Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 712: The Moment of War (2 in 1)

Indeed, unlike the hidden power furnaces of the nine space orifices, the energy of a world flows in the body as a blood power furnace. As long as Di Qi's blood is drained, he will have no power.

However, the flesh and blood energy from the death of countless gods, heavenly emperors, and common people is simply the most powerful treasure in the world, flowing in the blood vessels, nourishing the body, and allowing him to completely begin to cultivate the martial arts!

at this time.

In the inner world of the Mother Earth, countless powerful gods were already shocked like a tsunami.

"It turns out that if you continue to practice martial arts, is this also Di Qi's calculation?"

"This kind of fighting talent?"

"It's no wonder that the weak can defeat the strong, it's amazing!"

"No wonder in those days, Mother Earth, Dao Changsheng, Ancestral Witch, God Slaying Heavenly Emperor, Broken Heavenly Emperor, Qing Emperor, etc., were all beaten to death by this ancient mythical emperor, almost alone!"

"How ruthless! Killing the creatures of a world, their souls are used as an inner melting pot, emitting incense to provide power, and their flesh and blood are used as heaven and earth treasures to cultivate martial arts, which is simply a maximized use!"

"Di Qi, and Sanzhu Shen are the same kind of people, the common people of an era are just energy that can be sucked!"

Everyone's faces were horrified, and they all knew that such a huge amount of energy, and then cultivated martial arts, I am afraid that it can be pushed to a low level in an instant, and it is indeed a multiplier of defense.

You must know that Martial Dao and Pangu's real body are actually extremely incompatible!


Because the general nine-turn Xuan Gong practice martial arts is of a normal size, it is true that the defense power is multiplied in this small size.

And what about the giant form that became the real body of Pangu?

This is a newborn exoskeleton flesh and blood form, the newborn delicate flesh and blood, naturally does not practice martial arts, and its defense is extremely weak.

But without expanding the body size, the energy "output power" of more than 10 billion people is not enough for a huge world melting pot in the body, just like the super power furnace of an aircraft carrier is installed on a battery car, with excess energy, only expansion Only the body shape can maximize the advantages of the world power furnace.

Therefore, it is necessary to enter the second combat form of Pangu's real body.

"Expanding the body also means weakening the defense. After all, the new exoskeleton body does not exercise martial arts. And training such a huge body also requires a lot of energy." Dao Changsheng's expression changed slightly, and he muttered, "But now, Di Qi burst the power furnace, the energy of one world is enough, enough to bathe the defense power of this body in the peerless medicine, practice martial arts, and completely raise it!"

"Mad, that's the whole world." Elmin pursed his lips nervously. This kind of earth-shattering generosity, accumulated over thousands of years, thought it was impossible for him to do it.

Bang bang bang!

A crackling sound of bones and muscles resounded in Di Qi's giant body, and his whole body was like a scorching sun, as if it had become a sun of the ancient era, exuding an endless sense of domineering.

At this moment, the Three Pillars God completely changed color,

"It's a waste! So forcibly pulling up, madly hitting the martial arts body, I don't know how much energy was wasted!"

"Do you want to consume it all by yourself, forcibly waste it yourself, and leave no trace for us?"

Sanzhu Shen's complexion changed completely.

Martial arts, why don't they know?

They even found a way to practice the nine-turn Xuan Gong!

Although they can't master it, they can copy and study with their computer computing power in an instant. Similar to Caroline, they implant nine spaces in the body, and it is a natural thing to practice pseudo-nine-turn Xuan Gong, but the energy is too scarce!

There is simply no energy to practice new exercises.

What's more, it's not the time for them to practice other exercises. At this time, only one-thousandth of it is filled. It's like a traveler dying of thirst in the desert. As long as they have energy, they can destroy each other alive.

Make bricks without straw.

"It's hard to imagine that there are such variables."

Sanzhu's expression changed completely, looking at Di Qi and suddenly stopped.

