Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 794: The Dream of Civilization

Next to him, a Zun Zun member was discussing frantically.

"The maid of the Moon God Season, absorbs the faith and shows her true body."

"This existence turns out to be a life form in the form of energy elements? Looking at it this way, Luna Ji. itself should also be a giant life form in the form of energy, the four-element life form. Perhaps, it is the biological structure closest to God!"

"Do not!"

A knowledgeable moon astrologer immediately retorted, "Our biological structure form is the form closest to God! Don't forget, the form in which God descended to the mortal world is our human form!"

The two sides began to quarrel fiercely, very fierce.

This amounts to the question of who is orthodox, authentic.

"Is it possible that God, in both human form and elemental form, split his bloodline and gave birth to four elemental beings, as well as our flesh-and-blood beings?"


Someone retorted loudly.

How could God be in two forms, elemental and flesh and blood?

"Really, is it a fallacy?"

Suddenly, there was an old and white-haired moon astrologer, as if thinking of something, and trembled, "You know, those half-element creatures, most of their bodies are composed of elemental energy, but the core is a flesh and blood material heart. It is called It is the heart of the element, so is it possible that the god is a human-shaped flesh and blood material heart, revealing the real body of the energy body, that is the huge energy element creature?"

When these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Indeed it may be.

Human heart.

Energy jacket.

This perfectly explains the lineage of God.

There is nothing wrong with God being a super-giant elemental creature, but usually the energy converges, revealing the human-shaped elemental heart.

This can perfectly explain the bloodline theory. The life of their river system is really split into two parts, turning into four-element creatures and flesh-and-blood creatures.

Beside him, Yuan Qinghua also trembled inwardly. Hearing their words, he whispered in shock,

"When I think about it now, it seems that the enemy's cultivation system and life forms have exposed some corners. The season of fighting with the super ancient gods is the ninth-order existence of some kind of huge half-element life form?"

Season is just a proxy.

The title on the indigenous civilization of this world.

Yuan Qinghua does not think that the real name is like this. After all, the great existence of the ninth order is enough to dominate the world, and in each civilization, there are different titles.

"Moon God. Ji." At this time, in the main hall, Ji Entropy was wearing a black dragon robe, his eyes were majestic, he took a deep breath, and he was shocked by the miracle of the sky in his heart.

Listen to the discussion of the members below.

He suddenly didn't know what kind of mood he should use to face this ancient mysterious existence.

Only he, who has experienced the length of the entire civilization, knows the most clearly what the Sky Moon God Monument means to the entire planet and even the river system civilization.

It's only five hundred years

It was He who gave civilization.

It may even be that He gave life to the entire planet, and they all have the bloodline of this god.

That is an indescribable stalwart existence, and even according to Li Li's description, it is likely to be a ninth-order cosmic overlord giant.

For such a great existence, a planet or even a low-level civilization of a river system is hardly worth mentioning, but at this time, it intervened with heart and built an ancient inscription to surround the star in the air of the river system to help the people on the planet. The indigenous people developed from nothing.

It seems like a great gift of civilization.

At the same time, it is also a great unknown.

Because he knows that no gift is without a reason, there must be a reason and a purpose.

"Are you going?" Li Li asked.

"Go, but not for other reasons, but for doubts about a civilization." Ji Entropy was silent for a while, and said, "You said, what will happen to the natural development of a planet's civilization in just five hundred years? ?"

Li Li was stunned.

Of course he has read history.

Even if you haven't read history, you know it.

Even Ji Entropy was very interested back then, so he told Ji Entropy how long it took for the development of Earth's civilization to the present, so long that Ji Entropy was completely silent.

"Primitive accumulation is the longest. Five hundred years of development are still primitive people and matriarchal society." Li Li answered the exact same answer back then.

Ji Entropy didn't speak, he took off his gorgeous dragon robe and put on a rough ancient linen cloth, and put on straw sandals and straw hats.

