Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 655 Arcane Throne, Blockchain Civilization! (two in one)

"However, you can really beat the ancient lava land? That's the Three Pillars God Virus!"

Xu Zhi sat on a chair and sipped his tea, looking into the distance,

"Even Caroline, recently said that the ancient lava land is about to catch up with her. The daughter of Shenglin, Subaru, Du Xue and others are almost, or are already high gods."

His thoughts had already leaped through the entire orchard, and came to the lava cellar cave with a depth of more than a thousand meters under the entire house.

Ancient lava field.


The super-ancient gods lingered with divine light and descended to the earth. He quickly vanished and turned into an ordinary white porcelain creature.


The figure was in vain, turned into a three-meter giant, integrated into the average body size of the human race in this world, handsome and tall, walking on the ground, walking in an ancient Victorian style city.

No science fiction, no TV, no mechanical armor, no mechanical motorcycle.

Mountains, rivers, birds, quaint castles, knights, swordsmen and mages have formed an ancient city-state world that has never even appeared in the age of steam.

"It's a magical land."

Xu Zhi smiled and stood on the street, looking at the whole land, ancient people dressed in simple clothes, wearing rough linen clothes,

"Who would have thought that this is the magic core line?"

This is the magic core!

Each is a supercomputer, with a terrifying cosmic computing power race.

Back then, the lava technology race, which was called the scientists of the whole people, developed for more than a thousand years. The civilization did not develop, but it regressed extremely seriously. It is still the civilization of the ancient city-state?




Not at all!

The magic core lineage, the most powerful mechanical research and development ability talent, did not appear at all.

"The Ishdar civilization back then was called the prehistoric dwarfs by people of this era. It was a short-lived splendor, with a short period of more than 400 years, rising and falling. , twice as long as that year."

Xu Zhi couldn't help but be surprised.

The so-called humanoid computer race, the demon core race, is still living a primitive life.

Without technology, in this city-state era, there is only one profession: Arcanist.

Branches can be Arcane Knight, Arcane Swordsman, Arcane Mage.

It seems to be a new era system that builds an arcane space model in the brain, similar to space geometry, and various spell models for play.

"It seems that although there is no war, everything has gone through an unimaginable era under subtle influence."

Xu Zhi walked on the ground and turned to look.

In the study room of an aristocratic castle, the oil lamp flickered, and a middle-aged man in a blue noble robe was reading with his teenage children, holding a quill, and writing complex and intensive calculations on parchment, " Jason, this question should be solved like this, if you go on like this, you won't be able to break through the third-order arcanist"

This is a college-hard space geometry.

Even a five-year-old child of the Ishdar people can calculate it in an instant, and can find seventy-three solutions, but it has become a difficult problem.

"It's just become mentally handicapped, and even a mere university can't solve it."

"Obviously still has the magic core, but in this era, it is no longer possible to have terrifying computing power. There is no gap between wisdom and other ordinary sand table humans."

Xu Zhi bypassed the city and came to the depths of a mountain.

In front of the green wooden house covered with bright vines, in the yard, there are lovely grass spirits the size of fireflies flying. There is a vine woman who is carefully holding a carving knife with carved flowers on her body.

The texture on her body already has more than 180,000 flowers, like the most beautiful and delicate wood carving, the blossoming relief and texture are like the creation of heaven.

"Super ancient gods?"

A low female voice sounded from Xu Zhi's ear in vain.

Xu Zhi looked at Sheng Lin's daughter, "Long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see."

Sheng Lin's daughter smiled, her eyes showed nostalgia, and she stood up respectfully, "In those days, the era of the Great Unification, the era of the destruction of the Great Huanxi Emperor, was a long time ago, and it seemed like centuries."

Xu Zhi glanced at Sheng Lin's daughter.

He also discovered that this terrifying high-level god, like those ordinary people, has lost the most primitive computing power. It is obviously a demon core family, but it is like an ordinary high-level god.

