Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 788 A group of neuroses

Cantonese zombies?

Yuan Qinghua got goosebumps all over.

Unexpectedly, this Ji Entropy turned out to be a Cantonese crossing?

They had guessed before that there were many ancient people who ascended to the top. In the middle of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, there were many mysterious ancient people, such as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. At that time, they spoke fluent Cantonese in the Avici Hell. Also met a real living ancient?

"Brother Xing, I'm Hokkien, the muddy Cantonese loves to eat me." Yuan Qinghua said with a serious expression in his broken Cantonese.


Ji Entropy was stunned.

He showed a caring look like a fool, and was very pitiful. He took the lead with Li Li and turned his head away, stepping into the Temple of the Sun.

Yuan Qinghua looked at the back and muttered, "It's different from the modern taste, there is no reaction, should it really be a Cantonese who traveled through ancient times?"

He thought for a while, and quickly posted a screenshot on the Internet:

"shock! Is Ji Entropy an ancient person? Losing your mother in one bite is full of hometown flavor! 》

After he posted the post, he didn't even read it at all. He quickly stepped forward and entered the golden hall in front, "Brother Xing, wait for me!"

On the Internet, a new storm was brewing, and they split in an instant.


"Shocked!! Stone Hammer Traveler?"

"Damn it! It may have been through the physical body, carrying our cancer cells wrong. It is our family's incomplete immortal extraordinary bloodline, the zombie bloodline, that has crossed the other world, so there are zombies in that world!"

"The ancestors of zombies are actually people from the earth!"

"Speaking of which, in this place in Guangdong, there have been stories of zombies haunting since ancient times!"

"Maybe a zombie fell asleep in the Guangdong cemetery with thin spiritual energy, and by chance, crossed the other world? (Confirmed)"

The entire forum entered an atmosphere of extreme tension and panic.

Now that I look back and think about it, I suddenly feel incredible, and I am almost terrified.

Zombie bloodline. If it is really the people of the earth, then it is the third system.

Buddha, Taoism, Zombie.

Zombie immortal bloodlines, essentially, immortalized cancer cells?

And zombies are afraid of Buddha, just as cancer cells are afraid of radiation, the radiation therapy in the hospital.




Deathly calm.

The worldview is completely broken.

They didn't even think of it before, but they should have thought of it long ago. After all, if you contact the ancient zombies, it is easy to link with immortality.

At first glance, the symptoms are exactly the same as those of zombies.

Qiu Mingshan Speed, as an evaluation leader, came out to speak again: "Masters, this is another step for mankind to recognize ancient civilization, and we can already imagine the grand occasion of ancient civilization!"

"What was the ancient times like? Please start to follow my words to make up a picture: the atmosphere on a planet is full of the sun, the earth is a paradise, there are countless practitioners, and there are Buddhas, Daoists, and zombies. , The three major Chinese systems are competing for each other, and it is a vast and prosperous age of mythology."

Everyone was looking forward to it, imagining that mythical grand occasion, and felt that it was an unprecedented super-prosperous civilization, and a great man was born.

"And the battles of the different ways, the greedy demands of the cultivators, and the greedy demands of the cultivators destroyed the atmospheric environment of the entire planet, so the war broke out, and Gonggong angered Buzhou Xianshan. The only path in the human world that can reach the heaven. So, I didn't understand it before, do you understand?"

"Buzhou Mountain is the only way to the heavens. It is like another application of the arrival of the Sun Mirror in front of us. It expands the irradiation range of the laser and forms a kind of element channel. Buzhou Mountain is the huge beam element channel of this planet. This ancient Gonggong may have collapsed the largest element channel, the largest sun-facing mirror."

It is so!

Everyone gasped.

Before, about Gonggong, they couldn't explain it.

They didn't know this until they saw with their own eyes another application of the Rilin mirror, which could act as an element bridge and an element channel.

Check out the historical records:

[The Gonggong clan and Zhuanxu competed for the emperor, and they were angry and touched the inexhaustible mountains, breaking the pillars of the sky, and defending the earth. Therefore, the sky tilts to the northwest, and the sun, moon, stars and stars are there; the earth is not satisfied with the southeast, so the hundreds of rivers and rivers return. 】

Isn't the tragic situation described here the mythical catastrophe of the destruction of the planet's ozone layer?

Indeed, knowledge is all power.

