"It seems like a lot of fun."

Xu Zhi watched this sudden farce and felt that it had developed beyond expectations.

However, although these nearby indigenous civilizations are a group of trash fish in the eyes of Xu Zhi, they have indeed studied this piece of land quite deeply.

After all, the combat power is not high, but the accumulated information is still there.

"For example, the young and beautiful princess in front of me looks like she is at least over a hundred years old." Xu Zhi measured it, and his actual age in reality was only in his twenties.

After all, everything that the clone has experienced, if he does not count it on the body, it is naturally like this.

This age gap made Xu Zhi have to sigh, the wonder of reality.

"However, it seems that scientific and technological civilization is quite interesting." Xu Zhi held his cheeks with a calm face,

"In terms of mechanical transformation technology, there are various high-level artillery shells, cosmic armors, and some top-notch combat powers, which explode in an instant, and it is estimated that they will not be weaker than God.

In terms of biotransformation technology, various genetic technologies can also have cloning factories, clone gods. How did gods clone, I am curious about this, how to completely transfer the life energy level of the eighth-order gods?

Even, there are lost technologies that are more advanced than cloning gods, so that they can become gods themselves?

Looking at it this way, it is really an exaggerated flow of violent soldiers. Technology does not require the slow accumulation of individual creatures. It is too fast. The weakness of extraordinary civilization is that it is too slow.

A powerful fighting force can take hundreds or thousands of years to develop slowly, and it is easy to be beaten by the crowd. After a few shots, they are beaten to death, and they are captured as prisoners. It is really miserable. "

Xu Zhi touched the bridge of his nose and felt that it was already terrible.

"No wonder, the Antlers straddle the universe, and there are even some colonized planets nearby. The Cattails can only curl up on an indigenous planet. Ordinary gods have no absolute combat power to resist, and can only rely on the same level of the big octopus. Invincible, protect the day."

Of course, Xu Zhi was just curious.

He thinks the civilization in this direction is very interesting.

As for the war between these two civilizations, Xu Zhi didn't care.

Extraordinary civilization can still compete with scientific and technological civilization, but the emphasis is different and the structure is different.

It's not that the extraordinary civilization is weak, it's that in the process of revival of the ancient prosperity, the structure and class are solidified, and the strong do not popularize the precious cultivation methods, which leads to the failure to develop and work behind closed doors.

Portal view, very serious.

The scientific and technological civilization is similar to the Ishdar people. The knowledge of science and technology is shared, and scientists work together to promote the entire civilization.

There is definitely some hiding, but not too much.

"At the same time, there is another reason. When everyone's genes are not good, the combat power of technology must be exaggerated, because technology has no threshold for the development of genetic blood."

"Although, we still have to focus on the development of Medusa's crystal wall system. However, the small fish outside can be regarded as a little more interesting in the process of developing the sand table."

Xu Zhi looked extremely calm and called Medusa.

"Your Majesty Renimansgar." Medusa said at the bottom of the desk. After all, through some law vortexes, she already knew some content, and the name of this existence must be more cautious at this time.

Xu Zhi sat on a high place, pondered for a while, and said with a smile, "How are you getting used to it these days?"

"I'm used to it," Medusa said.

Xu Zhi said: "Over the years, although I have fallen, I can still take care of you a lot. The garden outside has been pretty much taken care of, and you can come in and out at will."

Medusa was slightly overjoyed, which meant a lot.

At this time, Xu Zhi said again: "One more thing, the nearby planets outside have already noticed the recovery here."

Medusa bowed slightly: "Are you going to start a new school again?"

Although she didn't know that detailed information and had not read the real historical documents, it was obvious that there once existed a sect here, and the population was so prosperous that it was indescribable, and she could still feel it.

"The matter of sects can be opened or not." Xu Zhi said indifferently, "It's just a game."

Medusa nodded yes.

The existence of this level, the establishment of a sect, was originally a matter of interest.

"You can take care of this land and garden."

