At this moment, all the gods were dumbfounded at this moment.

They all thought that it was safe and sound, and that incredible existence came at the moment of the fall of Daojun, and it was a great opportunity to be able to observe it at this time.

But who would have thought that the end of what should have been peaceful, Medusa actually moved.

so crazy!

Like a crazy seeker, the pace of pursuit of truth, striding away!

Seeing this giantess who smashed the mountains and rivers and rushed to her life, all the gods' eyes widened,

"This lunatic!"

"These years, I'm afraid it's not that I've been slumbering stupidly!"

"For others, it's just arrogant, and dare to do it right in front of you?!"

"It's okay if she doesn't want to die, maybe, it will also implicate me in waiting!"

Many gods couldn't stop scolding and throbbing in their hearts, and everyone was afraid to be with such a lunatic!

It may be possible to be so bold, to anger the mysterious and terrifying ancient creation, and to destroy this world.

Bang bang bang!

A gorgon hurried hurriedly, and the earth was shaking violently, as if the ancient gods and demons covering the sky were running in the world.

Xu Zhi's scalp was also a little numb.

Why is Medusa still so cruel?

He is not afraid of the cowardly, not afraid of the cowardly, he is afraid of this kind of crazy and desperate.

The other cowards are immediately stunned. You pause for a while and you won't move, and you just leave at will after you finish your work.


Medusa chased behind him, striding forward.

And Xu Zhi didn't stop because of this, he didn't even turn around, he still kept the same slow pace as before, walking slowly forward.

It's just that Medusa walked and walked, only to feel that he was walking slower and slower, looking at the figure not far away, like the white-golden sun in the sky, dazzling and dazzling, chasing his throat and thirsty, but he couldn't catch up.

"Why, so far?"

The more she chased, the slower she was. There were only a few meters left, but she couldn't catch up. It seemed that it had become an unreachable distance, and she was frozen extremely slowly, as if it was a slow motion frame by frame.


"Scare me!"

The gods behind saw this fantastic scene, and there was a sense of confusion that time seemed to be split. He felt that Medusa and himself and others were no longer creatures in the same time dimension. They were both panicked and relieved. It's a roller coaster with ups and downs.

"so far so good."

Even the calm and steady Liu Wenjian was terrified.

Hu Rennong's eyes were full of emotion, and he said: "However, the time is separated from the split time, and there is a comparison picture. Let's make a careful calculation. The time gap between the origin of the devil and us is countless long years, and she only walks these few steps in front of her. , I'm afraid it will take a few years, I'm afraid it will never be able to pass."

They whispered, only to feel that it was bizarre. Today's various shocks directly opened up a new world field, and their horizons were completely broadened.

"It's really praised by the father." Mengmei was also very excited, "It will never catch up."

At this time, Dao Changsheng next to him had seen this kind of existence, and couldn't help asking his master Mengmei, "Teacher, have you seen such an ancient god?"

"Of course! Because that's what I said before."

Mengmei coughed twice and introduced seriously, "As an ancient existence, it is natural for the teacher to know more, and also know what the place of origin is."

The surrounding gods pricked up their ears in an instant.

Everyone knows that Mengmei's origin is very ancient and mysterious. Even in those days, the God of Dreams wanted to invade her memory, but was directly obliterated by an unknown ancient existence.

Mengmei didn't see it either, and said triumphantly, "He was born at the beginning of nothingness, the beginning of chaos in the world, and is the only existence that spans the multiverse and countless dimensions."


The heads of the gods burst, their hearts burst, their bones burst, and a surge of counter-blood rushed to the brain, and they suddenly held their breath.

Mengmei was very satisfied with the stunned expressions of the gods.

Because she usually doesn't dare to say these words!

Because this is indescribable, indescribable, indescribable, and descriptions of other unknowing creatures may usher in the gaze of the dark, and die like the God of Dreams, but since everyone has seen it, it is not afraid. .

She smiled, put her hands on her back, continued to pretend, and said with a deep face,

"He transcends matter, time, space, ethics, cognition, causality, and all human beings know in the past, now know, and know in the future, and they cannot understand its existence."

