.

The second batch of PVP fighting competitions is about to start, and new players are coming in too.

"Although it's not as majestic as a small universe, this small world, small and refined, is really dissatisfied with its development." Xu Zhi casually glanced at it and found that the brains of these people have broken the sky, and various Buddhist and Taoist practices have appeared. At the same time, there are also various comments,

"I rely on me, the Taoist priest is the son of the plan!"

"What can you do with this little radiation in the early stage, can you be a light bulb?"

"You can't even heat a spicy skin!"

"God is so radiant and hot!"

"Don't panic, everyone, we are in the late stage! Stay and don't wave!"

"It's cold (pick nose)"

Obviously, everyone practiced for a while, and immediately noticed the difference.

Buddhist cultivation is simply a hard-working profession, with no resources and low combat effectiveness. Where does this radiation come from? It's hard to get, even if you get to practice, the combat power in the early stage is not as great as others.

"Brothers, don't panic, we have already started prospecting and preparing uranium!" Someone shouted, "Learn physics well before you can cultivate Buddha!"

Everyone: "."

They just feel that the whole person is stupid, big brother, in order to cultivate Buddha, you have to build a nuclear reactor?

It's too hard-core to be offended.

And Xu Zhi was stunned when he saw this, and felt very speechless.

It's been so long since I saw you, are you playing so big behind your back? Feelings aren't your own world, right?

He always felt that there were major research institutes secretly providing technology and doing crazy things, which was going to blow up his inner world.

Although Xu Zhi also thought of their ideas, after all, a controllable human-shaped nuclear reactor, a person in a cassock sitting cross-legged, with an aperture behind his back, standing there to generate electricity, can benefit a city.

That picture is too beautiful to look at.

Although Buddhism and Taoism appear in reality, it is also a world similar to the combination of Ishdar technology and transcendence.

"It seems that those radiation wastes have to find a way to put them in it, otherwise they won't really develop." Xu Zhi measured it, and casually pointed out one of the most popular posts,

It's a monastic post.

When the Buddhist system was still suffering and complaining, a group of top-notch qi-training monks had already started to form an alliance, discussing and researching and integrating secret exercises with each other, and then began to establish a sect.

The first sentence of opening the post is:

[Qingtianmen, open the way of practice, recruit disciples all over the world, you can enter my door. 】

"This sect, recruits new players who are about to enter the next class, the vast number of disciples, as long as they enter the school, they will send the true qi blood medicine, and at the same time teach the sect's 'Qingtian Jue' the true qi operation method, there is no limit to the qualifications, there is no class , there are only 100 places, first come first served."

Inside is a promotional video.

"My name is Qingshan Elder. Everyone knows that only the sixth rank can control the sky, but I can cultivate this vein. As long as I have the physique of true qi cultivation, the first rank will be able to fly. I am born with one qi, and condense the sword in the void!"

I saw green mountains and green waters, and the earth was a wide stream.

A tree man wearing a green shirt and leather, holding a peach wood red sword in one hand, and a gourd wine in the other, galloping in the sky, slowly dancing the sword, drinking and drinking, with an elegant feeling.

Lang Langshi horn sounded:

"My generation is only drinking, and there is no leisure between heaven and earth,

Wine into the intestines, seven into the moonlight,

For the remaining three points, Xiao turned into sword energy,

When the embroidery mouth spit, it is half the universe. "


"There are three peaks and three veins in this sect, each has its own hall, let's see the fire control technique of one of the three veins!" The sword immortal suddenly opened his mouth and spit, and a large piece of flame spewed out, turning into a big red fireball. Not spectacular.

"Desire burns all things, the world can be burned, this spiritual fire can be used to refine pills, and the potential is endless."

He raised his hand.

"Second pulse, air blasting technique."


An explosion was generated from the hand, and the invisible and translucent air wave quickly exploded, "True Qi can crack everything, and it can crack mountains and rivers."

"Water Repelling."

He stretched out his hand again, and a slow stream of water was created out of thin air, circling and flowing from his hand, clear and gentle, "When you advance, you can attack the enemy, and when you retreat, you can moisten things silently. This spiritual water can nourish the growth of spiritual plants and heal many diseases!"

Flying in vain?

Void fire, water?

Can you make an explosion?

Everyone in the forum was shocked. This propaganda video is too explosive. The players are very attentive and have a lot of looks. Moreover, these three phenomena are incredible, and they are not in line with modern science. Conservation of matter, how did it happen ?

That's all it takes to make a fire, it's amazing to make water out of thin air!

"Chi-chi, this pose is so handsome, it has an inner taste!"

"Qingtianmen, Qingtian asked, I will worship Zhang Xiaofan when I come to Japan!"

