Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 826: Youshan's Despair

Demon world.

In the almost empty mechanical city, in a steam library, no one knew that Hermes' clone suddenly disappeared in place.

Small universe world.

The void is dead and silent. Meteorite fragments, blood, and flesh and blood are floating in the dark universe. They are scattered and desolate, giving people a sense of homelessness.


An emperor who exudes a terrifying and coercive atmosphere descended from the sky. He walked slowly from the void, wearing a black dragon robe, with an earth-shattering black aura, suppressing everything.


"Another emperor appeared?"

"How is this possible!? Could it be an illusion, some kind of means?"

Looking at the extremely familiar existence, many people lost their voices.

But carefully sensed it turned out to be exactly the same breath, not a false existence, and even the combat power was exactly the same.

"Is it possible that it is some kind of avatar cultivation method, one gasification of three hydrogen?" The players were also stunned, thinking of this possibility, after all, the ancient legends of Taoism often have such magical powers.

"Too fierce!"

In an instant, they were ecstatic and thought it was terrifying, "Our original plan was to let Emperor Zun go off the court, and then use our evolutionary eyes to help win, I didn't expect it"

They also calculated several layers, first use the magic eye to grab people, not only to expand the power, but also as a divine weapon to help influence the outcome.

This kind of calculation is very deep and intertwined, but I didn't expect it, and I don't need it at all!

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, it was only a part of Emperor Zun, and it was to this extent!

"This!!??" Next to him, You Shanfu Jun looked at this scene in surprise, his mind went blank, his eyes widened suddenly.

"It turns out that Emperor Zun's performance has always been only a part, but just like that, it has traversed the entire immortal road. Our previous battles, the elegy of the entire era, and even the so-called miracles I created are just a joke."

He suddenly felt sad and felt that he had been severely hit.

Back then, he seemed to have pushed people to a certain extent, and the emperor was also bathed in blood. In fact, even the real strength of the emperor was not forced out, and it was only now that he was completely serious!

This scene completely subverted his mentality.

The ultimate goal that he has been chasing all year round, hoping to overcome the weak and create miracles, is just a ridiculous joke in the eyes of the other party.

"It's so desperate"

At this moment, Lord Youshan looked miserable. Looking at the Reincarnation Lord in the sky with his hands on his back, he suddenly remembered the terrifying words of the emperor in the era of the Great War between Heaven and Humanity:

Facing the emperor, it is like facing the death of reincarnation, facing the entrance of the underworld, facing the road of Huangquan, and facing death itself.

Himself means

irresistible fate.

In a trance, Youshan Mansion recalled in his mind a long, long time ago, the efforts of various eras, and countless blood-stained battles that inspired people to break out.

And my countless efforts, my inner roar,

"I want to open a fairy gate for the world!"

"I don't want to fight for freedom for the world, but only for myself!"

"If I get out of this quagmire, who cares about others falling into the abyss! Even I myself have to take the emperor's place and cut through the era of repression!"

Piece by piece, the ambitions of the year flashed like thunder.

"It's ridiculous, how ridiculous." He was stunned, his face was extremely complicated at this moment, as if the whole person had fallen into a collapse, and he laughed at himself: ""When everything I worked hard was just a joke, when countless times of reincarnation , just a game."

In the distance, an earth-shattering rumbling sound came.


In the blink of an eye, the two emperors were fused together.

Emperor Zun's aura instantly expanded, and he vaguely confronted the other party in court.

On the opposite side, the fusion existence of the three-pillar god form also paled, saying: "However, there is such a trump card? Is it only a part of the combat power from beginning to end?!"

"But, even so, I will crush you alive!!" Their combat power is still dominant, and they are confident and powerful.


A new war broke out.

"If you win, you must win." Youshan Fujun suddenly saw this scene, his lips trembled, his chest vibrated violently, and his whole body collapsed.

"Three Pillars God, Di Qi, Emperor Sakura, you must win!"

He raised his head, like a white-haired old man who was about to die, roaring at the sky, "We must defeat the existence behind the scenes that traverse the immortal road! The hope of the whole world falls on you!!"