"He is infinite, eternal and immortal, a chaotic abstract entity in the entire multiverse, and does not belong to any cosmic space."

"He lives in the mezzanine courtyard between dimensions, and is evolving the species of the heavens and the world. The whole world, time, space, and dimension are all created by him."


The crowd was immediately speechless.

The whole land is full of anxiety and anxiety. It seemed as if the end was coming.

The place of origin is the mezzanine courtyard between dimensions?

The amount of information in this is terrifying!

Mother Earth Qingteng really knows the pattern and situation of other worlds!

The rules of the operation of the entire heavens and the world are not as shallow as they are the natives.

Immediately, they paid more and more attention to the status of the mother-in-law Qingteng. Mengmei looked at the expressions around her and was immediately satisfied. This is what they wanted. These natives were scared by my husband, right?

At this time, they were surprised by Mengmei's words and diverted their attention, but...

Everyone underestimated Medusa's ruthlessness.


"Just like this, you want to stop me?"

Medusa suddenly trembled violently, and a terrifying aura erupted.

Her eyes were firm, blood dripped dripping from her skin, and her body accelerated a little bit.


Every cell erupted with terrifying power.

Its body is made of 129,600 beings, and all of them have been cultivated to become the Emperor of Heaven. At this time, the trump card broke out. Each of these Heavenly Emperor cells has cultivated two or three systems, martial arts, wizards, inner worlds and earth.


Her arrogance exploded completely.

Countless three-cultivation Heavenly Emperor cells completely merged with their breath and performed some kind of secret technique, as if breaking through the confinement of many latitudes. Her body was covered in blood, and she stood upright and struggled forward.

Actually, she really took a few steps quickly, but slowed down again.

"Isn't it enough?"

Medusa's eyes were blushing, and the fighting intent in his eyes was blood-colored. He rose into the sky and burned the sky, as if the god of war who dared to wave his sword to the sky in ancient times was fearless.

"Then, use all your strength!"


Her face became cold and severe, she gently stretched out her snow-white palm and grabbed the figure in front of her.

It turned out to be a half-god's hand composed of more than 6,000 deity cells. It was white and delicate, the fingertips were crystal clear, and the beauty was like glass. Each deity cell in the palm had actually cultivated several systems!

At this time, all the gods behind them were stunned when they saw this, unable to believe it.

"Medusa, hidden so deeply? Already half a palm?"

"It is more than ten times stronger than imagined. It turns out that every god has several systems, half a palm, I am afraid that it has the terrifying combat power of higher gods!"

Some gods are silent, this half palm is stronger than expected, I am afraid that it has already stood at the top of the eighth-order gods.

Perhaps, it can compete with the higher gods such as Dao Changsheng, Ermin, and so on.

But this is only half a palm, if you cultivate to a whole god's palm, you can sweep the entire god realm, and the world belongs to her Medusa.

In the same realm, her combat power ceiling is infinitely high.

"You're crazy! Don't!"

Elmin next to him was also shocked. He didn't expect Medusa to be so crazy, and directly exposed his strongest trump card.

At the same time, she was completely panicked.

It was okay before, she was not in contact with the God of Creation, she was peaceful and holy, more approachable than expected, all things in the world, all heavens and all worlds are his people, she once talked to Medusa and gave a flower to her. .

But what about this time?

Medusa has already used the power of a high-level god, and he can't ignore the power of the creator as he did before dealing with the power of the emperor realm. It is a complete provocation!


"Open it for me!"

Medusa was desperate, her eyes fixed on the figure of the God of Creation in front of her, as if she was chasing a distant sun.


Terror is brewing, endless destruction aura is accumulating, and the whole palm is ready to strike with all its strength.

Xu Zhi was also completely shocked.

A few meters away, he felt a chill down his spine.

His back was cold.

Like an ice cave.

It was a terrifying god's coercion, overwhelming the sky, and he was not the real creation god. If he ignored it, I was afraid that the emperor of his own would be beaten to death.

This is a crazy woman, as always.

