Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 78 Responses to All Forces

The invincible creator god who transcends countless dimensions, time and space, and time.

Xu Zhi sat in the yard, basking in the bright sun, eating melon, and said speechlessly:

Now I'm still a first-level little wizard, madly farming in the countryside, and can be killed with a single shot. Is there such a weak God of Creation?

"Thank you so much for your love, for blowing me into everything."

Xu Zhi laughed speechlessly, "But I have a worm nest, I can drop spores, and evolve countless possible new species. I am confident that I will become a god of creation sooner or later.

At that time, I don't know if it was as strong as what you said. Anyway, I am too weak now. I am so weak that I sit in the yard and eat fruit. Every day I am surrounded by animals in the sand table trying to rebel against the sky. have cancer. "

He is very self-aware. He knows how weak he is. He is really just a young man from the countryside hiding in an orchard to farm. God of Creation or something is really touted by a group of sand sculpture players.

According to the reminder of the worm's nest vice brain, the movements of various countries are very large.

Undercurrents are surging, and they have already noticed the horror of this casual sandbox game.

At present, various similar measures have been taken, and a secret research institute has been established to conduct in-depth research on this "Spore Evolution" sandbox game.

"All countries are studying my small orchard?"

After Xu Zhi got the news, he was somewhat uneasy, "Although I know that this game will be released on the Internet sooner or later, and the world will attract attention, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly."

He has always been very courageous, but now he is also somewhat flustered.

The players in the small sand table and the natives in the big sand table are just doing things like crazy. Anyway, Xu Zhi is also used to doing things.

He quickly checked the information sent back by the vice brain of the insect nest, and began to observe secretly to see what they were going to do:

"Let me see the intelligence. They now generally believe that this black technology, alien game, there is no trend to destroy them at present, it is likely to have no malicious intentions, this is the coexistence of opportunities and dangers, their own country must seize the opportunity, if Being able to set foot in another world will be the first step towards a civilization in outer space!"

Xu Zhi secretly observed the secret establishment of research institutes around the world, and found that the long-term goals are basically the same:

"Develop into a colony! Step into outer space! Occupy another world! Earth will enter the era of cosmic civilization!"

There are even some heavyweight experts standing in front of the game screen, and they are very excited to predict the leaders of various countries: "The emergence of another world, this is our opportunity! Our earth will therefore enter the colony of the big universe. Times! Don't let other countries take the lead!"

puff! ! !

Xu Zhi was eating the fruit and suddenly spit it out!

? ? ? ?

What the hell! ! what's going on!

It may be that they saw a certain alchemy emperor who easily dominated the different world. Although it was unbelievable, according to various data feedback, this different world was real according to the investigation.

In other words, it may be a real and undeveloped supernatural world. Although there are supernatural aboriginal people like gods, but a modern person who travels through the past and develops a technology tree can rule a different world?

This is a piece of fertile soil that has not yet opened up, and it is full of gold!

Therefore, they all want to become the next alchemy emperor, colonize another world, expand their own territory, and incorporate them into their own country's territory!

Even, everyone vaguely guessed that if a country controlled another world and became the next alchemy emperor, using the magical and extraordinary civilization of that world, as well as various gods in the sky, legendary and epic wizards, to conduct research, it would be completely ahead of others. nation!

"What a big ambition." Xu Zhi was speechless, "I saw the Great Alchemy Emperor, a transmigrator, who has such real scientific research results in another world, and moved his mind."

In the era of the big universe, the earth goes to the endless starry sky and colonizes different worlds, I am afraid it will not become a science fiction.

He suddenly felt the shock of a year, and he felt that it was not as much as today.

"Every country must seize this different world, colonize it, and incorporate it into its own national territory, but what are you doing, you are occupying my family's orchard!

Want to bring my orchard into your national territory?

A bunch of damn robbers! Colonists! Rogue country!

My family's orchard covers more than 100 acres. At the beginning, it cost 200,000 to 300,000 yuan to contract it. It's super expensive. Do you want to take it away? "

With an innocent look on Xu Zhi's face, he burst into laughter, "But in half a year, the contract for the land will end, and it won't be my orchard anymore. I have to spend money to re-contract it. I'm short of money."

He is indeed short of money, especially the kind. If there is no money, if he continues to contract this orchard, the spore sand table will be homeless.

"If you, the superpowers, know that they have spent a lot of time and are ready to use tens of billions of funds to establish a research institute and rise to a national strategic level, they are actually rushing to build a small orchard in a rural village somewhere, and a piece of RMB 200,000 to 300,000 will only be used. A small orchard of more than 100 acres that can be contracted must be very confusing, right?"

He sat in the orchard, calmly peeling apples.

After all, I ignore them and farm with peace of mind. They are only self-shocked, self-conscious, and self-entertaining!

Xu Zhi's home is indeed a wealthy family in the village. He used to be a young and promising employee of a foreign company, but now he is unemployed and his savings are spent too fast. He has to find a way to make money. Land contracting is a problem.

It took Xu Zhi a long time to recover, and he had a deep airway on the worm's nest's accessory brain:

"Now, they want to plant all kinds of spies in the sand table, disturb the atmosphere of the players in the sand table, colonize my different world, want to become the next generation of monarchs, and want to occupy my sand table world and incorporate it into their own territory. developing technology inside

These things can't be left alone.

After all, it is the orchard that my family contracted for a lot of money. I have worked so hard to develop the sand table now. How could it be your country? Take it for yourself? It really has to be counted as the land. Although it is a farmland contracted by me, it is also the land of our Greater China, right? "

Xu Zhi's idea was very simple, and he planned to drive away the perpetrators.

Just don't allow them to interfere.

Planting their own fields makes them bewildered, and they have nothing to do anyway.

But he changed his mind, "Now, I can completely ignore them! Just let them be greedy, jealous, and bewildered outside, set up a research institute, and entertain themselves, but maybe in a future era, when I open up countless A new sand table world, with all the heavens and the world, perhaps, will realize their ambitions, just as they said

At that time, the earth will enter the era of the big universe! To the heavens and the world!

- History, will record this great moment!

Countless people on earth wept with joy. Leaders of various countries delivered speeches in front of the TV, and also burst into tears: "This is a small step for our human beings, and a giant leap for the civilization of the earth."

We are about to enter the era of the big universe, and countless different world civilizations are beckoning to our earth civilization.”

Xu Zhi laughed, revealing a strange look, "But what about in reality? They didn't leave the earth at all. The so-called heavens and worlds, different worlds, and going to the universe are actually still in my orchard, when the little ants work for me, think about it. It's super emotional."

Xu Zhi always felt that it was a prospect, just a crazy brain supplement, and it was a very distant thing.

Now this small sand table is not enough for them to ravage, unless they develop to have many sand tables.

At that time, perhaps, they will be distributed to several small sand table worlds in their orchards, each ruling a civilized world, launching "world dimension wars" with each other, and invading other worlds through the "world channel" of water pipes. In my orchard, Solve the contradictions and grievances of national wars in reality.

Then think about it, it's super emotional, isn't it?

After all, where there is war, civilized species can be deduced.

But now, I can't be too ambitious, I have to treat the current cancer first, and completely lay the foundation stone of alchemy civilization.

Alchemy was already in front of him, Xu Zhi looked into the sand table in front of him.

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