Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 602 The world of adults, no dreams (two in one)

"The future of life."

It is called by the heavenly people: the forbidden area of ​​absolute static time.

This kind of talent is almost heaven-defying, irresistible, and unstoppable is like the weirdness of the Three Realms.


Time seems to be frozen in this moment.

The Lord of Samsara looks like a static white statue, with a handsome and slender body, dressed in a black robe, his face is as handsome as jade, frozen in the air in a static posture of punching, motionless.

"What about Reincarnation Mansion? What about Emperor Zun? I have absorbed almost all the strongest talents of the era, infinite attack, infinite defense, ignoring damage, no damage can be added, can't be destroyed, it is already a legend in this world. Extreme Heaven!"

呲呲呲呲! !

Emperor Yun stood on the side of the still emperor's ear, like an inextinguishable god of war, his hands turned into endless phantoms, and the shredded and dense spear tips fell into the same point, on the weakest eardrum.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The surrounding space is constantly vibrating, crackling, the dense photon stream ignites the air, and the radiation sandwiches the airflow, turning into a blow that can destroy the earth with any shot!

The space in the eardrum begins to collapse into a vortex visible distorted by vision.


Emperor Zun's eardrum was slowly expanding and healing slightly.

"The injury is healing, is this awakening?" The face of the skeleton emperor of the human world changed, "How can it be so fast, at the expense of Emperor Shi's life, sacrifice and deprive life time, it should not be so fast. "

"Did not wake up. It should be his self-passive healing speed"

"How is this possible?"

All the great heavenly emperors of the heaven and human world, their own talents are extremely strange and powerful, and they all feel that their scalps are numb.

You must know that this absolute still time reduces the body’s sense of time, recovery speed, and reaction level to an almost static flow rate, depriving the “time” at this time, which is equivalent to reducing 99% of self-healing Energy, but even so, there is such a terrifying repair speed

So if it is under normal circumstances, what level of resilience will it reach?

Perhaps destroy the body, and heal and recover almost instantly.

Desperate thoughts flashed through their minds in vain:

Can't beat.

Even the Emperor Yun integrates all the Heavenly Emperors.

Beyond the limit of combat power they can imagine, the other party still seems to be standing on the other side of the distant ocean, and it seems that it is not a dimensional life.

"One power down ten sessions!"

This idea appeared in everyone's mind, and they only felt that the body was chilling. It is no wonder that the existence of this kind of existence in ancient times could not be defeated. It was unheard of.

"Don't panic! We have opened the odds! We have seized the chance of 1 in 10,000!"

"Yes, now, we have almost slowed down the emperor's entire recovery speed and stopped his time, even if it is an ancient giant? At this time, it has broken through his weakest eardrum!"

Their expressions still gradually stabilized.

Because in this static time domain, no matter how strong it is, there is no way to resist.

Attack from the opponent's eardrum, start at the weakest point, and reduce the resilience to the limit.

"The so-called miracle, isn't it the victory over the impossible? No matter how powerful an invincible existence is, after all, it can use an ant-like tiny lever to move the whole world!"

This is no longer courage or not, but there is no way out, and I have to fight hard.

Tear! !

The frozen spear bombarded frantically at the same point, and the eardrum finally continued to expand, completely turning into a hole, but it was still healing frantically at a visible speed.

"If there is such a miracle."

Yun Di's face was condensed, and he couldn't help but say,

"Right now, we're going from the ear to the brain. That's the only possible way to win."

His decision-making ability and fighting talent are naturally amazing.

At the moment of the fight, he found that the opponent was too terrifying and could not break the defense at all, so he had a strategy in an instant to stop the opponent. He originally wanted to pierce the eyeball and enter the brain. from the weaker eardrum

Emperor Yun snorted coldly, "Emperor."

Type Emperor understands.

He started moving quickly.

The body of Emperor Yun was shrunk crazily, but at this time, more than 60 Heavenly Emperors had already shrunk in size. Together with the size of Emperor Yun, it almost exceeded his upper limit of control.


Endless blood flowed down from the Emperor's mouth and nose, soaking the seven orifices, very ferocious.

"Emperor Yun's body size, I can no longer shrink to the extent that it enters the eardrum, because we have to shrink to a smaller degree with us in the body, we are finished." He turned his head and looked at the surrounding Heavenly Emperor suddenly thought that it was so calm to tell them the desperate news.

Now, puncturing the eardrums is just useless.

Because he can't do it anymore.

But he wiped the blood that spilled out of his eyes, and was about to tell the truth.

"Emperor, hold on."

"Please, please use this power to save the whole world."

