Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 632 The essence of truth (two in one)

For Xu Zhi, he didn't want to bring Medusa.

But since he was so fierce, he brought it here directly, because he also knew that after the Phoenix, Medusa would soon face a terrifying crisis, and he would also be in the same situation as today's Phoenix without a guardian.

After all, after Phoenix, it will be Ermin's turn soon.

Do you think Medusa is stupid?

She also knew this, so she decided to abandon everything and chase after her.

People have lived for thousands of years, and the calculations are naturally very deep!

She is a cruel person.

Knowing that the Three Realms will soon have no place for her.

In front of him is a rare path of seeking the Way. When the God of Creation has come, he is desperate to make such a crazy move.

For anyone, this big fat sheep is extremely fat and tender. Now without Ermin's protection, there is no resistance during the sleeping period. It must be slaughtered for meat and Xu Zhi himself is not willing to slaughter this fat sheep. She has been shrinking in the pond in the yard, and every time she goes out and passes by, she is extremely jealous, how could it be cheaper for others?

So, since she had such a bold idea, she brought it along with her.

"Because of myself, I suddenly had a bold idea for her."

Xu Zhi said so.

As for the chaos in the demon world?

That is inevitable.

Ermin fell into a deep sleep, sooner or later.

It would be better for me to take Medusa away in advance. Before Elmin, who is in charge of the underworld, has no time to fall asleep, it is the best way to let her resolve the turmoil in the demon world in advance.

"Medusa has left, the potion system of the origin of the demon god, the inheritance of the demon world will not be cut off, and there is a high probability that the existing major potion powerhouses will be used to strip the potion organs fused by their bodies, reassemble the evil god organization, and create A new second-generation evil god, the second-generation origin demon god, who can take the position and compete for a new position depends on the individual's ability."

Xu Zhi thought to himself and speculated about the future,

"The demon world in charge of Medusa is about to change hands, and the demon world is also competing for a new master, the rulers of the two worlds, reshuffle the cards to see who can get along.

The pressure on Lin Hongfeng and others has also been reduced by half.

After all, they are the weapons that control the destruction level - the body of the Daojun, the four gods sitting in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and the countless demon clans in the Nine Heavens Demon Realm. "

Before, everyone would take action against them, and it was impossible for the martial arts palace to control the body of Daojun!

But now there is a demon world standing in front of him.

The layout is different.

This is also one of the reasons why Xu Zhi took Medusa away, not only for Medusa's safety, but also to cause chaos in the demon world. A group of people began to seize power in the demon world.

With a calm expression on his face, he kept sorting out his thoughts.

"After all, the lineage of the demon clan has been suppressed for countless years since the ancient Qingdi era, and they have been caught everywhere as mounts, alchemy, and medicinal materials. It is time to rise to a world, perhaps become the real six worlds, and the pattern is completely stable. "

The resting place of the dead, the underworld.

The magic potion cultivation of the demons, the demon world.

Ancient Immortal's cultivation knowledge sea, immortal world.

Incense Dynasty and Shushan, the world.

The land of the grotesque and fearful, the world of the void.

And now the newly born demon world

"As for the Origin Demon God? It is conceivable that the next Origin Demon God should be hereditary. After all, there is no immortal blood, and the able will live in it. Except for the first generation, it is passed down from generation to generation. Is the next generation of the Lord of the Demon Realm."

Xu Zhi kept thinking about it. At this time, he agreed to take Medusa away after considering various conditions.


Through the bright door, a petite woman walked slowly.

the other side.

On the Internet, it has already exploded.

In "Spore Evolution", it was originally a fire in the "Wizard Community" of the sub-forum. Because it leads to the six reincarnations, it is a paradise open to the public. Although your spore evolution sand table is still high-quality and orthodox, there are too few people. The heat was quickly covered up for a while.

But at this time, a piece of news broke the balance.

[Daojun died, Medusa ran away from home! When the God of Creation descends, what is it like? 】

Mengmei spoke directly.

She posted on the Internet, calling for spore evolution in the latitude yard of the sand table,

"Brothers who are still evolving species in the sand table, pay attention to me! Keep an eye on it, next, Medusa is likely to come to you! As an insider, unexpected game events may be happening soon, please Prepare yourself mentally!"

What are you doing?

Everyone was suddenly amazed.

Medusa, why did you suddenly come to our sand table?

That's too bizarre, isn't Medusa sleeping in the demon world, how could he suddenly come to the yard of the origin of species, to the God of Creation, what happened?