This behemoth stands in front of the desk, with a majestic voice that seems to penetrate time and space, "You can make your own decisions, you don't need to disturb me often, I want to rest and regain my strength."

Medusa nodded again.

But she was trembling in her heart! !

This means that this land is handed over to her to manage, whether or not to establish a sect is up to her!

Even, she is the helm of the deeds of this sectarian land!

What else does this mean?

This means that he can secretly favoritism and fill his own pockets!

This sect can be used as the realistic base of the multiverse of the crystal wall system, and it can continuously deliver various resources.

Nearby planetary civilizations, all kinds of powerhouses!

Everything will be dominated by her, ruled, and surging!

This existence has just recovered, and there is not much time to spend on these useless things, but a little "useless" thing for this existence is already a great benefit to her.

Immediately, she cautiously walked out of the study,

"When he said that, he did completely ignore the lives of these ants. He knew the character of the Cthulhu Cthulhu family and invaded everywhere. If he was like this, he just didn't care about the life and death of the surrounding planets. The Cthulhu Cthulhu Clan, If you want, you can even kill at will!"

"Everything is up to me. I can kill him and turn the world upside down! Destroy the planets and races of these rulers." Medusa's face was calm, "My world is too lacking in energy."

She strode forward, but with a blink of an eye, she added:

"No, I shouldn't be so savage, I have to learn the way of the mother ivy, chew slowly and slowly, they can provide me with energy, and be grateful to me"

"She is true and good, I am hypocrisy."

She grinned, "But, I have to think about the outside world, how it is!"

Medusa thought of this and strode out.

She looked at this giant beast garden, full of danger, but the moment those creatures saw her, they collapsed and died.

evil god,



Don't listen to it.

Medusa couldn't help being slightly startled, withdrew his natural coercion to prevent these fragile beings from being killed, grabbed a small flower, and sniffed gently.

"It's very low-level here. The size of these creatures is very large. My giant size is just an ordinary person to them. Their speed is as slow as an old man, only one tenth of me!"

"However, the flowers and trees can actually run, jump around, avoid those turbulent currents, and after avoiding the limelight, come back and take root again!"

Medusa continued to watch with great interest.

This garden is too weird. It is very dangerous for those creatures and strong people, but for her, it is simply rampant!

Compared to the core inside, the outside is weaker.

She visited all the way, and suddenly, found the group of people outside, in the mechanical armor.


"Their speed is even slower, and they are not in the same time and space at all." Medusa was slightly surprised and couldn't help approaching with a smile.

at this time.

Next to Ciel, the clone god suddenly came with strong vigilance.

"There is a god approaching in high-dimensional time and space!"

That Ciel shouted, couldn't help but put on the connecting glasses, and also entered the high-dimensional space and time.


When she was in a trance, she saw a beautiful girl approaching, with a dense snake hair jumping like tentacles, looking at them curiously.

"You!!?" That Ciel felt an unprecedented fear.

Even if it is the most terrifying secret weapon of his own royal family, the cloned god of the ninth-order road, the taboo-level combat power that is enough to suppress everything, is not enough for this kind of existence!

"You guys, why are you so slow?" Medusa was stunned for a moment and asked curiously, "You guys seem to be the kind of low-grade stones and gravel on the side of the road, you can't even move. It's brittle and slow, too low-grade, It is simply not a creature in space and time."

That Xiaer was so frightened that his head went blank.

She knelt down suddenly and shouted: "Your Majesty Renemansgar, are you here again?"

Medusa shook his head when he heard the words, "I'm not."

That Xiaer was startled and looked at this incomparably evil creature wriggling with snake hair, and its hair was a bit like a wriggling octopus tentacle, "Is it possible, you are the Bird family who sat down?"

Medusa followed his gaze and found that there was a large octopus in the statue, which should refer to this race, "Probably. It can be understood that, I am a person under the command of an ancient existence, and I am in charge of many powers. I have been isolated from the outside world for too long. Now, can you tell me the current state of this world?"

She showed a kind and gentle smile, "It's like this god who looks like an artificial tissue. Although it's pale, it looks delicious."

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