Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 615 Start of the Star Wars

Could it be that this military boss is also a fan of our game?

They fell into a deep daze.

A game planning executive tried to answer with a bewildered face, "The method of making this game workbench is to first smash trees, decompose them into wooden blocks, and then build four pieces of wood into a workbench?"

"So simple? The workbench, according to speculation, is a mysterious system leading to the ninth-order power, symbolizing the supreme power of decomposition and synthesis." The old man frowned.

? ? ?

A few people were sweating coldly on their foreheads.

The supreme power of disintegration and synthesis?

This big tech guy, we're just a pixel-style game!

He tried to answer, "Because this is the core foundation of the game, the crafting of the workbench is naturally simpler."

The old man sighed and realized in an instant that he was not on the same channel at all.

Then I can only ask the origin of the inspiration for the game.

The origin of the game is also unremarkable.

Nothing more than a sudden flash of inspiration.

Or play a red-and-white pixel game console and have a dream full of mosaic creatures.

In the end, these people can only be taken away.

The old man in charge of the research institute took a deep breath, "Maybe, some kind of life that descended on this planet gave them some ideas that made them think it was a game they made?"

It is too simple to affect the mind of an ordinary person.

"No matter what, I can only pay attention." The old man of the institute looked solemn, "Maybe it involves the legendary ninth order, the pixel planet?"

He felt a deep powerlessness, as if there was some terrifying ancient existence behind the scenes, overlooking everything, ruling everything,

"Decomposition and synthesis, pixel, digital, the gate symbolizing the ninth order, the ancient power of micro-ruler level?"

Early the next morning, a group of people started researching.

The disintegration and formation of pixel particles.

The creatures in this world do not have DNA, they are all creatures composed of particles, and it seems that it is easier to understand the essential structure of life.

Even, it is precisely because of their pixel structure and huge cells that they are all particles, which may really be disintegrated and synthesized to form a special extraordinary cultivation system for this planet, and the prospects are mysterious and unknown.

Wood reconstruction pellets into wooden knives, wooden axes.

It seems very likely!

Workbench. With the current extraordinary civilization thinking, netizens who are per capita keyboard gods feel that there is a possibility of realization, which is not nonsense.

In a sense, it is the reorganization of life structure, the alchemy of life.

Thus, the "Workbench Project" was officially launched.

The workbench, symbolizing the table of creation, decomposes and synthesizes the particles of the world, leading to the highest key of the ninth order.

Of course.

There are still people who don't quite believe Bai Xiaojun's remarks, thinking it's a coincidence.

what workbench?

It's just by chance, this game has no essential connection with this planet.

Although it is indeed possible to achieve in reality, pixel creatures, alien individuals composed of large granular cells, but linked to the game?

Stop being funny.

Of course, they still thought it was feasible and did not refute it.

But in his bones, he was still not convinced that Bai Xiaojun led them, and felt that he could compete in the future.

However, in the early morning of the next day, Bai Xiaojun spoke again, with great fighting spirit, and said, "This is the true meaning of our farming players! After finishing the workbench, the next step is the furnace!"

He spoke aloud,

"If the law of the workbench is "synthesis and decomposition", then the more advanced furnace is to grill food! Burn life! What does this mean? The law represented by the furnace is "melting and transformation"!"

"The workbench is synthesis and decomposition, the Buddha of physics! The furnace is fusion and transformation, it is the way of chemistry!"

hiss! !

All the players below took a deep breath.

it turns out! ?

And this deep meaning? !

Come to think of it, these are two ways to change the structure of everything!

Moreover, it happened to correspond to "Physical Buddha" and "Chemical Tao", the practice of both Buddha and Tao!

Sure enough, this cosmic world is also based on the radiation source system and the innate one-qi system, and has a great relationship with the ancient Chinese civilization!

Some people don't believe it.

but now?

have to believe.

A coincidence is a coincidence, and two coincidences are coincidences, but every clue points in the same direction, and that is the truth.

"I got in touch, my dad!!"

One tree player was stunned, "The planning team is too good!"

The others also exploded, making a mess,

"Back to the source again!"

"You think it's a pixel planet, but in fact, just like the ancient hell temple before, it is connected to our ancient Chinese civilization system!"

"Turn around and come back again!"

"Essentially, it is also a chemical Tao and a physical Buddha!"

"Fuck! The big boss Bai Xiaojun is also a genius, this deep meaning has been parsed out!"

"My world, it turned out to be about our Chinese gods! (Shocked)"

"Ah, ah, start farming! Players majoring in Buddhism, make workbenches! Players majoring in Taoism, make furnaces!"


Completely served!

Sure enough, none of these big guys is easy.

One by one analysis, interlocking, the game planning team simply can not hide the secrets.

This time, Bai Xiaojun's IQ is completely convincing!

"We just need such a leader, such in-depth analysis of wisdom." Many people were immediately convinced, "As expected of a parent of seven children, calm and calm."

Suddenly, Bai Xiaojun became the tribal leader of this group of talented players.

Days passed.

They tried to make a workbench, but it was obviously unrealistic in that short period of time. They worked hard to grind a wooden knife, which was extremely heavy and hard, comparable to steel.

"This is a particle cutter!"

"Bah, this is a 3D printer!"

Countless people shouted, saying that this is a simple "workbench", and the knife is also a special kind of synthesis and decomposition of particles, which can decompose many organisms, so it is given the name of the tall.

On the other hand, a simplified version of the "melting furnace" also appeared.

They use high temperature to cook food, making the most common oven, saying that this is also a kind of melting of substances, which makes the food delicious.

They looked happy, and began to hunt some block animals with this simple tool, began to hunt in this deep forest, and continued to expand the fortress and wooden house buildings.

"A group of guys, having a good time."

Xu Zhi was speechless.

However, it gave Xu Zhi special ideas and creativity.

This is the prototype of a powerful mysterious system, and it is even only adapted to pixel life and tailored for them.

As for another group of cube tribes that hit the surface?

A hundred acres of planet is still huge.

So in just a few days, they are still developing normally.

Until one day, they saw a pixel cube man who broke into their deep forest control area and completely detonated a different dispute.

"U! Ru!—"

The horn of war was blown, new surface tribes were discovered by cube tribes, and the entire planet entered a new era of war.

Write in advance, update in advance

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