"Battle on the Immortal Road, you can't be without you!"

The voice of a goddess around him quickly rang in his ears, constantly encouraging and waving the flag.

These days, the Great Emperor has been completely aroused with blood, and there is no way out.

"Save this piece of heaven and earth?" Xingdi was covered in blood, and he was taciturn and did not dare to tell the truth for a while to attack these heavenly emperors.

Fear, depression, shock.

If you tell them, what kind of mood do you want to face the ruler of the underworld who dominates the reincarnation of the world? Waiting for the judgment of fate?

This is so desperate.

At this moment, he clearly understood that facing the reincarnation mansion and the emperor, it was like looking directly at the death of reincarnation, facing the entrance of the underworld, the Yellow Spring Road,

Himself means

irresistible fate.

Confront death itself.

As for their roaring to save the world? This word is too unfamiliar to him, too stupid.

In a trance, Emperor Xing recalled in his mind a long, long time ago, a period of youthful years, and a picture flashed like thunder.

a classroom.

The fine and bright sunshine shone down, and the young boy looked at the green grass outside. An old man stood at the height of the classroom, slowly writing the word "dream" on the stone wall,

"Children, tell me what your dreams are?" said the old man.

A famous student started to speak enthusiastically below,

"Does it need to be said? I want to become the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Hahaha, I want to save the world and rule the world!"

"I want to become strong and protect the people I love!"

"I also want to save the world! I want to become the strongest, accept the love of the people, become a symbol of an era, and protect the whole world!"

The old man smiled happily, "Very good, children, this is a very good dream. It is because of you that we have the future. I believe that the era with you is full of sunshine and miracles."

The old man suddenly stopped the lonely boy who had been looking out the window, "Xing Sheng, what is your dream?"

"Dream? Children only talk about dreams, adults talk about reality, and I will talk about the reality I want. I don't like to communicate, I don't like to socialize, and I don't like to talk to those who are full of sunshine. I like to hide in a lonely place. In the dark corner, shrink a little, and shrink a little more, so that everyone can't see me, don't chat with me."

"What a dark guy."

"Always pretending to be an adult, very old-fashioned."

"His dead fish eyes are so scary."

"Always look lazy, claim to be energy-saving, and don't play with us. It's too dark. I want to save such a lonely guy!"

The teacher slowly pointed to the word "dream" written down from a high place, "It's a very interesting dream, no wonder your talent has become an obsession, becoming smaller, smaller, but I hope you are still more sunny, life , full of anticipation for the future and brilliance.”

When I was a teenager, the classroom in my memory was blurred. As the years passed, the youthful peers grew up with them, and their edges and corners were smoothed out. "Save the world?" "Become a great man?" "Look into the future?" Great dreams have become out of reach, torn to shreds by cruel reality.

He still remembered that many years later, at the gathering of fellow scholars, the vicissitudes of their faces, the youth and excitement were no longer, the time was full of wrinkles on the corners of their eyes, after a drunk, a group of classmates howled and cried,

"Our dreams never came true."

"Saving the world? Becoming the emperor of heaven? The benchmark of the era of domination? That's ridiculous. If this great world of heaven and man is to be saved by us mediocre people, it will be an incredible miracle."

"Speaking of which, everyone's dreams have not come true. Xing Sheng's dream is the only one among our classmates that has come true."

Everyone turned their heads to look at him. At this time, he was still curled up in the corner, like a transparent person, and he wanted to make himself smaller and smaller.

Suddenly someone said,

"He said it wasn't a dream, it was a reality."

In an instant, there was silence.

He looked at these people who encouraged them, just like before.

He knew from a young age that reality and dream are two different meanings.

Also, what useless things are you thinking about now? When people are dying, they always think of strange things.

"We've already lost." He murmured suddenly.

Even if he was a very realistic person, he didn't dare to tell them this reality.

Due to the frenzied force, large swathes of blood fell from the face of the emperor, and the overloaded force made him die, and his whole body collapsed. Maintaining the body shape of more than sixty emperors is already the limit, plus Yundi, even if he is a peak emperor. Also an almost impossible load.

We have already lost.

Emperor Zun can't win

He wanted to say this again, but choked up, feeling unable to speak.

He bears the weight of the entire world, and more than 60 Heavenly Emperors, Yunzhongjun, Yundi, all focus on him.

"You people should know that in the adult world, where does the dream come from?"

"Children only talk about dreams, adults talk about reality."

Xingdi's eyes were full of mocking smiles, and he was about to speak completely.

"Emperor, hold on!" "You're a little bit worse!" The surrounding voices were still incessant.

He was silent again after all.

