Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 719 Decoding Mode, Great Road (2 in 1)

In the end what happened?

In this way, some kind of ninth-order path has been researched?

Looking at the serious Hai Landong, Xu Zhi's current mood is shocking and inexplicable! Even if he experienced all kinds of strong winds and waves, it was a little unnatural, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind.

I see.

No code in mind, natural high-definition?

Is this the secret of the road to the ninth order? !

"It seems that this time you rebuilt and experienced life, and you have made a very good discovery."

Standing in the corner of this humble room, Xu Zhi admired it, and said lightly, "The way to enlightenment on the ninth-order road is endless, although they all point directly to the same essence, the path of tens of billions of cells that unites soul and flesh, but each of them points to the same essence. People's paths are different."

Hai Landong was also sighing while standing beside the bed.

indeed so.

In the long ancient mythological era, the super-ancient gods have witnessed many geniuses that they do not know, and naturally they know it.

Honestly take this road, one step at a time, it will not work, because the distance is too long.

On the road of fusion of trillions of cells, the lifespan of a normal eighth-order god may not be reached in his entire life! Di Qi, who has used up almost all his lifespan to barely walk halfway, is already exaggerating to the extreme.

Therefore, this road must be to find shortcuts.

If it is said to be honest and break through, follow the rules, and walk, then you have to find a way to ride a bicycle, get on a mechanical lava chariot, and drive at high speed on this road!

And this shortcut way of walking on this path can be called: Enlightenment method.

Hai Landong sorted out his thoughts and said:

"Although, in essence, the end of the road is the fusion of trillions of cells, but in the process, there have been various breakthrough methods, extending in all directions, pointing directly to that road,

The nuclear fusion of the Three Pillars of God is centered on the nucleus, and Caroline has transformed into a whole family. "

Hai Landong looked longing and fanatical.

At this moment, he seemed to see countless figures of amazing talent on a broad golden road, like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, displaying their amazing skills, you chase after me, and want to reach the end of this road!

Even he couldn't help but admire the power of these gorgeous and mythical characters.

Hai Landong said, "Pixel creatures, with only a few hundred thousand cells, are the individuals with the smallest number of cells among all known extraordinary creatures, and the ninth-order road is the shortest."

This, of course, is inevitable.

You have hundreds of thousands of cells, and others have one hundred trillion cells, which is simply a world of difference.

Not an order of magnitude.

Can the population of 7 billion people on 15,000 earths be compared to the population of a town?

It is no exaggeration to say that with hundreds of thousands of cells, a god has the worst and slowest aptitude, and it took only a few years to complete the entire road!

Then you can break through the ninth order?

Even if the number of cells is the least, it is the weakest ninth order, but it is still ninth order!

Xu Zhi pondered.

Hai Landong continued, "In the beginning, we had imagined that there should be no threshold for pixel creatures to break through the ninth order, but we actually found many problems through real deduction. The future world line is deduced, although this ninth-order road is the shortest, but because it is too short, it is impossible to break through the ninth-order!"

Pixel creatures can't break through the ninth order so easily?

Xu Zhi was stunned.

"There are two problems."

Hylandong was serious like a real Ishdar scientist, with burning eyes, and said, "The first problem, we found that there is a minimum number of cells on the ninth-order road, and cells below this number cannot break through the ninth order. ,

The principle is also very simple,

The ninth order is a world, turning itself into a world,

The body of the world contains hundreds of trillions of common people, but if there are only hundreds of thousands of 'common people', is it considered common people? Is it a world? At most, it is just a tribe, just like the incense sticks of the ancient world, the number is too small, only hundreds of thousands of people worship, and it is impossible to form a law phenomenon.”

Xu Zhi frowned.

From the principle of the ninth-order world, this is indeed the case.

At this moment, he realized that, in fact, he should have discovered it a long time ago.

"And this minimum number of ninth-order cells, according to Zhushen's deduction in the future, found that at 1.08 million, this number can form the lowest-level law phenomenon,

This is the minimum threshold. It is true that the weakest ninth-order creature can be formed, but how weak is it? Weak enough to replenish energy and full of energy, it is only comparable to the weak ninth order of the Three Pillars of God. "

Xu Zhi was completely silent.