As a weak ninth order, killing a world to gain energy is simply a breeze! Even if there are powerhouses of the sky-defying level, they may not be able to resist themselves. Even if they can resist themselves, they don't have to fight with them. They will eat the people first, replenish their energy, and then eat them backhand.

But I didn't expect the "safe box" mode of Jiuzhuan Xuangong, it's too embarrassing!

The unique indigenous practice of the Six Realms - Jiuzhuan Xuangong, takes a world in the body and runs away.

Who exactly came up with it?

"Three Pillars of God, have you finally realized the pain of my past?"

Di Qi smiled slightly and said with his hands on his back: "In those days, I was also very aggrieved! I was also very useless! Back then, when I came, the whole world seemed to be emptied by a group of hateful bandits! It was a mess, An inch of grass does not grow, like locusts passing through the border, leaving me not a single flower or plant"

Di Qi sighed with emotion, as if he was chatting with like-minded old friends after dinner, "That's a group of guys who think beyond ordinary people, who developed such a shameless practice!"

Bang bang bang!

Di Qi said that in the next second, not only because of the practice of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, the defense power surged, but also began to unlock the "gene lock" and entered the flesh and blood rampage state, and the defense power increased several times again.

"Huh? Want to do it? Now, you won't be able to kill me all of a sudden, why don't you sit down and have a drink with me! Talk about the national affairs! Tell me about the progress of this civilization! Have a friendship with my immemorial heaven. Diplomatic relations, let me observe some of your fleshly body and have an in-depth exchange."

Boom boom boom!

The Three Pillars God swung three swords and turned into a gust of wind.

Bang bang bang!

"The barbarians outside the territory are really not yet civilized!"

Di Qi burst out laughing, fighting back in an instant, raising his realm higher.

The figures staggered in an instant, and Di Qi was still beaten with blood all over his body, retreating step by step.

Even Xu Zhi's complexion changed, Di Qi practiced the magic core, dragon veins, and various improvements, and even had an aura similar to his own reincarnation mansion.

"Di Qi deserves to be Di Qi."

Xu Zhi looked in admiration,

"It is worthy of being the strongest peerless monster in the world. Back then, the vice-brain of the Zerg said that other people may only step into the Zerg hero, and Di Qi is a person destined to become a Zerg hero.

Before, he was too backward to keep up with the times, and now he has learned countless system exercises from me. Perhaps in the same realm, the two emperors can already fight against me in the same realm. "

Xu Zhi thought to himself, "Of course, the premise is that he can't steal my lesson."

How strong is Reincarnation Mansion?

In the same realm, Yun Emperor, who has integrated countless talents, is not an opponent.

Di Qi has only learned half of it. Xu Zhi has the blood of the whole family, the blood of true qi, the immortality of death, and all kinds of top real exercises, which are the unification of the countless systems of the entire sand table civilization!

Therefore, Lord of Samsara is still the strongest in the same realm.

The Three Pillars of God can't be called the true ninth order now, so other people use their own lame law phenomenon to distort themselves, protect themselves from being penetrated and distorted by the other party's law, and can still fight.

His energy is 1, and Di Qi's energy is also 1. Although the quality has changed to 1, it is not a big difference. When he fills up the energy and reaches 1000, this is the real ninth order, and there is no way to fight. !

"But I have practiced seven or eight exercises." Xu Zhi kept measuring.

If the Reincarnation Mansion rises to the level of 53% of Emperor Qi, perhaps, it is possible to ignore the gap and fight against the weak ninth-order three-pillar gods, truly defying the sky, shocking everyone's eyes, putting the weak ninth-order three-pillar gods Zhushen was beaten to death, making him the most aggrieved ninth-order death in history.

After all, the Three Pillars of God are not strong in the same realm!

Because he is a single-series practitioner, he can't keep up with the latest era of the heavens like Di Qi!

But in the future, it may be different, and the other party will inevitably begin to secretly practice the major exercises of the Six Realms, by analogy, with multiple systems of practitioners!

