Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 783: The Era of Dongtian Planet

At this time, Yuan Qinghua was also confused.

But after the madness, it is full of happiness!

Because the players in these forums are indeed a powerful reserve army, they can come up with ideas behind their backs and bring him enough surprises,

There is a huge surprise in front of you - the mystery of the heaven and the earth.

"It is precisely because of their invention, the astronomical sun-prone weapon, that our planet has gone a step further and has understood the history of our prehistoric mythology in China!"


Prehistoric mythology history.

The civilization giant of the times has taken another step forward, and the new history is witnessing the past. It seems that the ancient mystery of the heaven and the earth has been completely solved.

After all, this is a very real question:

Where does the spirit of heaven and earth come from?

Ancient myths also abide by the basic laws of physics and chemistry.

In front of him, it is obviously the only explanation of the ancient times. Arranging a formation in the outer sky, gathering the "sun and moon essence" in the true sense, turning it into a blessed land for cultivation.

"However, after I got this ancient secret, I also have an idea for this Kyushu planet era." Yuan Qinghua raised a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "Qiu Mingshan speed boss, it's really helpful."

Time passed, days passed.

On the entire planet of Kyushu, there was a huge boiling and vibration.

Not only the super-large elemental creatures from distant planets ended in a fiasco, losing two Heavenly Emperor extraordinary creatures, but the nine continents did not win, because they also did not see the inscription on the back of the moon.

At the same time, all the satellites and mechanical armors crashed near the moon, and they were robbed of the spoils, the two huge extraordinary corpses.

The only winner is the ultra-small creatures that were killed inside the moon.

Everyone knows this is the beginning.

The beginning of a new era.

At this time, all continents are holding meetings to discuss new strategic measures.

A leader of various continents is in a meeting.

As the strongest country in Zhongzhou, the leader Ji Wuxiang was speaking: "Everyone, although we have suffered a fiasco and lost all armaments, we still achieved a certain degree of success!"

"What do you mean?" a leader asked.

"Welcome to the representative of the ancient beast, Yuan Qinghua!" said the representative of Zhongzhou.

Everyone was surprised.

In the next second, a young man of normal size to them walked out slowly and looked around, "Everyone, we are from ancient times"

He said that the surroundings were very intoxicating and touching, "In that ancient era, it was the same as it is now, there were nine dragons pulling the coffin."

It was a prehistoric ancient mythological history, and their three clans had already fought.

As for the same clan they sacrificed before, they are also very sad, but in order to protect this former land, why would they die?

To prevent them from avoiding an ambush, that was the price to pay.

After a while, Yuan Qinghua finished speaking.

Ji Wuxiang took over the words and stood up,

"Although we didn't get the ancient inscription on the back of the moon in the first battle of the lunar exploration satellite, but through these ancient mythical beasts, we can also obtain the extraordinary system of cultivation, and the recovery of spiritual energy is destined!"

As soon as these words fell, all the leaders showed joy.

How can they not covet those huge creatures, the individual power they master?

Even though they hold great power, they are all ordinary people.

A knife or a gun can kill them. Who does not long for longevity, and who does not long for individual extraordinary power to fight against mechanical civilization?

In front of him, although he didn't get the back of the moon, the cultivation system of the ancients was also excellent.

"Let's talk about the current situation first."

Ji Wuxiang said, "Actually, we didn't lose too much, the real loss was the huge elemental biological civilization, and the technological civilization they wanted did not get.

And we've got a double complete civilization, now from the same starting point as those moonmen inside the moon,

But according to observations, those moon people live in the interior of the moon, but the intensity of technological civilization is not as high as ours, or even far lower than us. "

Next to it, an old man with blond hair said, "Probably, it is because they developed two civilizations at the same time, distracted their energy, and fell into the mean, and both sides are not flattering."

"Probably so."

The people present nodded, feeling reasonable.

After some discussion, it was finally Yuan Qinghua's turn to speak on stage.

"Everyone, this is our cultivation system! Buddha, Dao, and two major systems!" Yuan Qinghua will naturally not hand over more, it is the most basic two systems, "I suggest that in the future, the education model should be reformed, and the previous ones Questions have been used as test papers and entered into the lives of students!"

"Do you honor tomorrow?"

"Education of all kinds must be the sages of ancient times"

"Is it too harsh for students to learn the daily life of this sage at an early age?"

"Endure hardship to become a strong man!"