Qiu Mingshan continued to ask at the speed: "So, what happened after Gonggong collapsed the largest sun mirror at that time?"

Nuwa mends the sky!

The word appeared violently in everyone's mind, and goosebumps arose!

There was panic in my mind, but it was still panic!

Qiu Mingshan speed: "Since you said that Nuwa mending the sky, I will tell you my guess, what is Nuwa mending the sky? Look at the records: Take the colorful stone, the broken turtle is enough to mend the sky, I personally think that the colorful stone is the material , the main material turtle is a super monster that cultivates infuriating energy, it may be comparable to the super size of a big octopus, after being killed, use the infuriating energy in his body to replenish the atmosphere!"


True Qi fills the sky.

Replenish the hole in the ozone layer. Is this possible?

Do the ancient monks who cultivate true qi really have the atmosphere to replenish a planet?

Many people looked shocked and thought it was impossible.

They began to feel that Qiu Mingshan's speed was talking nonsense, and many people didn't believe it.

But in the next second, he was slapped by Qiu Mingshan's speed: "What is ozone? We all know: O3! What is the internal circulation of true qi? O2 oxygen and CO2 carbon dioxide, both of which can be completely turned into ozone, while What is the multicolored stone? This catalyst for the chemical reaction of ozone generation!"


All this time, no one refuted.

Now think about it, the oxygen in the turtle, plus the multicolored stone catalyst, is the material for repairing the ozone layer? Maybe so, that's right.

This is more than that, Qiu Mingshan's speed is still non-stop, and the unexpected news is endless!

"So what about other allusions? For example, the descendants shoot the sun, the nine suns are in the sky, and the earth is burned. Is it really the nine suns? Maybe it is the World War II similar to this planet, the astronomical weapon war, the myth of the sun coming Weapons. The round mirror is like the golden sun, so it is not very reasonable for the nine suns to be in the sky? And it is more reasonable to burn the earth. So the descendants shoot the sun, and it is the divine mirror above the nine-sided sky that explodes!"

Everyone's mind was completely blank.

Isn't this guy fooling us?

Is it a well-founded ancient historical reasoning?

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "As for there are many mythological allusions, it seems that they can be explained. What is the picture of Chang'e flying to the moon and flying up by the moonlight? You can imagine it! Look at the reclamation of the sea by Jingwei, the daughter of the sun god, Kuafu, just think about it carefully every day."


Everyone was gasping for breath, their brains exploded like a pot, and there was a buzzing sound.

Every myth can be carefully thought about and extended to too much content.

As if at this moment, a perfect picture of mythical Huaxia, magnificent, mountains, rivers, sun and moon, completely spread in front of them, their super cosmic mythical civilization, their use of celestial weapons, their traces on the planet

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "As for the sky patch, when did it happen? It's still a historical mystery, I personally think it was 13,000 years ago, which is the legendary prehistoric flood!

At that time, the flood was flooding, and Nuwa mended the sky.

As for the existence of the prehistoric flood?

I personally think it exists.

At that time, ancient tribal civilizations on all continents had records of this period 10,000 years ago. Sumerian civilization, Aztec civilization, Mayan civilization, Huaxia civilization, and more than 600 legends all over the world, distributed all over the world. You say , the ancient histories of all continents, invariably record, did the Great Flood happen? It must have happened! "

Everyone nodded, the chicken pecking at the rice.

Prehistoric mythical civilization!

After the great shattering, after repairing the entire planet, the ancients felt that it could not go on like this anymore, so they ascended

The myth of history has been completely revealed.

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "Don't worry, everyone, about the Great Flood, in addition to this Great Flood, there is another one! If the Great Flood that killed the dinosaurs really happened in that period, the ancient civilization of mankind would have existed during the dinosaur period! During the war, Nuwa mended the sky and destroyed the earth, and the dinosaurs became extinct because of this!"

The crowd suddenly looked solemn.

I think this is also a very mysterious and ancient guess. After all, the ancient mythical civilization has already confirmed its real existence. It is difficult to be elegant when it existed in that time period on Earth!

"You guys are crazy."

At this time, Xu Zhi observed in the dark, seeing that they were in high spirits, his face darkened, "What are they discussing, didn't they study transmigrators in the first place? He suddenly went off to this extent, and his face was full of interest. That's how it was."

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