"It's ridiculous to dream or something, but there's nothing to back off, I just don't want to die."

He was still squeezing every potential in his body, shrinking and shrinking, as if he was compressing his body crazily, causing the matter to burn and shatter, ravaged together again, and walked towards death, without noticing it, an indescribable huge breath slowly came from rise up on oneself,

He was still thinking about it,

"I just want to go back all of a sudden, just have another drink with them on a sunny afternoon, hide in the corner and listen to them talk about the ordinary days of the years"

"I, just want to talk to them, just want to talk." He clenched his fists and cried in an almost hysterical voice,

"I want to go back alive and tell them that you dreamed of saving the world when you were young, and I have fulfilled it for you!!!!"


He was hysterical, as if the innermost soul was roaring.

The soul seems to be flying.

Talent breaks through some kind of upper limit in an instant.

The body burst out with the brilliance of multi-colored glass, and a sense of freedom and comfort without scruples poured out from the depths of my heart.

"I am?" He widened his pupils.

Emperor Yun's body suddenly shrunk, turning into a soybean-sized, delicate, high-concentration mass compression, causing the space around him to faintly collapse, as if it had turned into a high-quality white dwarf star.


"we won!"

"Has it been successful!"

"Emperor Yun has become smaller!"

"Hahaha, the Immortal Road is cut off, we will resume our journey today!"

Countless Heavenly Emperors were screaming wildly, crying and trembling with excitement.

"Yeah." Xingdi threw away all the words he just wanted to say, and instead encouraged everyone with confidence, "Don't be afraid, everyone, there is no need, for me, it's a very simple thing, I We've been pretty sure just now! We've already won next!"


"Good! Good! Good, you are a type emperor, you have broken the limit! The Great Sacred Realm. Apart from me and Yun Zhongjun, the third one." Yun Emperor also laughed heartily.


In the next second, he drilled into the eardrum with a tight shot, and the eardrum was quickly recovering and healing.

"It's finally in the brain." He bristled.

He was also desperate just now. He knew the details of the emperor best, and he couldn't do it at all.

But he still tried, because he couldn't tell everyone that we lost, let them despair, they couldn't wait in place, something had to be done..

Moreover, he can only expect the type emperor to break through with an extremely small probability and create miracles.

He strode forward, his face solemn and stern, with astonishing fighting intent,

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured with emotion,

"Emperor, you should know that no one is born a king. You know the fear of fear and despair, and you can surpass it, conquer it, conceal fear and fear, and inspire your companions around you. The backbone is the king."

How could he not be afraid and afraid just now, but he never showed it, because as the king of all people, he is not allowed to retreat.

In the vast era of the era, many people will find that the leaders of each era, the kings and emperors, often have amazing personality charms and condense the backbone.

But is the charisma of their leaders innate?


No, they know how to control and unite the hearts of the people around them, overcome their fears, experience these things, and understand them, and they will have the possibility of reaching the top.

"The so-called miracle is composed of small miracles, breaking through the impossible, breaking the limit again and again." Emperor Yun rushed into it along the ear canal, and the surrounding was dark and deep.

Into the brain, for them, it seems like victory is at hand.

He clearly understands that no matter how tough the exterior is, there will always be a soft weakness. The core brain, the soft brain tissue, cannot be hammered like steel, even if it is like steel?

Just a little bit of damage.

destroy that part

They are enough to paralyze the entire brain, which is the nature of flesh and blood.

This is also the essence of life.

No matter how talented and intelligent you are, you can traverse the ages, and you will never be able to escape this fatal weakness.

There are no living exceptions.

"Our dream has come true!" At this time, the solitary emperor also began to roar, with a child-like dream on his face.

He began to believe in dreams.

Because he really did a miracle.

But the next second, the joy written on their faces quickly solidified.

"Where's the brain? Emperor Zun, Lord of Samsara, why don't you see the brain?"

"I have some incredible ocean of delicate liquid in my mind, like a buffer."

". Is this monster really a mortal?!"

"Vaguely feeling, there is something in the middle."


Suddenly, the world shook.

"not good!"

"Time is up!"

"The Emperor has already."

The Heavenly Emperor who controlled the time could no longer support it, and died of exhaustion. In the entire brain space, they only felt some unprecedented pressure coming from the void, the space actually shook with terrifying ripples, and some kind of ultimate will recovery, It was like an ancient unknown beast opening its eyes.

An indifferent voice seemed to hang high for eternity, and the two eyeballs slowly rotated, looking at the shrunken Yundi in the brain flowing in the dark ocean,

"What are you still looking forward to? The world of adults, without dreams."

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