Mengmei also paused, and explained the whole world in a few simple sentences, and everyone was shocked!

Daojun is dead?

There's a war over the legacy?

System Terminator, a famous brother and noble player, brought the Valkyrie Palace and controlled the body of Daojun to resist?

Then the times of the world just changed, and the God of Creation came because of this?

Although the amount of information is huge, it is still a situation that is normal to understand and logical, but the next step makes everyone uneasy, and they get goosebumps in fear.

Medusa is chasing after him!

A screenshot was released. In this short period of time, the crazy amount of information hit every player's mind.

"Fuck! Century-level ruthless man!"

"The average person's legs are weak, but Medusa is still so hanging!"

"Having the demeanor of our players, being inverse as an immortal, and obedient as an ordinary person. Thinking back then, we also wanted to sit in the chair of the God of Creation. He could sit, but we couldn't do it?"

"I control my own life!"

"Shh! Be quiet!"

"Don't be overheard by the God of Creation."

A group of strangely-shaped trees whispered and muttered on the hillside, still not forgetting the plan to counterattack, and then continued to look at the forum outside.

Then someone asked.

"Fuck, this isn't the first time Medusa has challenged, has he done it before?"

"God of Creation, have you ever sent a flower?"

"Mengmei must be strong! Let me figure it out, you were all green when you were born, and you have already been destined to have a rough fate. If you have a catastrophe in your life, you will end up like this! I have a treasure here, as long as you wear it on body, can help you resolve this disaster (forgive hat.jpg)”

"Deserved! Who told her not to catch up (pick nose)"

"There's no way, this is a cowardly girl. She usually has a mouth full of flowers and rants, but when it comes to a critical moment, she instantly becomes cowardly! Cowardly like a mouse!"

Mengmei's face turned black on the spot.

These guys know to be keyboard warriors, and they definitely won't dare to go up in their situation.

People with normal brains won't rush to it, okay?

She didn't admit that she was cowardly, and opened her eyes wide and said, "How can you smear people's innocence out of thin air... Can you call it cowardice, I call it reserved! I am the one who loves Him, and what about Medusa? She is just pursuing the truth, she is just greedy for his body, she is degrading!"

Everyone laughed outright.

What's the use of you being so full of shit right now?

At the critical moment, he was instantly cowardly.

Among all the players, it is recognized that the most cowardly is the cute girl, the kind who dares not even kill chickens, relying on the wretchedness and liveliness, crazy farming, researching intellectual property rights, and kidnapping each big guy to his own chariot, only to make a fortune get rich.

The Great Alchemist appeared, which made the situation worse: "If you always wear fine clothes like this, it will never be as miserable as it is now. As long as you are brave, the God of Creation will take maternity leave! (Support cheeks)"

? ? ?

Mengmei was also instantly stunned.

She hurriedly said, "cough, cough, yes, you are still evolving the sand table, what species are you evolving? It is not ready yet, you have been working in it for four or five days, wait for Medusa to come in, She will definitely not recognize you, bring a group of players to help me, this is your territory, make trouble for her! It's good for her!"

Alchemy Emperor: "."

He was silent for a while. He didn't expect Mengmei to be so wretched, but he thought of this trick? ?

It's just too insidious.

The Great Alchemist: "Cough, cough, I don't know much about your grievances and grievances. After all, I have seven wives, so I won't participate. I will continue to evolve species next to me, it's none of my business, after all, Modu Sa is also an old acquaintance, and although she doesn't know me, I don't want to have anything to do with her."

Mengmei was immediately angry, and directly appealed to the players in the evolution sandbox,

"Tell me, who are the other guys on your side? You must help your own people! Whoever helps me rectify her, I will directly reward a lot of sand dollars, 10,000 sand dollars per person! At the same time, after the evolution of a successful species, if you enter the Come to my side, mess with me! This empress is about to celebrate her 5,000th birthday, raising a few little white faces to rise up, there is nothing wrong with me!"

God special five thousand years of life?

When you hear it, why is Mengmei so angry?

How excited is this guy, didn't he always say that age is a girl's secret?

But in an instant, many players were not calm, and the benefits were huge, and most of the players directly signed up.

A group of little ants on the ground showed an excited look, "Brothers, then let's start the latest plan and let Medusa see our greatness!"

"That she saw the cruelty of society!"

"To offend the mascot Mengmei is to offend all our players!"

"Humph, let her know the fate of offending our fourth natural disaster!" Someone sneered, as if a group of eunuchs were communicating with people in a dark corner, trying to make money and join forces.

