Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 70 Spore Evolution, Rubik's Cube Creatures and Artificial Gods

Xu Zhi behaved very calmly, silently eating the final chicken, and continued to browse the forum, peeping at the enemy's camp.

He was relieved after confirming that these animals were just posting this post, and that he really didn't want to mess with him.

He didn't have so much time to observe the actions of these sand sculpture players, so he started busy with his own business - species evolution.

After all, the evolution of the sand table and the birth of species are the main goals.

The first is the development of the spore sand table.

These players, after a slime appears, seems to have no more potential species, and they are all crappy creatures.

"However, this post in front of me seems to have completely ignited the enthusiasm of evolutionary potential species. If you want to go to another world and start a second life, you don't have to worry too much. It will definitely cause a big wave."

Xu Zhi always felt that as long as a large number of players' hairlines were sacrificed, new extraordinary potential species would appear soon.

This is not in a hurry.

Moreover, according to the player group survey, most of the players of this sandbox break (repair) leisure (immortal) game are young people around 16 to 26 years old.

There are not many minors at all.

"Spore Evolution" does not need to have restrictions on games for teenagers like other online games.

After all, without a certain level of education and high IQ, it is really impossible to play!

"It's just that these people, all of them at such a young age, will immediately become bald with excitement, Mediterranean Sea."

Xu Zhi showed a sympathetic expression, but it was very indifferent, "By the way, Wisdom Vice Brain, these tree people they have evolved now are alive and kicking, are they useful?"

Although Xu Zhi is for food, he still has the idea of ​​enriching the diversity of species. If it is all animals, it would be too monotonous, and it does not look like a mysterious and dangerous world of a high-level extraordinary civilization.

A mechanical voice came from the sub-brain of wisdom:

"A small part has potential, but the potential is not high, and it has reached the limit of minimum investment."

The lowest wait?

Xu Zhi frowned.

After thinking about it, I ignored it, and waited for them to evolve special plant species with sufficient potential. Besides, the precious essence is not much expensive.

Xu Zhi then looked at the computer again, this time the paper on the internal test quota opened for the third test, "Now, we have to deal with the quota for the third test."

Much crazier than the previous generation of the second test, he now has tens of thousands of professional papers in his computer.

"This time, they are obviously prepared, and there are many people who have even prepared papers since the second test. They are just waiting for this moment to come."

"Sure enough, girl Chen Xi is right, the three tests must be all crazy, they are all prepared in advance, and the competitiveness is terrifying. If it is normal, if I don't open the back door and write a paper for her by myself, I will definitely be instantly stunned. disuse."

Xu Zhi knows how much he weighs and how much he has. After all, he is not crazy, and he has such lush hair.

He looked at the fifty places selected by Zhinao, and among them, two papers with the most potential appeared.

first time:

"Hard Skeletal Creatures: Rubik's Cube, Imagination to Replace Metal! 》

The main idea of ​​the article is that there is no metal in the spore sand table world, and it is proposed to evolve a species with extremely hard bones, which can be used instead of metal.

Since there is a biological engine, it may not be impossible for biological metals!

Inside, a species evolution scheme is proposed.

There are more than 100,000 words, pictures and texts, with DNA structure diagrams, and schematic diagrams of biological evolution guesses.

Xu Zhi glanced at it.

The structure is also the same as the slime creature, which is very extreme. In design, this creature has only one mouth, and the nutrition of the whole body is supplied to the bones of the whole body.

Except for a very small proportion of the necessary digestive organs and eyes, it does not have any meat, and the whole body presents rectangular bone bricks, which are used as steel ingots.

The creature's bone density is extremely high, combining the most stable diamond network structure in nature with the eggshell molecular structure.

Then, having finished pictures is not enough.

After all, how to evolve is the most difficult, followed by the step by step from the era of spores and single cells to arthropods and exoskeletons, which is very complete and feasible.

"It's a talent!"

Xu Zhi gasped, "I actually thought of this kind of thing, a steel ingot that has a mouth, can eat, and will grow!"

Xu Zhi thought about it.

What will steelmaking in another world look like in the future?

In the alchemy cave of the cellar, a pile of steel ingots are neatly stacked in front of them like a brick wall. Every brick on the wall has a sharp mouth. As long as the wizards feed it, these skeleton brand steel ingots will slowly grow up. .

This picture is magical, evil, dark, and extremely curious!

"It makes me very emotional when I think about it. This is the magical creature I want, and it can indeed advance the civilization of the wizarding world."

He was too lazy to care about the right to privacy, and immediately used his brain to invade, and called up the background information of the author of this paper, which turned out to be a girl.

The 28-year-old mature Yujie, a well-known genius professor of biology at a certain university, has written many papers and is well-known at home and abroad. Even before, she was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Biology.

Another professional superhero!

"This generation's three-examination quota is really a monster. One by one, the big guys in reality were born, and they all came to join in the fun." Xu Zhi was excited.

This time, there may be an unprecedented prosperity.

Hehe, you don't have to look at the face of the sand sculpture Qiu Mingshan's speed in the future!