"Back then, after the battle of fate, you opened the world line and let us defeat fate. But what followed was the collapse of computing power, and our computing power was disintegrating."

The daughter of Sheng Lin said, "The Pillar God is not a dead thing. After that big joy battle, it has felt threatened. A race does not need to have such a strong intelligence and computing power, and the variables caused by that are too great. They themselves tried to imprison the computing power of all the creatures under their command, and all extraordinary wisdom began to disappear."

The daughter of Sheng Lin, who seemed to cry and laugh, "Super ancient human beings, the terrifying wisdom of prehistoric dwarfs, and the civilization of the Ishdar people really exist in ancient legends."

Sheng Lin's daughter said in a low voice, "This is the gradual change that began to appear after the era of great unification. Our computing power has decreased. The results of my research with Subaru and Du Xue are that we are undergoing a strange evolution!"

"Evolving?" Xu Zhi was startled.

He has obviously lost that terrifying computing power, and he doesn't have that super-thinking ability, how could he even say that he is evolving?

"Yes, we are evolving."

Sheng Lin's daughter said, "A long time ago, the three pillar gods were deducing their own races, and the gene chains of the three races were improving, and they continued to iterate. Take the current human as an example, which is a fusion of ancient lava that still disappeared. Species, giant dragons, sea clans, hydras, three-meter-tall able-bodied people that appeared."

This is indeed evolution.

Xu Zhi naturally remembered that the Three Pillars of God virus, constantly evolving its own race, and calculating the world line, wanted to defeat the opponent with an absolute advantage and devour the other two Pillar Gods.

But that is indeed evolution.

Can it be right in front of you?

The computing power of the brain is decreasing, how can it be said to be evolution?

This feeling is like the high intelligence of modern humans, which has degenerated to the period of the ancient ape-man.

Moreover, from a highly developed modern civilization, it degenerated into a primitive city-state civilization.

Sheng Lin's daughter replied, "This is the choice of the Three Pillars of God. As the great destiny of their own race, they have calculated the world line countless times, and they have chosen the same world line. evolutionary path, our species will only face the fate of being eliminated."

The world line, Xu Zhi had contacted before, and the horror was deeply felt.

So, this seemingly backward behavior is actually a kind of super miracle?

Similar to Stone Star?

Xu Zhi quietly listened to Sheng Lin's daughter's explanation.

He knew there was more to follow.

Because if the computing power of the hundreds of millions of "computer groups" under his command is imprisoned just to maintain his rule, then as a mutated virus, it will face the annihilation of the other two viruses.

Shouldn't be that stupid.

"Even the gods can't resist the power of the gods, and we have turned into ordinary people. So, where has our computing power gone?" Sheng Lin's daughter said, "99% of our computing power has been taken away. , to fuse them together, to calculate a more terrifying future, and to use the most terrifying computing power to evolve a new ninth-order road."

Xu Zhi was stunned, and nodded lightly unconsciously.

He suddenly understood something.

What is this situation?

Like a super mining virus.

Forcibly implanted into your computer and running wildly in the background, your CPU is nearly full, the server resources are heavily occupied, and the system performance is seriously affected. At this time, you can't open a web page or play a small game.

Right now, this is probably the case.

"Mining" in your mind, use your computing power to dig the ninth-order road to deduce the world line.

Three Pillars of God, has been desperate to this extent?

Want to madly strengthen the computing power and kill the other party?

Xu Zhi still didn't speak.

Because he knows that there must be a later article, making his subordinates become ordinary people, even if the computing power is strengthened, the IQ of his own race will become weaker, and the combat power will be reduced, how can he resist the invasion of the opponent's pillar gods?

"Concentrating computing power seems to weaken our wisdom, but instead strengthens our own combat power." Sheng Lin's daughter laughed and continued, "What is the ninth-order world?"

