Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 847 The ancient hymn, but the dust of history


All books return to their place.

"I have fully understood."

Xu Zhi stepped lightly, left the library, and flew into the atmosphere of the entire planet.

"310,000 years ago, Renimansgar established a cosmic courtyard, condensing stars outside the sky, similar to this cat planet, constantly moving over,

In its heyday, there were thirty-seven in total, surrounding the courtyard.

But there are only four native planets of this kind of displaced primitive life,

The remaining thirty-three are basically barren planets in the universe with a certain life environment. They moved over and spent tens of thousands of years to carry out a planetary transformation plan to become livable. "

"And the 33 uninhabited planets above are for the collection of wandering races in the universe, similar to the homeless genocide of the brainworm gods, allowing them to reproduce. In a sense, in the ninth order, rare He is a cosmic benefactor, a philanthropist who is a collector of addictions,

Alternative ninth-order hobbies and diverse lives are a treasure for him, and even a cute pet kept at home to pass the boring time, but for low-level civilizations, they can live in this level of existence , look after, is a kind of happiness. "

Perhaps, among these treasured "stamp" planets, the favorite pet should be the big octopus family.

After all, the size of the big octopus and his body is not much different.

"270,000 years ago, the other courtyard of the universe was announced to be open. There was no class, and there were many disciples. There were 200 million people in the outer sect who were elected. They passed the test and began to live on the land of the outer sect. , to practice."

Zongmen is translated according to Xu Zhi's understanding, but it probably means this.

"And the outer gate land, that is, in the square courtyard of the villa, in the garden, this endless land, there are many beasts and monsters that multiply and are in danger. They must gather together, go out to hunt, break through, and cultivate, but most of them It is impossible to break through, killed by beasts, for five hundred years, only the best can become the core sect disciples"

"Geniuses, become the top 10,000 people in each session, you can enter the high-dimensional time and space, enter the villa of God's residence, and enjoy the authority that only God can enjoy."

Every year, the top 10,000 talents among the 200 million people are terrifying.

The outer door competitions in those fantasy novels are simply weak.

The divine power of the inner door should refer to the ninth-order distorted space, and the high-dimensional space-time flow rate for one hundred years a day allows them to practice in this high-speed space-time.

Let them deduce the exercises and develop civilization!

And this kind of world-class existence, standing on high, sucks the fruits of their civilization.

not want more people

But because the space that can be distorted is too small, and the number of people entering is limited, we can only screen to eliminate a group of people, and in that small world, carry out elite strategies.

"What is the world, maybe, it's also called the world." Xu Zhi said indifferently, "This may be a common method used by the powerhouses in the ninth-order world. It is a great and supreme existence that is aloof and indifferent."

"I have roughly seen history."

Xu Zhi's face was indifferent, "According to the pattern at the time, it is divided into three rings! The thirty-seven planets outside the courtyard are the first ring, where ordinary living beings live, and the outer gate, which is the courtyard in the villa, has 200 million disciples. In a land full of beasts, madly struggling to survive"

From this point of view, this ninth order is really able to play.

Sitting in front of the villa, watching on the ground of the courtyard garden, the beasts of those little ants are fighting with those geniuses outside the gate.

"The third ring is the core disciple inside the villa." Xu Zhi continued to mutter indifferently, "This structure formed the grand occasion at that time."

A vast mythological history of cosmic civilization is laid out in front of us with flesh and blood.

"It is said that this kind of existence is invincible, and it was also a peerless overlord at the time. The ninth order in other universes is not an opponent at all. It is the terrifying overlord giant in the endless galaxy nearby. You know your body shape."

However, this existence still fell, 210,000 years ago.

An earth-shattering catastrophe broke out.

No one knows what happened and why he died.

Just know that the other courtyard of the universe was destroyed in an instant.

The inner door and the outer door were all destroyed, and only the thirty-seven planets outside survived.

Some people speculate that this existence was killed by other ninth-order existences.

Some people say that it is this statue that exists, it is very invincible, how could it be killed by someone?

Calculate the lifespan, more than 100,000 years, and almost die of old age. After the death of old age, some inner disciples fought. According to historical data, the eldest disciple and the second disciple are both new breakthroughs in the ninth order.

As the terrifying peerless geniuses who have been killed in countless planets for countless thousands of years, millions of people, and they are fighting frantically, competing for inheritance, and they all die together.

"Anyway, no matter what the truth is, the end is coming, and everyone in the yard is dead."

Xu Zhi's face was indifferent, recalling the history, as if looking through the entire ancient times, "After that, the ninth-order existences hidden in the void came one after another to divide up this piece of ownerless heritage, perhaps, only they saw the other courtyard at that time. The scene, only to know what happened before,

However, no one dares to ask those ninth-orders, they can only be buried in the history of 300,000 years ago. At that time, the ninth-order people broke out the second ninth-order war, and even a great existence directly fell to the whole universe. The hospital is completely riddled with holes. "

"Everything is hollowed out, and the thirty-three planets outside are just the bad taste of this invincible ninth-order. The existence of this level is ignored. Who lacks these inconspicuous ordinary gene blood? Who lacks This kind of energy? But the ninth order doesn't like it, the gods will pay attention to it."

"The wall was pushed down by everyone, and the ninth order divided the cosmos yard, and after the ninth order, the eighth order also came, and even some ninth order descendants came here to experience it, as if it had become a trial ground."

"The outer planets have all exploded thirty-two. The battle of the gods, the gods from all over this huge galaxy, formed the heyday of the battle. In the end, there was a breakthrough of the ninth order. This new breakthrough is an alien ninth order, It is said to be a descendant of the ninth order. Among the countless children of ninth order world luck, in the battle of gods, he pushed an era of the same order horizontally, broke through the encirclement, announced the rule of the remaining six planets of these planets, and finally resisted. , accept the rule of the new king."

Xu Zhi's face was calm.

"However, the new king's combat power is relatively weak. Even if he is an eighth-order anti-sky, he is an ordinary ninth-order after reaching the ninth rank. After 70,000 years, he is killed. This is another grudge. However, although the civilizations on these six planets have declined, they have survived to the present day, 140,000 years after the war."

Yes, even the existence of this level of the ninth-order world cannot survive for 100,000 years, and even all the ninth-order universe overlords, enemies, and friends of that year.

All fell.

All strife, affiliation, all is dead, after 300,000 years.

All turned into the dust of the historical universe.

At that time, the most inconspicuous and inferior remnant civilization planets lingered on, and even lived more than 300,000 years later.

"The universe is huge and ruthless. It is difficult for any individual super-life to survive forever, and what can exist for a long time is often the continuation of civilization."

Xu Zhi sighed with emotion.

He looked at the entire cosmos courtyard, which was empty and dead, as if he had seen a ninth-order philatelist who was called a good man by the common people, in the long, more than 300,000 prehistoric years, to its demise.

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