But thinking about it this way makes the Six Realms seem like the birthplace of everything.

"However, the Three Pillars of God should also know that Di Qi is too terrible. With his absolute crushing strength, he is constantly being chased by him, and he has to change his strategy."

Xu Zhi's eyes changed slightly, sitting on the roof blowing the cold wind, sipping a sip of hot tea on the chair, and continuing to look at the entire arena like a hundred acres of bloody land.


The Three Pillars of God kept beating Di Qi to the point of being riddled with holes and bleeding.

The Three Pillars of God continued to drink blood in it to replenish its energy, but Di Qi's fleshly body continued to shatter, becoming more and more tenacious and tyrannical.

This is the cultivation of the martial arts lineage.

After all, the martial arts line is to hammer and forge the body, use external force to hammer the body, beat the body on the edge of death, and then nourish the body with a lot of heaven and earth treasures, it can be said that the progress is rapid!

The Three Pillars of God gradually could no longer cause such terrifying injuries.

What's more, the other party has also turned on the state of genetic lock.

But the other party's gene lock can only be said to be extremely incomplete and semi-finished. In such a serious self-mutilation and burning situation, there is only a double increase.

But the Three Pillars God is still in an absolute advantage. If this situation continues for a few days, he can still beat Di Qi to death and let all his blood be drained!

However, after the efficiency of bloodletting began to decrease, when Di Qi was riddled with holes and bleeding, they directly chose to stop.


Murder erupted.

Sanzhu Shen turned around and attacked the Mother Earth who had been watching from a distance.


Why did they suddenly think of themselves when they beat them? ! Mengmei was stunned all of a sudden, she instinctively turned around and ran away, she couldn't help but lose her voice: "Three Pillars, I know that Di Qi is constantly learning, but I don't know what new exercises he developed when he was about to be beaten to death. So if you want to find a soft persimmon, kill me, eat my energy, and replenish my energy, it is impossible for Di Qi to beat him again."

She ran away, scared to death!


puff puff!

The three long swords behind her exploded endless slashes in the air, like a tsunami and rainstorm. The blow made her whole body turn into minced meat, and her bones and blood mixed into ooze.

This is a dead hand in an instant, and she will be killed directly without mercy!

Decisive and icy.


"It's crazy." Mother Earth Green Ivy was running wildly, and a bunch of flesh and blood merged and grew again, and reconvened into a human shape. Under the fear of death, her speed broke out completely, and the Three Pillars of God was chasing after him again. The complexion changed drastically, "I just rested for a while, and my life is about to hang up again?"

Bang bang bang!

The scene, once again entered an extremely strange chase.

"Di Qi, help, if I die, you will die too." The Mother Earth took a detour and roared as she ran, "He kills me now to replenish energy, that is, the complete body, you will be completely beaten in an instant. die."

In this situation, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope.

"Of course you know, when you die, you will be gone." Di Qi's face was calm, full of introverted and introverted, and he turned into a graceful and elegant emperor again, "However, I am not good at speed, it is far better than you sharpen a sword for thousands of years. In terms of speed, you are the best in the world, you can't outrun you, let me learn something."

Mengmei's face turned black, but it was true.


The cute girl was mad.

The Three Pillars of God also ignored Di Qi, who was standing in the same place, and kept chasing him.

"In terms of escaping, the Mother Earth is indeed the first person of the era." Di Qi rubbed his palm and smiled, and even he couldn't help but admire his face, "Reminiscing about the days of the Ancestral Witch Heavenly Court, let Dao Changsheng take a world to hide, With the Eleven Ancestral Witches, the moment Daluotian came out, it was astonishing at that time!"

"I was thinking at the time, who has looted my world?"

"Now, it seems that the ancient times are unfolding. In the long years, I left from the prime of life, and when I return to this land, I am old and old, but you are still so young and energetic, and you have vowed to serve the common people, for the heaven and earth, and for the world. That ancient day is peaceful"

Although Di Qi was still talking, his eyes were fixed on the figure of the mother-in-law Qingteng. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "There is a way to improve, you can listen to it and increase the speed by 30%. , you can hold on longer.”