"The ninth-order world uses the terrifying 100 trillion computing power of its own body to converge into a law phenomenon to interfere with the rules of the outside world, form its own world, and even interfere with physical data in reality"

"In your own world, light can be curved instead of straight. In your world, any attacked energy can be turned into light, which can be reflected by mirrors." She talked about Da Huanxi Di.

"And the Three Pillars God has directly robbed 99% of the computing power of billions of beings. This kind of terrifying computing power can be combined to form a huge law phenomenon central processing unit."

"Any of our sub-computer modules scattered all over the place are like network cables, initiating request instructions, praying to the destiny in the dark, borrowing the computing power of the main computer, and using the phenomenon of laws."

Sheng Lin's daughter said with emotion, "Yes, everyone can use the laws of phenomena, the laws that distort the world, even if they are as weak as the first or second order. They can interfere with the laws of distorting the world. The rules of common sense. This kind of power to pray to God to distort nature is called arcane magic!"

Arcane! ?

Law phenomenon?

Arcane civilization that twists the rules?

Xu Zhi only felt goosebumps all over his body.

First-order and second-order. All can interfere with the rules of heaven and earth, distorting the laws of reality of light, quality, and flame.

How terrifying is this whole world!

A person's computing power is powerful, but that's all, it is better to gather all together, forcibly occupy it, and produce qualitative changes. Everyone can pray to the central government and obtain the terrifying law phenomenon!

This structure is similar to a magician's magic net.

But neither.

It is no wonder that the three pillar gods chose this path in order to compete and evolve their races.

Not only does it concentrate power, it makes the race under its command weak and it is difficult to threaten itself, but it can also greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the race, and strengthen its own super computing to deduce the world line to fight against other pillar gods.

"Arcane, a very magical thing." Xu Zhi smiled.


Sheng Lin's daughter was also full of disbelief, feeling that the development of this era is like a dream, "Although our computing power has been forcibly imprisoned, the stronger the strong, the stronger their own computing power, and the resources that can be calculated and obtained, just The stronger it is. The arcane model we build is terrifying. We have all been forced into the arcane age, and our intelligence and computing power have weakened, but it is undeniable that our combat power has become exaggerated."

"Magic core, although in this distant era eight hundred years later, some people still call it magic core, but more are called: arcane crystal."

She continued: "At the same time, it is divided into many arcane areas, summoning, spirit, undead, life, element, various, you can choose a specialization to build a similar arcane model."

Xu Zhi felt inwardly,

"This time, the Three Pillars God is even more ruthless as the "race luck" in the dark, directly plundering most of the computing power of his entire race, making them ordinary people."

"This is blockchain civilization! Everyone uses their own computing power to force mining, and every arcanist is mining bitcoins... No, arcane coins?"

Isn't the so-called arcane area of ​​summoning, spirit, and necromancy just the areas of the blockchain? Distributed data storage, blocks are divided into groups!

Trend, fashion, tall!

The civilization of the Arcanist originally came from the blockchain?

Sure enough, extraordinary civilizations are all based on reality, and blockchain arcana is like physical Buddha and chemical Tao.

Come to think of it, the Three Pillars of God are three virtual currencies, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and various teaching people to mine.

It turns out that the arcane civilization in Western legends is probably the legendary currency circle civilization!

Sheng Lin's daughter stretched out her hand.

"Arcane, Kaguya."

She opened her mouth coldly, and a deep connection descended, and the thoughts that were huge, complex, and seemed to be mixed with countless creatures sank.


Xu Zhi seemed to see the animals, plants, humans, and countless powerhouses in the entire world, converging into a huge torrent of consciousness.

Like a phantom sitting on the mysterious arcane throne, he slowly stretched out a hand and handed over a certain aspect of the mysterious authority into her hands.


The invisible light was distorting, as if the surrounding light had collapsed, turning into a circle, and strands of light were floating.