His voice was piercing, roaring loudly and tearfully,

"You, you!. You must win! You bear the hope of the whole world! Today, the reincarnation of the mansion and the renewal of the ancient immortal path are at this moment!"

"Cut the reincarnation mansion, open the fairy road, just today!!"

He roared loudly, his voice trembled, with the mottled baptism of the years, cheering up, as if to shout out all the depression,

"Please, please use this power to defeat this arrogant mastermind behind the scenes!"

Next to it, the players were stunned.

They couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, "The Lord of Youshan Mansion has already lost his mind and started to cheer for each other's world, so that they can defeat the emperor."

"If we were him, it would have collapsed long ago."

"Yeah, the emperor is too terrifying, Sanzhu Shen and others, don't be beaten to death!"

"Miracle scientists, probabilists, have always wanted to subvert the six reincarnations, and now I start to completely doubt that Di Qi, Sanzhu Shen, and Caroline have been born. Are they still far away?"

"I don't think it's far."

Players feel that the situation is very good.

In front of them, they are as tyrannical as Di Qi, Caroline, and Sanzhu Shen. This invincible future overlord of the universe seems to be a shivering brave boy in the eyes of all of them, who is just starting out and is going to challenge the black dragon blocking the road. , people can't help but cheer for them!

Boom! Long!

One after another light shines.

Di Qi and others broke out, but they still had a big advantage, and their combat power was terrifying.

"Very good, the fusion system of the three of you can already challenge my complete body!" Emperor Zun's pupils were indifferent, and the void was soaring.


The third emperor, with black hair and black eyes, ripped apart the void and descended. His amazing aura seemed to illuminate the entire universe and merged into his body.

The three avatars are completely integrated into one.

At this moment, it seems that some kind of qualitative change has completely formed, and the overwhelming momentum surges, as if some unprecedented terrifying creature has completely descended.

"Finally, have you done your best?" The white porcelain-shaped pillar god giant on the opposite side existed, and complex overlapping voices came.

"Three on three, a very fair contest."

The emperor held his hands and said lightly: "It's not a weak person who can bear the fate of the heavens and the world. To break through the ninth order, you must climb to an extremely exaggerated combat power in an instant, and can resist the super ancient times. The opponent of the gods. Such an opponent, how much more powerful is the battle? At this time, I am three in one, and I will lose to him in the same realm!"

At this moment, Sanzhu Shen and others were completely surprised.

The emperor at this time, the three bodies are one, the complete body, within the same realm, will defeat those opponents?

must lose.

The word is used horribly.

It's terrifyingly terrifying!

They can't imagine what an exaggerated character that is, and what they will face in the future is that level of terrifying cosmic giants?

Hard to imagine.

"You guys didn't deserve it before."

"So I cut off the road, I don't want to wait to die, and I want to push the entire ninth-order road. Now, maybe I have some approval from me."

He walked slowly, with a sense of domineering like a dragon and a tiger, the void was shaking slightly, and said coldly: "In the realm of the same weak ninth order, apart from you and me, there is basically no creature higher than normal creatures. We have reached the perfection of perfection in this realm, and today, we have to distinguish between a high and a low.”

Sanzhu looked dignified, Di Qi looked extremely solemn, and Caroline was also extremely nervous, waiting for her.

This kind of mastermind behind the scenes, the foundation is too exaggerated and perfect, it is simply a heaven-defying Dao foundation, or a five-gene life, and the combat power is too amazing.

Including the information he disclosed, it is even more frightening!

The opponent of the super ancient gods, so terrifying? At this time, a few words were revealed, and it was unimaginable. They felt that the front was full of darkness and fear, and the future was so dark that they could not see the future.

Emperor Zun smiled and said, "There is no need to delay any longer."

"There's really no need to delay, the two of us, within ten moves, will decide the winner." They said coldly, their arrogance exploded completely. For these strong people, ten moves are just a blink of an eye.

continue tomorrow

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