Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 804 Asura Road, Thirteen Gods and Demons

The big octopus was stunned and nodded, because there was also an eighth-order statue in front of him.

Even, it saw that in this animal realm, the warriors of the Asura Dao already have a full twelve eighth-order gods, hidden very deeply.

It's just the looks, they're all weird.

They are all handsome, with a streamlined aesthetic, as if they are machines, and they have the beauty of an alien beast, like a black giant dragon in the West, an alien blade warrior, a tauren overlord, and abyss demon king.

Very cool.

But why is your style different from theirs?

Like a cartoon cute octopus character, placed in a group of ancient ferocious beasts.

"However, in this world, there are still too many Tier 8s because they are very small and their breakthrough speed is very fast." The big octopus admired secretly.

At this point, the players finally chose to take this step.

Become a god.

Although the old batch of players are about to end their lives, more than half of them chose to die just like Yuan Qinghua and left. Using the evolutionary knowledge they learned here, they ran to "spore evolution" and evolved extraordinary species.

But there are still some people who choose to stay and directly break through the eighth order.

Enter level 80.

This is a huge threshold.

Even though they knew that the life of Asura was very short, after becoming a god, the normal life expectancy of eight thousand years, they may only have two thousand years.

A god with two thousand years of life can break through the ninth order?

Totally impossible!

They clearly knew that once they broke through, they would be a dead end.

But some people still choose to let it go!

Because they feel that even if they enter the "spore evolution", they may not be able to successfully evolve into an extraordinary species. The only opportunity is in front of them, and they must be seized.

"In front of us is our biggest opportunity!" said a sponge cube, who is currently the leader.

"Indeed, breaking through the eighth-order gods is the largest evolutionary form, and we have collected all the powerful organs of the whole world, all the background of the players, and pieced together our body! Breaking through the eighth-order, we feel the body organs Great Unity, we have changed qualitatively!"

"Our body is comparable to an unprecedented ancient demon creature at this time!"

"Even, our combat power has surpassed all the current players! The evolutionary extraordinary creatures of Qiu Mingshan Speed, Mengmei and others!"

Mengmei Longmai, Qiu Mingshan Alchemy Factory, Balloon Fish, which one is a fighting-type extraordinary creature?

They are all terrifying, they are all functional, they are the foundation of the entire world, and they are all research-oriented talents. After all, knowledge is the power of everything.

And they are all past champions of PVP fighting competitions. They have no fighting talent. They are definitely the most powerful group among players, and even hundreds of millions of people!

If Qiu Mingshan Chesu and others represent the top fields of wisdom and knowledge, they represent force and fighting talent.

"Although our ability to evolve is not strong, the entire player is backing us, evolving species organs for us, and putting them together!"

"Kill, kill a piece of the future!"

Someone's eyes were burning with flames.

This is an indomitable god and demon, with arrogant arrogance and exaggerated combat power. Even if he has no talent, he can still rival those great saints.

"We have gathered the hopes of the entire player. It is the pioneer army, opening the way for all the latecomers!" Another god and demon, like a giant god, spoke, his eyes were bloody, and the fighting intent was amazing.

"The twelve of us are all previous PVP champions! The strongest human beings!"

"As always, we continued the distribution in the regional server at that time. Among the 1,000 people, we were responsible for going to the ring, and the remaining 999 people. Some local tyrants were responsible for providing funds, some people were responsible for researching equipment organs, and some people were responsible for researching this demon body for us. 's exclusive technique!"

The leading player said to the surrounding enthusiastically.

Behind them, there are many local tyrant players, fully funding the wealth, which is the body of the big octopus, and it is also built by local tyrants with a lot of money.

"Even, we now understand that at that time, the meaning of the PVP fighting competition in the wizarding community was to let us divide our labors as we do now!"

Someone looked horrified.

It turns out that PVP fighting match, is this the meaning of it from the beginning? !

