Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 874 The Mystery of Renimansgar!

At this time, everyone's faces turned pale.

How could the exploration team not know?

Guthra is using them to test this mysterious man, and behind Guthra, this mysterious virus life is using Guthra to test this mysterious man.

This is a chain of links, and I don't want to be the first to test it.

"Who the hell are you? Is it Renimansgar?" The Machine Pillar was no longer hiding, and was asking very calmly.


Hearing the question, Xu Zhi was stunned.

He knows more than anyone.

Jizhu God infected and mutated a signal tower, and it was the signal tower zombies that cut off the communication of the entire Andazhou ruins everywhere, spread the virus, and the electromagnetic waves transmitted were also a kind of radar. God makes it easier to spot intruders.

But at this time, Xu Zhi came to study the killing of a zombie child, and he knew that he couldn't escape the sight of the other party, so he did not deny it, and said calmly: "If you want to call it that, it is indeed me."

Reni Mansgar!

Guthra's face was pale, and he couldn't help staring straight ahead.

With the appearance of this ancient taboo mythical name, inexplicable and evil fear continued to echo in his heart, as if a voice from the depths of his genetic memory was telling him: Run away! This is an unimaginably terrifying cosmic existence that is more evil than evil!

Fear, as if the endless tide beats my heart.

Fear, like the fall of night covering the body.

Trembling, frightened, submissive, as if a weak rabbit would faint if it smelled tiger feces, and it was difficult to contain. This kind of fear is the gene of the living being engraved in the bones for a long time. As a god, the most powerful Feel the greatest fears of ancestors written in ancient times.

Their ancestors are not the age of decline, when, while serving the cosmos garden, the ancestors used to have endless gods

Even though the long years have covered the past, today, they already do not understand what this ancient name means, what they have done, and have lost the memory of historical records.

But that sense of fear always reminds them,

tell them:

That is a great and vast force that transcends the world, surpasses the universe, and stands in the sky!



It is said that in that era, even the ninth-order existence was a taboo existence that was almost unmatched.

He is comparable to the huge body of a planet, powerful enough to crush a ninth-order universe enlightened person at will, like crushing a ridiculous ant,

When these existences fell, endless terrifying funerals broke out. In order to compete for inheritance, countless enlightened people who surpassed the laws of the universe broke out a tragic war in the cosmos garden that year, and many enlightened people fell. It can be seen that How powerful is this kind of cosmic taboo existence?

"In that era, no one knew what happened, and everything was covered by the dust of history. Even the youngest ninth-order enlightened person in that era could hardly live in this era."

Guthra, at this time, slowly stood in front of her daughter, and her expression had never been so nervous.

because in front of

One is the unimaginable virus chaotic consciousness, which may be the black hand of the great civilization that has destroyed several universe enlightened people.

The other is the ancient ruler of this land, the cosmic overlord with unfathomable strength, who may have recovered through some means, and at this time, the clone came to this continent.


What happened in this piece, the existence in the cosmos garden, how could it not be known? The invasion of such foreigners is naturally the first time to sense it.

"Are you so afraid of it?"

Xu Zhi looked at the higher gods in front of him, but was a little surprised.

He is still curious about these indigenous civilizations. After all, he has been farming in the orchard, and this is the first time he has encountered a real civilization outside.

Xu Zhi didn't care, turned around, looked at the new pillar god in front of him, and said, "You creatures are very interesting beings. These viruses have integrated all life in this land, and corresponding variants have appeared according to local conditions. "

"Will you kill me?"

Ji Zhushen was very direct and asked: "I feel your indescribable power, you are the only existence that can destroy us."

Beside him, Swordsman Guthra shuddered.

Yes, the eighth-order gods are still not enough to see. Only such a complete ninth-order cosmic enlightened person can easily destroy everything on this continent without missing a trace.

Even if the virus is missing, it can use the power of twisting the law, thread the needle, sense the causal relationship, trace it back to every escaped virus, and it will be directly extinct!

"Only this kind of terrifying existence can destroy this terrifying taboo virus that will destroy our civilization in just one week." Guthra growled inwardly, as if a trace of hope was born in the despair of civilization extinction, as long as This being in front of you can

"Am I going to kill you?"

Xu Zhi raised her brows, and did not answer directly, but instead asked: "What do you think? Do you think I will kill you? I want to see your opinion."

Gulas saw this scene, and his heart was vaguely disturbed.

