Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 691 Elements, Seeker Paradise

Phoenix stared blankly at everything.

The whole world is very small, as if it was born in an ancient oval egg. Is it another breakthrough?

"No, it shouldn't be!"

She was silent for a while. This time, it was a complete resurrection. She had not practiced yet. She was only at the level of the sixth-order infancy, which should not be enough to support such a major mission.

At the same time, she also feels that this world is so small, there are obvious world walls, which cannot be crossed, and no more space can be torn apart.

"Then, this world is so small?" She looked around, and suddenly found the element of electricity, the element of fire lying on her body, and the element of Buddha next to a small glowing stone.

Even, across the wall of the mysterious world, there seems to be a current of water moving, and there is a vague life in it, which is the water element.

"Four unique soul elemental beings?"

She was stunned, then pondered, "What a wonderful world!"

Her eyes were bright, and with a curious look on her face, she said loudly, "I also feel that there is a spiritual world here?"

She reached out and fiddled.

A light blue display screen appeared in front of you, which could adjust various parameters of the spiritual universe.

"Element, element world?"

"Then I'll start adjusting the data."

She opened her eyes wide and didn't like too much fancy stuff. She adjusted it exactly the same as the real data, and then studied it to make sure that there were no mistakes or omissions, even if it was completed.

She returned to the glass bottle, looked at the four lovely just born hazy little beings around, and slowly pulled them into the spiritual universe.


In a land of mountains and rivers, the phoenix was flying in the sky, watching four little beings.

They survive in thunder, water, volcanoes, and the earth, respectively.

"God of the Four Elements."

She murmured, her face full of joy, as if she had pushed open the door of a real monster clan, with plants and trees, "There are no flesh and blood creatures, pure elemental earth."

"Thank you so much to the God of Creation."

The next morning.

The bright sun shone down, Xu Zhi opened his eyes and stretched lazily.

"It's good weather again."

He looked away from the bright sunlight outside the window and landed on a lamp by the bedside. He looked at the electric meter connected behind the lamp, and his face darkened instantly.

"It's only been one night, so I can use electricity, don't I need money for my appliances?"

Xu Zhi glanced at him, "It seems that because of one lamp, I will become a big electricity biller in the future."

Little Phoenix seems to be having a good time.

Phoenix is ​​like the demon world before, teaching everyone to live in harmony, and let everyone deduce the cultivation method together, a small world of harmony and friendship.

"Let me see how it goes now?"

Xu Zhi picked up the magnifying glass, sat on the bedside, and looked at the whole light bulb.

The whole world is a world of elements.

Overnight, the four elements continued to grow stronger, split themselves, produced offspring, and even mutated, and even the offspring of the elements were mixed.


The whole world, like slimes and elves, is colorful, and the sky is roaming with octopuses and various huge golden aliens of light, like rainbows.

On the ground are all kinds of deformed radiation creatures like monsters, ghosts, and ghosts. The gray and white strange rocks like Ganoderma lucidum stand up on the ground. This is the earth element of radiation.

In the river, there is pure and transparent water life, like a blue ribbon.

In mid-air, there are blobs of distorted and colorful flames that are constantly floating. Some even merged the elements of Buddha and fire, and turned into black magma-like Aladdin-shaped half-human phantom monsters without faces.

Roar! !

In the sky, a thunderous blue whale floating like a god made a majestic roar.

A strange and beautiful world like ghosts, elements, and fairyland.

The rotten beauty of life.

Xu Zhi felt a long-lost sense of purity in it, and his heart was calm.

Xu Zhi had already anticipated this scene.

"Just give her a place to place and practice." Xu Zhi curled his lips and shook his head. "The four elements will reproduce and divide themselves, forming a real plane of pure elements."

As for war? civilization? kill?

Xu Zhi didn't think about it.

Small animals become demons with wisdom. Although they are kind and pure, animals still have desires. Although they are few, they are also wildness written in their genes. The soul is extremely pure by nature, and the closest to the original soul is pure and pure.

If it is not polluted, it is extremely kind and gentle, like a pure white paper.

What's more, there are phoenixes guiding them?

If he really wanted to create a war in this world, he would have cast all kinds of flesh-and-blood creatures, a life race that likes violence, war, and desire, just like Medusa's side, how could there be a civilization with only four elements?

"It's just a pure element plane, pure without desire, pure white and flawless, a world of seekers who perfectly pursue cultivation." Xu Zhi sighed lightly, a smile on the corner of his mouth, "This is the elemental life, maximized value.”

In fact, she doesn't intend to interfere, just like the Phoenix of the past, letting the demon world where she developed herself leave a rare pure land in this cosmic sand table.

Therefore, this is not "development of civilization", it is more appropriate to use the word "relocation".

After all, the role of the phoenix is ​​the ninth-order reserve, so there is no need to spend extra energy to deduce civilization for yourself.

It is good to practice seriously.

Just be a light bulb.

As for Medusa?

She can't eat people.

Cthulhu Cthulhu has no energy, and I don't know how long it will last, so I created a multi-crystal wall universe and let her work.

Therefore, both are tailor-made world civilizations.

"Reasonable allocation, reasonable placement because of my character, this is my true duty as a god of creation." Xu Zhi pondered while holding his cheeks.

But speaking of it, the two places in his home, the four-element lightbulb beside the bed in the room, and the crystal wall mural in the study, are simply two extremely terrifying artifacts.

Still alive in glass bottles.

Gorgon on one side, phoenix on the other

Can also take pictures.

"To be honest, it's good to observe the lamp occasionally, just like when I didn't observe the phoenix's demon world at all, just be free. The phoenix won't let me down. Maybe after a while, a special system of elements will appear. Able to refer to research.”

"At the same time, aside from the Jingbi murals, I have already thought that I will hold a high-dimensional table lamp and smash people in the future." Xu Zhi looked at the golden sun of the sun in the glass bulb, and his mind wandered.

"Think about it, it's a little exciting."

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