That kind of complete ninth-order is really too weak, and it is only comparable to the current eighth-order Emperor Qi, and it is necessary to be fought by geniuses like Emperor Qi.

In the dark, is everything in the world balanced?

Just like the blood of immortality, each has fatal flaws!

In the entire universe, there is no real bloodline that defies the sky and is powerful, there are only people who defy the sky and are powerful.

However, the weakest and weakest ninth order is also ninth order.

The fight is the boundary rolling.

How many people can there be like Di Qi?

"The second problem."

Hai Landong said, "This kind of weak ninth order is not a stable world at all! It is not even possible to achieve the self-circulation of the energy of a strong person. Rest and meditation can restore physical fitness. They need to constantly swallow the energy of foreign objects in order to maintain their realm. Don't fall."

Hearing this, Xu Zhi frowned completely.

You must know that even an ordinary creature can restore its own energy through rest, sleep, and eating, and the strong can enter the realm of inedia without eating whole grains, and absorb the energy in the void, light and heat various energy for self-recovery.

Only in this way can it be regarded as a normal creature.

And this kind of incomplete creature can't even do the most basic internal energy circulation. To maintain the ninth-order realm without falling, it must suck the energy from the outside world and eat like crazy!

Then think about it, this kind of pixel creature, breaking through the ninth order, is weak and incomplete, and the disabled among the disabled are really tasteless!

"I thought about these two difficulties for a long time and felt that there must be some kind of solution."

Hai Landong said, "I checked a lot of information, and even obtained information about ancient digital creatures. They often say that mosaics cover up all the truth in this world. I think there must be some shocking secrets hidden in them!"

"Until later." Hai Landong's voice gradually became lower and his face was solemn, and he said, "I vaguely noticed something, and their words clearly contained two meanings."

Xu Zhi also looked solemn.

He was full of curiosity.

The ninth order of pixel creatures.

Xu Zhi has a strong feeling that this ninth-order road will affect the foundation of tens of thousands of years of civilization in the entire small universe era, and even affect the war between the three outside worlds!

If it can be successfully solved, more ninth orders can appear.

Although it is the weakest and weakest kind of ninth order.

"One, the Super Race Codeman is the solution! As an incomplete and incomplete world, it needs to constantly replenish energy to maintain the state, then use the transformation method to reduce energy consumption, and transform into the ninth order at the moment of battle. , normal, fall back to the state of the eighth-order god." Hai Landong said, "This is the super game codeman!"


Xu Zhi's mind went blank.

This is simply a blind spot to break the thinking.

Even he had to admit that this way of transforming perfectly solved the problem of inability to recycle.

"At that time, after I figured out that transforming can solve the energy loss, I was very surprised!"

Hai Landong couldn't help but admire,

"Those who came from the latitudes of foreign lands deserved to have brought the publications in the underworld, the nine-turn mysterious art, the history of various civilizations, the mysterious unknown creatures who have been to several civilizations, and even when I recalled them, I still felt terrified! I am amazed at them. terrifying, their words always contain messages that are so terrifying that the gods are shocked,

They often say: mosaic covers up all the truth in this world, mosaic covers up the mystery of the structure of living things, but the world! The body structure of the ninth-order world! ! "

Xu Zhi was silent, lowered his head and fell into contemplation.

I think they are probably not talking about the same world, let alone the same dream.

not at the same latitude.

". They even said that the book can see through the mosaic."

At this time, Hai Landong couldn't help but devote himself to the Tao, full of longing and longing, and said expectantly, "The book they are talking about must be some kind of world secret book, which contains the whole truth of the 'world' covered by mosaics!"

"Perhaps so." Xu Zhi couldn't deny it, and fell into a long memory, thinking of the distant past.

Hai Landong's expression instantly subsided, stern and solemn, and continued to talk freely.

"But even if I can't see the book of legends, I have completely deduced it, and the second sentence: there is no code in my heart, natural high-definition is the mentality and method of breakthrough, the mosaic pixel family, don't be confused by appearances, you can turn it into reading Clear the whole world."

"Oh?" Xu Zhi was stunned.

He suddenly had a stronger and stronger premonition.