He was once again a tribal primitive man in his oldest era, as if he remembered the time of his most primitive caveman years, fighting with wild beasts, leaving the cave, and taking people to live in tree nests gradually.

"I'm back again." He looked at the clothes and strode outside the palace.

Pingcheng, a suburban villa complex.

Xu Zhi stood under the tree in the yard, looked at the sky, and said quietly,

"The reaction of the maid is beyond my imagination. The power of belief in a solar system is huge and vast, beyond my imagination. Such a huge belief is not only the wisdom that sentient beings endow her with their own impressions and become a real Incense Fire God."

"At the same time, there has also been a special morphological change. Incense's energy body is actually entangled with elemental energy creatures to form a new elemental mutant life."

"Energy body creatures doped with belief energy, maybe it can be called the fifth element?"

Xu Zhi is measuring.

In front of him is also a kind of experiment for him, and he is also very ignorant of the current state of affairs.

After all, such a huge body, although it is a hazy fog-like form of energy diffusion, is not condensed at all, like a mirage like a phantom, but it is still too huge.

"The size is exaggerated, surpassing the normal form of four-element creatures, and even, it will continue to grow indefinitely." Xu Zhi pondered, silently thinking,

"Is this the structural advantage similar to the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, the 'extension mechanism outside the body'? After all, the Pangu Avatar of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art can theoretically grow infinitely as long as the energy is sufficient."

However, one is a flesh-and-blood expansion.

One is the energy expansion body type.

"It still has to be studied. Perhaps the power of belief, which is integrated into the energy body, is also the reason for breaking her body size limit." Xu Zhi said with a leisurely smile.

Next to the villa path, in the shaded corridor, a primitive man in leather suddenly walked out.

His eyes were deep and full of wisdom.

He was once a sage of primitive tribes, leading people of that era to discover fire, grazing, ploughing, and even move towards city-state civilization.


He walked forward step by step, walking on the slate, as if measuring the progress of the times, and muttered,

"When I saw the Moon God Monument for the first time, I knew that it was the most wonderful miracle in the world. That inscription contains the principles of all things in the world. It must have been forged by some great ancient existence! It must be able to transform the entire human race. Civilization leads to the right path, so I took a group of people to watch the sky, but in fact the greatness is not like this, because it is far beyond my imagination."

"Someone once told me that the human civilization on their planet has proliferated for about 200,000 years, and only the last four thousand years are meaningful."

The ministers behind him were all surprised.

It is unimaginable that such a long period of time, the length of the development of planetary civilization, is simply hopeless.

"I was incredulous, I asked them what the 200,000 were doing? On that planet, they hid in caves, drank blood, ate raw flesh, never found fire, never had language, and were afraid of natural fears, night, mosquitoes, Look at the sun in the sky and wonder why they rise and why the moon shines"

Beside him, Yuan Qinghua was shocked.

This is clearly their earth.

The members of parliament and ministers next to them all showed incredible expressions.

"Yes, and it only took us five hundred years to know the sun, the universe, and the laws of the world."

Ji Entropy's eyes were burning, as if a raging flame was burning. Looking at the mysterious young man in front of him, he said,

"The greatness of that stele, only I personally pushed civilization to farming, tribe, city-state, steam, modernity, universe, transcendence, and even the entire interstellar project,

to know what it really means,

When we compare it, it is simply a miracle of the world. We understood the truth of the universe a long time ago, and we have embarked on the right path. "

"Is our civilization fictional?"

"It's developing so fast that it's like a big dream, maybe it's a big dream? And we don't know it?"

Ji Entropy looked at the mysterious young man in the courtyard.

He is still looking at the vastness of the sky, as if calculating something,

"So, when these five hundred years are an imaginary big dream, we are all like fantasy bubbles, and we actually exist here, what do we mean to you? The god of everything that created our civilization, the mysterious ancient luna season."

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