Cute girl's face changed slightly, let her learn? He is not Di Qi, nor is he Zhang Wuji before Zhang Sanfeng, is he the kind of person who can learn on the spot?

She couldn't help but said loudly: "You have already learned it yourself and improved it, why don't you come and run with me?"

"You are too heavy." Di Qi shook his head and answered seriously, "If I carry you on my back, it will be too slow, and it needs to be improved for a while, and you will persist."

Mengmei was completely silent, and her whole body was completely numb.

As for letting her into Di Qi's inner space?

This is impossible. If the space can be nested within the space, can it be infinitely nested?

There are a group of people who practice the nine-turn Xuangong in the body of the nine-turn Xuangong, and they have another group of nine-turn Xuangong in their bodies?

In the inner world of Jiuzhuan Xuangong, a stable and mature large space can be installed in a small space, and the space ring can still be stored, but a larger space comparable to oneself will cause the space to be unstable and collapse directly!


Mengmei ran for another day, two days, three days.

Three hundred and twenty-four deaths.

After the first time, after resting for a while, I replenished my energy and became full of energy. Now the second time I can bear it is stronger, and I am constantly being torn, killed, and turned into flesh and blood fireworks, making Mengmei feel that she is fast Turned into a second Subaru, but even so, she couldn't take it anymore.

It is almost a strong will to support.

The brain is getting more and more dizzy.

It was almost blurred in front of my eyes.

Step on.

She is like a giantess who is chasing the sun forever, the moment she falls, the moment of death.

Finally, Di Qi's eyes suddenly burst into a bright brilliance, and he jumped up, turned into an incredible meteor, and carried the mother ivy on his shoulders, which was unimaginably fast.

"Hu" Mengmei was about to collapse and finally survived. She was galloping on her shoulders, and suddenly, she saw a gentle and quaint woman standing on Di Qi's shoulders and looking at her.

It was instantly recognized who it was.

"Emperor Empress. Madam Peiyun." Mengmei called out. This is the ancient emperor who has been re-elected for two ancient divine courts. It started with the congenital ancient court of innate spirits, and later in the post-natal spirit era, the Ancestral Witch Heavenly Court was re-elected as emperor and empress. Empress, the goddess of the moon in the mother world, Zhuoyun.

Accompanying Di Qi as a woman behind the scenes.

"Long time no see, Qingteng."

Pei Yun said softly, looking at the person in front of him, still whispering softly, "Thinking back then, among the people from the age of the ancient gods, you were the only one left, I really didn't expect that we would meet again. You haven't been beaten to death yet."

Mengmei just smiled.


Di Qi's speed was even faster.

The figure is blurred, and even the three-pillar god behind him cannot attack.

"It's really an individual that can't even count fate. We are not all-powerful in the face of foreigners!" Suddenly, Sanzhu Shen heard the cold mechanical sound of rumbling, and stopped slightly.

The Three Pillars of God silently looked at the sky.


A snow-white door of space opened.

The figure of the Three Pillars of God disappeared in the void, tore apart the time and space, and walked slowly on the lava land.

"Back to the ancient lava land?"

Mengmei was startled, and she was overjoyed.

She clearly knows that considering the absolute rationality of the Three Pillars of God, there is no chance now. After all, she is running wild with the world, and there is no other way to solve herself.

There's no point in chasing it any further.

But after all, he is a weak ninth-order, and he has the moment to make a comeback at any time.

This situation is at best a temporary truce.

But the next second, Mengmei suddenly realized something, the two world enemies finally decided the winner, but Zhushen left, and there was another super monster, Di Qi.


The next second, Mother Earth was thrown on the ground.

Mengmei's scalp was completely blown up, and it was only then that she realized what she was going to face.

Di Qi looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile, "Then, we should discuss our private affairs."

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