"Yeah, just think about it, you can fly in the air at the first level, immortal wind and Taoist bones, full of force, and there are three mountain peak spells, fire, water, explosion, you can choose one of them to worship!"

"Wow, so handsome."

"We really did it! (shouting with excitement.jpg)"

"I used to be superstitious about science."

At this time, it was hard for netizens to look at the picture and imagine that the players could actually achieve scenes similar to those in ancient myths, and the infuriating system had been developed to be the same as in ancient times.

As for the players of the Buddhist lineage, they were heartbroken, and their faces were completely black.

Damn, how can they be so handsome! !

Normally speaking, isn't the most handsome one cultivating Buddhism?

There is a large circle of light behind it, shining brightly, saving sentient beings. Wherever he goes, there is Buddha land within 800 miles, and he can save people. It is the embodiment of justice.

You must know that for many players, which career to choose depends on whether he is handsome or not. After all, there is a famous saying in the online game industry: strength is a temporary thing, handsomeness is a lifetime thing.

"We're going to change Taoism!"

They wept bitterly,

"Please plan, Dad, be a person! Balance your career!"

But no matter how weeping and discussing on the Internet, this is undoubtedly a symbol of the times.

The Huaxia Divine System has completely laid the foundation, using the Qi cultivation system. Although the first batch of players have developed into countless casualties, they have also begun to develop, and they have begun to prepare to recruit the next generation of players.

This is the prelude to the rise of the ancient sect of cultivating immortals.

History will thoroughly remember this important moment.

But soon, some people on the forum disagreed, especially the players of the Buddhist lineage next door, who couldn't get used to the son of Dao Xiu, the planning group, and came out to demolish the stage.

"Do you know why they can fly? It's in the internal air, in addition to carbon dioxide and oxygen, I guess hydrogen."


Everyone suddenly became restless.

Originally had an oxygen heart, a carbon dioxide heart, and then evolved a third hydrogen heart?

The crowd fell silent.

It turns out that the two hearts have realized the internal circulation, the real "innate one gas", one breath of vitality will live for a lifetime, and if you cultivate this breath, you will be able to live forever. And plus an unnecessary hydrogen gas?

Is this superfluous, simplifying complexity?

In effect, this is not added out of thin air.

This is a kind of reform of a special infuriating lineage, and the effect seems to be very amazing.

Because of the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen, there will be a flame, so the fire is controlled. As for water? According to 2H2+O2=2H2O, water will be formed.

With fire, there is also water.

As for the explosion?

Hydrogen and oxygen burn, and at a certain concentration, a hydrogen explosion will occur.

Everyone was stunned, and this thought was indeed explained. It turned out that all the incredible miracles just now came from this way?

They couldn't help but tremble:

Is this the ancient principle of cultivating qi?

"Hydrogen, it is estimated that it is not in the inner cycle of yin and yang. It is still carbon dioxide and oxygen. It is self-sufficient. These two kinds of inner qi contain energy carriers for their own practice. They are originally a kind of spiritual qi. With 'hydrogen' as a catalyst, combustion It is spiritual fire and spiritual water. It is very powerful."

Everyone thinks about it.

Oxygen is responsible for the combustion and carbon dioxide is responsible for the fire.

It's really a yin and a yang.

The hydrogen in the two gases did indeed play a triggering effect.

"The end of theology, is it really science? (Shocked.jpg)"

"That is to say, they used test tubes and various chemical raw materials to prepare hydrogen gas? Put it in the body as the third internal gas circulation? Learn physical chemistry, and you are not afraid to travel around the world?"

"Science, I was wrong, I shouldn't question you, I read nine years of compulsory education in vain (crying, crying)"

Everyone is not calm anymore. They feel that this operation is very rude and has a lot of brain holes, but they can't help but feel that this is one of the best cultivation methods for the True Qi lineage.

This is an inevitable development that has been explored by players.

"This is estimated to be advanced!"

"I think the same is true. After the fusion of the advanced third qi, there are various changes. This cultivating faction has become more powerful and changeable!"

"Indeed, it turns out that these two kinds of gas are ordinary internal circulation, but with hydrogen, they can fly, ignite, generate water, and explode."

"This is the advancement of a Qi refiner."

Everyone swiped the screen frantically, swiping the screen in a fast way, however, the next sentence completely detonated everyone.

"Is it possible, this is the highest state in the legendary Taoist innate one gas. One gas turns into three hydrogen?"

Everyone: "."

one! gas! change! three! hydrogen!

Their pupils widened, and when they heard the word, their minds turned dizzy.

It is the highest meaning of Taoism to transform one gas into three clears. It turns out that this is the truth. After all, fate cannot be such a coincidence. True qi is real qi, and once gas is transformed into three clear qi, it is naturally also a real three hydrogen.