I already have a group of monster-level bosses and working men under my command! Not bad for this one!

Xu Zhi was overjoyed and felt that the development was really prosperous. After thinking about it, he looked at another paper. This one is even more powerful!

"A brand new life form, an eighth-level mythical creature, the concept of an artificial god! 》

Artificial God! ?

Xu Zhi's whole person is wrong.

It means that someone wants to create a mythical eighth-level creature that is stronger than the current alchemy emperor?

Really dare to think!

Want to step up to the sky?

Now in the wizarding world, there is no strong man who has stepped out of the realm of mythical wizards.

And with the strength of mythical creatures at birth, only the only heroic creature who breaks the genetic lock is possible!

After all, Phoenix, who was still in the long infancy, was born with a seventh-level epic, and was just a pseudo-heroic individual.

Every one of them appears by chance.

An extremely terrifying super-individual, breaking the biological gene lock, can adjust and modify his own genes, just like Xu Zhi now, he can integrate any genes he wants.

According to the previous record of the previous generation of the queen of the nest, a planet casts spores, and only a few billions of life can be born.

"The only creature artificially created at the hero level, the intelligent sub-brain, isn't this a swashbuckling bragging thesis?" Xu Zhi frowned slightly.

"It is very feasible!"

A mechanical voice came from the sub-brain of wisdom, "This person's conjecture is extremely subversive, and it is not recommended to ignore it. He may subvert the previous evolutionary path and achieve mass production of pseudo-heroic creatures. This conjecture is trans-generational and may be surpassing the previous generation of mother emperors."

Xu Zhi trembled.

Maybe this person can do things that the previous Insect Queen Mother couldn't do?

He looked down quickly.

No papers, no biological structure diagrams, no evolutionary routes, nothing.

Because this paper is only an evolutionary conjecture hypothesis of the author, which needs to be verified.

I saw that the opening was very professional and serious and wrote:

"In nature, there are always species that form a symbiotic relationship,

such as the well-known rhinoceros and rhino-bird,

Another example is the lesser-known sea anemones and hermit crabs,

Powerful sea anemones cannot move, and use hermit crabs as their "mounts", while sea anemones are parasitic, which can protect weak hermit crabs and resist natural enemies. They secrete terrifying venom and become powerful weapons for hermit crabs. Their relationship, Just like a knight and a mount, the relationship between a wolf and a troll, both are indispensable.

This is a combined symbiosis of two species.

But I want to create a huge biological complex composed of hundreds of species combined symbiotically, such as gears, bonds, batteries, and horsepower.

"This creature will break the size limit and reach a terrifying height of a thousand meters! It will form a vast giant!"

Xu Zhi was slightly shocked.

Large aggregated life forms?

Xu Zhi restricted his body size. Unexpectedly, there were still people who thought of using this method to break the genetic lock body size limit set by him. One thousand meters was many times larger than the original giant beast Finba. For Xu Zhi, Already the size of a big dog.

There is no doubt about how huge a big dog is to an ant, like a creature from a vast mountain range.

But how can this be done so that countless creatures can be naturally combined into one?

"I gather the initial evolution ideas of creatures: different traditional evolution methods, which require the cooperation of nearly a hundred players.

In the beginning, a wooden boat that can travel in the sea was built as a basic template for biological evolution.

Hundreds of player spores are attached to the ship, as parasitic algae, parasitic shells, etc., and attach to the entire ship. They are like parasites on modern ships, and can use this to reach far away for food.

Over time, the ship began to rot, and the gears, tracks, began to lose function.

In order to continue to stay on the ship and drift far away, the seaweed and shells will also automatically evolve, constantly changing themselves, replacing broken and old parts, growing tissue gears, and tracks, becoming part of the ship and merging together.

Eventually, they completely replace parts of the entire ship, becoming a giant ship living creature.

This kind of ship aggregates giant creatures, which is the initial form of aggregated creatures.

After that, they can take the normal evolutionary route, gradually evolve into giant fish, and even go ashore and become giant amphibians, giant land creatures, and giant flying creatures.

It has a huge, terrifying and vast body of a kilometer, comparable to hundreds of floors high, and it is the aggregate life of countless lives!

It must surpass any existing single life. "

"I need countless players to participate in this plan, and I also call it the 'Spore Players' Guild Plan'! Countless players form a creature! I form the head, he forms the arms, and she forms the muscles, which is probably It feels like a creature is a player union!"

"Please give me such a chance!"


This opportunity must be given!

What a terrible artificial god plan!

"No matter how huge and cumbersome it is, and it costs countless players' manpower and material resources in the sandbox, you must provide support behind the scenes and let him try it!"

Xu Zhi was instantly excited, and suddenly stood up in front of the computer, "Another monster-level talent with unrestrained ideas, this time, the biology bigwigs have come to join in the fun."

At the same time, a bold idea of ​​his also surfaced.

If this "aggregate biological ship plan" can be successful, then my sky island, the land of the gods in the sky continent, may also have hope.

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