"Originally, I wanted to keep pressing her down like this and leave slowly, but I didn't expect it to be so violent. She went straight up, and I didn't see that I couldn't go on like this after drinking a few ounces of wine." He suddenly turned around slowly when he thought of this.

Xu Zhi lowered her head and stared at the face of the gorgon, her voice sacred and pure, and said slowly, "We meet again. In this world, I have my bloodline, a life with a strange structure."


Medusa's face was incredulous.

She stopped at once, and the terrifying aura that erupted all over her body dissipated at once.

She looked at it in a daze. She didn't think about it for a moment. Instead, she couldn't choose what to say. She couldn't help murmuring what she just said, "Where is the origin? Take me with you."

She suddenly panicked.

Xu Zhi was stunned for a few seconds, then smiled, "Are you going to the place of origin? Why?"

"I want to understand the origin of all things." She thought for a while, and her confused and turbid brain became clearer, and she said simply and bluntly, "The essence and truth of life."

"The origin of all things? Is it another question?" Xu Zhi chuckled, "In the distant era, you also asked me a question, do you remember?"

"never forget."

Medusa looked serious, recalling the distant past,

"Back then, when I challenged you, you told me that you were only Tier 4 and couldn't fight against me, but you also told me that the power of time is not absolute, and you who are Tier 4 also have the power to destroy everything, because you master the rules, one In an instant I would be dead, and the battle between us was pointless. So, I asked: What are the rules?"

pick! war! ?

Hello a Medusa! ?

We totally underestimated you!

The deity next to him had his scalp cracked, and he was completely angry. It turned out that he had learned from the past. This was joking with their lives!

Even Mengmei and other players did not know that such a thing had happened.

Medusa, this is not the first time I have seen the God of Creation?

Still in ancient times, ever challenged it?

How big is this lunatic?

So can you find death!

They only felt a chill rising into the sky, and their mouths were extremely dry.

If they knew that such an incident happened back then, they would have run away long ago, how dare they stay with Medusa? This kind of person is simply a lifeless war madman!

To this day, the gods present are extremely calm, and they have left long ago. If they don't touch this muddy water, Medusa will not die, but they will regret it!

At the same time, they also have a new understanding of the origin of all things, the only true God of creation who symbolizes the entity of chaotic abstract meaning in the entire multiverse.

"What about my answer at that time?" Xu Zhi asked again.

Medusa, however, ignored the frightened gods in the distance, still firmly pursuing the truth of the world, and answered in a low voice earnestly, "You told me at that time, what are the rules? Rules exist between heaven and earth."

"Now, what is the origin?" Xu Zhi asked with a smile.

Medusa frowned and suddenly reacted, "Like the rules, the origin exists between heaven and earth?"

Xu Zhi couldn't deny it, "Do you remember that flower I gave you back then? It is the origin of everything that evolves."

far away.

"Did you send flowers?"

Mengmei's teeth were shattered, and she bit a vine fiercely, going crazy.

But he murmured to himself, "But I have also sent things. Back then, I specially evolved the vines for building wood, and the fruit I sent was only destroyed by sand sculptures. I also asked if the God of Creation had cavities?"

She gets mad when she thinks about it!

At this time, Medusa also recalled the flower of the year, the God of Creation inserted in her hair, evolved the flower of all things, and finally turned into the flower of the underworld.

"So, is this the origin?"

Medusa was stunned, his face froze instantly, and an incredible look shot into his eyes, "The answer to the origin was told to me a long time ago?"

Xu Zhi was silent.

Medusa took a step forward and suddenly said, "But can you, let me take a look at the place of origin?"

Xu Zhi was stunned, and then replied with a smile, "Over the years, occasionally there are creatures from the heavens who enter the place of origin to be guests, just like Daojun."

Medusa nodded, his eyes fiery.

"But, all the guests who come are ordered by heaven. Daojun is the order of heaven. The ancient times have come to the ancient world, and there is a world that has the important task of opening up the world." Xu Zhi spoke slowly.

Medusa instantly understood that if he wanted to get it, he had to pay, and slowly bowed, "I am willing to be ordered by the sky."

Xu Zhi didn't say anything more, "So, I'll take you to the place of origin."

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