This is indeed the case, no matter how weak the ninth rank is, it will crush the eighth rank.

The further back the realm is, the more qualitative changes the life forms, and it is almost insurmountable.

It seems that her own impending dormancy has brought too much pressure to Caroline, making her constantly want to break through to the ninth rank and become her own Taoist guardian. This short-term pressure is too great.

"It's hard work, you need more rest." Xu Zhi said.

"It should be, without you, I would not have appeared. Everything I have now is given by super ancient gods." Caroline replied, her face seemed to be calmer, and it was no longer as abnormal as before.

How can the gods feel tired?

That is, the mind is not at peace.

To be honest, that book really affected her worldview too much. As a serious and rigorous traditional scientist, she wanted to forget it on purpose, but the warm plot in it still deeply affected her brain.

This caused her to stand in front of the super ancient gods, no longer so indifferent.

Even, it is precisely because of the paranoid spirit of Ixiuda that he did not take all this lightly, and he felt a little vaguely obsessed with an inexplicable obsession.

Originally, some hidden thoughts that were not detected in the depths seemed to be ignited and excavated. Once they took root in the brain, the more they wanted to ignore them, the more they lingered.

Those goddamn Asuras!

As soon as she thought about their hippie faces, she was very angry, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became!

Xu Zhi thought for a while and asked about the business, "By the way, before, I saw other world civilizations from Asura Road, how did you feel?"

"Not bad, especially the nine-turn Xuan Gong."

Caroline also showed a smile when she thought of the gains on this side, and said sternly, "In front of them, those Digimon summoners they use are just some small spaces? The wisdom of the wizard civilization, this kind of space technology is also worthwhile. Learn from and improve our technology. These Asura Dao seems to have traveled through many worlds, and the knowledge is so vast and rich, we still need to find ways to create some content."

Xu Zhi also felt that it didn't matter.

Caroline sighed, "However, on the ancient lava land, in the new era, there are also some new high-level gods. There are three or four people who belong to the same realm as me."

In the realm of the higher gods, they have been stagnant, and they must be slowly chased by the latecomers.

"But their road is not as long as yours, and they are still not your opponents." Xu Zhi said with a smile.

Caroline nodded and said confidently, "Exactly."

In her opinion, there is an invisible realm between the higher eighth-order gods and the ninth-order gods. It depends on who has the longer road, 30% of the body is merged, and 10% of the body is naturally smashed.

This makes the battle strength between the high-level gods in the same realm very exaggerated, and it is not exaggerated to say that the realm of the high-level gods is divided into ten realms.

After chatting silently with Xu Zhi for a while, Caroline went back again.

She wants to continue to create planets, deduce the ninth order, and go to retreat.

There are only twenty-three fine clay planets, which is still relatively few, but it is estimated that if one or two more planets are dug in the "central planet", it is estimated that it is almost the same. No matter how many satellites, the quality of the main planet will be insufficient.

After Caroline left, Xu Zhi silently looked at her back.

"Is there something on your mind? I always feel that Dao's mind is unstable?" Xu Zhi frowned.

He also noticed something unusual.

The powerhouses who can break through the gods are all outstanding men of each era. Generally speaking, they have a strong self-confidence temperament. Caroline's high-spirited spirit is gone, but she is very cautious about herself. , as if hiding something.

In the long years, these powerhouses are likely to have some instability in their minds, and they often solve problems and deal with problems, because this is the job of the "creation god".

He knows what the other party wants, and he will give it to the other party.

Just like in the past, he knew that Medusa needed a battle to verify her confused heart, and he gave her a battle, seeing the passage of time around him and the passage of vicissitudes.

Just as he knew back then that Di Qi needed a higher dream, so he gave him a dream, "Seeing the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, you can play the three vehicles, and all the subtleties are complete." "There are 129,600 in the first era." .

Afterwards, knowing that Caroline had lost her faith in life, she gave her a companion of the gravekeeper, and she accompanied her by her side, proving that she was not alone in the times.

"Now, I can't understand it a little bit."

Xu Zhi raised his brows, fell into deep contemplation, and felt that as a skilled chicken soup mentor for the soul, he couldn't see anything this time.

Xu Zhi couldn't help asking: "Deputy Brain, is there anything unusual about Caroline recently?"

"There is no abnormality. The realm of this god has steadily improved, and the progress is gratifying. Maybe it can really impact the ninth-order life."

A mechanical voice came from the Zerg's vice brain,

"Through the channel of Shangguanman, she read various knowledge and civilization newspapers and spiritual comfort books from Ashura warriors. For her, it was a violent adventure to supplement knowledge of external civilization and repair and improve internal cultivation. Facing the fundamental self in the heart, all three aspects have been greatly improved.”

The other two can still be understood, what does it mean to face up to your inner self?

Xu Zhi thought about it.

Could it be that it is not the instability of the Taoist mind, but a sign of a breakthrough in the Taoist mind and a clear understanding of the original mind?

Xu Zhi frowned and confirmed again, "No problem?"

"No problem at all." The worm's nest vice brain replied.

Xu Zhi pouted.

With the artificial mental retardation of this brain, let it be responsible for monitoring, and just stare at the data and simply analyze it. Humans don't understand a bit of emotional analysis, and they are just an iron lump.

He wanted to smash this product, and replaced it with a high-IQ AI. Looking at the ceramic girl housekeeper raised in his home, he felt that the AI ​​of the Ishdar people's housekeeping robot was very good, very sensible, and had emotional changes.

But just think about it, the auxiliary computer controlled by the core authority, the AI ​​quotient is high, but it is terrifying.

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while, but could only blame herself for falling asleep, and whispered, "This time. What do I need to do to ease the instability of her Taoist heart?"

In the end, Xu Zhi first planned to observe it secretly and let nature take its course.

Seeing that there was no development for the time being, he planned to wait a few years, stretched out in the living room, took time out to shake it, and went out to meet Medusa, and even that group of evolved players.

After all, in the yard, the weather is freezing cold, so it's not good if you don't take a look.

Thinking of this, he silently picked up a cup of hot spirit tea, pushed open the door and walked out, sitting on a chair, the spirit tea was steaming hot, and a snake-haired girl curled up beside the chair, not yet awake.

"The years are quiet, and everything develops steadily and quietly."

Xu Zhi lightly touched her black hair and turned to look at the entire sand table. At this time, a group of players were extremely intense and boiling, trying their best to evolve new species.

Ice and snow species, with a strange magical atmosphere.

"It seems that the species they evolved has also appeared in a new environment." Xu Zhi held the hot spirit tea and sipped it lightly. It was full of leisure and comfort. A special refreshing sweetness.

Finish writing in advance and update in advance, everyone is cold and rest early (*^▽^*)

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