Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 796 The mother river is exhausted and the new era

Because, to die of old age?

This sentence, like a rock, bombarded everyone's hearts.

This kind of eternal ancient times, endowed with the great cosmic existence of this solar river system civilization, the enlightened person who surpassed the eighth-order gods and distorted the rules of the universe, even died of old age?

"How could he die?" Ji Entropy couldn't help asking.

Ji Entropy is also a seeker of civilization, and he feels very sad.

This terrifying fact that such a great cosmic existence also has its day of fall almost made him feel heavier than the blow just now.

"Bending the rules, not changing the rules."

Ji Wang sat on the chair and turned around, towards this emerald green tree, he spoke softly, as if speaking to himself,

"Just like this tree, life is a straight line. From birth to death is a process. Life is its beginning and death is its end. It can distort its length and process, but cannot change the beginning and end.

Just like the light you want to distort, it's just to distort its speed, not to completely change the existence and obliterate his existence"

Ji looks like a teenager, with a warm and sunny face, reading under the tree, as beautiful as the people in fairy tales.

It's like a boy who is reading a book under a tree, with a mother calling him home at any time.

"When your realm is high enough, you will find that ideology, my heart is the world, will be the path of higher order.

But that's all, no matter how great a high-dimensional life is, it can't change the ancient rules of the universe. Before life and death, we are equal. "


An incredible thought suddenly popped up in Ji Entropy's mind, and he murmured in his heart, "So, if you are going to die of old age, is the immortal bloodline that appears in this world a way to save yourself!"

Li Li next to him was even more terrifying.

His eyes were dazed, and he looked at the boy named "Ji" in a complicated way, as if he saw a hazy memory like yesterday.

This terrifying ninth-order statue existed in the past, appeared in the hospital on Earth, and brought himself to this galaxy, he is the real initiator, the mastermind behind the scenes!

what does that mean?

This terrifying cosmic giant already knows the coordinates of the earth!

"It's horrible," he murmured.

He seemed to have seen the culprit behind the scenes, hidden in the fog, the enemy had already been very close to them, but they didn't know it at all.

At that time, Li Li had always wondered, why did he cross over?

What is the reason for letting yourself pass through?

Until today, he did not think of the reason: because, to die.

Yes, Ji Cai began to study the bloodline of immortality, and brought himself to this land, so that the "fire seed" of immortality would spread out in this Galaxy Proving Ground he built, and study the method of survival.

"Is it because of the blood of immortality?"

Ji Entropy also lost his voice, looking at the young sunshine boy in front of him, "Even if this land was created because of the mood, it has an accompanying goal after all. We should use this river system to become a civilization that studies the blood of immortality, and then."

That's why we were all opened up? ?

All the ministers, the leaders of the Kyushu planet, and the continent kings all changed dramatically.

At this time, they realized that the blood of eternal life seems to be an extremely remarkable thing.

There was no comparison between their civilizations before.

Before, I just thought that the blood of immortality was just a more precious treasure, but now even this great existence is dying of old age. It is conceivable that the blood of immortality is extremely precious!

Even such a great enlightened person who transcends the rules of the universe is coveted.

However, another question was born.

In the previous Luna season, he was born without immortal blood, and he still does not have it now, because he is about to die of old age. So before he died at this time, he suddenly got the extremely precious immortal blood, where did it come from?

The natives do not understand.

Only Yuan Qinghua and Li Li knew the terrible truth.

It was a war, the spoils of an earth-shattering war.

So, I used this loot to open up this solar system civilization and study the immortal species. This is all the origin and truth!

"A long, long time ago, I was going to die." The young man's expression was gloomy, "The saint knows the destiny, so do I, even, I can be accurate to every minute and every second, so I am in the vast universe. Travel, find a way to live forever, travel in the endless void universe, until you encounter another civilization."

Yuan Qinghua got goosebumps all over.

"That is a very special super civilization at its peak. Their two great beings can live forever. They have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, which is unbelievable. It is a number of ninth-order Shouyuan. They are almost invincible in the ninth-order realm."

Yuan Qinghua was completely shocked.

Yes, according to their guesses, the two super ancient gods should be similar to the long-lived Samsara Fujun, invincible in the same realm, and one person can fight countless battle powers of the same rank in the Great Holy Realm, which is extremely exaggerated.

If it is said, the Lord of Samsara can traverse the entire seventh order and break the path of immortality.

Then the two super ancient gods should be the same in the ninth order!

However, such exaggerated ancient Chinese ancestors and super ancient gods were still beaten to death by the existence in front of him.

"Ordinary ninth rank, lifespan does not exceed 100,000 years! Ji is the ninth rank of ordinary lifespan, and now he is only 80,000 to 90,000 years old, and his combat power can reach the sky!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Qinghua got goosebumps completely.

This is a monster.

I'm just afraid of Di Qi, no! Maybe even surpass Di Qi

This heaven-defying monster, not to mention the heirs of the super ancient gods, is still rubbing against the threshold of the ninth-order, and the competition is irrelevant.

Can they really win?

The time left for them is too short, too short.

The more they know, the more terrified they feel when the real enemy is revealed.

"I asked them where the coordinates of the immortal planet were. So, a big battle broke out."

Ji is still narrating leisurely, "It was a very tragic battle. We all have a few ordinary ninth-order soldiers, but they were beaten to death almost at the moment when our combat power broke out.

It's really pitiful, those strong ants, it is estimated that breaking through the ninth order is already the limit in their entire lives, far less than the great existence that we are expected to break through the tenth order,

It has only erupted for a few short years, and almost every day, the powerful Mother River Civilization World is falling, the Mother River is smashed, and the ancient Warlocks and Elemental Emperors in the Mother River Void have all fallen.”

"The true source of the eternal Mother River has dried up."

Everyone, in these short sentences, saw an earth-shattering cosmic mythical war, which was almost a fight with all their strength.

"There are two of them, and I only have one, but obviously, they can only have one awakening at the same time. One-on-one, I'm not afraid." Juvenile Ji said.

Ji Entropy was completely numb, and couldn't help asking, "That was the entire Mother River civilization, and it was all destroyed because of the continuation of one person's life."

Next to him, the expressions of the ministers changed drastically again, which was angering this ancient existence!

The previous Ji Entropy was very rational, but now it seems so irrational.

"My life is naturally more important than civilization." Juvenile Ji read the book, "The ant nest is gone, just make another nest."

Everyone was suddenly silent.

Juvenile Ji closed the book, looked at them and continued, "The other person left, he wakes up, I don't want to fight him anymore. I seem to have an absolute advantage, I can still live until his sleep, and then put He was beaten to death. In fact, he was in the same situation as that person."

"Yes, after killing the opponent? As you think, I'm going to die of old age. I'm about to merge into the blood of immortality and step into his footsteps. I also need a daoist."

Juvenile Ji stood up and looked at the entire sky, "Everything is developing according to my plan, completely annihilating the other party's civilization, so as to avoid future troubles. But according to the plan, I began to need a guardian with immortal blood."


The words fell.

Everyone's eyes were burning.

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