History, perhaps remembering the picture of this moment, is engraved in the mythological frescoes.

This digital planet as a slave, this ninth-order road, will ignite the transformation of the entire universe civilization!

"1.08 million cells is the lowest ninth-order critical point, then, usually keep the 99% ninth-order road of fusion, 1.07 million cells fuse, and then fuse the last cell in battle, break through 100%, and transform. After the battle is over, cut yourself again and fall from that realm."

Xu Zhi was shocked.

"This transformation method can be called decoding." He said softly.


untie! code!

When Xu Zhi heard this, his mind completely exploded.

I see.

Blockchain, a symbol of arcane civilization.

Physics and chemistry symbolize Buddhism and Taoism.

Mosaic, various decoding software, symbolizes a ninth-order transformation civilization!

Everything has its own set number.

Even on the small earth, various creations that developed naturally and conformed to the times still contain some truths in the universe.

After deducing several extraordinary civilization sand tables, Xu Zhi became more and more certain of this.

"And this, can only stop at the weakest ninth order for life?"

Hai Landong said, "That's not the case. Pixel creatures have few cells at the beginning. After breaking through the ninth stage, they can divide cells a little bit, and continuously increase the number of cells, so as to realize the transformation of the second stage of decoding, and the transformation of the third stage of decoding. body, corresponding to 10.8 million cells and 108 million cells respectively.

In the end, with the continuous increase of cells, it enters the resident transformation form that can normal ninth-order self-circulation, and even reaches the trillion-billion cell form of normal ninth-order creatures! Reach the normal combat power of the ninth order! "


Xu Zhi's mind suddenly shook.

It was as if the thick fog was completely lifted in an instant, keeping the clouds open to see the moonlight.

There is a hearty feeling of comfort.

Xu Zhi secretly said, "A normal creature is born with billions of cells, and when it reaches the ninth level, the threshold for breaking through is naturally huge and long, and the advantage of pixel creatures is that the number of cells is small, tens of millions of cells, and you can first Break through the ninth order, forcibly cross the threshold, become the weakest ninth order, even unable to maintain the ninth order normal, and then increase the number of cells little by little, constantly split the soul and cells, and finally become the normal ninth order?"

This is no advantage to other creatures.

It is impossible for ordinary creatures to increase cells like this, but pixel creatures, they are particles, decomposed and synthesized!

Xu Zhi's eyes were instantly fiery, and endless rays of light erupted.

"This is simply, this is simply a perfect and potential road! It is indeed the most perfect breakthrough road for pixel creatures!"

"The prospect of this road is extremely terrifying. It will completely break the threshold of the ninth order, divide the difficulty of breakthrough, and then completely form the true ninth order!"

Only the cell structure of the whole family and pixel creatures can be reached, which is the unique way of breaking through the ninth order of this civilization.

Just like the Demon Nucleus family, using the Demon Nucleus as the nucleus, as a unique way of breaking through the race of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission!

"Every civilization has its own unique ninth-order enlightenment method."

Xu Zhi was so excited that he couldn't help it. At this moment, he deduced the ninth-order from scratch, the most primitive cell barbaric path, and deduced the shortcuts of various civilization breakthrough methods up to now.

This is the complex world.

This is the real vast and vast universe, with infinite civilizations.

Even if it is the same road, pointing directly to the same ninth-order end point, it is a completely different civilized landscape!

"This is a very good road." Xu Zhi sighed sincerely.

"Yes, this path will lead to unprecedented changes in the times! The racial advantage is too great, so it is still dormant. I finally feel that there will be war in the future, and Frieza will definitely be afraid of our rise."

Hai Landong said, "After all, the ancient legend of the Super Sailor is a double-edged sword, which not only contributed to our breakthrough, but also made others fear us, so I am still hiding a sixth-order realm."

Xu Zhi naturally understood.

As the strongest person in the spiritual universe, Hai Landong is a god who has begun to enter the ninth-order road. He is even stronger than the daughter of Shenglin and others. After all, he is the overlord of the sea clan in the last civilization. Reconstruction, with enough energy, it is now the peak of the emperor, as long as you want, you can break through the gods at any time.

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