Many people feel that ancient theology and mythology really existed and can be effectively explained by modern scientific theories. At this time, this explanation is undoubtedly very appropriate.

The ancients might have used this form to gain the Tao and soar.

"It turns out that true qi is real qi, and it really means on paper. Flying with hydrogen gas is what the ancients qi refiners often called the 'hydrogen body technique'.

"I hate that we modern people understand it too late."

"By the way, I also think of the ancient Qi refiners, and there is a saying about collecting Qi from the cloud."

"It may be that hydrogen is used for gas production. After all, hydrogen is difficult to recycle and replenish, and it is not normal breathing carbon dioxide and oxygen."

"At the low level, you can use hydrogen to soar. How did they turn?"

When everyone had a heated discussion, they felt very excited, and they were too excited. This opened the door to ancient history and discussed the truth of ancient history. We are all archaeologists.

"Flying with hydrogen, it is estimated that you use farts to steer."

Immediately, everyone's face turned black.

Someone immediately pointed out, "I don't know about the ancients, but you see, this player's immortal cultivator moves and moves in the sky, obviously deflating it from the back, carrying out a structure similar to a jet, and pushing it with reaction force! In simple words, it's making yourself an old-fashioned jet."

Obviously, unlike players who know nonsense, this one is obviously professional,

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!. If you look at the picture carefully, it is obvious that it is a low-power serial fart below 10kg·m/s, which is very rhythmic, just like the situation of car exhaust. I personally think that if you make the first Three hydrogen hearts, made into internal combustion cylinders, can release a lot of energy, and can also shoot fire jets at the back, it is the latest humanoid rocket, Astro."

? ? ?

Everyone has a toothache, and their faces are completely wrong. This person is too serious, and his analysis is very methodical.

Flying in the sky holding a bronze ancient sword, a fairy in a green shirt, the back of the butt is full of fire and gas. The picture is too beautiful to look at!

But in the next second, this discussion is not over yet. Another news completely ignited the entire Chinese god system to its peak, completely blowing the pot.

"Wait, Buddha is playing physics, the players over there are building a physics laboratory, and they are still scientifically preparing uranium-235, radioisotopes, and conducting nuclear reactions.

Play chemistry, players here have established chemical laboratories, and are still scientifically preparing hydrogen and engaging in chemical reactions."

Buddha plays physics, Taoism plays chemistry? When these words fell, everyone's minds felt a flash of thunder in the darkness, and suddenly they were extremely silent, only feeling creepy!

"Physical Buddha, chemical Tao?"

In front of the computer, netizens felt their hearts rise to their throats, and they were terrified. Some of them even knocked over the water glasses next to them!

"We originally thought that the ancient battle of Buddhism and Taoism was essentially a struggle between light and qi, but we never imagined that it would be a war between ancient physics and ancient chemistry!"

They suddenly thought of the Huashan School's Qi Zong and Jian Zong fighting from generation to generation, and it is estimated that this is also a terrifying situation.

"It turns out that the long-standing debate between physics and chemistry in modern times has existed since ancient times!" The middle-aged man who spoke about the driving force just now was a professor in a university. He just had no class and was sitting in his office. He murmured while dragging his chin, his eyes blurred, "Maybe I should go and try to reconcile with the chemically stubborn old man next door."

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and couldn't help but post another sentence on the Internet. After all, as a professor, it is necessary to guide these new generation of flowers full of flowers to grow and make them more serious.

He immediately said, "The ancients were very particular about examining things and trying to reason, so it is. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva should be a great master of physics, proficient in the understanding of nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and various gamma cosmic rays, but it's the same after thinking about it. Which world's powerhouse before is not knowledgeable? Knowledge base determines the realm and combat power, the talent and knowledge of the sky and the latitude, and the physics and chemistry in front of you are part of the analysis of the principles of nature."

"I see!"

"I see!"

"Uuuuu, this is really a game that loves learning. The scumbag just cried. It turned out that I wanted to practice Buddhism, but the physics was too bad. here!"

"I see."

Xu Zhi's brows widened, "It is indeed the respective representatives of the two factions."

I only feel that the Huaxia God System they developed is indeed a shocking ghost and gods, and the future prospects are extremely broad. At this time, they have researched the foundation of this civilization system, and they have lived up to their expectations.

Even the big guys are not calm.

There were discussions in their private chat groups, and they thought it was terrifying.

Before, the two major systems of Buddhism and Taoism had not been fully deduced, and they were only beginning to see the clues. They thought it was a war between light and qi, but at this time, it was completely deduced, and it was only creepy.

The veil of the ancient Chinese gods, the myth of Buddhism, and the great ancient times, turned out to be a battle between ancient physics and ancient chemistry.


When the vast and distant Chinese ancient history and mysterious ancient myths are explained by scientific theories in modern times, everyone has a sense of horror.

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