"People of the world, follow the path of the sages, and may everyone in the world be holy!"

There is contemplation around, this is indeed a good choice, and the whole people practice.

Yuan Qinghua said with a solemn expression: "As for your kind of Sunrise weapon, it is a common method in our immemorial cultivation era. We have established a spiritual formation in the holy land of spiritual cultivation! Form a heaven and a blessed land!"


Many people feel their minds go blank.

Their methods are thought to be original, and the weapons of the sun are unique to them. Did not expect that in the era of ancient supernatural myths, they have become popular?


Yuan Qinghua was very proud, swept his eyes, and said: "Everyone, you focus into a beam of light, with infinite natural lethality, but the scope of the beam you focus expands a little, illuminates a piece of land, surrounded by a valley, isn't it a blessed land? Among them, the cultivation is full of energy, and the cultivation is a thousand miles a day!"

The crowd was horrified.

I see!

The Moon's Radiant Weapon, which coincides with the recovery of spiritual energy in the dark, enriches the world, this is the first step, the first shot at the beginning, to rectify the general environment of the planet.

But Yuelin weapons cannot keep exploding.

And the weapon of the sun and the celestial phenomenon is the long-term recovery, and it can attract the energy of the extraterrestrial universe to form a more intense cultivation blessed land. This is the second step!

After all, Sunrise weapons are durable.

The development of their civilization is actually perfectly in line with the fixed number in the dark.

"We understand." A strong man said, completely convincing, and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: It is worthy of being a divine beast under the command of a strong man of ancient civilization, it is very sacred.

In less than five years.

A new era has erupted, known as the era of rejuvenation.

The nine-year compulsory education has begun to become extraordinary.

Some well-known universities are built in the valleys of the heaven and the earth. There are energy storage formations in the valleys, rich aura, and a huge mirror surface in the sky.

"You applied for the Radiation Department of China-India University of Science and Technology?"

"I'm applying for the Electromagnetic Department!"

"I am Zhenqi Engineering Mechanics!"

Countless people are communicating and filling in their volunteers.

This modern social education system-university, this kind of system for selecting talents without distinction, transcends the formal system of sects and sects, and is very equal and just.

There are no sects in this world.

It can even be said that the major countries are the largest top sects on this planet of cultivation!

Take the country as the sect, and practice as the daily necessities of the common people.

Every year, hundreds of millions of students on this planet are eager to break out of the siege.

Every year when the college entrance examination is released, there will be top three champions in every major province.

That is a huge honor, and these peerless geniuses will also be reused by the country.

And the practitioners in this world still maintain the name of "Yue Zhan Shi".

[Regardless of technology or transcendence, the moon master has always been exploring the laws of the universe and walking on the path of truth]

This sentence is engraved on the first page of every textbook.

And this piece of land that has been irradiated by nuclear radiation, along with people's continuous practice, the spiritual energy is depleted again, and the radiation that permeates the air becomes increasingly thin.

And it is not realistic to remanufacture Yuelin nuclear weapons and bomb the whole world. At this moment, even Xu Zhi was amazed by the creation of "Blessed Paradise". They solved the problems that Xu Zhi had not solved!

Before, why did he go to Mercury to build a power station?

Because the planet is too far from the sun, the radiation is not enough, the energy is not enough, and the "reiki" is thin.

In front of them, they have successfully solved the core problem of the planet far away from the sun, unable to absorb energy, and brought the sunlight together.

"It's an amazing cosmos cultivation civilization."

Xu Zhi's face was filled with a smile,

"The previous sand table is not the real universe, not the real planet, not even the atmosphere, the real sun in the distance. Therefore, it has not developed into this, and this is the real cosmic civilization deduction!"

Xu Zhi thinks, if there really is a cultivation civilization in the universe.

Most likely this is the structure.

Perhaps, this is a stage of civilization that inevitably develops.

The extraordinary creatures on the planet practice a "long-distance Dyson sphere" method, and establish "Blessed Lands", holy places of practice, and various top sects all over the planet.

"This is the real deduction civilization."

"This is the possible way for the development of a real cosmic civilization."

Xu Zhi said softly, "Those so-called novels, planets of self-cultivation, are all deceptive. When they develop to this level, they will inevitably build a similar structure, establish a formation in the atmosphere above their heads, suck the energy of the universe, and refine certain A kind of "magnifying glass" Zongmen air transport artifact to form a heaven and a blessed land and gather energy"

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