They used to be the planetary civilizations collected by the existence of the ancient cosmic garden to decorate this land, but more than 100,000 years have passed. Are they really important now? Maybe in the distant era, it didn't matter at all

"I don't think it will destroy us."

At this time, the boy with the figure of the god of machine pillars, there was a mechanical chaotic scratching sound, with a strange and gloomy feeling: "Because of ancient historical records, Renimansgar likes to collect interesting and fresh civilizations, like an elegant The nobles, in the house, collect all kinds of famous paintings."

"And we, aren't we interesting?"

Ji Zhushen is very gentle and courteous, like a gentle teenager, whispering: "At the same time, we are your descendants, who would kill their own descendants?"

Jizhu God looked at Guthra and his daughter and asked, "For example, will you kill your precious descendants?"


The words fell.

Everyone present was shocked! ! !

The entire Survivor Expedition Team, as well as Guthra, the higher god of the natural pantheon, and her daughter Mansa, were so frightened that they were about to jump up.

At this moment, I just felt a chill rushing from the back of the sky!

It's terrifying to have this terrifying message in it.

The existence of this Tathagata Pillar, the black hand that once destroyed the civilization of enlightened people in the entire universe, the terrifying natural disaster of the virus, turned out to be the descendant of Renimansgar in front of him?

It's unbelievably terrifying

They suddenly felt an urge to cover their ears and flee quickly.

Knowing this terrible ancient secret knowledge, they are not far from death. However, he could only stand on the spot and tremble, his face was full of horror, and he didn't dare to move a little bit!

Xu Zhi's eyes were suddenly very calm, and he couldn't even see joy or sadness, "Why, you say that?"

Ji Zhushen was still very calm, and said politely: "Because, the cell structure in front of me all comes from you, isn't it?

I found a lot of strange places in this piece of R\u0026F Jiashizhou, some metals have special ancient life structures, and in a special ancient museum treasured by a chaebol that was captured by a virus, I found a black piece more than 100,000 years ago. Red iron ore, those chaebols thought it was ordinary dark red ore from the sky, comparable to the size of a house,

Only I know that it is the tiny skin flakes of some kind of super-large extraordinary horror life, or, in other words, sweat secretions, which are like bright red iron filings that fall off every day

And this is the part of your body, the dandruff that you shed every day,

Yes, no one knows that the ancient Renimansgar, a great and vast giant body as large as a star, is the legendary iron-based life, which is why you are so powerful! "

The words fell.

Guthra's face was full of disbelief.

The oldest secret of historical truth is suddenly exposed.

"The ancient Renimansgar, turned out to be...!??" But at this moment, the more he wanted to escape, he knew the horror.


Ji Zhushen looked at Swordsman Gulas with an inexplicable face, and said with a smile: "Humans on this land don't know at all, and they don't guess, how can a normal carbon-based flesh and blood life have such a huge species size?

Just like a high-rise building built of wood, it is destined to be impossible to tower into the clouds,

Flesh and carbohydrates are destined to be impossible to be so huge, because when they reach a certain size, they will inevitably collapse, collapse, and bloated soft flesh cells, skeletons, and crush themselves. The largest flesh and blood creature is already the Bird octopus family. , they are almost the normal life size limit of carbon-based creatures, and they also rely on a special soft-collapsed fleshy cavity shape to barely maintain this structure. "

"Only a stronger iron base can form such a large body shape. The original form of each life in the universe is different, and it is destined that the body size must have an upper limit and a lower limit."

Jizhu God is still very gentle and calm, his voice is like a mechanical electronic sound,

"And why am I able to obtain this mechanical life structure? Perhaps, other ignorant people, after continuous and serious research, and even the other two pillar gods, think it is: through the star destroyer, the full god of the Saima family. Cells, coupled with a certain time and place, can form such unique life, but they are wrong, it is outrageously wrong! Plus the core one, which is itself an iron-based life cell”

"Yeah, they are really stupid." Xu Zhi said in agreement.

Jizhu God bent over his luggage again and said: "Actually, our family is your descendants. Unlike the only you, our number is relatively huge, and we have overcome the characteristics of being difficult to reproduce and the only life. We will really develop. , so you won't kill me."

Xu Zhi's complexion completely softened, and he finally sighed, "I didn't expect that my secret would still be discovered today, more than 100,000 years later."

continue tomorrow

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