Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 65 Three Tests of Evolutionary Sandbox World

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't blame me for hitting you, you are looking for trouble for yourself, but also for me. Do you think this fan doesn't consume electricity? This kind of high power is more wasteful than air conditioners. Too much, I don’t need money for the electricity bill of my orchard?”

He felt at ease, and after shattering the self-confidence of a certain traveler, he returned to the sand table in the orchard, sat on a chair, and ate apples silently, "Leave this electric fan here, there is someone close to the sky. , the land of the gods, continue to blow him down again!"

He seemed relieved, and secretly vigilant in his heart, "I'm still too weak, I learned from their power system, I'm a first-level little wizard, super cute, and I made up a lie, and now I'm almost blown away! Sand table! The indigenous people in the world, whose civilization is evolving too fast, are frantically exploring the edge of the world under the leadership of someone, looking for the gods in the sky.”

A seventh-level epic wizard is indeed terrifying.

It takes the wind of a ten-level typhoon to blow this little ant away

Even this little ant, with its current strength, can easily kill an adult!

"This level has already caused a threat, but what about the next level? Each level of wizards is a qualitative change, with hundreds of thousands of times the strength increase"

The seventh-level epic wizard, due to the size limitation of ants, is not too scary.

But once you reach the eighth-level mythical wizard, the size limit is no longer a problem, and it is invincible!

A small ant that can fly in the air, even a creature not as big as a "grain of rice", can fly around, hold a staff, and cast forbidden witchcraft in a large area, which is enough to madly slaughter modern humans.

"Fortunately at present, the mythical wizard of the eighth level has not appeared. This is just the imaginary level of the theoretical wizard proposed by the three witches back then." Xu Zhi frowned slightly.

The three witches of that year were inadvertently revealed from the information of Mercury, the god of wisdom, and thus divided the wizard realm of the sixth-level legend, the seventh-level epic, and the eighth-level myth.

After all, Gilgamesh's guess based on the records of Sumerian history books is a big realm stronger than the three witches of the sixth-level wizards, that is, the seventh-level. At that time, Mercury called him a "pseudo-god", which is Said that the next level of Gilgamesh, the eighth-level wizard, should be a god.

Therefore, it is called the eighth-level mythical wizard.

"I didn't expect that when I said it casually back then, they would be wildly guessed by them, creating something out of nothing, setting a realm division, and it would come true so quickly. At present, I have reached the seventh-level epic, the legendary eighth-level mythical wizard that has not yet appeared. I have to find a way to prevent and plan."

That realm is already a terrifying god.

Although a god of the wizarding world, although a god the size of an ant.

"But if such a monster really appears, I will release a little ant from the wizarding world, a monarch, a mythical wizard, and it can still cause a devastating blow to human society! An ant, flying frantically, waving a staff, in the The massacre of human beings on the street is terrifying to think about."

This incredible thought popped into Xu Zhi's mind, "This is a high-dimensional superpower world civilization, even if I set their biological size to be very small."

Xu Zhi frowned slightly, "Also, above the sky of the wizarding world - the land of the gods, we have to find a way to establish it, sooner or later someone will reach the eighth level and explore Achilles again, then there will be no way to cover up the lies. ."

To be a creator is quite sad.

In fact, the fact that it can develop so fast and advance so quickly should also be the reason for its small size.

And the power of qualitative change, even because of the small size, the energy of qualitative change is only a trace, and it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

The more they develop to the back, the small size makes them more dominant than the huge size.

At this moment, in the orchard, the little brother who was dealing with the "rebellion" against the Creator on a daily basis and tried to go to heaven called back, Xu Zhi received a call from girl Chen Xi.

"Darling, I'm at school, and I'll report your safety." A soft voice came from the opposite side.

Xu Zhi laughed, completely forgetting the bad attitude he had just dealt with a certain guy, and his tone became gentle, "Just be safe, don't worry, I'll buy you a computer online, and send it over, remember to unpack and sign for it, When the third test starts, you can start playing as soon as the quota is over."

"Oh." The other side was very excited.

Xu Zhi and Chen Xi chatted on the phone for a while before hanging up silently.

"It was clearly stated before that the third test would be started, but now someone rebelled and almost forgot what happened here." He thought about it, although Li Shengjiang was still inside, but according to this progress, he still has at least a hundred more. years of life.

That is one day.

If the netizens outside help continue it, it may be hundreds of years.

That is, for a few days in reality, Xu Zhi didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Taking advantage of these few days, it is time to prepare the biological sand table for leisure evolution, and the three tests. After all, this is his foundation and the source of extraordinary species.

He also wants to put girl Chen Xi in.

"It takes more species to evolve." Xu Zhi thought for a while, "Also, the island in the sky, the land of the gods, has a headache! How can we get it out?"

He had been doing research with great interest before, developing new species of worms and ape, and perfecting the world. Now that he has tasted the sweetness, he is completely out of hand. There are a group of freelancers, why not use them to evolve species?

But now, it was his turn to find a way to design a land of gods, Xu Zhi was stunned again!

"Forget it, let's talk about the three tests."

Xu Zhi went on, spent a few hours, and in the evening, he calculated new ideas for the three tests.

The next morning, the sun was shining, he made an announcement, made sure that there were no mistakes or mistakes, and posted it to the forum on the official website.

["Spore Evolution" beta version 0.3 is officially updated and launched. 】

Thank you netizens for their expectation and support for this game. Many netizens are eagerly looking forward to the three tests and opening more places for the internal test. Now, at the request of the majority of netizens, the game will open three tests and 30 places. Welcome to register.

As always, as soon as the news came out, the forum became a sensation again.

Questions about a few book friends.

The first one is fifty years in the day and fifty years in the night. It doesn't matter. Day and night live the same way. For another world, this is common sense. Just like in the sky, if there are ten suns, it won't work. No one questioned.

The second is the line of sight issue.

For reference, people can only look at tens of meters, but with the same proportion of ant miniature people, they can only see as far as tens of meters. It is impossible for ants to see the scene outside the sand table hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

And the picture outside the sand table is blocked.

The third question, as for the people in the sand table, they can see the sun and the moon. It is normal. The sun is 150 million kilometers away from us. We can see it. How can they be a few meters away from the sun? does not exist


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