"Yeah, what kind of ruthless person is she? It's time for her to see Mawei, we are the real originators!"

Xu Zhi waited for a while, and Medusa walked in.

The land open to her is very small, just a small road coming in from the gate of the yard, and a 30-square-meter evolution sand table in the middle.

The moment Medusa walked into this piece of time and space, he felt that the speed of the whole person became different, as if stepping into another bizarre time vortex.


The time of the surrounding world changes in vain, as if standing on the void, overlooking the rise and fall of the entire world, standing on the highest dimension, surpassing everything in the world.

"This is."

She widened her eyes.

From the moment she stepped into the orchard, she began to enter the normal flow of time on Earth, no longer a day for a hundred years, but a day for a day.

This is the normal speed.

She walked slowly, cautiously, and with the reverence of a pilgrim, walking in this ancient land of origin gods,

There are strange and ancient mottled walls all around.

Behind it is a quaint gate, as if entering an ordinary farmyard.

"Such a huge courtyard, is the residence of the tens of thousands of giants?" She looked around, "Is this the place of origin?"

She had many ideas.

Perhaps it is a vast white space world.

Perhaps a sacred golden temple.

Perhaps it is the earth made up of countless mirrors.

I didn't expect it to be so common.

"Avenue to Jane? Farmyard?"

She turned her head and found a rusty hoe, lying behind the door, and said with emotion, "The hoe that created the world? It's so huge, it has tens of thousands of feet, is it a divine tool for cultivating all things and creating the world?"

"It's incredible."

She walked forward step by step, looked to both sides, followed the sheep intestines path at the gate of the yard, slowly moving forward, and finally came to a sand table.

"This is."

She saw a scene that she will never forget.

Birds and flowers, green mountains and rivers, like a small fairyland.

The creatures living in this land are extremely incredible, and they are changing their forms almost every second!

The fish walked out of the sea, shed their scales, and gradually grew on their fur and turned into beasts.

I saw the two front hooves of the two beasts, gradually covered with feathers, and finally turned into two wings, flew to the sky, and turned into an eagle.

Everything is changing.

The world is evolving the image of the vicissitudes of life, and life has revealed its most fundamental essence here, and it is flying at a rapid rate almost every second.

"This is the wonder of life."

Medusa trembled all over, his face froze instantly, and an incredible look shot out in his eyes, "A creature, a plant, has actually begun to differentiate into different forms and evolved all things."


She was almost intoxicated by this beautiful picture.

Almost every evolution contains the mysteries of the laws of infinite life, and there is an infinite future. Every second you observe here, you have a new understanding of the essence of life.

Every second is a huge adventure, with hundreds of thousands of kinds of life evolving.

"This is the place of origin? The origin of life contains the endless truth of the essence." But she didn't dare to look at it, her eyes reluctantly skipped over the land, and finally her eyes fell on a courtyard at the door of this "place of origin" .

In front of the courtyard is a quaint wooden chair on which sits a hazy giant full of divine light.


She fell to her knees slowly, extremely reverent.

Xu Zhi's body was hazy, and he didn't speak.

He just looked down at this petite girl who was 1.5 meters in length. He just moved from the orchard at the back of the yard to the front of the yard, less than tens of meters before and after.

But it's already two worlds.

"Get up."

Xu Zhi's voice was slow and calm, looking at the spores in the evolutionary sand table in front of him, this magnificent scene, and said, "This is the origin of life you want to see."

"Origin of Life?"

Medusa stood up, turned his head slowly and respectfully, saw this sand table again, and observed it carefully.

All of a sudden, the grotesque creatures on the ground were screaming, and the leader of each race led the race to form an array, as if sending troops, and quickly placed a peculiar pattern on the ground.


The densely packed ants form a pattern, which is a common scene on the street. Two puppies are connected to do strange exercises together, and at the same time, they also make strange dubbing, full of local flavor.

Xu Zhi didn't respond on the spot.

"The origin of life, so it is." Medusa was also obviously stunned, watching the puppy exercising, in addition to being shocked, he was completely full of admiration, "Is this the essence of truth?"

The essence of truth.?

"No, the essence of life is death and rebirth." As soon as Xu Zhi's voice fell, the army formation pattern on the ground quickly died of old age and turned into a piece of skeleton.

Ah, ah, in a mad and shrill scream, they instantly turned into single cells, reborn in the ocean and re-evolved.

Write in advance, update in advance

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