A distress signal came from one planet to another.

On TV, there are leaders who are chasing the final doomsday declaration, bursting into tears and choking on the TV station, "We, we"

"Who will save us."

Countless people are numb, with despair on their faces, and in the vast universe of galaxies, I don't know when it will be their turn.

"The heaven and the earth are chaotic, this turmoil has never existed, the universe will collapse, and the world will be destroyed." There is an old eighth-order god in seclusion. He was originally the most powerful person on the nearby planet. Caused the exclamation of the entire planet, the people greeted him, but at this time, he was drinking with his friends, and he planned to perish in drunkenness.

"If we don't fight, we can't fight anymore." The strong man was drunk.

"Three great and vast supreme beings of the universe level, endless phantom incarnations are also fighting all over the universe, they distort time and space"

"The era of new gods is about to be born, and the real giants of the ancient universe have completely appeared, but we need to pave the way with our blood!"

Countless people are praying, desperate, living their last moments.

The whole world is surrounded by an atmosphere of terror and darkness, and the killing is pervading. A giant is cold-blooded and ruthless. I don't know how many creatures have to be slaughtered in order to achieve the truly complete ninth order in the legend.

Cybertron planet.

The King of Cybertron, with a calm face, looked at the coming fullness.

"You should know that the world is destroying, and the only way to avoid being killed is to be killed first." This white porcelain god looked extremely calm.

"Everything is up to God!" said the King of Cybertron.

The entire Cybertron planet has moved towards immortality.

on a spaceship.

"The entire universe is fighting and bathing in blood. This is an unprecedented catastrophe."

"Born in the era of the dark age, we have witnessed the irresistible end of an era, the final end, but at the end of this era where the old and the new alternate, what should we do?"

Even though the players usually smile and smile, they are extremely silent at this time.

"A lot of things, unless you know that you can't change them, you won't try to change them."

"Even though we know that hard work can't change it, we still have to work hard. This is called stupidity, but maybe we should be stupid again."

"Whose youth is not so stupid once or twice?"

They saw the wailing of an entire era, pain, and blood all over the universe.

They saw the struggles of Frieza and the others.

They are not strong enough, and their aptitude is not inferior to Ermin and others, but the times wait for no one.

"Three Pillars of God is really killing! It is killing flesh and soul, while Di Qi is killing flesh and blood, taking souls into his body, and becoming the people of the seven worlds of heaven, allowing them to create more value. And Caroline , then the god of death will live forever!"

Undoubtedly, Caroline is the most orthodox and gentle. After all, she was originally cultivating this system, and this was the world she opened up.

"Dark Ages, Sadness of Times."

At this time, a group of players, with the big octopus possessing the fusion emperor, planned to perform another fusion for the last bloody battle.

They have to do something.

Before, the body of the Three Pillars of God could not be defeated, and it was not even close at all.

But now, I have to try to snipe a clone and save some planets. After all, players of the Digimon lineage have lived here for too long, and here are all flesh and blood creatures.

"There is no way out!"

"You have to do a wave of three pillars of God."

"It's time to show our real hole cards. After all, we couldn't beat our hole cards before, but now," a player said softly.

"It's time to delay."

"After all, the big guys outside have already given an idea, which may help affect the war situation in the whole world. This method is: to encourage the last emperor who didn't take action to end, let him take action and kill the three gods and emperors. Qi, Caroline."

"Yes, we are in the same lineage of online game players, and we have to guide us to the leader of the six reincarnation world, and there may be variables!"

"But now, I have to do a wave of Three Pillars God first and stop him.\

,"They discussed.

At this time, in the stunned eyes of the big octopus, a hidden player of the Asura road warrior came out.

Asura warriors have always looked weird.

After all, the appearance of evolution is not fixed.

There are trees, plants, stones, all shapes, but it is still the first time I have seen such a strange Asura warrior.

This creature is a glass.

Or rather, a translucent magnifying glass creature.

"Big octopus, haven't you seen it before? This is one of our demon gods!" a player laughed.

"Devil?" The big octopus looked stunned, "Why is there another one? Didn't you say that with me, there are thirteen demon gods in Asura?"

"Asura's thirteen demon gods, there are actually fourteen in total, isn't it common sense?" a player said.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and use your fusion emperor talent to fuse our fourteen demon gods, plus these pixel gods, together again. However, we must use this Sun Rising Demon God as the body!"


The talent of the fusion emperor exploded.

Countless talents merged, twisted, and converged into a convergent creature, a strange-looking Sun Mirror.

"This Sun Linjing is more mature than the Mother River Realm next door, because it uses mature talents to gather, with more talent and combat power, it can perform high-dimensional projection, and elemental creatures come!"

This side of the sun is facing the mirror, and it has already flown in the entire small universe, where the sun is most direct, gathering the sun.

"They just saw the trump cards of the God of Super Game and Elemental Aggregation Creatures! Let them see the trump cards of our players!"

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of history!"

"The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!"

"Let them see our anger!"

"What a fight!"

"What a fight!"

The entire Sunrise Mirror, gathering light, suddenly muttered:

"Elemental overlay."

"Thorn Shell"

"Energy Shadow."

"Three times the power increase."

"Soul energy response improved."

One after another talent was superimposed on the mirror surface, and the entire Sun Lin mirror creature suddenly burst into a violent beam with a beam of twisted law.


On a planet, the Three Pillars of God are slaughtering the life of the entire planet.

Suddenly, a beam of light converges on the planet.


A majestic roar.

"The dark era has come, and the entire planet, and even the universe, is being destroyed by terrifying taboo existences. However, after all, there are people of justice."

This huge beam, a vast cosmic giant, descended to this planet with a fist raised in the way of superhuman flight.

"Like the sun, through the night."

"Dawn quietly crosses the horizon."

"Whose figure travels through reincarnation!"

"The road ahead is at your feet, don't be sad and don't be afraid."

"A new storm has appeared, how can it be stagnant, go through time and space and do my best, I will come to you."


A delicate silver giant descended into the city and stood in the endless steel forest. The whole city was like a toy the size of a building block, and the car was the size of a doll.


The giant of light looked at the cosmic extraterrestrial monster with twisted cells in front of him and assumed a fighting stance.

"Who are you?" Sanzhu Shen was slightly surprised.

"M78 Nebula, the cosmic warrior giant representing light, Tiga."

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