"Light revolves with a certain curvature! Light is physical matter! Light is a thread, and light has the property of burning! The temperature of light is about 12,000 degrees high!" She laughed, "This is arcane magic. The law of the world, not reality, this is the phenomenon of law! Eighth-order arcane magic - Kaguya."

"Most of the battles in the same realm, the first-order to seventh-order arcane techniques, will inevitably crush any attack in the unified realm."

Xu Zhi looked at the ocean and sighed.


It's too terrifying. The third-order and fourth-order can draw the racial will in the dark, use the phenomenon of pseudo-laws, and affect the natural laws in distorted reality. How to fight in the same realm?

occupies an absolute advantage.

Arcane is definitely the most powerful spell at the same level, and there is almost no one.

"Of course, to cultivate arcane magic, now we have to build an arcane model, very complex and terrible knowledge. Every arcanist is a powerful and knowledgeable person."

Sheng Lin's daughter raised her head, "The times have really changed, what is an arcanist? An arcanist borrows the core computing power, so that even the most ordinary people can cross the conditions and study the image of the law in the dark. ."

"Our billions of creatures become stronger, which brings more powerful computing power. The arcane arts that we explore and develop, and the laws and phenomena we develop will also feed back the pillars of God. Mutual strength."

Xu Zhi stopped talking.

Pillars are indeed scary.

The billions of arcanists in the whole land not only provide conventional super computing power, but also provide their own wisdom and inspiration, and have crossed the threshold of computing power of the weak ninth order. Everyone can use "destiny" to go to Research law phenomena.

After all, no matter how strong the pure computing power is, it is still rigid, and it is difficult to open up a way forward, but it will be different if the strong provide ideas and talents.

This is an era of scientific research that gathers the wisdom of the whole people, and every expert who cultivates can study and explore countless ninth-order phenomena!

Although, his appearance is still medieval.

"This side is also exploring the ninth-order! However, the direction of exploration is the ninth-order law phenomenon, various applications and ninth-order pseudo-law spells." Xu Zhi whispered.

"Every world sand table under my command has already entered this ninth-order road in various ways."

To be controlled by fate, but maybe it's a good thing?

Moreover, the eighth-order arcane, the great prophecy, can communicate with the pillar gods and predict some distant futures.

Really self-contained.

Only then did Xu Zhi discover why the medieval city-state era was still maintained.

Because there is no need to upgrade civilization any more.

If anyone underestimates them and thinks that they are really weak and weak indigenous city-state civilization, each arcanist is just an ordinary mage system, I am afraid that they will suffer a big loss!

At the same time, it looks peaceful and peaceful now.

It is a very ordinary medieval era. Every ordinary mortal, only real contact will know that each of them is a terrible pathogen, infected with natural disasters.

The cover up shell is too strong!

Xu Zhi's eyelids jumped wildly,

Thinking that they are weak indigenous worlds, who knows that they are the real super weak ninth-order civilization.

"Super ancient gods, what's your intention of coming here?" Sheng Lin's daughter laughed, "What about the first corpse emperor, the Sacred Sakura Dynasty, and the Sakura Empress?"

"I went to the other world, it's been a long time, let's see the development of the times." Xu Zhi didn't hide it.

Sheng Lin's daughter didn't speak any more, instead, she was graciously entertaining.

She took out the good wine she brewed, and told Xu Zhi some interesting stories of these times, the passionate Subaru, and Du Xue.

She told Xu Zhi that such times were actually quite good.

When a stone is dropped, the stone itself first has its own trajectory, and then is predicted.

It was the self in their era who first had their own opinions and did what they wanted before they were calculated by the Pillars of God.

Wine into the sad intestines.

"Thank you, thank you so much. Let us decide our own destiny and defeat the Emperor Da Huanxi. The times are still three-legged." Sheng Lin's daughter almost had a hoarse voice and was drunk, crying, laughing and making trouble. .

"Our choices have never been really interfered with."

The daughter of Sheng Lin pointed to the sky and couldn't help shouting: "We decide our destiny, not destiny decides us!!"

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