At this time, it was the same pattern as at that time. 999 people were responsible for building organs, equipment, refining tools, and alchemy, and paying the money. They were responsible for fighting and opening the way ahead.

"Even if we only have two thousand years of lifespan, we are destined to be unable to break through level 90, but those local tyrants have promised to spend countless wealth to create a source of gods and freeze us who will die of old age!"

This is their player program - the Pioneer Program.

After all, without preferential treatment, it is impossible for these fighting champions to try their best to open the way.

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!"

"The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!"

At this moment, the twelve people roared, as if they were ancient gods and demons, possessing the most exaggerated combat power race in the whole world, and every organ of them was born for fighting.

Beside, the big octopus also took a deep breath, very moved,

It also roared:

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!!"

It is very moving:

"This is the racial advantage of the Asura warriors. The exercises they developed and their organs overlapped, giving their race unlimited potential and the ability to evolve the most powerful killing gods and demons. Each one is unique!"

He felt the horror of this player race.

This is the perfect form of a pyramid structure. The entire civilization supports several gods and demons. This is a full and powerful extraordinary cosmic powerhouse.

Even though their bodies of gods and demons are unique, there are countless people behind them who study their bodies, tailor their bloodline exercises and practice concepts.

"And I have also become one of the unique Asura gods and demons!" At this moment, the big octopus was extremely excited and moved to tears. This is the biggest opportunity.

I, a native of the countryside, entered the center of the universe in this world, and the benefits I could get were unimaginable.

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!"

It roared again, only to feel its blood boil.


Suddenly there was a strange sound.

"Filming is over!" A voice came, "The new promotional video has been done. It's a good performance, full of tears, and very emotional. You can have a meal box."

Everyone is soft.

"Damn it, can you give it to the big guy outside, the sponsor has made a deal?"

A true immortal of the Asura Dao, originally majestic and radiant, like the ancient gods and demons of a distant era, exuding terrifying aura, but at this moment, the style of painting suddenly changed, the blood just now disappeared in an instant, and it became lazy of,

"Brothers, stop the light effect on your body, it's dazzling, and the coercion is also withdrawn. Let's go have a barbecue and come back to exercise at night."


The big octopus was dumbfounded.

"What are you looking at? Let's have a barbecue together, we have to practice at night." A mighty and serious-looking player dragged the big octopus.

People started to go.

There are also people walking and chatting, which seems very comfortable.

"By the way, do you have to go to the gravity room at night? This time, it's more than 700 times the gravity, right?"

"You have to go, the cultivation is certain, the head will be bald, and if you don't go, you will die. By the way, the emperor said, there are still decades? This kind of waiting for cultivation, how do we feel that there is a kind of Sun Wukong in the spaceship Workout, ready to fuck Frieza?"

"It turns out that we are Sun Wukong."

"Decades, how long? It's just a dinner outside."

"It's hard to say whether it's dead or alive this time."

A group of people crossed their shoulders, like a group of dormitory roommates going to eat barbecue.

The big octopus was stunned in an instant, "What happened to you just now, you were still very hot-blooded just now"

"If you're not enthusiastic, how can you get sponsorship from your sponsor dad?"

Someone was speechless, "We are fighting on the front line. According to your understanding, we are indeed the twelve heroes and gods and demons selected by the race. We must carry the future and open up a path for our warriors of the animal realm to fight against the realm and the mortal realm. But you can't be bitter all day long, people with a bloody face all day long, that's a bad pen."

The big octopus felt very confused.

"By the way, was my play handsome just now?" someone asked.

"Very hot."

While talking, everyone came to the house of the highest-level nutrition alchemist and started to eat the fragrant grilled octopus.

These foods are full of energy, and under the extremely professional deployment, they are comparable to the strongest natural treasures.

"Eat more, wait for a good practice, it will be very hard." A player patted the big octopus on the shoulder with a solemn expression.

The big octopus ate the sweetly grilled takoyaki, and gradually fell into contemplation.

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